Nilotes advocate for Mato-put in law books
Nilotes advocate for Mato-put in law books
www.ntvuganda.co.ug Cultural and traditional leaders from northern and eastern Uganda are advocating for the inclusion of traditional justice in the Constitution. The leaders believe this would be a big boost since Uganda has many tribes an...

The People of the People (Moin Jaang)
The People of the People (Moin Jaang)
saharanvibe.blogspot.com Location: The Dinka are a group of several closely related peoples living in southern Sudan along both sides of the White Nile. They cover a wide area along the many streams and small rivers, concentrated in the Upp...

Sudanese Dinka Tribe Cultural Dance_Australia
Sudanese Dinka Tribe Cultural Dance_Australia
The Dinka is an ethnic group in South Sudan, inhabiting the Bahr el Ghazal region of the Nile basin, Jonglei and parts of southern Kordufan and Upper Nile regions. They are mainly agro-pastoral people, relying on cattle herding at riverside...

NUBIA: The "Forgotten Kingdom [of Kush]" - Part 4
NUBIA: The "Forgotten Kingdom [of Kush]" - Part 4
"The mystery dates back 3500 years to some of the greatest pharaohs of Egypt, Nubia's northern rival. In the shape of Gebel Barkal's pinnacle, they saw the most powerful form of kingship, the Cobra... or Uraeus."...

Acholi Song by Jahria Okwera - Min Duny
Acholi Song by Jahria Okwera - Min Duny
A song by Jahria okwera and Pretty beatrice. Its called "Wer per min duny". This is one of the traditional songs/dances of the Acholi group - an ethnic group in Africa, who are mostly indigenous to South Sudan and Uganda. Collecti...

NUBIA: The "Forgotten Kingdom [of Kush]" - Part 6 [FINAL]
NUBIA: The "Forgotten Kingdom [of Kush]" - Part 6 [FINAL]
"Had they come to overthrow the Nubian Empire? The Meroites had formidable enemies at the end of their reign. Raving nomads from the desert, and a rival kingdom, what is now [Post-Bantu Semitic] Ethiopia."...

NUBIA: The "Forgotten Kingdom [of Kush]" - Part 5
NUBIA: The "Forgotten Kingdom [of Kush]" - Part 5
"Queen Amanitore and her co-regent, King Natakamani, reigned over Nubia during the time of Christ. Together, this powerful couple honoured the gods by building more temples than almost any other Nubian rulers. A complex at the site of ...

Sudan officially the Republic of the Sudan / السودان As Sūdān
Sudan officially the Republic of the Sudan / السودان As Sūdān
Sudan officially the Republic of the Sudan / السودان As Sūdān is a country in northeastern Africa. It is the largest country in Africa, and the Arab World,and tenth largest in the wor...

NUBIA: The "Forgotten Kingdom [of Kush]" - Part 3
NUBIA: The "Forgotten Kingdom [of Kush]" - Part 3
"Not only kings are buried in the pyramids at Meroe, after the 3rd century BC, a series of strong queens occupied the throne and may have been co-regents. One of the most powerful ruled near the time of Christ..." "There'...

RULE OF MAN (Christian Music Video) by NEW INDIE ARTIST BRANDT MORAIN(song is best at top HD setting
RULE OF MAN (Christian Music Video) by NEW INDIE ARTIST BRANDT MORAIN(song is best at top HD setting
THIS VIDEO / SONG SOUNDS BEST WHEN VIEWED IN HD (High Definition-the hottest video resolution). We use HD to give you the best Christian music video experience possible. A free MP3 of this Christian song is available for download at www.Bra...