odc. 43 "Iskra-1/błędy pomiaru" Straż Biznesowo Miejska & Fotoradar - OKONEK "TVBigos Channel"
Jak zrobić Bottle Cap przynęta z kapsla po piwie i okonek Wędkarstwo
II Rozpoczęcie Sezonu Motocyklowego Okonek 2014
Włókniarz Okonek 2012/2013
Rozpoczęcie Sezonu Motocyklowego Okonek 2014
Koncert Gramofoni RAP!!! Okonek (HD)
VIP & OKONEK 07 08 2012
Zlot Motocyklowy Okonek 2013
Włókniarz Okonek 7-0 Korona Brzeźnica (3.11.2012)
Włókniarz Okonek - Sokół Kościerzyn
Jedność Zakrzewo - Włókniarz Okonek
Parkour okonek
Włókniarz Okonek 2-3 Płomień Połajewo (Pierwsza połowa - Cz. 1)
Zjednoczeni Kaczory 1-3 Włókniarz Okonek (29.09.2012)
odc. 43 "Iskra-1/błędy pomiaru" Straż Biznesowo Miejska & Fotoradar - OKONEK "TVBigos Channel"
Jak zrobić Bottle Cap przynęta z kapsla po piwie i okonek Wędkarstwo
II Rozpoczęcie Sezonu Motocyklowego Okonek 2014
Włókniarz Okonek 2012/2013
Rozpoczęcie Sezonu Motocyklowego Okonek 2014
Koncert Gramofoni RAP!!! Okonek (HD)
VIP & OKONEK 07 08 2012
Zlot Motocyklowy Okonek 2013
Włókniarz Okonek 7-0 Korona Brzeźnica (3.11.2012)
Włókniarz Okonek - Sokół Kościerzyn
Jedność Zakrzewo - Włókniarz Okonek
Parkour okonek
Włókniarz Okonek 2-3 Płomień Połajewo (Pierwsza połowa - Cz. 1)
Zjednoczeni Kaczory 1-3 Włókniarz Okonek (29.09.2012)
Pokaz Ratownictwa Technicznego w wykonaniu OSP Okonek
Day 6 - 2010-07-01 Okonek to Zagan, Poland, Hannibal
Krajna Sławianowo 0-5 Włókniarz Okonek (28.10.2012)
Okonek "u Prezydenta RP" - 20.02.2014
Okonek też jest HAPPY
Day 5 - 2010-06-30 Recz to Okonek Stage, Poland
jezioro okonek tomasz bojek
Hołd zmarłemu strażakowi podczas uroczystości pogrzebowej - OSP Lotyń, Podgaje, Lędyczek, Okonek
Wędkarstwo Podlodowe -Okonek na mormyszkę
A drive through the land of coffee and chocolate!!!
Honomu October 2k10
Larry's Barge - River Barrow, Co. Carlow
Boleń na spinning z noteci
The Barrow river run, with speed boat
Dresden Dakar Banjul Challenge - Wetter
Okonek [ɔˈkɔnɛk] (German: Ratzebuhr) is a town in Poland, in Greater Poland Voivodeship, with approximately 4,200 inhabitants. Town and commune in Złotów County. Chartered as a town in 1754.
Coordinates: 53°32′N 16°51′E / 53.533°N 16.85°E / 53.533; 16.85
Höret was sich hat zugetragen von großen Helden und wackeren Scharen.
Von Göttern, Druiden, Riesen und Zwergen, uralten Wäldern in den Thüringer Bergen.
Nun liegen die Sagen wohl weit zurück, über Kampfesmut und Siegesglück.
Von Rauben und Morden und Niederlagen, so überliefern die alten Sagen.
Vernehmt nun hier aus vergangenen Zeiten, glorreiche Schlachten in Thüringer Weiten.
Das Königreich und die Ländereien, um das tausend tapfere Krieger streiten.
So lauschet nun den alten Sagen, I'm Skaldensang werdet ihr es erfahren.
Niemals soll es untergehen, in Ewigkeit bleibt es bestehen.
So erstrahlt das alte I'm neuen Glanz, in der Melodei des Skaldensangs.
Tausende Feuer am Firmament, am Himmelszelt Donar, der seinen Wagen lenkt.
Aus Mjölniers Ende, tausende Blitze sie drängen, fest hält der Ase die Zügel, des Wagens in den Händen.
Es hebt sich die Stimme des Asenzorns.
Nun Skalde berichte, erhoben das Horn, wir lauschen gespannt, berichte von vorn,
Auf dich nun Skalde erhoben das Horn.
Doch die Faust ist schon geballt, I'm Anschlag das Schwert, ein letzter Gruß,
Heil, das den Göttern geehrt.
Blitz und Donner gehen auf die Riesen nieder,
Mjölnier er tanzt, laut brechen Ihre Glieder.
Klagend trägt der Sturm, die Schreie hinfort.
An Midgardsgrenzen, hinzu fernem Ort.
So berichtet der Skalde vom Asentreiben, erzählt von den Riesen,
Vom Kampfe und Leiden, vom tosenden Winde, von Mjölnier schlagen,
Mund zu Mund, gehen die alten Sagen.
Es hebt sich die Stimme, des Asenzorns. Oh Skalde berichte, auf dich erhoben das Horn.
Ich rieche euer Fleisch, gebarrte Menschenknochen.
Auferstanden aus dem Dunkel, sind eure Seelen verrottet.
Ich habe es gesehen erstarrte kalte Leiber, vermoderte Gedärme,
Aus dem Jenseits kommende Streiter.
Es lodert die schwarze Sonne, es naht der Tag des Raben, es ist die letzte
Norne, es heilen alle Narben.
Die Wege gepflastert mit Toten und Geweihten.
Ihre Seelen entweichen, aus dem Geiste der Befreiten.
Das Ende des Anfanges wird ein Gedeihen der neuen Saat, der Keim des Todes der sprießt dann jeden Tag.
Es lodert die schwarze Sonne, es naht der Tag des Raben, es ist die letzte
Norne, es heilen alle Narben.
An diesem Tage werdet, ihr sehen und beten.
Tut Buße dem Fleisch, schmarotzendes Leben, vergebt nicht den Sündigen,
Vergebt den Verdammten, ein Leben in Schmach, hatten Sie euch zu verdanken.
Es lodert die schwarze Sonne, es naht der Tag des Raben, es ist die letzte
Norne, es heilen alle Narben.
Es lodert die schwarze Sonne, es naht der Tag des Raben, es ist die letzte
Der Wind der singt von alten Schlachten,
als über den Kriegern die Asen wachten!
Fegt über die Felder,
gesät vom bleichen Gebein,
so hell erleuchtet im Sonnenschein!
Er zieht über uralte geweihte Stätten, auf der Suche nach den Kriegern und Recken! Die kämpfen die streiten, im Asenkrieg, leise säuselt er Ihnen, sein suchendes Lied!
Der Wind ruft, euch Krieger all zur Schlacht! Der Wind singt, von der letzten Nacht!
Der Wind der ruft, die Krieger all zur Schlacht! Der Wind der singt, jaaaaaa!
So hört der Krieger, des Windes klagen! Zum Kampfe er ruft, es wachen die Asen! Sie haben den Weg, zusammen gefunden! All im Kampfe vereint, und den Asen verbunden!
Ein Heil gilt euch, ihr dunklen Boten, schwarz gefiedert, dem Schatten gleich.
Wie ihr diese Welten durch gleitet, jeden Teil, von Wotans Reich.
Eure Schwingen, kraftvoll schlagen. So scharf ist euer Augenpaar.
Ihr steht alleinig, in Wotans Diensten. Berichtet ihm, von der Weltenschar.
Zwei Schatten, I'm Tageslicht. Sie bringen Kunde in Asgards Hallen.
So durchstreifen sie die endlosen Weiten, die Botschaft fest in ihren Krallen.
Was gehört und habt gesehen, euch berichtet Wald und Stein.
Euren Blicken kann nichts entgehen. Schließt es fest in das Herz hinein.
Zwei Schatten, I'm Tageslicht. Sie bringen Kunde in Asgards Hallen.
So durchstreifen sie die endlosen Weiten, die Botschaft fest in ihren Krallen.
Die Ehrfurcht, in des Kriegers Auge. Wenn ihr über, den Köpfen streift.
Das Sonnenrad es taucht ein in Gewitterdunst, das Gewölk es umgibt es, zollt dem Göttervater die Gunst.
Der Nachtwind küßt das Blattwerk, uralter Wälder, die Jagt sie beginnt über die Wiesen und Felder.
Auf dem Rücken des Donners erschüttert er die Luft, den Hufen des Wolkenrosses entgleitet die Feuersbrunst.
Gefolgt von zornigen berittenen, Berserker Kreaturen,
Entlang am Totenhaine, den aufgenommenen Spuren.
Die Tannen zerbrechen vor seinem Hauch, Sparren zertrümmert, seine Kraft,
Brechend Gestein das als Berg da ragt, erschüttert ist es, durch Wotans wilde Jagt. Wotans wilde Jagt.
Wie eine Steingestalt gestützt, auf einen weißen Stab,
Schwer fallend sein Mantel, grau und lang, wächst sein Bart.
Den deckenden Schlapphut, hat er schützend in die Miene gezogen,
Schaurig still winkt er da, trotzig ist sein Haupt gehoben.
I'm Herzen gefangen die Glut, sie rasten... Sie suchten die Drachen und Riesen,
Bis sie waren alle gefasst. Die Helden des gefesselten Dranges,
Stürmen in die Weiten, gequält I'm Schlaf, wollte Ihr Wotan begleiten,
Allvaters Auge es blitz, dass Feuer in der Iris brennt.
Das Rad der Sonne erleuchtet, am Horizont, die Jagt beginnt.
Voraus geeilt sind die Boten, künden Ihm von der Welt.
Das trabende Roß es trägt mich voran, der Wind singt mir leise ein Lied Auf meinen Lippen des Kriegers Sang,
Es mich auch in den Kampfe zieht.
Lang genug haben die Knochen geruht,
Weder Weiber noch Hofe mich hielt Die Kampfeslust und mein großer Mut,
In meiner Brust wie Glute schwillt.
Ein wackerer Kerl, ein Kriegerherz, niemals den Kampfe ich scheu.
Auch wenn so groß die Wunde schmerzt,
Dem Kampf um die Freiheit bleibe ich treu.
Hoch oben ein Banner von weitem man sieht, voll Stolz getragen in den heiligen Krieg.
Auf meinem Schild das Sonnenrad, Stahl, "er schreit",? es folgt der Schlag.
Erhobener Stahl, der Kampf wird hart. Es tobt die Schlacht, bis in die Nacht.
Mein Lied beginnt, jeder Mann irrt umher. Tapfer streitend steh ich immer noch hier.
Ein wackerer Kerl, ein Kriegerherz, niemals den Kampfe ich scheu.
Auch wenn so groß die Wunde schmerzt, dem Kampf um die Freiheit bleibe ich treu.
Ein wackerer Kerl, ein Kriegerherz, niemals den Kampfe ich scheu.
Auch wenn so groß die Wunde schmerzt, dem Kampf um die Freiheit bleibe ich treu.
Nach langem Kampfe kehre ich heim, mein Lied auf den Lippen versiegt,
Es treiben düstre Wolken, es raunt die raue See, ein Schiff es segelt am Horizont,
Gen Norden wird es gehen. Der Kiel in preschenden Wogen,
Das Segel trotzt dem Wind. Sie zieht es hinaus in die Weltenmeere, fern von Heimat Frau und Kind.
Die Schlacht geschlagen, der Drache innen mit der Beute gefüllt.
Sie sind niemals des Kampfes Müde, nichts will Ihre Kriegslust stillt.
Es zieht Sie immer wieder, hinaus zu neuen Taten, der Drachen trotz jedem Sturme auf diesen langen Fahrten.
Das Drachenschiff es trägt Sie, geleitet Sie zurück, Sie kehren Heim.
Zu Frau und Kind. Nur noch ein kurzes Stück.
Von der Zeit gezeichnet, trifft das Schiff I'm Fjorde wieder ein. Kindeskrieger,
Weib und Wächter, stehen da am Strande drein.
"Legt an" hallt es durch die Kehlen, der Besatzungen I'm Chor.
Das den Geist der alten Tage, ein jeder Germane I'm Herzen trage.
Das der Stolz, der uns alle ziert, niemals mehr an Glanz verliert.
Schwert an Schwert, so streiten wir, dem Horizont entgegen.
Ewig soll der Schwur, den Weg für uns ebnen.
Der Glaube an die alten Werte, wird in Brust und Hirn getragen.
Schwert an Schwert, so streiten wir, zu glorreichen Tagen.
So stehen wir für das ewig Reine, auf das die Treue uns immer vereine.
Möge des Antlitzes Reinheit uns leiten, Schwert für Schwert für alle Zeiten.
Schwert an Schwert, so streiten wir, dem Horizont entgegen.
Ewig soll der Schwur, den Weg für uns ebnen.
Der Glaube an die alten Werte, wird in Brust und Hirn getragen.
Schwert an Schwert, so streiten wir, zu glorreichen Tagen.
Einig I'm Geiste, einig I'm Willen. Wollen wir unseren Blutdurste stillen.
Das heilige Heer I'm ewigen Krieg, in ewiger Treue die niemals versiegt.
Schwert an Schwert, so streiten wir, dem Horizont entgegen.
Ewig soll der Schwur, den Weg für uns ebnen.
Der Glaube an die alten Werte, wird in Brust und Hirn getragen.
Schwert an Schwert, so streiten wir, zu glorreichen Tagen.
"Dies möge die Stunde sein,
I've pulled a few fast ones
This time I'll stick around
Sister, I've shot my mouth off
I apologise
A disappointment repeatedly, I am well aware
That my observations lack insight
Much like my conversations
My motivations run dry
I break into the distance
I'll wear my shame on my sleeve
I'm shaking in resistance
Trying not to make a scene
Only lonely hearts know where lonely hands go
I've played a few good hands
This long line of bad blood hangs like a noose I wear with pride
I apologise
The degredation of being meek
I am well aware
It's suffice to say that a lack of foresight is dibilitating
This beholder is blind
Excuse the mess, excuse the awkwardness
I know you're not impressed
Regardless of my attempts to straighten-out a little
The clear blue sea beckons me.
A hard working man with cold sweat on his hands
The days drag by like dead animals
Why such a modest girl would sweet talk the sinners
Only her father would know
A cursed breath on her lips
The stage was set
I'm not leaving alone
There's something going on
Last night I know it all
Routine has been killing a part of me
And in this galloping machine an innocent soul sleeps
Lord I believe that this could be the last one I need
And in all honesty this libertine
Is tired of living a goddamn catastrophe
Everyone has lost someone
Burnt out the ends of these lonely years
Like corpses in dreams hardly dare to breathe,
We're changing faces through these dusty deeds
At her tender age love is an illusion
Get your hands off the children they're fighting for air
Dig a grave and mourn about your culture instead
The world's had it's hand on the fire for years
While you judge and damn to hell
Without an eager ear
Social cancer! Man-made heathen! Queer!
There's a holy train coming and it's leaving you here
Well, buckle up. Go! We couldn't make up our minds
Remember to leave anything earthly behind
We'll make our way to the other side
There's a Holy Train coming and it's leaving you here
I'd rather be late than waiting
To see a liberated third world nation
Young man you're a fool
Look where your impudence has lead you
Don't expect forgiveness too soon
We chase our own tails for truth
Trying to keep our precious egos in use
The glue of the community cuts the circulation
clumsy fingers clutching detonators
a mediocre massacre rattles the floorboards
a prophet's promise rapturing the ribcage
ashes to the heartburn of the second class
murder to their mechanical hips
fire to their rigid lawns and paper trails
panic to the sprawling metropolis
it's the boredom that beats you
and the sound of it echoes
one after the other collapsing
these face-brick constellations patronise me
the smear of monotony
a backwards revelation
a small-time swindle, two bit operation
a testament of temperament
a tribute to complaisance
Glorious mistakes are anxiously waiting to be made
in the nervous arms of a breakdown I find embrace
you shake when you've got nothing to say
I know your bones are begging to step out of your wardrobe
couldn't leave well enough alone
teach them to dance and let them go
there's more to life than a little bit of money, I know
glory is fleeting
but obscurity is eternal
why scream when you've got nothing to say?
I'm not young enough to know everything
if stupidity got us into this
then why can't it get us out again
anything too dumb to be spoken should be sung
a song is never finished only abandoned
In a moment of lucidity I gave up
I wasn't ever cut out for this stuff
I'm always suckered into going out
with open rubber arms
I embrace the opportunity to drown out
a widespread lunacy
my voice of reason is only misleading me
cutting corners through the hard lines
sitting tight until the ambulance arrives
like beggars caught in the headlights
we set ourselves up to collide
my shadow shivers
insecurities are shut out
safe to say that I'm shit out of luck
a strong suspicion that I've lost my charm
compulsive rubber arm
it's hard to swallow but bow or your neck will be broken
don't shut me up let's work it out and I won't breathe another word
I find delight in empty days,
I take my counsel with wine.
My own devices have robbed me of reckless leisure.
My words will be proven in time.
The evening follows me like a blanket,
I am less convinced of anything.
I don't feel wise but I have learned to love.
Culture isn't cheap.
If you bite the hands that bleed,
you'll end up with blood-stained teeth.
You are a lung full of water, and me, I am an appetite.
Under the stretch of whether you and I.
From harboring the hardship,
Your love-lines will be wrinkled.
Better the devils you know than don't, I suppose.
Don't practice what you preach,
I crowd of eyes have never listened to me.
I am by no means a visionary but I can see,
That culture isn't cheap.
If you bite the hands that bleed,
you'll end up with blood-stained teeth.
You are a lung full of water, and me, I am an appetite.
Under the stretch of whether you and I.
I find delight in empty days,
If the power stays out
I won't mind waiting here for summer
I only lose my way in the city lights
But it never takes long for the longing to cut into my soul
The sun sets a little more beautiful when you're not alone
I will be long gone
Long before this body is done
I've been holding on
But things don't seem to change
I've come a long way just to keep my face straight
Gathered all reason
Replaced my doubt
I've got a find a new way to get out
The night is young I can still make it home
Set aside your baggage
Darling, it's fine
I'll take care of you once I arrive
From here on in it's all just wide eyed optimism
A Healthy disposition for my winter's bones
'Cause in this brutal composition
There's always something missing
You and your sentimentals
will be carried safely back to sea
the dry shore will be flooded with watered down bodies
it's written in our nature
still aimlessly meandering
resisting the pull for the wrong reasons
dragging my feet through buildings
on a long enough line of time
survival rated drop to zero
throw your typewriter out of the window
our pageantry is diluted by the forces that be
our god-like shortcomings nurtured with grandeur
it's poisoning our children
steer clear of the fountain
and celebrate a brand new, clear season
I have to cover my tracks
There's a siren's song singing up my neck
Never had much to offer
Still have stones to cast at the turning backs
The angels laugh
At this bastard chasing his better half
My heart's in my lap
Have I murdered my time?
Can't stop running now
The road is long and lonesome
I've got to keep my head down
When I get thirsty for love
A love that swallows my tongue
And wakes me slow
Never ready to go after the night has sung
Have I been here before?
Bite my fingers to the bone
Slowly ran myself into the ground
A juvenile delinquent's throne
Never thought I'd be a King
No turning around
Ate the last bread crumbs two hours ago
I'll sleep walk for now
To a place where I know
Can't stop walking now
The road is hard and lonesome
Can't help to keep my head down
I am thirsty for love
Settle down, don't fight don't cry People tend to turn a blind eye We don't want to see a murder committed here tonight
With steel to my side I felt like a child I will do anything you ask Anything that you desire You keep my life in your hands
The omens are always there I've become numb to their Constant warning sings This miserable day-in day-out Everyone belongs to everyone else
My last words will fall on death's ears This rotten air I breathe My nerves are like crystal to me It is clear
The crime that we share The initiation to celebrate despair My contribution to statistics A cracking venear
(Chorus) The traumatic exceptance of my mortality Although my existence doesn't mean that much to me All of my acquaintances will be missed But I think of the ones that I hold dear The one's I've been blessed with
I like looking at the sky
as the wind the plays through
the skirts of the trees
The silence knows
how afraid we are of it
Cherished memories
bleed and bloom
Our secrets like seeds
get swept up and carried through
our neighbourhood
Tuck me in
Daylight waits for no man
Your're still young and breathing's easy
Suck it in
What a wasteless façade
What a pity we've come this far
The rain will fall and baptise
our strongholds, our sheltered lives
Closed blinds, drawn curtains
and vinyl floors can't hide
Sane memories
bleed and bloom
Our secrets like weeds
creep up to the roof
our neighbourhood
Tuck me in
Daylight waits for no man
Your're still young and breathing's easy
Suck it in
What a wasteless façade
What a pity we've come this far
Our lucious denial
Our devoured minds
Our thoughts remain impotent
Our pillows stay fertile
Tuck me in
Daylight waits for no man
Your're still young and breathing's easy
Suck it in
What a wasteless façade
You mustn't touch me right now
a few punches to your liver
and you turn us into something else
it's always blood or glitter with you
your collar's too tight
my how your cheeks have sunken in
you're welcome to hang around
I don't want to be a burden
but i always end up as one
at least we've got a story to tell
you never should've listened to me
at least we've built ourselves a nice cage to live in
it's a jungle out there but it's like a fuckin' wake in here
you're welcome to let me down
I don't want to be forgotten
can never remember
the future will look after itself
Bad wind breathing in the streets tonight
A gunshot rhythm to a decomposing lullaby
I rest my head on the bosom of restless nights
Death is dining at our table
We feast on our nails
There's a bullet with my name on
Waiting to exhale inside of me
There's not alot of sympathy
With the life I'm leading
If only I could begin again
But I'm not surprised it's the end
I feel helpless
I can't help it if I don't need a lullaby
We need a miracle
If this is where our hearts lie
Where is our home?
I rest my head on the bosom of little faith
Still we keep hanging on for a saint
Barking serenade of panic
The moon is wailing
Quench your thirst my son
Make sure you lick the knife clean
Inside of me my life will be an offering
To those that I have failed
There's a bottle with my name on
And I'm waiting to inhale
I rest my head on the bosom of restless highs
Beware of the wolves my baby
They're spying for love from the porch tonight
As the light begins to dim they'll start the skinning of your innocent body naked in the night
So come and shine your light
They'll undress you with their eyes my baby
Craving for the taste you choose to hide
If they whip you with their tongues
Don't look, don't listen
Just swallow your wounds and lick your pride
It's quite hard to let parts of yourself go
it's quite easy spilling your guts all over the bathroom stall
every now and again every now and then
I can greet your ghostly gaze without flinching
the heart of the fool lives inside of his mouth
the fear of separation's all that unites us
what you pay for your live never costs that much
it's quite hard letting parts of yourself go
it's quite easy spilling your guts inside the confessional
I know my language has always been my limit
and this slurred speech is my own
the heart of the fool lives inside of his mouth
with the fear of separation
not a clear conscience
Keeping our wits about us
our fists are powerless
leaving nothing behind us
it seems we're just not that important
maybe in our minds
but a healthy mind is hard to find
everyone is leaving with cuts on their hands
and scars on their arms
and dreams on their stereos
in sleep-deprived plans
we burn bushes at this
fork in the road
and I, I have a knife
in my pocket
a fest for the wasted
we're sticking our tongues in broken wall sockets
a rush of gold to the head
and now this head has got a hole in it
guess I'm just open-minded
it's a city thing
it's a silly thing
cast a cold eye
you don't give a shit, so why do I?
Putting all pleasantries aside
our dreams have died
in mass graves they're turning
waiting to be revived
pearls devoured by swine
in sleep-deprived plans
we burn bushes
Step in the night
Breathe into it life
Don't want to be clean
But I'm keen to try
On an all night ride
A punched-ticket sunrise
Don't want to be seen
I'm keen to survive
I've wasted opportunities and lost my grip
My overheating conscious lit my eyes on fire
A dawn chorus of silhouettes
The verdict is in
Guilty as sin
Spread myself thin
I've always been
Guilty as sin
Tell me, where do I begin?
We're constantly repeating
I'm prone to forget
That all of this is merely feeding malignant regret
This ruthless pursuit
A sympton of our time
I'm happy paralised and dreaming
Treading on this thin line
I've wasted opportunities and lost my grip
My overheating conscious lit my eyes on fire
A dawn chorus of silhouettes
The verdict is in
Guilty as sin
Spread myself thin
I've always been
Guilty as sin
Light my eyes on fire
Light my eyes on fire
I have fallen behind
My every step fuels my demise
A futile attempt to repent
I must've lost my mind
Seek and you shall find
A messiah to remind you
That deliverance is an open door
You can choose to go inside
A choice I've been postponing for the most of my young life
Ignorance is easy to ignore if you try
But it's hard to come down from these visceral heights
Like a rolling tide I cannot be cleansed by
I've always been
Guilty as sin
Spread myself thin
I've always been
Guilty as sin
Light my eyes on fire
A carefree stint on a clear coast
it was a rampage but I lost direction
the satellites are outdated
new road signs name places that have always been there
I always talk calamity
beneath the shiny waves
an undertow waits on me
put this insomniac to sleep
a stone's throw dipped toe
a breeze to make you blush
no emergencies no bulletins to leach on us
in the absence of distraction
there's no charm in ravaging the splendour
to persuade this thief to stop
is like asking an insomniac to sleep
the water drowns me out
I am a distant murmur
don't wear yourself out
don't run yourself down
Put up your defenses
those electric-fences
protect our gardens of garbage
best made men
like worms to a dead bird
flock into oblivion
I don't think that we've won anything yet
what are these rats racing against?
they just charge unquestioned
I never pay any attention
I never could punch straight through the door
more gentile than gentleman
not a lightweight anymore
my pulse slips
I'm taking care of business
when I look at what my wilted hands have sown
polish our pretenses
just to numb the senses
sweep the dust under the carpet
best love-wreck
your moods swing profusely
sweating the small things
we all say yes, yes in the end
what are these rats racing against?
curious and cautious
in a stagger on my heart's track
how vast the world was
by the lights of lime we gather
inflamed like moths to a fire
nautious like lovers
tripping on the heart's trap
the gullible uncovered
a feint radiance
two dullards finding their colour
against all odds
caught between a curve and a soft spot
against all odds
unraveled in each other's arms
in a state of undress
how shy it was to touch
uneven out the evening
discreetly mocking the morning
struck by the moon I threw myself over
the night has a rainbow mutely hovering
weightless under covers
slip into the heart's lap
zealously juvenile
an old-fashioned raucous promise
We're gonna be saved Take your time, just don't be late I'm in love and I'm tamed And it resonates through me Lose some speed, baby There's little that I don't want to know I've got this feeling burning inside of me that don't wanna go Your naked body sings to the music in my backbone Make me believe so you can kiss away the world that I used to know
We're gonna be saved Let's dance this dance of beauty Enslaved but so free Surrendered Captivity So little time to get the right words out So little time to get the right words out
Don't lose steam, baby I'll take you where you wanna go We have been blessed, now angel let me caress the heavy heart you own
Your naked body sings to the music in my backbone make me believe so you can away the world that I used to know. We're gonna be saved Take your time, just don't be late I'm in love and I'm tamed And it resonates through me Let's dance this dance of beauty Enslaved but so free Surrendered Captivity So little time to get the right words out So little time to get the right words out