- published: 11 Oct 2011
- views: 28749
- author: TheWorldPhotos

Bran Castle - Dracula's Castle - Braşov Transylvania - Romania
Photo by: Sylvia Pabis Bran Castle (German: Törzburg; Hungarian: Törcsvár), situated near ...
published: 11 Oct 2011
author: TheWorldPhotos
Bran Castle - Dracula's Castle - Braşov Transylvania - Romania
Photo by: Sylvia Pabis Bran Castle (German: Törzburg; Hungarian: Törcsvár), situated near Bran and in the immediate vicinity of Braşov, is a national monument and landmark in Romania. The fortress is situated on the border between Transylvania and Wallachia, on DN73. Commonly known as "Dracula's Castle" (although it is one among several locations linked to the Dracula legend, including Poenari Castle and Hunyad Castle), it is marketed as the home of the titular character in Bram Stoker's Dracula. There is, however, no evidence that Stoker knew anything about this castle, which has only tangential associations with Vlad III, voivode of Wallachia, the putative inspiration for Dracula. The castle is now a museum open to tourists, displaying art and furniture collected by Queen Marie. Tourists can see the interior individually or by a guided tour. At the bottom of the hill is a small open air museum park exhibiting traditional Romanian peasant structures (cottages, barns, etc.) from across the country. The Teutonic Order began construction of a wooden fort known as Dietrichstein in the early 13th century. After the fort's destruction in 1242 by Mongols, King Sigismund of Hungary ordered the construction of a stone castle in 1377, while the settlement of Bran began to develop nearby. Positioned high atop a steep cliff, the castle guarded a strategic trade route between Transylvania and Wallachia. In 1498, Bran fell under the jurisdiction of Braşov. After the Kingdom of Hungary ...
- published: 11 Oct 2011
- views: 28749
- author: TheWorldPhotos

published: 10 Jun 2011
author: rodicamadan
- published: 10 Jun 2011
- views: 51276
- author: rodicamadan

Paragliding in Romania ~ Poiana Brasov 2012 HD
VeniaminShows.com Winter's Holiday in Romania, our first fly, Paragliding from Postavaru t...
published: 09 Jan 2012
author: Veniamin Shows
Paragliding in Romania ~ Poiana Brasov 2012 HD
VeniaminShows.com Winter's Holiday in Romania, our first fly, Paragliding from Postavaru to Poiana Brasov, the most popular Romanian ski resort and an important tourist center preferred by many tourists not only from Romania, but also from Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland and other European states. It is located at about 1312 yards (1200 m) above sea level near the city of Braşov in Romania and it is easily accessible by road. There are regular buses operated by Braşov Transit (RAT Braşov) which play the 12 km route between Braşov and Poiana Braşov. The resort also runs minibuses to take visitors from hotels to the base of the ski runs from where they can hike or take a cable car to Cristianu Mare or Postăvaru summits. Poiana Braşov is surrounded by four mountains the already mentioned Postăvaru (1799 m), Piatra Craiului (2238 m), Bucegi (2505 m) and Piatra Mare (1848 m). Poiana Braşov has a temperate-continental climate. The average temperature in summer is 20 °C and in winter -4 °C. There is a snow cover of about 50-60 cm which lasts from mid-November until mid-March, for about 120 days a year. However one can expect snowfalls since the end of September.
- published: 09 Jan 2012
- views: 6722
- author: Veniamin Shows

E30 Fest 2012 - Brasov, Romania.
Directed and edited: Vlad Cristian E30 Fest 2012 Movie Songs: 1. Beppe - Znakomstvo s peck...
published: 26 Jul 2012
author: MrHixSen
E30 Fest 2012 - Brasov, Romania.
Directed and edited: Vlad Cristian E30 Fest 2012 Movie Songs: 1. Beppe - Znakomstvo s peckom 2. High Rankin - In Hell (Feat Tigerlight) Canon 550d - 18-55mm lens Software used: Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5
- published: 26 Jul 2012
- views: 5421
- author: MrHixSen

HSC Csíkszereda - ASC Corona Brasov (gólok, verekedés)
MOL Liga 2012. november 23...
published: 23 Nov 2012
author: hsccsikszereda
HSC Csíkszereda - ASC Corona Brasov (gólok, verekedés)
MOL Liga 2012. november 23
- published: 23 Nov 2012
- views: 13120
- author: hsccsikszereda

George Balan vs. Bogdan Imurluc - Gala Klash Brasov
Spectacol total la prima gală din seria „KLASH - Drumul spre GLORIE!", organizată, in 24.1...
published: 06 Dec 2012
author: Laura Mihalache
George Balan vs. Bogdan Imurluc - Gala Klash Brasov
Spectacol total la prima gală din seria „KLASH - Drumul spre GLORIE!", organizată, in 24.11.2012 la sala Forex, de Federaţia Română de Kempo şi D'ippon NS Braşov. Braşoveanul George Bălan devine un nume tot mai cunoscut în kickboxingul românesc. Luptătorul de la D'ippon NS Braşov sa impus înainte de limită, la jumătatea rundei a treia, în finala Piramidei de 75 kg din cadrul galei din promoţia Klash, cu Bogdan Stanciu (Kudokai Atlassib Sibiu). În runda a doua cu o lovitură de braţ, la cap, Bălan la trimis pe sibian la numărătoare. După aceea, o lovitură de picior la ficat la pus pe Stanciu în imposibilitate de a mai continua lupta.
- published: 06 Dec 2012
- views: 89
- author: Laura Mihalache

BUY DVD NOW www.pmpfilms.com PMP FILMS www.pmpfilms.com the world's largest range of trans...
published: 06 Oct 2011
author: DaveSpencer32
BUY DVD NOW www.pmpfilms.com PMP FILMS www.pmpfilms.com the world's largest range of transport hobby films, see website for list, links, shop and blog
- published: 06 Oct 2011
- views: 8098
- author: DaveSpencer32

Romanian Air Pride - IAR 80 Braşov
IAR 80 era in anul 1940 al 4-lea avion de vanatoare din lume ca performante.Construit la B...
published: 12 Oct 2008
author: razastegaru
Romanian Air Pride - IAR 80 Braşov
IAR 80 era in anul 1940 al 4-lea avion de vanatoare din lume ca performante.Construit la Brasov,acesta a fost primul avion de vanatoare 100% romanesc proiectat vreodata si a servit cu succes Fortele Aeriene Romane in timpul celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial. De mentionat faptul ca escadrilele de IAR-80 au fost primele efective ale Armatei care au intrat in lupta pentru eliberarea Basarabiei. Muzica: Moby-Any Given Sunday
- published: 12 Oct 2008
- views: 82936
- author: razastegaru

Weekend in Brasov: Smile Aqua Park and Aventura Parc
This weekend me and didi went in Brasov. On Saturday we went to Smile aqua Park to lay a b...
published: 09 Jul 2012
author: bittersweet1603
Weekend in Brasov: Smile Aqua Park and Aventura Parc
This weekend me and didi went in Brasov. On Saturday we went to Smile aqua Park to lay a bit in the sun, and on Sunday we went to Park Aventura where we had an amazing time. Some of the clips from Aventura Park were taken on the green course(beginner), and the ones with me were taken on the blue course(intermediate). Some clips were taken with my canon Eos 600d and some with an Olympus point and shoot camera. Check my Personal facebook Page an Subscribe to it: www.facebook.com Kisses Oana
- published: 09 Jul 2012
- views: 1331
- author: bittersweet1603

IC 531+346 cu EA 689 şi EA 194 plecând din Braşov
published: 14 Dec 2012
author: Andi David
IC 531+346 cu EA 689 şi EA 194 plecând din Braşov
- published: 14 Dec 2012
- author: Andi David

ブラショフ Braşov(România)
(アノテーション機能をONにしてご覧下さい)思わず散策したくなる異国の街角! 以下のリンクをクリックすると映像と同じ街角に立つ事が出来ます(Google Street View の...
published: 14 Dec 2012
author: LivingTraveler
ブラショフ Braşov(România)
(アノテーション機能をONにしてご覧下さい)思わず散策したくなる異国の街角! 以下のリンクをクリックすると映像と同じ街角に立つ事が出来ます(Google Street View の画面が新しいページで開きます)。 goo.gl 【Braşov】 ルーマニアのほぼ中央に位置する都市で、ブラショフ県の県都、人口は278000人(2006年)。首都ブカレストからは166キロメートル離れている。ルーマニアの中央に位置する事からブラショフは、各地点への旅行のよい出発点である。古い町自体も良く保存され、トゥンパ山(960m)の山頂へ登ると町並みが一望できる。 by wikipedia
- published: 14 Dec 2012
- author: LivingTraveler

www.facebook.com stirea.wordpress.com Jandarmilor - cărora regimul Băsescu le-a tăiat efec...
published: 13 Jan 2012
author: securitate
www.facebook.com stirea.wordpress.com Jandarmilor - cărora regimul Băsescu le-a tăiat efectiv jumătate din salariile şi aşa mici - li sa ordonat de urgenţă să iasă în stradă într-un număr impresionant pentru ai putea, la nevoie, reprima pe manifestanţii care protestează împotriva acestui Băsescu. Străzile din preajma Cotrocenilor sunt înţesate cu maşini blindate speciale de intervenţie contra manifestanţilor care sunt nemulţumiţi de preşedintele României. La nivelul Jandarmilor şi al gărzilor personale ale lui Băsescu, este alarmă de luptă, militarii fiind dotaţi cu muniţie de război. Gărzile lui Băsescu şi-au dublat efectivele prin aducerea de-acasă a turelor care nu erau de serviciu. În zonă, înaintea sosirii manifestanţilor, puteau fi zăriţi foarte mulţi civili bine clădiţi, tunşi regulamentar şi care se mişcau orodonat şi nervos. Există două sisteme exterioare care-i asigură securitatea lui Băsescu în Palatul Cotroceni: un cordon viu format din jandarmi şi un culoar format din garduri metalice înalte şi reci. După toate indiciile, ordinul de represiune a fost dat ! Actualizare 1: Protestatarii au ajuns la intrarea dinspre Poarta Marinescu a Palatului Cotroceni şi se îmbrîncesc cu jandarmii ! Actualizare 2: Forţele militare dislocate în zonă îşi întăresc din minut în minut efectivele. Actualizare 3: Foarte mulţi "civili" tunşi scurt au apărut ca din pământ şi au început să se infiltreze printre protestatari. Actualizare 4: Se scandează cu însufleţire : "A venit vaporu ...
- published: 13 Jan 2012
- views: 31976
- author: securitate

Imn FC Braşov, fumigene şi stroboscoape
Returul semifinalei Cupei României, FC Vaslui - FC Braşov....
published: 16 Apr 2010
author: razastegaru
Imn FC Braşov, fumigene şi stroboscoape
Returul semifinalei Cupei României, FC Vaslui - FC Braşov.
- published: 16 Apr 2010
- views: 13316
- author: razastegaru

Recital VAMA @ Ursus Evolution Brasov 2012
Concertul VAMA de la Ursus Evolution Brasov, 29 iulie 2012...
published: 02 Aug 2012
author: theVAMAmusic
Recital VAMA @ Ursus Evolution Brasov 2012
Concertul VAMA de la Ursus Evolution Brasov, 29 iulie 2012
- published: 02 Aug 2012
- views: 8986
- author: theVAMAmusic
Youtube results:

Localitati Brasov
published: 18 Jul 2009
author: camera din masina
Localitati Brasov
- published: 18 Jul 2009
- views: 7663
- author: camera din masina

Go Skate Day 2012 Brasov
published: 23 Jun 2012
author: analfabet123456789
Go Skate Day 2012 Brasov
- published: 23 Jun 2012
- views: 11154
- author: analfabet123456789

Brasov City, Romania
Romania is located in Central Europe and is part of European Union. Some sights of Brasov,...
published: 18 Mar 2011
author: aleksteo
Brasov City, Romania
Romania is located in Central Europe and is part of European Union. Some sights of Brasov, one of the most developed cities in Romania. With a population of nearly 400.000 inhibitants is also one of the biggest. Best known for touristic ski resort "Poiana Brasov" and "Predeal", luxury hotels, night life, clubs, pubs etc
- published: 18 Mar 2011
- views: 10845
- author: aleksteo

Bike Stunts Video - Tricks in Skate Park Brasov - GoPro HD on DIY Steadicam & Slider
Bike Hoodie Shirt: highball.spreadshirt.com Other mountain bike and BMX T-shirts: highball...
published: 13 Nov 2011
author: Constantin Gabor
Bike Stunts Video - Tricks in Skate Park Brasov - GoPro HD on DIY Steadicam & Slider
Bike Hoodie Shirt: highball.spreadshirt.com Other mountain bike and BMX T-shirts: highball.spreadshirt.com highball.spreadshirt.com highball.spreadshirt.com highball.spreadshirt.com Video shot with GoPro HD on DIY camera stabilizer (steadicam/glidecam): www.highballblog.com How to edit GoPro HD videos: www.highballblog.com DIY camera slider and DIY GoPro mount: www.highballblog.com How to mount your GoPro camera on your bike: www.highballblog.com
- published: 13 Nov 2011
- views: 23292
- author: Constantin Gabor