- published: 30 Mar 2015
- views: 858
Publius Ovidius Naso (Classical Latin: [ˈpʊb.li.ʊs ɔˈwɪ.di.ʊs ˈnaː.soː]; 20 March 43 BC – AD 17/18), known as Ovid (/ˈɒvɪd/) in the English-speaking world, was a Roman poet who lived during the reign of Augustus. He was a contemporary of the older Virgil and Horace with whom he is often ranked as one of the three canonical poets of Latin literature. The Imperial scholar Quintilian considered him the last of the Latin love elegists. He enjoyed enormous popularity, but, in one of the mysteries of literary history, he was sent by Augustus into exile in a remote province on the Black Sea, where he remained until his death. Ovid himself attributes his exile to carmen et error, "a poem and a mistake", but his discretion in discussing the causes has resulted in much speculation among scholars.
The first major Roman poet to begin his career during the reign of Augustus, Ovid is today best known for the Metamorphoses, a 15-book continuous mythological narrative written in the meter of epic, and for collections of love poetry in elegiac couplets, especially the Amores ("Love Affairs") and Ars Amatoria ("The Art of Love"). His poetry was much imitated during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, and greatly influenced Western art and literature. The Metamorphoses remains one of the most important sources of classical mythology.
The Third Annual Adam and Anne Amory Parry Lecture at Yale. Ellen Oliensis, Professor of Classics at the University of California, Berkeley presents "The authorial perversion: the desire for discourse in Ovid's Amores" on March 26, 2015. Sponsored by the Yale Departments of Classics and Comparative Literature.
Amores 1,1
English version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMi-frwjSQ0 Seit November letzten Jahres bereite ich nun dieses Movieprojekt vor und ich bin unglaublich froh heute Nacht, dass zumindest der Prolog schon mal fertig ist. Das gesamte Projekt basiert auf den Liebeselegien des Ovid, drei Gedichtsbände, die 2000 Jahre alt sind und eine Geschichte erzählen. Darsteller: Venus - Sayori23 https://www.youtube.com/user/Sayori23 Ovid - Bloody https://www.youtube.com/user/Bloody897632645773 und ich verspreche nicht zuviel, wenn ich sage: Allein für die Stimmen lohnt es sich das Video anzusehen !!! Die Sims-3-Welt hat Sims3Medieval erstellt: http://sims3medieval.tumblr.com/ Alle weiblichen Sims wurden wie gewohnt von xXEternalWhiteSnowXx erstellt. Die Tanzanimation von Terpsichore stammt von htt...
Ovid - Amores - Carmen 1.5 You'll find the Latin text on http://la.wikisource.org/wiki/Amores/1.5 and the Latin text with English translation on https://en.wikisource.org/?curid=115761 • Translations in English: http://david-drake.com/ovid-translations/amores-i4-5/ http://www.poetryintranslation.com/PITBR/Latin/AmoresBkI.htm#_Toc520535256 • Traduction française: http://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Les_Amours_-_Livre_I • Traduzione italiana: http://www.latinovivo.com/testintegrali/testintegral1.htm#Ovid • Deutsche Übersetzung: http://gutenberg.spiegel.de/buch/4721/6 Ich möchte aber unbedingt auch die brilliante deutsche Übersetzung von Prof. Niklas Holzberg zitieren [Publius Ovidius Naso, Liebesgedichte. Amores. Lateinisch-deutsch. Hrsg. u. übers.von Niklas Holzberg, 2002, Düsseldorf/Züric...
German / deutsche Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFwuICXHuUI I prepared this project since November 2014 and now I'm that happy to have finished the little teaser of my upcoming movie in parts... I could cry :O Voices: Venus - finalCrystine https://www.youtube.com/user/finalCrystine Ovid - Tysonater https://www.youtube.com/user/Tysonater believe me, you will listen to the best voices ever ♥ I want to take you into the world of Mythology and the ancient Rome. Forget about your all days and join Ovid into the world of love and pain. He wrote his poems 2000 years ago and every single line worths to be read. My movie will base on the three books named "Amores". This wonderful world Shire is created by Sim3Medieval: http://sims3medieval.tumblr.com/ All female sims are created b...
Amores II.X
P. Ovidii Nasonis Amores 1,1 ( http://rufus-in-rom.blogspot.de/2016/01/antike-dichtung-einfach-gesprochen.html ) Antike Gedichte neu gesprochen und gesungen – ja, das gibt es schon lange. Bisher allerdings (fast) nur nach modernem Geschmack und ohne das antike Versmaß auch wirklich ein- bzw. durchzuhalten. Kann man das nicht auch metrisch korrekt skandieren? Doch, man kann, und sehr einfach obendrein! Wahlweise als antiker Sprechgesang gerappt oder gesungen, wie hier ein Japaner beeindruckend zeigt. Das kann jeder schnell lernen. Anleitungen folgen auf einer Einführungsreihe in antike Metrik mit (moderner) Musik: http://rufus-in-rom.blogspot.de/2016/01/antike-dichtung-einfach-gesprochen.html
meter: Elegiac Couplets. recited in Latin, restored-classical (Californian) pronunciation. A poetic dress-down followed by a contextual metrical orgasm. I particularly like the part where he mentions his Venetian blinds. here's a rough translation: Aestus erat, mediamque dies exegerat horam; It was hot, and the midday hour had just passed by adposui medio membra levanda toro. as I lay in the center of my couch with my limbs all spread about, pars adaperta fuit, pars altera clausa fenestrae; part of the window shades were open, and the other part was closed; quale fere silvae lumen habere solent, letting in a light such as forests are accustomed to have, qualia sublucent fugiente crepuscula Phoebo 5 (a light) such as beneath those crepuscular rays which fle...
heu malae vexatae quanta tulere comae!
Amores II.X
Amores 1,1
The Third Annual Adam and Anne Amory Parry Lecture at Yale. Ellen Oliensis, Professor of Classics at the University of California, Berkeley presents "The authorial perversion: the desire for discourse in Ovid's Amores" on March 26, 2015. Sponsored by the Yale Departments of Classics and Comparative Literature.