[Touhou MusicBox] Eternal Paradise
Arranger: Yellowheart Circle: CLEP-009 Album: Cherry Lunaburst Original: Zun C75...
published: 09 Oct 2010
author: Ethnonym
[Touhou MusicBox] Eternal Paradise
Arranger: Yellowheart Circle: CLEP-009 Album: Cherry Lunaburst Original: Zun C75
published: 09 Oct 2010
views: 315
NYC Tatar model Diana- portfolio series
During the 11-16th centuries, these tribes, some of them who were Turkic, lived in what is...
published: 25 May 2011
author: NePiizdi
NYC Tatar model Diana- portfolio series
During the 11-16th centuries, these tribes, some of them who were Turkic, lived in what is now Russia and Kazakhstan. The present territory of Tatarstan was inhabited by the Volga Bulgars who settled on the Volga in the 8th century and converted to Islam in 922 during the missionary work of Ahmad ibn Fadlan. On the Volga, the Bulgars mingled with Scythian- and Uralic-speaking peoples. After the Mongol invasion, Bulgaria was defeated, ruined and incorporated in the Golden Horde. Much of the population survived, and there was a certain degree of mixing between it and the Kipchak Tatars of the Horde during the ensuing period. The group as a whole accepted the ethnonym "Tatars" (finally in the end of 19th century; although the name Bulgars persisted in some places; the majority identified themselves simply as the Muslims) and the language of the Kipchaks; on the other hand, the invaders eventually converted to Islam. As the Horde disintegrated in the 15th century, the area became the territory of the Kazan khanate, which was ultimately conquered by Russia in the 16th century. There is some debate among scholars about the extent of that mixing and the "share" of each group as progenitors of the modern Kazan Tatars. It is relatively accepted that demographically, most of the population was directly descended from the Bulgars. Nevertheless, some emphasize the contribution of the Kipchaks on the basis of the ethnonym and the language, and consider that the modern Tatar ...
published: 25 May 2011
views: 1947
Gorani People - Wiki Article
Gora dialect Serbo-Croatian, Albanian, Macedonian Ethnography The ethnonym Goranci, meanin...
published: 06 Nov 2012
author: WikiPlays
Gorani People - Wiki Article
Gora dialect Serbo-Croatian, Albanian, Macedonian Ethnography The ethnonym Goranci, meaning "highlanders", is derived from the Slavic toponym Gora, which means "hill, mountain" (Гора). Another autony... Gorani People - Wiki Article - wikiplays.org Original @ http All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: en.wikipedia.org Author: Pakko Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( Creative Commons ASA 3.0 ) Author: Pakko Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( Creative Commons ASA 3.0 ) Author: Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: Jingiby Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( Creative Commons ASA 3.0 )
published: 06 Nov 2012
views: 53
Serben ist auch der deutsche Name der lettischen Ortschaft Dzērbene in der Gemeinde Cēsis
Das Ethnonym der Serben ist in Deutschland eigentlich nicht fremd. Verschiedene Ortschafte...
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: Abdel Rahman El Sayad
Serben ist auch der deutsche Name der lettischen Ortschaft Dzērbene in der Gemeinde Cēsis
Das Ethnonym der Serben ist in Deutschland eigentlich nicht fremd. Verschiedene Ortschaften, wie Zscherben (Merseburg)[1], Serbitz (Treben), Zerben, Serba, Sirbis, Serbitz (Neukyhna), Altscherbitz oder Zerbst zeugen von der weit über Tausend Jahre währenden Präsenz dieses Ethnonyms. Weiterhin ist der Name in verschiedenen Varianten als deutscher oder sorbischer Familienname greifbar, so zB als Serbe, Serba, Sorbe, Sarb, Sirb, Zerbe usw.[2]. Demnach versuchten sich verschiedene Ethnologen daran eine abschließende Etymologie zum Ethnonym zu entwickeln.
published: 10 Sep 2012
views: 35
Abdel Rahman El Sayad
Лезги́нский язы́к.Лезги мани. Лезгинка.Lezginka. 41.
Zalina Shamova- 'Zi_lezgi_halk'. The Lezgians (alternatively Lezgins, Lezgi, Lezgis, Lezgs...
published: 13 Mar 2012
author: Murad Lezgin
Лезги́нский язы́к.Лезги мани. Лезгинка.Lezginka. 41.
Zalina Shamova- 'Zi_lezgi_halk'. The Lezgians (alternatively Lezgins, Lezgi, Lezgis, Lezgs, and Lezgin) (Lezgian: лезгияр, Russian: лезгины) are an ethnic group living predominantly in southern Dagestan and northeastern Azerbaijan and who speak the Lezgian language. The question of origin of the ethnonym "lezgin" still requires a more in-depth and comprehensive analysis. Nevertheless, most researchers displays the ethnonym "lezgi" of the ancient "legi" and early medieval "lakzi". In the IV century BC, the numerous tribes speaking Lezgic languages, which is part of the Nakh-Dagestan branch of the family of languages, united in a union of 26 tribes, formed in the Eastern Caucasus state of Caucasian Albania, which existed before the VIII century BC. Oe. Under the influence of foreign invaders Caucasian Albania was divided into several areas - Lakzi, Shirvan, etc. этот танец отголосок древних языческих верований самобытная культура лезгин связана с орлами в прошлом до прихода ислама лезгины считали что душа челов.нах.в печени и когда умирал челов.его остовляли на высокой скале орлам чтобы они его печень поклевали и тем самым считалось что душа передёт в орла,не зря же по лезгински слово орёл и слово печень означаеться одним словом ''лекь'' до исламский период лезгины назывались леками а танец лезгинка символизирует взлетаюшего орла .
published: 13 Mar 2012
views: 1626
Murad Lezgin
Лезгинские песни.Лезги мани.Lezgi song. Сагърай Лезгияр !!!
Сувар группа - 'Сир гъикI гуда' www.samurpress.com Cир ГЬикI ГУда Гур булахдин къайи цикай...
published: 14 Mar 2012
author: Murad Lezgin
Лезгинские песни.Лезги мани.Lezgi song. Сагърай Лезгияр !!!
Сувар группа - 'Сир гъикI гуда' www.samurpress.com Cир ГЬикI ГУда Гур булахдин къайи цикай, са истикан яд це на заз. Гада, за вав сир гьикI гуда, Белки несиб жедач жал ваз. Бахтавар я эслидин югъ, Мулдин цуьквер сурал алай. за ваз рикIин сир гьикI гуда, Ярдин лишан хурал алай. тарал алай лацу пIини, Гар галукьна яд хьанайтIа. Маса къайгъу жедайни заз, Чи кьведан рикI сад хьанайтIа www.samurpress.com The Lezgians (alternatively Lezgins, Lezgi, Lezgis, Lezgs, and Lezgin) (Lezgian: лезгияр, Russian: лезгины) are an ethnic group living predominantly in southern Dagestan and northeastern Azerbaijan and who speak the Lezgian language. The question of origin of the ethnonym "lezgin" still requires a more in-depth and comprehensive analysis. Nevertheless, most researchers displays the ethnonym "lezgi" of the ancient "legi" and early medieval "lakzi". While ancient Greek historians, including Herodotus, Strabo, and Pliny the Elder, referred to Legoi people who inhabited Caucasian Albania, Arab historians of 9-10th centuries mention the kingdom of Lakz in present-day southern Dagestan.[5] Al Masoudi referred to inhabitants of this area as Lakzams (Lezgins),[6] who defended Shirvan against invaders from the north.[7] Lezgins live mainly in Azerbaijan and in the Russian Federation (Dagestan). The total population is believed to be around 700000, with 474000 living in Russian Federation. In the republic of Azerbaijan, the government census counts 180300.[2] However, Lezgin national ...
published: 14 Mar 2012
views: 510
Murad Lezgin
Русини (українці) та москвини (русскіє)
Про різницю між русинами (руссю / українцями) та москвинами (москвитянами, московитами, мо...
published: 08 Jul 2012
author: zakharii
Русини (українці) та москвини (русскіє)
Про різницю між русинами (руссю / українцями) та москвинами (москвитянами, московитами, москвою). Цитати з відомої книги - Євген Наконечний: "УКРАДЕНЕ ІМ'Я чому русини стали українцями" - exlibris.org.ua Найглибше та найповніше дослідження на дану тему відомого бібліографа, бібліотекаря та історика Є. Наконечного. exlibris.org.ua - 6: ОСОРУЖНИЙ ЕТНОНІМ exlibris.org.ua - 14: МОСКОВІЯ МІНЯЄ СВОЮ НАЗВУ exlibris.org.ua - 15: РУСИНИ exlibris.org.ua - 16: ПРИСВІЙНИЙ ПРИКМЕТНИК ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quotes from famous work of Ukrainian linguist and historian Yevhen Nakonechnyy "Stolen name or why Rusyns (Ruthenians) became Ukrainians". Book is available In Ukrainian at the links above - use "google translate" for reading. In this work Ukrainian and Russian ethnonyms are examined in their historical interaction, the premises and consequences of creation of the ethnonym "Ukraine", the name of nation are also traced and that all defines its indetity. Переслідуваний за правду (Є. Наконечний): mynews-in.net
published: 08 Jul 2012
views: 796
The Franks 1/3
The Franks (Latin: Franci or gens Francorum) were a confederation of Germanic tribes first...
published: 03 Dec 2011
author: BirkaViking
The Franks 1/3
The Franks (Latin: Franci or gens Francorum) were a confederation of Germanic tribes first attested in the third century AD as living north and east of the Lower Rhine River. From the third to fifth centuries some Franks raided Roman territory while other Franks joined the Roman troops in Gaul. Only the Salian Franks formed a kingdom on Roman-held soil that was acknowledged by the Romans after 357. In the climate of the collapse of imperial authority in the West, the Frankish tribes were united under the Merovingians and conquered all of Gaul except Septimania in the 6th century. The Salian political elite would be one of the most active forces in spreading Christianity over western Europe. The ethnonym "Frank" is thought to be derived from a Germanic word for "bold, fierce". The name has sometimes been traced to the Germanic word for "javelin" (cf. Old English franca, Old Norse frakka), however the opposite may be the case, as in the Latin francisca "throwing axe", which was named after the tribe. A weapon-based tribal name would be comparable to that of the Saxons. The Merovingian dynasty, descended from the Salians, founded one of the Germanic monarchies which replaced the Western Roman Empire from the fifth century. The Frankish state consolidated its hold over large parts of western Europe by the end of the eighth century, developing into the Carolingian Empire which dominated most of Western Europe. This empire would gradually evolve into France and the Holy Roman ...
published: 03 Dec 2011
views: 5700
Vindictus PVP Sensei Vs Zou
0 Earrings 0 Rings 0 Emblems 0 Belts Most importantly 0 SHAME hahaha Weapons: Iron Twin Sp...
published: 03 Sep 2011
author: Ethnonym
Vindictus PVP Sensei Vs Zou
0 Earrings 0 Rings 0 Emblems 0 Belts Most importantly 0 SHAME hahaha Weapons: Iron Twin Spears I'll add the music list when youtube decides to stop being anal And another thing DO NOT TURN OFF ANNOTATIONS, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD DO NO TURN OFF ANNOTATIONS. Thank you and enjoy me getting owned.
published: 03 Sep 2011
views: 2514
Vlachs of Croatia - Wiki Article
Croatian Historically, the Vlach ethnonym was used for a substantial proportion of the Cro...
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: WikiPlays
Vlachs of Croatia - Wiki Article
Croatian Historically, the Vlach ethnonym was used for a substantial proportion of the Croatian population that influenced politics and everyday life in the country. After the Great Serb Migrations i... Vlachs of Croatia - Wiki Article - wikiplays.org Original @ http All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: en.wikipedia.org Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship., This work is in the Public Domain., This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship., This work is in the Public Domain., This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: plp Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship., T...
published: 01 Nov 2012
views: 36
ARBERESHET - An answer to some people who sold their blood
The name Arbërishte is derived from the ethnonym "Albanoi", which in turn comes from the t...
published: 17 Sep 2009
author: ComandanteCrus
ARBERESHET - An answer to some people who sold their blood
The name Arbërishte is derived from the ethnonym "Albanoi", which in turn comes from the toponym "Arbëria" (Άρβανα), which in the Middle Ages referred to a region in what is today Albania (Babiniotis 1998). Its native equivalents (Arbërorë, Arbëreshë and others) formerly were the self-designation of Albanians in general. Both "Arbëria" and "Albania/Albanian" go further back to name forms attested since antiquity. Italo-Arbërisht is descended from Arvanitika, which is the eldest sub-dialect of Arbërisht, part of the Tosk dialect group of Albanian.[2] It was brought to southern Greece during the late Middle Ages by settlers from what is today southern Albania and Epirus, and subsequently taken to Italy from there. The language is not usually written outside of the church and a few highly educated families, but officials are now using the standard Albanian alphabet, which is used on street signs in the villages as well as taught in schools.
published: 17 Sep 2009
views: 26221
The Franks 2/3
The Franks (Latin: Franci or gens Francorum) were a confederation of Germanic tribes first...
published: 03 Dec 2011
author: BirkaViking
The Franks 2/3
The Franks (Latin: Franci or gens Francorum) were a confederation of Germanic tribes first attested in the third century AD as living north and east of the Lower Rhine River. From the third to fifth centuries some Franks raided Roman territory while other Franks joined the Roman troops in Gaul. Only the Salian Franks formed a kingdom on Roman-held soil that was acknowledged by the Romans after 357. In the climate of the collapse of imperial authority in the West, the Frankish tribes were united under the Merovingians and conquered all of Gaul except Septimania in the 6th century. The Salian political elite would be one of the most active forces in spreading Christianity over western Europe. The ethnonym "Frank" is thought to be derived from a Germanic word for "bold, fierce". The name has sometimes been traced to the Germanic word for "javelin" (cf. Old English franca, Old Norse frakka), however the opposite may be the case, as in the Latin francisca "throwing axe", which was named after the tribe. A weapon-based tribal name would be comparable to that of the Saxons. The Merovingian dynasty, descended from the Salians, founded one of the Germanic monarchies which replaced the Western Roman Empire from the fifth century. The Frankish state consolidated its hold over large parts of western Europe by the end of the eighth century, developing into the Carolingian Empire which dominated most of Western Europe. This empire would gradually evolve into France and the Holy Roman ...
published: 03 Dec 2011
views: 2016
Vimeo results:
Frenetic Zurich
Lesen Sie auf deutsch bitte weiter unten weiter...
Zurich is Switzerland’s biggest city a...
published: 24 Oct 2012
author: Alessandro Della Bella
Frenetic Zurich
Lesen Sie auf deutsch bitte weiter unten weiter...
Zurich is Switzerland’s biggest city and worldwide known for its high quality of living (and just happens to be one of the most expensive cities worldwide too!). A picturesque old town, great shopping facilities, a large variety of cultural attractions, a beautiful lakeside and lots of green areas make a visit to Zurich a multifaceted experience. With its international airport the city is a good base to start discovering the country.
Besides that, it’s a cool playground for time-lapse photography. Footage has mostly been shot for testing purposes and shows impressions of a pulsating and electrifying city in winter time. Enjoy!
For the "making of" information and photo gallery check out the project website www.helvetiabynight.com.
‘Helvetia by Night’ is a time-lapse project about Switzerland by night. Short videos of long nights present you the stunning beauty of the Swiss Alps and show you the magic of a spectacular nighttime sky. Imagine watching a slide-show at fast speed or looking at a flip book. It is photography turning into a movie. Everything in the videos is real and happening out there while most of us are sleeping.
The three videos ‘Helvetia’s Dream’, ‘Frenetic Zurich’ and ‘Nuclear Power (and Cows)’ are my first footsteps on the road of time-lapse photography. It is a most exciting road to follow with lots of testing, trying and learning every night I spend photographing in the Swiss mountains. Right now, 3D motion control is my biggest challenge. More time-lapse videos of existing footage will be published soon.
Helvetia is the female national personification of Switzerland. The name is a derivation of the ethnonym Helvetii, the name of the Gaulish tribe inhabiting the Swiss Plateau prior to the Roman conquest. Identification of the Swiss as ‘Helvetians’ became common in the 18th century and Helvetia appears on official federal coins and stamps (Source: Wikipedia).
Some words about me:
I grew up in Arosa, a small paradise in the mountains of eastern Switzerland located 1800m above sea level. Inspired by such great scenery, photography has become my passion early in life. Since 2005 I work as press photographer for the Swiss press photo agency KEYSTONE in Zurich. Time-lapse photography became a favorite hobby of mine in the year 2011. Besides that I am doing some other private work which can be found here: www.dellabella.ch
Have fun watching the time-lapse videos!
Alessandro Della Bella
Zürich, die grösste Stadt der Schweiz und weltweit an vorderster Stelle in Bezug auf Lebensqualität (und -kosten), beeindruckt auf vielfältige Weise.
Eine malerische Altstadt, grossartige Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, ein breites kulturelles Angebot, sowie eine wunderschöne Seepromenade, viele Parks und Grünflächen garantieren einen abwechslungsreichen Aufenthalt. Mit dem internationalen Flughafen in unmittelbarer Nähe bietet Zürich eine gute Basis, um die Schweiz zu entdecken.
Zudem ist die Stadt ein optimaler Spielplatz für Time-Lapse. Die Bilder für diesen Film sind mehrheitlich zu Testzwecken entstanden. Geniessen Sie winterliche Impressionen aus der pulsierenden und elektrisierenden Stadt an der Limmat.
Eine Fotogalerie und mehr Informationen über das "making of" gibt es auf www.helvetiabynight.com
‚Helvatia by Night‘ ist ein Zeitraffer-Projekt (Time-Lapse) über die Schweiz bei Nacht. Kurzfilme zeigen die atemberaubende Schönheit der Schweizer Bergwelt und einen spektakulären Sternenhimmel, wie Sie vielleicht erst davon geträumt haben. Alles was hier präsentiert wird, ist jedoch absolut real. Schnell aneinander gereihte Fotos werden zu einem Film, wie in einem Daumenkino.
Helvetias Traum, Frenetisches Zürich und Atomkraft (mit Kühen) sind meine ersten Time-Lapse Filme und damit der Anfang eines spannenden Projektes. Mit jeder Nacht in den Bergen gewinne ich neue Erfahrungen und lerne Wertvolles dazu. Bald werden weitere Kurzfilme aus bestehendem Material hier aufgeschaltet.
Helvetia ist die vom Volksstamm der Helvetier abgeleitete neulateinische Bezeichnung für die Schweiz und eine allegorische Frauenfigur, welche die Schweiz versinnbildlicht. Auf Briefmarken und Münzen wird bis heute ‚Helvetia‘ als Landesbezeichnung verwendet (Quelle: Wikipedia).
Einige Worte zu meiner Person:
Ich bin in Arosa aufgewachsen, einem kleinen Paradies in der Bündner Bergwelt auf 1800 Metern über Meer. Inspiriert durch die beeindruckende Berglandschaft habe ich schon früh die Fotografie als meine Passion entdeckt. Seit 2005 arbeite ich als Pressefotograf bei der Schweizer Bildagentur KEYSTONE in Zürich. Die Time-Lapse Fotografie ist seit 2011 mein Lieblingshobby. Weitere private Arbeiten gibt es auf www.dellabella.ch
Viel Vergnügen beim Schauen der Time-Lapse Filme!
Alessandro Della Bella
Nuclear Power (and Cows)
Deutscher Text weiter unten.
This short film is not a political statement, although the i...
published: 24 Oct 2012
author: Alessandro Della Bella
Nuclear Power (and Cows)
Deutscher Text weiter unten.
This short film is not a political statement, although the international debate about nuclear energy after Fukushima inspired the making of it.
In Switzerland, there are four nuclear power plants, running five reactors: Beznau I & II, Mühleberg, Goesgen and Leibstadt.
Nowadays, Switzerland’s power production consists of 55% hydroelectricity, 40% nuclear energy and 5% from other sources as for instance incinerators (Source: BFE). After the shutdown of the Oldbury reactor in Western England at the end of February 2012, Beznau I is now the oldest pressurized water reactor worldwide, running since September 1st 1969.
Last but not least, major concern regarding the safety of the Mühleberg reactor arises from the formation of cracks in the core shroud inside the vessel and has provoked a heated debate regarding the necessity of a shutdown of the reactor.
With its cooling towers, Goesgen and Leibstadt are far more photogenic for time-lapse than Beznau and Mühleberg. And cows, you will find them all over Switzerland.
So switch on the lights!
For the "making of" information and photo gallery check out the project website www.helvetiabynight.com.
‘Helvetia by Night’ is a time-lapse project about Switzerland by night. Short videos of long nights present you the stunning beauty of the Swiss Alps and show you the magic of a spectacular nighttime sky. Imagine watching a slide-show at fast speed or looking at a flip book. It is photography turning into a movie. Everything in the videos is real and happening out there while most of us are sleeping.
The three videos ‘Helvetia’s Dream’, ‘Frenetic Zurich’ and ‘Nuclear Power (and Cows)’ are my first footsteps on the road of time-lapse photography. It is a most exciting road to follow with lots of testing, trying and learning every night I spend photographing in the Swiss mountains. Right now, 3D motion control is my biggest challenge. More time-lapse videos of existing footage will be published soon.
Helvetia is the female national personification of Switzerland. The name is a derivation of the ethnonym Helvetii, the name of the Gaulish tribe inhabiting the Swiss Plateau prior to the Roman conquest. Identification of the Swiss as ‘Helvetians’ became common in the 18th century and Helvetia appears on official federal coins and stamps (Source: Wikipedia).
Some words about me:
I grew up in Arosa, a small paradise in the mountains of eastern Switzerland located 1800m above sea level. Inspired by such great scenery, photography has become my passion early in life. Since 2005 I work as press photographer for the Swiss press photo agency KEYSTONE in Zurich. Time-lapse photography became a favorite hobby of mine in the year 2011. Besides that I am doing some other private work which can be found here: www.dellabella.ch
Have fun watching the time-lapse videos!
Alessandro Della Bella
Dieser Kurzfilm ist keine politische Botschaft, obwohl die internationale Debatte über Atomkraft nach Fukushima die Produktion inspiriert hat.
In der Schweiz gibt es vier Kernkraftwerke mit insgesamt fünf Reaktoren: Beznau I & II, Mühleberg, Goesgen und Leibstadt.
Die Stromproduktion in der Schweiz setzt sich zusammen aus 55% Wasserkraft, 40% Atomkraft und 5% anderen Quellen, hauptsächlich aus Kehricht-Verbrennungsanlagen (Quelle: BFE). Seit der Stilllegung des Oldbury Reaktors in England ende Februar 2012 ist Beznau I der weltweit älteste Druckwasser Reaktor – in Betrieb seit dem 1. September 1969.
Bedenken zur Betriebssicherheit des AKWs Mühleberg sorgen regelmässig für Schlagzeilen und haben eine heftige Debatte über die Notwendigkeit einer baldigen Stillegung ausgelöst. Mit ihren Kühltürmen eignen sich Goesgen und Leibstadt besser für Time-Lapse als Beznau und Mühleberg. Und Kühe, die findet man überall in der Schweiz.
Nun denn, schaltet die Lichter ein!
Eine Fotogalerie und mehr Informationen über das "making of" gibt es auf www.helvetiabynight.com
‚Helvatia by Night‘ ist ein Zeitraffer-Projekt (Time-Lapse) über die Schweiz bei Nacht. Kurzfilme zeigen die atemberaubende Schönheit der Schweizer Bergwelt und einen spektakulären Sternenhimmel, wie Sie vielleicht erst davon geträumt haben. Alles was hier präsentiert wird, ist jedoch absolut real. Schnell aneinander gereihte Fotos werden zu einem Film, wie in einem Daumenkino.
Einige Worte zu meiner Person:
Ich bin in Arosa aufgewachsen, einem kleinen Paradies in der Bündner Bergwelt auf 1800 Metern über Meer. Inspiriert durch die beeindruckende Berglandschaft habe ich schon früh die Fotografie als meine Passion entdeckt. Seit 2005 arbeite ich als Pressefotograf bei der Schweizer Bildagentur KEYSTONE in Zürich. Die Time-Lapse Fotografie ist seit 2011 mein Lieblingshobby. Weitere private Arbeiten gibt es auf www.dellabella.ch
Viel Vergnügen beim Schauen der Time-Lapse Filme!
Alessandro Della Bella
Helvetia's Dream
Deutscher Text weiter unten.
‘Helvetia’s Dream’ takes you on a nighttime journey to some ...
published: 19 Mar 2012
author: Alessandro Della Bella
Helvetia's Dream
Deutscher Text weiter unten.
‘Helvetia’s Dream’ takes you on a nighttime journey to some of the most beautiful spots in the Swiss Alps – from Arosa to Zermatt, including the world famous mountains Matterhorn and Eiger.
Please pay special attention to the following scenes:
@0:46 watch the persistent train of a bright meteor above Tijerflue Mountain in Arosa, December 2010, which was visible for about 20 minutes. A slow motion effect is applied for better visibility of the shooting star and its trail of ‘smoke’, which consists of ionized gas left behind as the meteor burns up in the atmosphere.
@1:14 clouds above Lake Geneva steam up the lens.
@1:36 on the very left: Climbers step into the unpredictable Eiger Nordwand.
@1:44 the Milky Way rises above the ‘Donkey’ rock on Pilatus.
@1:58 snowcats nearby cause the lighting of the summit cross on Fronalpstock Mountain. (Snowcat lights usually spoil time-lapse)
@2:21 the wind changes the reflection of Säntis Mountain in the Seealpsee.
@2:35 three settings showing orbits of stars. This is an alternative technique to display the movement of stars by sequentially adding the luminosity of each exposure. The result is basically a long exposure with a large aperture.
@2:49 the waxing new moon, not full moon, setting over Pilatus.
For the "making of" information and photo gallery check out the project website www.helvetiabynight.com.
‘Helvetia by Night’ is a time-lapse project about Switzerland by night. Short videos of long nights present you the stunning beauty of the Swiss Alps and show you the magic of a spectacular nighttime sky. Imagine watching a slide-show at fast speed or looking at a flip book. It is photography turning into a movie. Everything in the videos is real and happening out there while most of us are sleeping.
The three videos ‘Helvetia’s Dream’, ‘Frenetic Zurich’ and ‘Nuclear Power (and Cows)’ are my first footsteps on the road of time-lapse photography. It is a most exciting road to follow with lots of testing, trying and learning every night I spend photographing in the Swiss mountains. Right now, 3D motion control is my biggest challenge. More time-lapse videos of existing footage will be published soon.
Helvetia is the female national personification of Switzerland. The name is a derivation of the ethnonym Helvetii, the name of the Gaulish tribe inhabiting the Swiss Plateau prior to the Roman conquest. Identification of the Swiss as ‘Helvetians’ became common in the 18th century and Helvetia appears on official federal coins and stamps (Source: Wikipedia).
Some words about me:
I grew up in Arosa, a small paradise in the mountains of eastern Switzerland located 1800m above sea level. Inspired by such great scenery, photography has become my passion early in life. Since 2005 I work as press photographer for the Swiss press photo agency KEYSTONE in Zurich. Time-lapse photography became a favorite hobby of mine in the year 2011. Besides that I am doing some other private work which can be found here: www.dellabella.ch
Have fun watching the time-lapse videos!
‘Helvetias Traum’ ist ein nächtlicher Streifzug durch die Schweizer Alpen – von Arosa bis Zermatt. Zu den Höhepunkten gehören die weltbekannten Berge Matterhorn und Eiger.
Schenken Sie folgenden Szenen besondere Aufmerksamkeit:
@0:46 Eine Feuerkugel (Meteor) über der Tijerflue in Arosa hinterlässt eine 20 Minuten andauernde Nachleuchtspur. Dabei erzeugt eine durch das Verglühen entstandene katalytische chemische Reaktion Licht. Damit man die Sternschnuppe besser sieht, wurde ein Zeitlupen-Effekt angewendet.
@1:14 Wolken über dem Genfersee beschlagen das Objektiv.
@1:36 Ganz links: Bergsteiger auf dem Weg in die unberechenbare Eiger Nordwand.
@1.44 Die Milchstrasse steigt über dem ‘Esel’ (Pilatus) auf.
@1:58 Pistenfahrzeuge beleuchten das Gipfelkreuz auf dem Fronalpstock.
@2.21 Wind verändert die Spiegelung des Säntis im Seealpsee.
@2.35 Drei Einstellungen mit Sternenbahnen: Diese Darstellung zeigt die scheinbare Bewegung der Sterne, indem die Helligkeit jedes Bildes fortlaufend addiert wird. Das Resultat entspricht im Prinzip einer Langzeitbelichtung mit weit offener Blende.
@2.49 Der zunehmende Neumond (nicht Vollmond) geht über dem Pilatus unter.
Eine Fotogalerie und mehr Informationen über das "making of" gibt es auf www.helvetiabynight.com
‚Helvatia by Night‘ ist ein Zeitraffer-Projekt (Time-Lapse) über die Schweiz bei Nacht. Kurzfilme zeigen die atemberaubende Schönheit der Schweizer Bergwelt und einen spektakulären Sternenhimmel, wie Sie vielleicht erst davon geträumt haben. Alles was hier präsentiert wird, ist jedoch absolut real. Schnell aneinander gereihte Fotos werden zu einem Film, wie in einem Daumenkino.
Helvetias Traum, Frenetisches Zürich und Atomkraft (mit Kühen) sind meine ersten Time-Lapse Filme und damit der Anfang eines spannenden Projektes. Mit jeder Nacht in den Bergen gewinne ich
Frenetic Zurich
Deutscher Text weiter unten.
Zurich is Switzerland’s biggest city and worldwide known for...
published: 19 Mar 2012
author: Alessandro Della Bella
Frenetic Zurich
Deutscher Text weiter unten.
Zurich is Switzerland’s biggest city and worldwide known for its high quality of living (and just happens to be one of the most expensive cities worldwide too!). A picturesque old town, great shopping facilities, a large variety of cultural attractions, a beautiful lakeside and lots of green areas make a visit to Zurich a multifaceted experience. With its international airport the city is a good base to start discovering the country.
Besides that, it’s a cool playground for time-lapse photography. Footage has mostly been shot for testing purposes and shows impressions of a pulsating and electrifying city in winter time. Enjoy!
For the "making of" information and photo gallery check out the project website www.helvetiabynight.com.
‘Helvetia by Night’ is a time-lapse project about Switzerland by night. Short videos of long nights present you the stunning beauty of the Swiss Alps and show you the magic of a spectacular nighttime sky. Imagine watching a slide-show at fast speed or looking at a flip book. It is photography turning into a movie. Everything in the videos is real and happening out there while most of us are sleeping.
The three videos ‘Helvetia’s Dream’, ‘Frenetic Zurich’ and ‘Nuclear Power (and Cows)’ are my first footsteps on the road of time-lapse photography. It is a most exciting road to follow with lots of testing, trying and learning every night I spend photographing in the Swiss mountains. Right now, 3D motion control is my biggest challenge. More time-lapse videos of existing footage will be published soon.
Helvetia is the female national personification of Switzerland. The name is a derivation of the ethnonym Helvetii, the name of the Gaulish tribe inhabiting the Swiss Plateau prior to the Roman conquest. Identification of the Swiss as ‘Helvetians’ became common in the 18th century and Helvetia appears on official federal coins and stamps (Source: Wikipedia).
Some words about me:
I grew up in Arosa, a small paradise in the mountains of eastern Switzerland located 1800m above sea level. Inspired by such great scenery, photography has become my passion early in life. Since 2005 I work as press photographer for the Swiss press photo agency KEYSTONE in Zurich. Time-lapse photography became a favorite hobby of mine in the year 2011. Besides that I am doing some other private work which can be found here: www.dellabella.ch
Have fun watching the time-lapse videos!
Alessandro Della Bella
Zürich, die grösste Stadt der Schweiz und weltweit an vorderster Stelle in Bezug auf Lebensqualität (und -kosten), beeindruckt auf vielfältige Weise.
Eine malerische Altstadt, grossartige Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, ein breites kulturelles Angebot, sowie eine wunderschöne Seepromenade, viele Parks und Grünflächen garantieren einen abwechslungsreichen Aufenthalt. Mit dem internationalen Flughafen in unmittelbarer Nähe bietet Zürich eine gute Basis, um die Schweiz zu entdecken.
Zudem ist die Stadt ein optimaler Spielplatz für Time-Lapse. Die Bilder für diesen Film sind mehrheitlich zu Testzwecken entstanden. Geniessen Sie winterliche Impressionen aus der pulsierenden und elektrisierenden Stadt an der Limmat.
Eine Fotogalerie und mehr Informationen über das "making of" gibt es auf www.helvetiabynight.com
‚Helvatia by Night‘ ist ein Zeitraffer-Projekt (Time-Lapse) über die Schweiz bei Nacht. Kurzfilme zeigen die atemberaubende Schönheit der Schweizer Bergwelt und einen spektakulären Sternenhimmel, wie Sie vielleicht erst davon geträumt haben. Alles was hier präsentiert wird, ist jedoch absolut real. Schnell aneinander gereihte Fotos werden zu einem Film, wie in einem Daumenkino.
Helvetias Traum, Frenetisches Zürich und Atomkraft (mit Kühen) sind meine ersten Time-Lapse Filme und damit der Anfang eines spannenden Projektes. Mit jeder Nacht in den Bergen gewinne ich neue Erfahrungen und lerne Wertvolles dazu. Bald werden weitere Kurzfilme aus bestehendem Material hier aufgeschaltet.
Helvetia ist die vom Volksstamm der Helvetier abgeleitete neulateinische Bezeichnung für die Schweiz und eine allegorische Frauenfigur, welche die Schweiz versinnbildlicht. Auf Briefmarken und Münzen wird bis heute ‚Helvetia‘ als Landesbezeichnung verwendet (Quelle: Wikipedia).
Einige Worte zu meiner Person:
Ich bin in Arosa aufgewachsen, einem kleinen Paradies in der Bündner Bergwelt auf 1800 Metern über Meer. Inspiriert durch die beeindruckende Berglandschaft habe ich schon früh die Fotografie als meine Passion entdeckt. Seit 2005 arbeite ich als Pressefotograf bei der Schweizer Bildagentur KEYSTONE in Zürich. Die Time-Lapse Fotografie ist seit 2011 mein Lieblingshobby. Weitere private Arbeiten gibt es auf www.dellabella.ch
Viel Vergnügen beim Schauen der Time-Lapse Filme!
Alessandro Della Bella
Youtube results:
The Franks 3/3
The Franks (Latin: Franci or gens Francorum) were a confederation of Germanic tribes first...
published: 03 Dec 2011
author: BirkaViking
The Franks 3/3
The Franks (Latin: Franci or gens Francorum) were a confederation of Germanic tribes first attested in the third century AD as living north and east of the Lower Rhine River. From the third to fifth centuries some Franks raided Roman territory while other Franks joined the Roman troops in Gaul. Only the Salian Franks formed a kingdom on Roman-held soil that was acknowledged by the Romans after 357. In the climate of the collapse of imperial authority in the West, the Frankish tribes were united under the Merovingians and conquered all of Gaul except Septimania in the 6th century. The Salian political elite would be one of the most active forces in spreading Christianity over western Europe. The ethnonym "Frank" is thought to be derived from a Germanic word for "bold, fierce". The name has sometimes been traced to the Germanic word for "javelin" (cf. Old English franca, Old Norse frakka), however the opposite may be the case, as in the Latin francisca "throwing axe", which was named after the tribe. A weapon-based tribal name would be comparable to that of the Saxons. The Merovingian dynasty, descended from the Salians, founded one of the Germanic monarchies which replaced the Western Roman Empire from the fifth century. The Frankish state consolidated its hold over large parts of western Europe by the end of the eighth century, developing into the Carolingian Empire which dominated most of Western Europe. This empire would gradually evolve into France and the Holy Roman ...
published: 03 Dec 2011
views: 1550
Sensei's Video
CBH 1 HP Solo ATK: way over cap Bal: 77 Atk Spd: 44 Crit: 70 cuz FI on all the time =D no ...
published: 01 Sep 2012
author: Ethnonym
Sensei's Video
CBH 1 HP Solo ATK: way over cap Bal: 77 Atk Spd: 44 Crit: 70 cuz FI on all the time =D no campfire buff no hp pots no nothing JUST INFINITE INFUSIONZZZZZZ ^(from the words of sensei) stuff and such etc etc.
published: 01 Sep 2012
views: 166
Shamil Abiltay - Modu Chanyu(Oghuz Khan,Модэ Каган)
Written & performed(played) by Shamil Abiltay (The Maestro of Dombra) Author of project is...
published: 27 Jun 2011
author: smileyMia12
Shamil Abiltay - Modu Chanyu(Oghuz Khan,Модэ Каган)
Written & performed(played) by Shamil Abiltay (The Maestro of Dombra) Author of project is: Kairat Zakiryanov , arrangement made by Kanat Zakiryanov (All rights Reserved) . the music dedicated to great Oguz Khan (Oguz Kagan) is a legendary ancestor of all Turkic peoples. His name is identified with the people, "Oguz", which is the main core in the formation of the Turkmen people. This ethnonym recorded in the sources in the I millennium BC in the form of "augas" (the Greek show) as one of the tribes of the Turano-Massaget array, and the very emergence of the nation can be attributed to an earlier time. If we remember the pedigree of the Turkmen-Seljuk and Turkmen Karahanid, to which the historian of Khiva Abulgazi (XVII cent.) In the "Genealogy of the Turkmen", according to her Seljukids Karahanids and believed their ancestor Afrasiyab - the king of ancient rounds (Massagets). Abulgazi writes that the Oguz Khan lived five thousand years ago. There is a clear identification of the Oguz Khan and Afrasiyab (ancient Turks called him Alp Er Tonga). The names of ancient kings were forgotten, and the founder of the Oghuz was named for its people.more info: en.wikipedia.org Enjoy friends ,all best wi6es & love greets! peace& love.
published: 27 Jun 2011
views: 8336