For more details click here: www.visualtour.com 25142 FLUVIAL TERRACE STONE RIDGE, VA 2015...
published: 28 May 2012
Author: jaagnew
For more details click here: www.visualtour.com 25142 FLUVIAL TERRACE STONE RIDGE, VA 20155 $429990, 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 2562 SF, MLS# LO7851285 ASTORIA MODEL HOME FOR SALE *** ALL THE BELLS AND WHISTLES ** DESIGNER PAINT ** CUSTOM TREATMENTS THROUGHOUT ***2 CAR GARAGE TOWNHOMES - 3 FINISHED LEVELS - 3 BEDROOMS - 3,5 BATHS Presented By: James Agnew, Avery Hess Realtors 888-420-4554 jimagnew.com View My Inventory www.visualtour.com
hiking Pacific Crest Trail above Soledad Canyon | 3 April 2010 | part 1
This video depicts a hike on Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail undertaken 3 April 2010. ...
published: 08 Apr 2010
Author: bapyou
hiking Pacific Crest Trail above Soledad Canyon | 3 April 2010 | part 1
This video depicts a hike on Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail undertaken 3 April 2010. The hike begins where the trail crosses Soledad Canyon Road. I hiked down the ramp from the road, crossed the terrace on the south side of the Santa Clara River, crossed the river and then crossed the railroad tracks on the north side of the river, and on up the trail into the mountains north of Soledad Canyon. Along the way I observe the local Metrolink train passing by on the tracks, pass hikers heading south on the trail coming from Vasquez Rocks County Park, discuss the identifying characteristics of breccia (a type of sedimentary rock), make observations of the fluvial geomorphology found along the trail and view spring wild flowers. In part 2 I discuss the general geography of this area from a vantage point overlooking Soledad Canyon, manzanita, and lenticular clouds. A fantastic trail to say the least. Part two is here: www.youtube.com
Riserva Naturale Regionale Bosco di Don Venanzio
A due passi dalla foce del fiume Sinello, il Bosco di Don Venanzio è uno degli ulti...
published: 08 Oct 2010
Author: TrignoSinelloTurismo
Riserva Naturale Regionale Bosco di Don Venanzio
A due passi dalla foce del fiume Sinello, il Bosco di Don Venanzio è uno degli ultimi lembi di foresta planiziaria della costa adriatica, protetto dal 1999 con l'istituzione di una Riserva Naturale. Il bosco si estende per 78 ettari ed è costituito da una serie di terrazzi fluviali progressivamente decrescenti dove è possibile osservare: Brasche, Ranucoli, Sedano d'acqua, Crescione, ed alberi di rare specie igrofile (specie cioè, che "amano l'umidità") che sfiorano i 30 m di altezza e il metro di diametro, come nel caso di alcune Farnie o del Frassino meridionale. È di estremo interesse, inoltre, la persistenza di specie vegetali tipicamente montane, come il bucaneve o l'anemone appenninica, testimoni dell'arcaico paesaggio forestale e di un'epoca in cui il clima della zona era diverso da quello odierno. La fauna locale è rappresentata dai vari uccelli migratori, frequenti nelle zone costiere temperate, da volpi, tassi, talpe e ricci. L'interno del bosco è percorribile da un viale che affianca il canale di alimentazione di un antico mulino. Gli altri percorsi si sviluppano sui margini esterni del bosco e lungo le rive del Sinello. L'accesso al bosco è in prossimità di un antico casolare, al cui interno si trovano il Centro Visite ed un Museo sul bosco. Close to the Sinello River delta, the Wood of Don Venanzio is one of the last strips of the plain forests of the Adriatic coast, protected since 1999 as it was proclaimed a natural reserve. The wood extends for 78 hectares <b>...</b>
Fiume Sinello
Il Fiume Sinello nasce dal monte Fischietto nel Comune di Castiglione Messer Marino e sfoc...
published: 08 Oct 2010
Author: TrignoSinelloTurismo
Fiume Sinello
Il Fiume Sinello nasce dal monte Fischietto nel Comune di Castiglione Messer Marino e sfocia nel mare Adriatico, nel territorio di Casalbordino, dopo aver percorso circa 50 km. Le aree di maggior pregio naturalistico coincidono con la foce: da qui, in prossimità della Riserva di Punta Aderci, è possibile risalire con una canoa l'alveo del fiume, oppure si può percorrere il lungofiume in bicicletta e arrivare al vicino Bosco di Don Venanzio, uno degli ultimi lembi di foresta planiziaria della costa adriatica. Su una serie di terrazzi fluviali progressivamente decrescenti è possibile osservare brasche, ranucoli, sedano d'acqua ed altre specie che amano l'umidità, come lo sparto pungente, il vilucchio marittimo, il carice delle lagune, l'eringio marino, l'euforbia marittima, giunchi, giglio rosso, limonio virgato, verbasco. Nel territorio sorgivo si presentano, invece, ampi tratti di pascolo cespugliato con ginestre e colline coltivate con vigne e frutteti. La fauna locale è rappresentata dai vari uccelli migratori frequenti nelle zone costiere temperate, come il nibbio bruno, il nibbio reale e l'averla piccola. Nelle acque del Sinello trovano habitat ideale anguille, barbi, trote, carpe e pesci rossi. The Sinello River starts its course in the Fischietto Mount in the Municipality of Castiglione Messer Marino, and flows into the Adriatic Sea in the Casalbordino territory, after having run a course of about 50 km. The most valuable naturalistic areas coincide with the river <b>...</b>
Inchannel gravel mining and bar pit capture with audio narrative
You'll see headcuts, incision, terrace formation and more. This clip has an audio narr...
published: 15 Sep 2011
Author: LRRDvideos
Inchannel gravel mining and bar pit capture with audio narrative
You'll see headcuts, incision, terrace formation and more. This clip has an audio narrative by Steve Gough.
The Bosnian Pyramids. 1/4
Hypothesis Confirmed: Near the city of Visoko, 30km north of capital Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herz...
published: 04 Jun 2011
Author: Ziggurathsss
The Bosnian Pyramids. 1/4
Hypothesis Confirmed: Near the city of Visoko, 30km north of capital Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, scientist have discovered the First European pyramids. Numerous layers of evidence and recent international verification have proven that the mound Visocica represents an ancient colossal structure with a readily recognizable pyramid shape. Dr. Prof. Nabil MA Swelim stated after his recent visit: The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is the largest pyramid ever witnessed, it is an amazing structure of great importance for the entire world. Visoko valley contains total of five pyramidal structures. They all have readily recognizable pyramid shape, because of: * visually symmetric geometry * precise orientation in all four cardinal directions * geo-sedimentary composition of evidence from the ground * analysis of satellite images * analysis of satellite thermal images which suggests the characteristics of artificial construction * complex of underground tunnels: Ravne-Visocica-Plješevica-Krstac * peculiar fluvial/erosive geomorphology observed on the Visocica hill * characteristic resonance of Visocica under shelling during the last war * symmetric terraces on a high-resolution geodesic elevation map Categorie:
The Bosnian Pyramids. 2/4
Hypothesis Confirmed: Near the city of Visoko, 30km north of capital Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herz...
published: 04 Jun 2011
Author: Ziggurathsss
The Bosnian Pyramids. 2/4
Hypothesis Confirmed: Near the city of Visoko, 30km north of capital Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, scientist have discovered the First European pyramids. Numerous layers of evidence and recent international verification have proven that the mound Visocica represents an ancient colossal structure with a readily recognizable pyramid shape. Dr. Prof. Nabil MA Swelim stated after his recent visit: The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is the largest pyramid ever witnessed, it is an amazing structure of great importance for the entire world. Visoko valley contains total of five pyramidal structures. They all have readily recognizable pyramid shape, because of: * visually symmetric geometry * precise orientation in all four cardinal directions * geo-sedimentary composition of evidence from the ground * analysis of satellite images * analysis of satellite thermal images which suggests the characteristics of artificial construction * complex of underground tunnels: Ravne-Visocica-Plješevica-Krstac * peculiar fluvial/erosive geomorphology observed on the Visocica hill * characteristic resonance of Visocica under shelling during the last war * symmetric terraces on a high-resolution geodesic elevation map Categorie:
The Bosnian Pyramids. 3/4
Hypothesis Confirmed: Near the city of Visoko, 30km north of capital Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herz...
published: 04 Jun 2011
Author: Ziggurathsss
The Bosnian Pyramids. 3/4
Hypothesis Confirmed: Near the city of Visoko, 30km north of capital Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, scientist have discovered the First European pyramids. Numerous layers of evidence and recent international verification have proven that the mound Visocica represents an ancient colossal structure with a readily recognizable pyramid shape. Dr. Prof. Nabil MA Swelim stated after his recent visit: The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is the largest pyramid ever witnessed, it is an amazing structure of great importance for the entire world. Visoko valley contains total of five pyramidal structures. They all have readily recognizable pyramid shape, because of: * visually symmetric geometry * precise orientation in all four cardinal directions * geo-sedimentary composition of evidence from the ground * analysis of satellite images * analysis of satellite thermal images which suggests the characteristics of artificial construction * complex of underground tunnels: Ravne-Visocica-Plješevica-Krstac * peculiar fluvial/erosive geomorphology observed on the Visocica hill * characteristic resonance of Visocica under shelling during the last war * symmetric terraces on a high-resolution geodesic elevation map Categorie:
The Bosnian Pyramids. 4/4
Hypothesis Confirmed: Near the city of Visoko, 30km north of capital Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herz...
published: 04 Jun 2011
Author: Ziggurathsss
The Bosnian Pyramids. 4/4
Hypothesis Confirmed: Near the city of Visoko, 30km north of capital Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, scientist have discovered the First European pyramids. Numerous layers of evidence and recent international verification have proven that the mound Visocica represents an ancient colossal structure with a readily recognizable pyramid shape. Dr. Prof. Nabil MA Swelim stated after his recent visit: The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is the largest pyramid ever witnessed, it is an amazing structure of great importance for the entire world. Visoko valley contains total of five pyramidal structures. They all have readily recognizable pyramid shape, because of: * visually symmetric geometry * precise orientation in all four cardinal directions * geo-sedimentary composition of evidence from the ground * analysis of satellite images * analysis of satellite thermal images which suggests the characteristics of artificial construction * complex of underground tunnels: Ravne-Visocica-Plješevica-Krstac * peculiar fluvial/erosive geomorphology observed on the Visocica hill * characteristic resonance of Visocica under shelling during the last war * symmetric terraces on a high-resolution geodesic elevation map Categorie:
Bosnia's Valley of the Pyramids. 1/2
www.zigguraths.com Videos about ancient civilizations and more.Ziggu Feel free! And welcom...
published: 29 Mar 2010
Author: Ziggurathss
Bosnia's Valley of the Pyramids. 1/2
www.zigguraths.com Videos about ancient civilizations and more.Ziggu Feel free! And welcome ----------------------------- Hypothesis Confirmed: Near the city of Visoko, 30km north of capital Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, scientist have discovered the First European pyramids. Numerous layers of evidence and recent international verification have proven that the mound Visocica represents an ancient colossal structure with a readily recognizable pyramid shape. Dr. Prof. Nabil MA Swelim stated after his recent visit: The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is the largest pyramid ever witnessed, it is an amazing structure of great importance for the entire world. Visoko valley contains total of five pyramidal structures. They all have readily recognizable pyramid shape, because of: * visually symmetric geometry * precise orientation in all four cardinal directions * geo-sedimentary composition of evidence from the ground * analysis of satellite images * analysis of satellite thermal images which suggests the characteristics of artificial construction * complex of underground tunnels: Ravne-Visocica-Plješevica-Krstac * peculiar fluvial/erosive geomorphology observed on the Visocica hill * characteristic resonance of Visocica under shelling during the last war * symmetric terraces on a high-resolution geodesic elevation map diergeneesmiddelen.net Alles voor uw huisdieren. http Verras uw dierbare of geliefde met een ruiker bloemen.
Bosnia's Valley of the Pyramids. 2/2
Hypothesis Confirmed: Near the city of Visoko, 30km north of capital Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herz...
published: 29 Mar 2010
Author: Ziggurathss
Bosnia's Valley of the Pyramids. 2/2
Hypothesis Confirmed: Near the city of Visoko, 30km north of capital Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, scientist have discovered the First European pyramids. Numerous layers of evidence and recent international verification have proven that the mound Visocica represents an ancient colossal structure with a readily recognizable pyramid shape. Dr. Prof. Nabil MA Swelim stated after his recent visit: The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is the largest pyramid ever witnessed, it is an amazing structure of great importance for the entire world. Visoko valley contains total of five pyramidal structures. They all have readily recognizable pyramid shape, because of: * visually symmetric geometry * precise orientation in all four cardinal directions * geo-sedimentary composition of evidence from the ground * analysis of satellite images * analysis of satellite thermal images which suggests the characteristics of artificial construction * complex of underground tunnels: Ravne-Visocica-Plješevica-Krstac * peculiar fluvial/erosive geomorphology observed on the Visocica hill * characteristic resonance of Visocica under shelling during the last war * symmetric terraces on a high-resolution geodesic elevation map
Splendide propriété sur les bords du Canal du Bourgogne - Montbard - Immobilier Burgundy Life
www.burgundylife.com Ref 19910 Prix nous consulter Sur les bords du Canal du Bourgogne, au...
published: 04 Jun 2011
Author: TheBurgundyLife
Splendide propriété sur les bords du Canal du Bourgogne - Montbard - Immobilier Burgundy Life
www.burgundylife.com Ref 19910 Prix nous consulter Sur les bords du Canal du Bourgogne, au bout d'un chemin réservé exclusivement aux riverains, et à quelques minutes de la gare TGV de Montbard (une heure en TGV de PARIS) vous trouverez cette splendide propriété dans un parc de 3 Ha, avec son jardin Zen, son petit étang et sa piscine chauffée couverte. La maison particulièrement bien conçue est arrosée par la lumière grâce à ses grandes fenêtres. La Terrasse orientée plein sud et accessible par la cuisine, et le salon et domine le parc. Le jardin et le parc sont particulièrement agréables, aménagés avec soins afin de profiter dans les meilleures conditions des nombreux arbres, plantes, statues, petit pont, rochers et cascades. En entrant dans la maison vous trouverez une entrée, une cuisine contemporaine entièrement équipée, un grand séjour/salon offrant de beaux volumes et portes fenêtres, un bureau/atelier avec accès privatif -- (idéal pour l'installation d'un cabinet ou professionnel libérale.)- une douche, un lavabo, un wc. A l'étage, 4 chambres avec chacune un cabinet de toilette. La grande chambre a sa propre salle de bain, et un grand dressing. Au sous-sol, atelier, garage, chaufferie, et douche. Une maison de rêve, avec la tranquillité de la campagne et la douceur de vie, à 1 heure de Paris -- et quelques minutes d'une ville proposant tous commerces. Possibilité aisée de transformation en 'Maison d'hôtes' en profitant du Tourisme Fluvial de la Canal de Bourgogne <b>...</b>
Hoteloogle.com - Cube Hotel Villeneuve-les-Avignon
www.Hoteloogle.com - Ideally located just a ten-minute walk from the ancient city walls of...
published: 17 Apr 2011
Author: Hoteloogle
Hoteloogle.com - Cube Hotel Villeneuve-les-Avignon
www.Hoteloogle.com - Ideally located just a ten-minute walk from the ancient city walls of Avignon and a 15-minute walk from the center of Villeneuve-les-Avignon, Hotel Cube, built in the 60-70 years, offers sober, colourful accommodation. On the Rhone river shores, Hotel Cube is the perfect place to combine leisure and relaxation, as well as discover the famous Palais des Papes palace, walk on the well-known Pont d'Avignon bridge or hike to the Ile de la Barthelasse island, France's biggest fluvial island. Thanks to the hotel's panoramic terrace, with its breathtaking view over the Palais des Papes Palace, Avignon and Mont Ventoux, guests will enjoy an unforgettable holiday in a typical seventies atmosphere. Among the useful amenities at Hotel Cube you will find free wireless Internet access, LCD flat screen TV and complimentary parking.
Waalbrug Nijmegen
The 'Oversteek' with its characteristic main span and the flat first spans fits pe...
published: 26 Jul 2012
Author: zwartsjansma
Waalbrug Nijmegen
The 'Oversteek' with its characteristic main span and the flat first spans fits perfectly with the other Waal bridges. However, its landscape context makes it a unique bridge. Thanks to its asymmetric shape and homogenous appearance the crossing is vividly present in the area. The new city bridge for Nijmegen - the 'Oversteek' ('crossing') - is perfectly integrated into the context. The bridge is responsive to the various atmospheres, situations and areas in the landscape, consisting of the urbanised context of the Waalfront on the southern shore, the fluvial area reaching from the shore to the dyke, the green Oosterhoutsedijk and the city extension on the northern shore. These atmospheres can be found back in the design of the bridge. On the southern shore the 'startup' is interwoven with the complex and rich urban context. The crossing of the river channels is done in one clear gesture: The arch leaps off the southern shore, bounces on the water, then runs out horizontally over the river foreland and the secondary channel, to touch down right behind the Oosterhoutsedijk. Thanks to the continuous road profile with its consistent design the road is experienced as one boulevard. The City bridge is one big gesture from shore to dyke. The first spans on the southern shore are embedded in a terraced landscape that refers to characteristic elements of the area: the bulwarks in the Waalfrontpark and the undulating Valkhof. A couple of comfortable public spaces invite to relax <b>...</b>
Youtube results:
Ngandong 1930's vs. 2008 fossil record
This video illustrates the re-discovery of the bone bed at Ngandong. Using 1930's exca...
published: 22 Oct 2009
Author: l0st78
Ngandong 1930's vs. 2008 fossil record
This video illustrates the re-discovery of the bone bed at Ngandong. Using 1930's excavation data in the form of maps, a series of pits (represented by green boxes) were dug and fossil remains were dated (blue-green globes). By matching the locations of the recent excavation with the historical data, the original bone bed was then mapped and is illuminated as a red layer in this animation. Constructed from TDS data and a satellite image of the Ngandong site along the Bengawan Solo River, on the Indonesian island of Java. The original data was processed in AutoCAD to build a mesh, then the work moved to 3D Studio Max to complete the animated "fly-through." This animation appeared in Dr. Ciochon's presentation given during the 78th annual American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) convention. Here's the abstract of that speech: "Rediscovery of the Homo erectus bed at Ngandong: Site Formation of a late Pleistocene hominin site in Asia. RL Ciochon 1, F. Huffman 2, EA Bettis III 3, Y. Zaim 4, Y. Rizal 4, Aswan 4. 1 Department of Anthropology, University of Iowa, 2 Department of Anthropology, University of Texas, 3 Department of Geoscience, University of Iowa, 4 Department of Geology, Institute of Technology Bandung, Java. Between 1931 and 1933, excavations by the Geological Survey of the Netherland Indies at the site of Ngandong in the Solo Valley, Java yielded 14 specimens of Homo erectus -- one of the largest collections of this species found at a single site <b>...</b>
Hostal El Cid en Fuengirola (Málaga)
www.infohostal.com Reserva ya! Book now! El Hostal el Cid es un alojamiento recientemente ...
published: 28 Nov 2011
Author: Infohostal
Hostal El Cid en Fuengirola (Málaga)
www.infohostal.com Reserva ya! Book now! El Hostal el Cid es un alojamiento recientemente reformado que ofrece a sus clientes la máxima comodidad y un trato amable. Todas sus habitaciones cuentan con baño privado y terraza. www.infohostal.com Algunos servcios prestados por el alojamiento: - Admiten tarjetas de crédito - Aire acondicionado en las habitaciones, - Habitaciones para no fumadores - Lugar céntrico, Minibar en las habitaciones - Televisión en las habitaciones, Wi-fi gratuito Sobre Fuengirola: Fuengirola se asienta sobre una delgada franja litoral de 8 kilómetros en la que se suceden algunas de las mejores playas de la Costa del Sol: Los Boliches, Fuengirola, La Campana, Torreblanca, Las Gaviotas...cuidados arenales cercados por un largo y concurrido paseo marítimo donde se dan cita complejos residenciales, hoteles, restaurantes y otros servicios que permiten disfrutar cómodamente del sol y del mar. Los amantes del deporte disponen de un amplio abanico de posibilidades en Fuengirola. Aquellos que se decanten por el golf, encontrarán tanto en el municipio como en sus alrededores una veintena de magníficos campos de 18 hoyos que permiten practicar esta especialidad durante todo el año. El hipódromo y otras escuelas hípicas de la vecina Mijas ofrecen sus excelentes instalaciones para iniciarse o perfeccionar el arte de la equitación. También se puede practicar el tenis en cualquiera de los clubes de la zona.Los deportes acuáticos poseen en Fuengirola una especial <b>...</b>
B&B; Casa Mimma video, Venice - Budgetplaces.com & Venice35.com
www.budgetplaces.com B&B Casa Mimma is a 2 star accommodation located in the centre of...
published: 18 Oct 2010
Author: Budgetplaces
B&B; Casa Mimma video, Venice - Budgetplaces.com & Venice35.com
www.budgetplaces.com B&B Casa Mimma is a 2 star accommodation located in the centre of Venice, with beautiful rooms and a secluded little garden, where you can really relax and rejuvenate yourself. Staying here, your temporary home in Venice will be in the Santa Croce Sestiere neighbourhood, which is really close to the Santa Lucia Train Station, the Grand Canal, the Strada Nuova (Venice's only 'street'), stops for the Vaporetto water bus, and many other of the city's main attractions. With being so close to the Grand Canal, you can hop on the Vaporetto or a water taxi, and easily reach any of the farther spots, as well as the islands. This 5-room B&B offers double/triple rooms with private bathrooms, and contain all that you'll need for a relaxing and comfortable stay, such as TV, air-conditioning, hair-dryer, heating and cots for babies (extra charge), as well as a balcony/terrace. The breakfast, consisting of Venetian specialities, is included in the price, and in the summer it is served in the private garden, which is a really lovely way to start your day. The decoration of the B&B is really pretty and charming, so you will feel really at home here. The staff will be happy to give you information on the main attractions, as well as advise for where to go off the beaten track. This B&B offers seclusion, peace and a beautiful place to stay, right in the centre of Venice. El B&B Casa Mimma es un alojamiento de 2 estrellas situado en el centro de Venecia, con cómodas <b>...</b>
Hotel Husa Avenida en Pamplona
www.infohostal.com Reserva ya! Book now! www.infohostal.com El Hotel Husa Avenida posee un...
published: 26 Dec 2011
Author: Infohostal
Hotel Husa Avenida en Pamplona
www.infohostal.com Reserva ya! Book now! www.infohostal.com El Hotel Husa Avenida posee una situación privilegiada, al estar en plena zona comercial, financiera y de negocios de Pamplona ya pocos metros del Palacio de Congresos, del Auditorio de Navarra Baluarte y del casco antiguo. El alojamiento cuenta con 30 habitaciones, todas ellas con terraza y un ambiente acogedor y cálido perfecto para todo tipo de huésped. Además, su restaurante le permitirá disfrutar de la gastronomía típica navarra. Algunos servicios que ofrece el alojamiento: - Caja fuerte individual - Parking, Sala de reuniones - Servicio de bar o cafetería - Servicio de lavandería Sobre Pamplona: Pamplona es una ciudad de porte y elegancia, de saber estar y saber divertirse, de historia y modernidad. Pamplona es todo lo que buscas. La capital navarra ofrece una amplia gama de edificios, construcciones y patrimonio histórico que difícilmente podrás encontrar en otra ciudad. Sus emblemas arquitectónicos tienen una solera inabarcable que va desde el gótico de la Cámara de Comptos Reales, del Ayuntamiento y de la Catedral de Santa María, hasta el neoclasicismo del Palacio de Navarra. Pamplona es una ciudad para perderse, para empezar a andar sin rumbo y asombrarse de todo lo que uno se encuentre en su ruta improvisada. Te encontrarás, sin aún quererlo, con los jardines de la Taconera, que conservan restos de la muralla; tropezarás con fuentes de diversos estilos por toda la ciudad; disfrutarás por el paseo de <b>...</b>