- published: 12 Jul 2006
- views: 232709
- author: Lee Presson

1941 theatrical teaser
Spielberg's fourth film, labeled a flop only because it wasn't as successful as Jaws or Cl...
published: 12 Jul 2006
author: Lee Presson
1941 theatrical teaser
Spielberg's fourth film, labeled a flop only because it wasn't as successful as Jaws or Close Encounters. It's still pretty good (way better than AI). It chronicles the paranoia and blind patriotism that gripped the west coast after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and seems oddly familiar in today's political climate. John Belushi plays Wild Wayne Kelso (changed to Wild Bill by the time principle filming began). Dan Aykroyd provides the narration.
- published: 12 Jul 2006
- views: 232709
- author: Lee Presson

1941 Music Video (John Williams)
'1941' is a comedy directed by Steven Spielberg in 1979. It's commonly regarded as one of ...
published: 28 Nov 2009
author: SteVin89
1941 Music Video (John Williams)
'1941' is a comedy directed by Steven Spielberg in 1979. It's commonly regarded as one of his worst films. However has earned a kind of cult status after running on TV in an extended cut. The film was written by Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale with some help from John Milius. The film is about the panic that gripped Los Angeles after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It's a very anarchic and quite a messy film. There are a great many characters in this film, most of which I tried to fit into the video. But the most attention grabbing is John Belushi's lunatic pilot Wild Bill Kelso. One of the best things about the film is its music. Composed by John Williams, it features one of the best marches in his career. '1941' and its music belong to Columbia Pictures.
- published: 28 Nov 2009
- views: 41240
- author: SteVin89

Tea Making Tips (1941)
Welcome to the world of a national obsession and a place where people say 'orf' instead of...
published: 15 Sep 2008
author: BFIfilms
Tea Making Tips (1941)
Welcome to the world of a national obsession and a place where people say 'orf' instead of 'off'. Tea connoisseurs will benefit from the six golden tips for making the perfect cuppa, as well as countless other handy hints (never store your tea next to cheese, for example). There's an assessment of the pros and cons of various teapots and words of wisdom about the tea bush itself. Slightly grotesque methods for producing tea en masse are demonstrated - it was wartime, after all - and tea had to be produced by the oceanful. As such, there are some top tips for cleaning that hard-to-reach tap in your tea urn. Remember: "a dirty tap means dirty tea". (Robin Baker) You can watch over 1000 other complete films and TV programmes from the BFI National Archive free of charge in the Mediatheque at BFI Southbank, London and from October 2008 at the new QUAD centre for art and film in Derby -- www.bfi.org.uk www.derbyquad.co.uk
- published: 15 Sep 2008
- views: 150504
- author: BFIfilms

HMS Barham Explodes and Sinks, 1941 [Full Resolution]
HMS Barham Explodes and Sinks, 1941 [Full Resolution]. Dramatic Newsreel footage captured ...
published: 27 Jul 2011
author: britishpathe
HMS Barham Explodes and Sinks, 1941 [Full Resolution]
HMS Barham Explodes and Sinks, 1941 [Full Resolution]. Dramatic Newsreel footage captured the sinking of the Queen Elizabeth Battleship. A salvo of torpedoes from a German submarine struck from close range on HMS Barham on November 25, 1941 in the Mediterranean. Within four minutes, the battleship had listed over to Port and the ships magazines had exploded, sinking the battleship and killing 863 men. The terrifying explosion was caught on film by Pathe cameraman John Turner who was on an adjacent ship. Check out our playlist: www.youtube.com Subscribe to British Pathe: www.youtube.com Follow us on Twitter: @britishpathe.com Join us on Facebook: www.facebook.com From www.britishpathe.com
- published: 27 Jul 2011
- views: 900406
- author: britishpathe

Hired! (1941) Chevrolet Car Sales Training and Motivation Film
Hired! 1940 Chevrolet Sales Film...
published: 29 Sep 2009
author: USAutoIndustry
Hired! (1941) Chevrolet Car Sales Training and Motivation Film
Hired! 1940 Chevrolet Sales Film
- published: 29 Sep 2009
- views: 48522
- author: USAutoIndustry

1941-42 German Submarines in Color - New Outstanding Clip!!!
romanoarchives.altervista.org digilander.libero.it 1941-42. German footage of the Doenitz'...
published: 24 May 2011
author: UnknownWW2InColor
1941-42 German Submarines in Color - New Outstanding Clip!!!
romanoarchives.altervista.org digilander.libero.it 1941-42. German footage of the Doenitz's submarines in action. With rare shots of Karl Doenitz, Adolf Hitler, Albert Speer and others.Music score (Demo Only) added in 2011 by ROMANO-ARCHIVES (Introspective - Predator Distribution - Black Mesa Winds). Encoded by ROMANO-ARCHIVES. "SUBSCRIBING to this Channel is a MUST for researchers and RARE HISTORICAL FOOTAGE fans!!!" V. Romano This is a clip from the ROMANO-ARCHIVES' new website "Unknown World War 2 in Color"-"WW2 Europe" section. At: ww2incolor.altervista.org Visit also romanoarchives.altervista.org or digilander.libero.it A silent copy of this clip in top quality is available for licensing or private use. Hi-Res videos from our Collections are available on DVD, CD or directly in your inbox. Clips and movies can also be downloaded from our servers using a PW or uploaded by us to your FTP.
- published: 24 May 2011
- views: 94791
- author: UnknownWW2InColor

Великая Война Киев 1941 (Россия) 2012 год
Великая Война Киев 1941 Видео загружено для сайта voenhronika.ru Битва под Киевом (Киевска...
published: 06 May 2012
author: Дмитрий Хроника
Великая Война Киев 1941 (Россия) 2012 год
Великая Война Киев 1941 Видео загружено для сайта voenhronika.ru Битва под Киевом (Киевская стратегическая оборонительная операция) — крупномасштабное сражение Красной Армии и Вермахта в июле-сентябре 1941 в ходе Великой Отечественной войны. С немецкой стороны в сражении участвовала группа армий «Юг» под командованием фельдмаршала Рундштедта, а также 2-я танковая группа и 2-я армия из группы армий «Центр», с советской — войска Юго-Западного фронта под командованием генерала-полковника М. П. Кирпоноса в составе пяти общевойсковых армий и Пинской флотилии под командованием контр-адмирала Д. Д. Рогачёва, под общим руководством Маршала Советского Союза С. М. Будённого. К середине августа 1941 силы немецкой группы армий «Юг» вышли к Днепру на всем течении от Херсона до Киева. Группа армий «Центр», наступая севернее припятских болот, продвинулась до Смоленска (см. карту Июнь-август 1941). 20 августа передовые части 1-я танковой армии перешли Днепр у Запорожья. После упорных боев была также захвачена понтонная переправа в Днепропетровске. Одновременно 17-й армии вермахта удалось форсировать Днепр у Кременчуга и создать плацдарм на левом берегу реки до Черкасс. 6-я армия вплотную подошла к Киеву. Таким образом, оказались под угрозой окружения силы советского Юго-Западного фронта, расположенные в излучине Днепра. Здесь были сосредоточены пять советских армий (с севера на юг) 21-я (В. И. Кузнецов), 5-я (М. И. Потапов), 37-я (А. А. Власов), 26-я (Ф. Я. Костенко), 38-я (Д. И. Рябышев ...
- published: 06 May 2012
- views: 135156
- author: Дмитрий Хроника

Robert Petway - Catfish Blues (1941)
Very little is known about Robert Petway. He recorded only sixteen songs between 1941-1942...
published: 11 Jun 2010
author: cojwat
Robert Petway - Catfish Blues (1941)
Very little is known about Robert Petway. He recorded only sixteen songs between 1941-1942 and there is only one photo available of him. But this song, "Catfish Blues" is an important part of blues history ! For example Muddy Water based his "Rollin' Stone" hit on this recording and you can hear it. Ihope owners of the rights want to see this as an honor to this artist who plays with just wonderful blues-feeling! And same goes to these random photos of other blues artists, which I have found from net. My hope is that everyone can just listen to this fine musician. Enjoy! It's so nice, that you can still buy these recordings on CD, mine is an old vinyl album!
- published: 11 Jun 2010
- views: 141886
- author: cojwat

Ball of Fire (1941) - Gary Cooper - Barbara Stanwyck Comedy Romance Full Movie
www.imdb.com A group of ivory-tower lexicographers realize they need to hear how real peop...
published: 30 Jul 2012
author: oldcomedylover
Ball of Fire (1941) - Gary Cooper - Barbara Stanwyck Comedy Romance Full Movie
www.imdb.com A group of ivory-tower lexicographers realize they need to hear how real people talk, and end up helping a beautiful singer avoid police and escape from the Mob.
- published: 30 Jul 2012
- views: 52564
- author: oldcomedylover

19. Here Comes Mr. Jordan 1941 - Robert Montgomery Full Movie Fantasy Comedy
www.imdb.com DISCLAIMER: I do not own this video. All rights go to its rightful owner. No ...
published: 11 Jan 2012
author: courtois6179
19. Here Comes Mr. Jordan 1941 - Robert Montgomery Full Movie Fantasy Comedy
www.imdb.com DISCLAIMER: I do not own this video. All rights go to its rightful owner. No copyright infringement intended. This was uploaded for information and raising awareness only. I do not earn any money with this. 1491 nadroj rm semoc ereh here comes mr jordan
- published: 11 Jan 2012
- views: 23330
- author: courtois6179

1941 Johnson Automatic Rifle WW2 .30-06 Semi Auto
The Model of 1941 Johnson's Automatic rifle, or known mainly as the "Johnson Automatic" wa...
published: 25 Jul 2011
author: Iraqveteran8888
1941 Johnson Automatic Rifle WW2 .30-06 Semi Auto
The Model of 1941 Johnson's Automatic rifle, or known mainly as the "Johnson Automatic" was a very robust and well made firearm, but could not deliver the goods quite as well as the M1 Garand, which went on to be America's first semi auto service rifle and spawned one of the greatest battle rifles made: The M14. The M1941 has pretty much fallen into obscurity and become one of the most collectible military surplus long guns ever made. Less than 200000 were made to include Venezuelan contract Johnsons in 7mm Mauser.
- published: 25 Jul 2011
- views: 56022
- author: Iraqveteran8888

Hellzapoppin' (1941) - Slim Gaillard & Slam Stewart - The Harlem Congeroos
Slim Gaillard - piano, guitar Slam Stewart - bass Rex Stewart - trumpet Elmer Fane - clari...
published: 28 May 2009
author: Gregory May
Hellzapoppin' (1941) - Slim Gaillard & Slam Stewart - The Harlem Congeroos
Slim Gaillard - piano, guitar Slam Stewart - bass Rex Stewart - trumpet Elmer Fane - clarinet Jap Jones - trombone CP Jonstone - drums Awesome dance sequence that's part of a movie chuck-full of fun stuff and worth the DVD Purchase!!
- published: 28 May 2009
- views: 124761
- author: Gregory May

Pearl Harbor Attacked - NBC News 1941
Pearl Harbor Attacked - NBC News December 7, 1941...
published: 08 Dec 2010
author: 80omar80omar80
Pearl Harbor Attacked - NBC News 1941
Pearl Harbor Attacked - NBC News December 7, 1941
- published: 08 Dec 2010
- views: 42014
- author: 80omar80omar80

Jay Leno's Garage: 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe Business Coupe
Subscribe NOW to Jay Leno's Garage: full.sc Jay goes old school with this bulletproof pre-...
published: 20 Aug 2012
author: JayLenosGarage
Jay Leno's Garage: 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe Business Coupe
Subscribe NOW to Jay Leno's Garage: full.sc Jay goes old school with this bulletproof pre-Pearl Harbor Plymouth, passed to him by a man known as Fred the Kingpin. There's really nothing like original and unrestored, before power steering and brakes, when America built the best cars in the world... Check out the Official Jay Leno's Garage Site for more: JayLenosGarage.com Get more Jay Leno's Garage Follow Jay: Twitter.com Like Jay: Facebook.com Get more NBC: NBC YouTube: full.sc NBC Facebook: facebook.com NBC Twitter: twitter.com NBC Pinterest: pinterest.com NBC Tumblr: nbctv.tumblr.com Tonight Show host Jay Leno explores his passion for all things on wheels in this Emmy Award-winning web series. Jay Leno's Garage: 1941 Plymouth Special Deluxe Business Coupe www.youtube.com
- published: 20 Aug 2012
- views: 29314
- author: JayLenosGarage
Youtube results:

That Hamilton Woman 1941 - Vivien Leigh (FULL MOVIE) subtitulos en español
Sir William Hamilton, a widower of mature years, is British ambassador to the Court of Nap...
published: 01 Oct 2011
author: Jaime Altimiras
That Hamilton Woman 1941 - Vivien Leigh (FULL MOVIE) subtitulos en español
Sir William Hamilton, a widower of mature years, is British ambassador to the Court of Naples. Emma who comes for a visit with her mother wouldn't cut the grade with London society but she gets along well with the Queen of Naples. Emma likes being Lady Hamilton and life goes smoothly until Lord Nelson pays a visit. Sir William decides at first to let his young wife have her fling and pretends not to know what is going on. But the real life lovers, whose first screen romance was in "Fire Over England" (1937) have an even more burning passion for each other in this film.
- published: 01 Oct 2011
- views: 83521
- author: Jaime Altimiras

11. Bedtime Story - 1941 Fredric March Loretta Young Full Movie Comedy .flv
www.imdb.com 1491 yrots emitdeb bedtime story...
published: 15 Jan 2012
author: courtois6179
11. Bedtime Story - 1941 Fredric March Loretta Young Full Movie Comedy .flv
www.imdb.com 1491 yrots emitdeb bedtime story
- published: 15 Jan 2012
- views: 23463
- author: courtois6179

1941 (6/11) Movie CLIP - Wood, Hollis P. (1979) HD
1941 Movie Clip - watch all clips j.mp click to subscribe j.mp Hollis (Slim Pickens) is in...
published: 01 Jun 2011
author: movieclips
1941 (6/11) Movie CLIP - Wood, Hollis P. (1979) HD
1941 Movie Clip - watch all clips j.mp click to subscribe j.mp Hollis (Slim Pickens) is interrogated by the Japanese Navy lead by Cmdr. Mitamura (Toshiro Mifune). TM & © Universal (2012) Cast: Christopher Lee, Dr. Akio Mitamura, Slim Pickens, Hiroshi Shimizu Director: Steven Spielberg MOVIECLIPS YouTube Channel: j.mp Join our Facebook page: j.mp Follow us on Twitter: j.mp Buy Movie: amzn.to Producer: Buzz Feitshans, Janet Healy, Michael Kahn, John Milius Screenwriter: Robert Zemeckis, Bob Gale, John Milius Film Description: It's December of 1941, and the people of California are in varying states of unease, ranging from a sincere desire to defend the country to virtual blind panic in the wake of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Thus begin several story threads that comprise the "plot" of this strange period comedy, a sort of satirical disaster movie, from Steven Spielberg. The stories and story threads involve lusty young men, officers (Tim Matheson) and civilians (Bobby Di Cicco) alike, eager to bed the young ladies of their dreams; Wild Bill Kelso, a nutty fighter pilot (John Belushi) following what he thinks is a squadron of Japanese fighters along the California coast; a well-meaning but clumsy tank crew (including John Candy) led by straight-arrow, by-the-book Sgt. Tree (Dan Aykroyd), who doesn't recognize the thug (Treat Williams) in his command; and homeowner Ward Douglas (Ned Beatty), who is eager to do his part for the nation's defense and, despite the ...
- published: 01 Jun 2011
- views: 22389
- author: movieclips

World War Two : 1941 and the man of steel.
Exploring Josef Stalin's handling of the conflict between the Soviet Union and Germany dur...
published: 22 Jul 2011
author: MrRhar1
World War Two : 1941 and the man of steel.
Exploring Josef Stalin's handling of the conflict between the Soviet Union and Germany during the Second World War, revealing how the dictator's mental frailties nearly caused his country to fall to the Nazis in 1941, and examining the compromises he was forced to make in order to survive. Also investigating the events that led to Stalin eventually siding with the Allied powers, including Winston Churchill's 1942 visit to Moscow.
- published: 22 Jul 2011
- views: 91494
- author: MrRhar1