Dr. Albert Schweitzer - Full Documentary
In this long lost ACADEMY AWARD winning documentary covering the life and times of the leg...
published: 10 Dec 2011
author: DianeDi
Dr. Albert Schweitzer - Full Documentary
In this long lost ACADEMY AWARD winning documentary covering the life and times of the legendary humanitarian and Nobel Peace Prize winner, the camera follows the good doctor around his hospital in French Equatorial Africa, where his efforts had helped the villagers build and improve their way of life. This amazing documentary features narration by legendary actors Burgess Meredith and Fredric March with incredible on-location footage of Albert Schweitzer at his hospital in Africa. Best Documentary -- 1957 A man is truly ethical only when he obeys the compulsion to help all life which he is able to assist, and shrinks from injuring anything that lives. -Albert Schweitzer
published: 10 Dec 2011
views: 5966
Dr. Albert Schweitzer - Part 1 of 8
FULL DOCUMENTARY HERE: www.youtube.com In this long lost ACADEMY AWARD winning documentary...
published: 30 Jun 2009
author: DianeDi
Dr. Albert Schweitzer - Part 1 of 8
FULL DOCUMENTARY HERE: www.youtube.com In this long lost ACADEMY AWARD winning documentary covering the life and times of the legendary humanitarian and Nobel Peace Prize winner, the camera follows the good doctor around his hospital in French Equatorial Africa, where his efforts had helped the villagers build and improve their way of life. This amazing documentary features narration by legendary actors Burgess Meredith and Fredric March with incredible on-location footage of Albert Schweitzer at his hospital in Africa. Best Documentary 1957 A man is truly ethical only when he obeys the compulsion to help all life which he is able to assist, and shrinks from injuring anything that lives. -Albert Schweitzer
published: 30 Jun 2009
author: DianeDi
views: 30123
Albert Schweitzer, JSBach: Fantasy and Fugue G-mol, BWV542
Albert Schweitzer plays Fantasy and Fugue G-mol BWV542 by JS Bach. * Reverence for Life * ...
published: 16 Dec 2008
author: drnespor
Albert Schweitzer, JSBach: Fantasy and Fugue G-mol, BWV542
Albert Schweitzer plays Fantasy and Fugue G-mol BWV542 by JS Bach. * Reverence for Life * * www.drnespor.eu * www.aa.org * www.sweb.cz/aacesko
published: 16 Dec 2008
author: drnespor
views: 35681
Albert Schweitzer - A 'Controversial' Christian
Click here to buy the DVD: firstrunfeatures.com ALBERT SCHWEITZER - CALLED TO AFRICA Dr. A...
published: 25 Aug 2009
author: firstrunfeaturesnyc
Albert Schweitzer - A 'Controversial' Christian
Click here to buy the DVD: firstrunfeatures.com ALBERT SCHWEITZER - CALLED TO AFRICA Dr. Albert Schweitzer is remembered around the world as one of the great humanitarians of the 20th century, a man who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in healing the sick and injured in Africa. This towering figure - jungle doctor, pastor, philosopher, and celebrated musician - was revered by royalty and the famous of his day. Yet the price of his fame was paid for in part by his wife and daughter, left behind in Europe while he pursued his African dream. Albert Schweitzer: Called to Africa tells his remarkable story through the eyes of his wife, Helene, a nurse who shared her husband's dream of carving a hospital out of the rugged African jungle. Filmed on location in Strasbourg, France, where the young Schweitzer gave organ recitals and preached, and in Gabon, West Africa, where the hospital he founded continues to treat people today, this inspiring docu-drama brings to life the story of Albert Schweitzer, and is enhanced by real-life interviews with family members, biographers, theologians, and others. WINNER! Gabriel Award, 2008 WINNER! Telly Award, 2009 Recommended Reading: Out of My Life and Thought: An Autobiography by Albert Schweitzer The African Sermons by Albert Schweitzer Albert Schweitzer: A Biography by James Brabazon Bonus materials: * Director's Thoughts (Short Film) * The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship (Short Film) * Filmmaker Biography Format: DVD Release Year : 2006 ...
published: 25 Aug 2009
author: firstrunfeaturesnyc
views: 6401
Albert Schweitzer 1963
20th Century People...
published: 03 Mar 2009
author: Marty Perlmutter
Albert Schweitzer 1963
Albert Schweitzer Fellowship
For decades, The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship (ASF) has supported emerging professionals i...
published: 23 Mar 2010
author: LMPwork
Albert Schweitzer Fellowship
For decades, The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship (ASF) has supported emerging professionals in translating their idealism into effective action that addresses health disparities in the US and Africa. ASF's mission? To develop "Leaders in Service": individuals who are dedicated and skilled in addressing the health needs of underserved communities, and whose example influences and inspires others.
published: 23 Mar 2010
author: LMPwork
views: 426
Albert Schweitzer's Legacy for Education
Albert Schweitzer was best known as a European doctor who founded a hospital in Africa and...
published: 04 Feb 2011
author: washingtonstateuniv
Albert Schweitzer's Legacy for Education
Albert Schweitzer was best known as a European doctor who founded a hospital in Africa and won the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize. Here, scholar AG Rud explains that Schweitzer also had important lessons to share about how we should teach and learn. Rud is dean of the Washington State University College of Education and author of Albert Schweitzer's Legacy for Education: Reverence for Life (Palgrave Macmillan).
published: 04 Feb 2011
author: washingtonstateuniv
views: 1055
Albert Schweitzer: My Life is My Argument
ALBERT SCHWEITZER: MY LIFE IS MY ARGUMENT presents the life story of Albert Schweitzer and...
published: 27 Oct 2011
author: QuinnipiacUniversity
Albert Schweitzer: My Life is My Argument
ALBERT SCHWEITZER: MY LIFE IS MY ARGUMENT presents the life story of Albert Schweitzer and explores his decision to give up a prestigious career as a musician and philosopher to become a medical doctor and serve native inhabitants of Gabon, Africa. Schweitzer's life continues to inform a new generations that there is great value in offering service to others. Executive Producer: David T. Ives Directed by Liam O'Brien Camera & Editing by Rebecca Abbott
published: 27 Oct 2011
author: QuinnipiacUniversity
views: 410
Albert Schweitzer Plays Chorale Overture by JS Bach
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) was a theologian, musician, philosopher, medical doctor, pea...
published: 03 Jan 2008
author: drnespor
Albert Schweitzer Plays Chorale Overture by JS Bach
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) was a theologian, musician, philosopher, medical doctor, peace activist and Nobel Price Peace Laureate. The cornerstone of his philosophy is reverence for life. --- Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) byl theologem, hudebníkem, filozofem, nositelem Nobelovy ceny míru a mírovým aktivistou. Základem jeho filozofie je úcta k životu. I v češtině vyšla řada jeho knih. --- Svépomocné příručky pro závislé jsou zdarma na www.drnespor.eu
published: 03 Jan 2008
author: drnespor
views: 23903
Tribute to Albert Schweitzer
Dedicated to Carol. Happy Birthday and many thanks for your love, your selflessness and hu...
published: 03 Aug 2010
author: deepdivemouse
Tribute to Albert Schweitzer
Dedicated to Carol. Happy Birthday and many thanks for your love, your selflessness and humanity for so many years in the care of your daughter Terry. Your particular commitment made me think of Albert Schweitzer. A hug from me to your special day and my best wishes to you. #23 - Heiß diskutiert (heute)) - Gemeinnütziges Engagement #89 - Heiß diskutiert (diese Woche)) - Gemeinnütziges Engagement #20 - Favoriten (heute)) - Gemeinnütziges Engagement #30 - Beste Bewertung (heute)) - Gemeinnütziges Engagement Neneh Cherry wrote and recorded this as a duet with Senegalese artist Youssou N'Dour. For Neneh it was very important to work with an African artist, particularily on a song about racism and people's ways of looking at color. '7 Seconds' is about the first positive 7 seconds in the life of a child just born, not knowing about the problems and violence in our world. The song is sung in three different languages: Youssou sings Wolof, the Senegalese language, and French, Neneh sings English. "They told us to translate it to English so that everybody can understand what it is about . But not everybody speaks English and why does it always have to be the dominant language. People should just learn to listen and see whether they like it and feel what it is about...!" (From Neneh Cherry's website) www.nenehcherry.de www.youssou.com Albert Schweitzer (14 January 1875 -- 4 September 1965) was a Franco-German (Alsatian) theologian, organist, philosopher, and physician. He was born ...
published: 03 Aug 2010
author: deepdivemouse
views: 2810
Albert Schweitzer
Directors: Jerome Hill (2005) Starring: Fredric March, Albert Schweitzer, Phillip Eckert, ...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: Tromamovies
Albert Schweitzer
Directors: Jerome Hill (2005) Starring: Fredric March, Albert Schweitzer, Phillip Eckert, Adele Woytt, Burgess Meredith This biographical drama/part-time documentary, narrative written by Dr. Albert Schweitzer and spoken by Frederic March, traces the life of Dr. Schweitzer (with actors playing the characters), from his birth in France up to about the age of 30 when he makes the decision to go to French Equatorial Africa and build his jungle hospital. The latter half of the film encompasses a full day in the hospital-village following the 80s-plus Samaritan in his daily rounds www.troma.com
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: Tromamovies
views: 659
Creative Quotations from Albert Schweitzer for Jan 14
Selected quotations from Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) illustrating five components of cre...
published: 12 Jan 2008
author: CreativeQuotations
Creative Quotations from Albert Schweitzer for Jan 14
Selected quotations from Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) illustrating five components of creativity. Alsatian theologian, musician, medical missionary. A brilliant scholar and missionary doctor to Africa. Born on Jan 14.
published: 12 Jan 2008
author: CreativeQuotations
views: 6174
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) plays JSBach Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, BWV 731 Rec.1936
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) plays JSBach Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, BWV 731 Rec.1936 ...
published: 03 Feb 2009
author: edwinfischer1886
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) plays JSBach Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, BWV 731 Rec.1936
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) plays JSBach Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, BWV 731 Rec.1936 en.wikipedia.org
published: 03 Feb 2009
author: edwinfischer1886
views: 37104
Albert Schweitzer - Anatomie eines Heiligen
"Albert Schweitzer, 1875 in Kaysersberg bei Colmar im Oberelsass geboren und 1965 in Lamba...
published: 09 May 2012
author: netzpersona
Albert Schweitzer - Anatomie eines Heiligen
"Albert Schweitzer, 1875 in Kaysersberg bei Colmar im Oberelsass geboren und 1965 in Lambaréné, Gabun gestorben, gilt als der moderne Heilige des 20. Jahrhunderts. Er wird zum Sinnbild des Dschungelarztes, der in Afrika Leben rettet und der das Konzept "Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben" entwickelt. 1953 bekommt er rückwirkend für das Jahr 1952 den Friedensnobelpreis zugesprochen. Albert Schweitzer war eines der wenigen Universalgenies, herausragend als Theologe, Philosoph, Musiker, Arzt und Entwicklungshelfer, und er war einer der ersten Aktivisten im Kampf gegen Nuklearwaffen und gleichzeitig Vorvater der Umweltschutzbewegung. "The Greatest Man in the World" titelte das "TIME Magazine" 1953. Neben der tiefen Verehrung, die Schweitzer bereits zu seinen Lebzeiten erfuhr, gab und gibt es jedoch immer wieder auch kritische Stimmen, die seinen Ruf schmälern, seine Absichten infrage stellen und ihn mit dem Vorwurf der kolonialen Attitüde konfrontieren. Wer also war Albert Schweitzer wirklich? Und sind seine Ansichten heute noch für die Welt relevant? Filmemacher Georg Misch begibt sich auf eine Spurensuche." ARTE 2011
published: 09 May 2012
author: netzpersona
views: 1724
Vimeo results:
53rd Journalism Awards Gala (part 1)
A1. PRINT (Over 50,000 circulations)
Patrick Range McDonal...
published: 18 Jul 2011
author: EDP
53rd Journalism Awards Gala (part 1)
A1. PRINT (Over 50,000 circulations)
Patrick Range McDonald, LA Weekly
Comments: "Range" is an appropriate middle name. What incredibly
detailed reporting on a variety of complicated topics. What an ability to
make us feel as if we know the players. What skill in explaining messy
situations. The very essence of solid journalism.
2nd place: David Evans, Bloomberg Markets, "Duping the Families of
Fallen Soldiers"
HM: Mariel Garza, Los Angeles Daily News Editorials
A2. PRINT (Under 50,000 circulation)
Radley Balko, Reason Magazine
Comment: ―Radley Balko is one of those throw-back journalists that
understands the power of groundbreaking reporting and how to make a
significant impact through his work. Time and time again, his stories cause
readers to stop, think, and most significantly, take action.
2nd Place: Dan Evans, Glendale News-Press
HM: Ryan Vaillancourt, Los Angeles Downtown News
Ana Garcia and Fred Mamoun, KNBC-TV
Garcia and Mamoun shoot, write and edit compelling stories. One of
their strengths as a team is the obvious respect for their subjects, and the
ability through contacts in the community to land exclusive interviews and
opportunities. They are strong storytellers and the pieces move!
2nd Place: Antonio Valverde, Univision
Valverde has a wide range as a journalist. He is able to work with various
segments of the community to tell compelling stories. He has political
acumen and can accurately and fairly tell stories, while also reaching out
to the disenfranchised to share their stories of life in L.A.
Susan Valot, KPCC
Comments: Well-rounded reports with authoritative, informed tone. Great
use of sound. Valot‘s work is some of the best we‘ve heard.
2nd Place: Brian Watt: KPCC
HM: Kitty Felde: KPCC
Daniel Heimpel, FosteringMediaConnections.org
2nd Place: Chris Hedges, Truthdig.com
HM: Robert Scheer, Truthdig.com
Kim Masters, KCRW-FM Radio
Comments: Nice voice in both senses of the word, along with substantive
content. Covering a story about outed CIA agent Valerie Plame, she
tracked down Plame to comment on her portrayal, rather than just talking
to the actress. She also gave a lot of information on entertainment agents
that broadened the picture the public was likely to have of that
2nd Place: Tara Wallis-Finestone, NBC LA
HM: George Pennacchio, KABC-TV
Rick Loomis, Los Angeles Times
Over 50,000 circulations – including news bureaus and correspondents
Tracy Manzer and Sarah Peters, Long Beach Press-Telegram, "Heroes foil
bank heist"
Comments: The writing was appropriately-paced for the category and
the story content. I enjoyed the writers' use of sensory details and factual
information, presented with a slightly humorous/sarcastic tone that made
this piece fun to read.
Patrick Range McDonald, LA Weekly, ―The Parent Trigger‖.
Comments: Documents a groundswell of democracy while explaining a
new law through a real-world prism. Powerful. Incredibly well-sourced and
informative, yet provides a human touch. The story of poor minorities trying
to make a change documented how the masses can move the
establishment. Inspiring to others, this story shows what newspaper do like
no other. Bravo.
2nd Place: Thomas Curven, Los Angeles Times, ―Walking Away from Grief‖
HM: Kristopher Hanson, Long Beach Press-Telegram, ―Dangers Close to
Steve Friess, LA Weekly, ―A Tragic Love Story‖
2nd Place: Charlotte Hsu, LA Weekly, ―Forever Scared — The Story of
Herman Atkins‖
HM: Karen Robes Meeks, Long Beach Press-Telegram, ―Murchison: A
Portrait of a Long Beach Lobbyist‖
David Evans, Bloomberg News, "Fallen Soldiers' Families Denied Cash
Payout as Insurers Profit"
Comments: These articles are the soul of great investigative journalism,
uncovering a shocking system whereby the families of slain soldiers are
tricked about benefits, and where shameless insurance companies reap
big profits at the expense of those families.
Best of all, it led to immediate Congressional investigations and action.
2nd place: Beth Barrett, LA Weekly, "The Dance of the Lemons"
HM: Monica Alonzo and Simone Wilson, LA Weekly, "Culture of Cruelty"
Alana Semuels, Los Angeles Times, "California unfriendly to business?
Figures say no"
Comments: This is an authoritative and well-documented piece that
refutes the common wisdom of California's tax structure being unfriendly
to business.
2nd place: Beth Barrett, LA Weekly, "Barry Minkow 2.0"
HM: Donna Howell, Investor's Business Daily,
Albert Schweitzer
1957. USA. Produced and directed by Jerome Hill. Cinematography by Erica Anderson. Musi...
published: 15 Jul 2011
author: Jerome Foundation
Albert Schweitzer
1957. USA. Produced and directed by Jerome Hill. Cinematography by Erica Anderson. Music by Alec Wilder. Narrated by Burgess Meredith and Fredric March. Oscar-winning documentary traces the life and work of the French philosopher, physician, and missionary. 82 min.
Vor einigen Jahren nahmen mein Freund und ich seine damals sieben jährige Tochter Jessica ...
published: 01 Dec 2009
author: Kris Hofmann
Vor einigen Jahren nahmen mein Freund und ich seine damals sieben jährige Tochter Jessica auf einen Angelausflug mit. Als sie den ersten Fisch fing, wollte ich ihn ihr wegnehmen um das Tier zu töten und es für das Abendessen zuzubereiten.
Jessica fing bitterlich an zu weinen an und war empört über den Gedanken, das schöne Tier zu essen.
Wir warfen den Fisch zurück in den Teich und gingen stattdessen in einen Supermarkt, um dort etwas zu Essen zu kaufen....
...Jessica entschied sich für Fischstäbchen.
Frühstück war inspiriert von dieser fast verlorengegangenen Verbindung zwischen den Tieren die wir schätzen, und denen, die sich auf unserem Speisezettel wiederfinden.
Besonders stolz sind wir, dass Breakfast sich in der
deutschen Fassung die Stimme von Alexander Hacke
ausleihen durfte!
Ein großes Dankeschön an Alexander & Danielle!
director/ Kris Hofmann
voice over/ Alexander Hacke
Illustrations/ Page Tsou & Kris Hofmann
cinematography/ Mirko Beutler
sound/ Tobias Eiving
thanks to/ Mahi Klosterhalfen, Danielle de Picciotto,
Rick Poyner, Nick Bell, Herwig Hofmann & Anita Hofmann
Godofredo - 20% Albert Schweitzer
shorter web version
Godofredo Stutzin was a wise and cantankerous old man, who dedicated h...
published: 13 Oct 2010
author: livlin productions
Godofredo - 20% Albert Schweitzer
shorter web version
Godofredo Stutzin was a wise and cantankerous old man, who dedicated his life to
protecting animals and the environment. The retired lawyer and winner of Germany's
prestigious Federal Cross of Merit is highly sceptical of the future prospects of our natural
world. Born to a Jewish father, Stutzin fled Nazi-Germany in 1935 and founded Chile’s first
conservation society in the late 1960s. The many awards decorating his office testify to his
tenacity and dedication. In his 50-year-long struggle Godofredo was driven by his belief that
only a life lived for and with nature was worth living.
He died in 2010.
Director: Gaby Lingke
Camera: Pablo Valdes
Editing: Sabine Smit
Youtube results:
Albert Schweitzer - Official Trailer
Now on iTunes: itunes.com This biography/documentary, narrative written by Dr. Albert Schw...
published: 15 Sep 2009
author: NewVideoDigital
Albert Schweitzer - Official Trailer
Now on iTunes: itunes.com This biography/documentary, narrative written by Dr. Albert Schweitzer and spoken by Frederic March, traces the life of Dr. Schweitzer, from his birth in France up to about the age of 30.
published: 15 Sep 2009
author: NewVideoDigital
views: 5280
Albert Schweitzer Leadership for Life Conference Highlights 2011
Here's the lowdown from the Albert Schweitzer Leadership for Life Conference 2011. Young p...
published: 13 Dec 2011
author: ForoigeChannel
Albert Schweitzer Leadership for Life Conference Highlights 2011
Here's the lowdown from the Albert Schweitzer Leadership for Life Conference 2011. Young people gathered from all over the world to learn how to practice leadership and find out what it truly means to be a great leader. To get involved in the 2012 Programme, contact your local Foróige office today! bit.ly Get more Foróige videos, news, photos and cool stuff here! www.facebook.com www.twitter.com
published: 13 Dec 2011
author: ForoigeChannel
views: 928
Albert SCHWEITZER - HQ Kino Trailer deutsch (Kinostart 24.12.2009)
Kinotrailer für den Film SCHWEITZER, der das Leben des Friedensnobelpreisträgers ALBERT SC...
published: 01 Sep 2009
author: Schweitzerderfilm
Albert SCHWEITZER - HQ Kino Trailer deutsch (Kinostart 24.12.2009)
Kinotrailer für den Film SCHWEITZER, der das Leben des Friedensnobelpreisträgers ALBERT SCHWEITZER nachzeichnet. Kinostart ist am 24.12.2009. Mehr Infos auch auf www.albertschweitzer-derfilm.de
published: 01 Sep 2009
author: Schweitzerderfilm
views: 24341