- published: 28 Jan 2011
- views: 3461
- author: Marko Vargazon

Regent titan 140 & MF5455
published: 28 Jan 2011
author: Marko Vargazon
Regent titan 140 & MF5455
- published: 28 Jan 2011
- views: 3461
- author: Marko Vargazon

Åktur i Scania Regent
En kort åktur med Richard Öhman i hans plogförsedda Scania Regent. www.richardstraktormuse...
published: 06 Mar 2009
author: VeterantraktorOla
Åktur i Scania Regent
En kort åktur med Richard Öhman i hans plogförsedda Scania Regent. www.richardstraktormuseum.se
- published: 06 Mar 2009
- views: 25165
- author: VeterantraktorOla

Christopher Bailey Introduces Burberry 121 Regent Street, London
Christopher Bailey, Burberry Chief Creative Officer, introduces 121 Regent Street, London,...
published: 13 Sep 2012
author: Burberry
Christopher Bailey Introduces Burberry 121 Regent Street, London
Christopher Bailey, Burberry Chief Creative Officer, introduces 121 Regent Street, London, the new Burberry World Live Flagship. The innovative space seamlessly merges the physical and digital, bringing Burberry.com to life. 121 Regent Street is a celebration of British design and craftsmanship.
- published: 13 Sep 2012
- views: 46509
- author: Burberry

Regent Pistol Breakdown
The breakdown of the Regent .45 ACP M1911-A1 style pistol firearm. This video shows how to...
published: 23 Feb 2011
author: UmarexArms
Regent Pistol Breakdown
The breakdown of the Regent .45 ACP M1911-A1 style pistol firearm. This video shows how to completely break down the pistol while showing some of the features that make this particular pistol a great value. The bar stock slide and steel investment cast frame add to the quality that you get for the price in this pistol. The Stainless steel hammer forged barrel and the low cut ejection port with the wide spur hammer and arched mainspring housing all combine for a high quality pistol at a low pricepoint.
- published: 23 Feb 2011
- views: 17215
- author: UmarexArms

The Get Up Kids - Regent's Court (Official Video)
Directed by Pat Vamos Regents Court off the album There Are Rules - available now! iTunes:...
published: 19 May 2011
author: TheGetUpKidsOfficial
The Get Up Kids - Regent's Court (Official Video)
Directed by Pat Vamos Regents Court off the album There Are Rules - available now! iTunes: itunes.apple.com CD Purchase: www.bluecollardistro.com
- published: 19 May 2011
- views: 11548
- author: TheGetUpKidsOfficial

Steyr 290 és Regent eke
published: 23 Jan 2011
author: Vörös László
Steyr 290 és Regent eke
- published: 23 Jan 2011
- views: 10881
- author: Vörös László

Szántás Regent titán 150 scx variable...
published: 19 Sep 2010
author: kutiviktor1
Szántás Regent titán 150 scx variable
- published: 19 Sep 2010
- views: 2214
- author: kutiviktor1

Regent Seven Seas Cruises - Enjoy... It's all included.
Enjoy the most inclusive luxury cruise experience ever. This is cruising as it was meant t...
published: 02 Dec 2011
author: RegentLuxuryCruise
Regent Seven Seas Cruises - Enjoy... It's all included.
Enjoy the most inclusive luxury cruise experience ever. This is cruising as it was meant to be - a world where everything is included, without exception and without compromise. Personal service soars into the sublime aboard our elegant ships, liberating you to follow your heart, fulfill your desires, and explore exciting new places in complete and absolute comfort. Expect gratifying luxuries. Anticipate the world's most exotic destinations. Indulge in world-class cuisine. Trust that your voyage will be enlightening in ways you never imagined. Regent Seven Seas Cruises promises an extraordinary experience. Enjoy... it's all included.
- published: 02 Dec 2011
- views: 14743
- author: RegentLuxuryCruise

The Regent Street Shuffle
Shot the same day as the Oxford Street footage - a ride down Regent Street on my way to Sh...
published: 10 May 2007
author: quasimojo
The Regent Street Shuffle
Shot the same day as the Oxford Street footage - a ride down Regent Street on my way to Shaftesbury Avenue. Most of Oxford Street is prohibited for cars but Regent Street is one of the main thoroughfares into the West End and is always solid. I can't believe people sit in this stuff...
- published: 10 May 2007
- views: 15908
- author: quasimojo

Torchlight 2: Engineer Gameplay (Grand Regent Eldrayn)
My promised playthrough has started, check it out: www.youtube.com Some more : Torchlight ...
published: 19 May 2012
author: WolfsGoRawr
Torchlight 2: Engineer Gameplay (Grand Regent Eldrayn)
My promised playthrough has started, check it out: www.youtube.com Some more : Torchlight 2: Engineer Gameplay (Grand Regent Eldrayn) More Gameplay and Coverage of Torchlight 2: www.youtube.com "Veteran" Engineer Gameplay in the current beta weekend, Last boss Grand regent eldrayn Facebook page: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Steamgroup: steamcommunity.com Kevin Mcleod - Heroic Age
- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 17044
- author: WolfsGoRawr

A Regal Proposal for the Regent
My friend and I created this video to demonstrate what should be done in the new cinema fl...
published: 02 Nov 2010
author: brisregent
A Regal Proposal for the Regent
My friend and I created this video to demonstrate what should be done in the new cinema floor of the Regent Tower. Currently the developers refuse to preserve the showcase cinema in the new office tower.
- published: 02 Nov 2010
- views: 6570
- author: brisregent

Gunblast.com - Regent R100 1911A1 Semi-Auto 45 Pistol
Jeff Quinn ( www.gunblast.com ) tests the Regent R100 1911A1 Semi-Auto 45 ACP pistol from ...
published: 21 Mar 2011
author: Gunblastdotcom
Gunblast.com - Regent R100 1911A1 Semi-Auto 45 Pistol
Jeff Quinn ( www.gunblast.com ) tests the Regent R100 1911A1 Semi-Auto 45 ACP pistol from Umarex USA . For more info, go to http
- published: 21 Mar 2011
- views: 24378
- author: Gunblastdotcom

Salvation Army Regent Hall Band "Daniel"
"Daniel" performed by Regent Hall Band with guest solo drummer Seb Farrell at a Festival h...
published: 23 Nov 2008
author: darthriz
Salvation Army Regent Hall Band "Daniel"
"Daniel" performed by Regent Hall Band with guest solo drummer Seb Farrell at a Festival held at Bristol Easton Savlavtion Army November 2008
- published: 23 Nov 2008
- views: 18107
- author: darthriz
Vimeo results:

Rome Reborn 2.1: A Tour Through Ancient Rome
A longer version is available on YouTube at:
Rome Reborn i...
published: 17 May 2010
author: Bernard Frischer
Rome Reborn 2.1: A Tour Through Ancient Rome
A longer version is available on YouTube at:
Rome Reborn is an international initiative to use 3D digital technology to illustrate the urban development of the ancient city from the first settlements in the late Bronze Age (ca. 1000 BCE) to the depopulation of the city in the early Middle Ages (ca. 552 CE). Thus far, the Rome Reborn team has concentrated on modeling the city as it might have appeared in 320 CE when it reached the peak of its development with a population estimated to be ca. 1 million people occupying ca. 25 sq. km. of space inside the late-antique walls and using ca. 7,000 buildings.
An interactive earlier version of this model, called Rome Reborn 1.0 (9 million polygons) has been available at no cost since 2008 in the Gallery of Google Earth, where it is called "Ancient Rome 3D." This present version (October 2010) is called Rome Reborn 2.1. It has over 650 million polygons and still a work in progress. Before being released to the public as an interactive product capable of being explored in real time over the Internet, we need to review and correct the model archaeologically; and find a suitable technology platform for making such a massive model available to Internet users. Work is underway to address both issues.
Meanwhile, we offer this video exploration of the model, which we hope will already be found useful by students and teachers of ancient Roman topography and by the general public.
This video is copyright 2010 by Bernard Frischer. All rights reserved. The 3D models comprising Rome Reborn 2.1 are copyright: 2007 by The Regents of the University of California; 2007 by the CNRS, Bordeaux; 2009 by the Universite' de Caen; and 2010 by Frischer Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved. For additional credits, please see the end of the video.
For more about this project, see: www.romereborn.virginia.edu.
For further information about this video, please write or call the project director, Prof. Bernard Frischer at:
cell: +1.310.266.0183
email: bernard.d.frischer@gmail.com
personal webpage: www.frischerconsulting.com/frischer

Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros - "40 Day Dream" : Live at The Regent Theater
Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros - "40 Day Dream" : Live at The Regent Theater - May 7...
published: 29 Jul 2009
author: Edward Sharpe
Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros - "40 Day Dream" : Live at The Regent Theater
Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros - "40 Day Dream" : Live at The Regent Theater - May 7th 2009

Experimental stop motion photography / animation in London's Greenwich and Regents Park. ...
published: 19 Jun 2010
author: properniceinnit
Experimental stop motion photography / animation in London's Greenwich and Regents Park.
Inspired by Jozef Papp's Flowers video http://vimeo.com/2732130
Amateur film winner - G-Tech Driven Creativity 2010
Bolzano Short Film Festival 2010
Massive thank you to Sam Cowan for writing the music.
Shot on a Lumix GH1 stock lens and manual Nikkor 50mm f1.4.
Edited and graded in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 with Magic Bullet. Tracking and frame blending in After Effects CS5.

SHIFT 1: PK-5: Balancing Information/Literature
A discussion between Commissioner King, David Coleman, and Kate Gerson, Senior Fellow for ...
published: 29 Jul 2011
author: EngageNY
SHIFT 1: PK-5: Balancing Information/Literature
A discussion between Commissioner King, David Coleman, and Kate Gerson, Senior Fellow for Educator Engagement & The Common Core, USNY Regents Research Fund, regarding the strategy of increasing emphasis on informational text in elementary education in order to build foundational content knowledge across disciplines, beyond English Language Arts (ELA) into history and science.
Youtube results:

Regent R200S 1911 Handgun Review
This review does not start off favorably. But if you hang with it, you'll see I find some ...
published: 08 May 2012
author: hausofguns
Regent R200S 1911 Handgun Review
This review does not start off favorably. But if you hang with it, you'll see I find some definite solutions to what plagued my early shooting sessions with this gun. As usual, the full illustrated write up and review is available at hausofguns.com http twitter.com
- published: 08 May 2012
- views: 5597
- author: hausofguns

Add N To (X) - Revenge Of The Black Regent
Music Clip for the song from the 1999 release "Avant Hard". More Info (hopefully correct!)...
published: 22 Oct 2007
author: Mouldytone
Add N To (X) - Revenge Of The Black Regent
Music Clip for the song from the 1999 release "Avant Hard". More Info (hopefully correct!)..... en.wikipedia.org
- published: 22 Oct 2007
- views: 45854
- author: Mouldytone

Regent Street, what are YOU wearing?
A massive thank you to everyone who took part in this vid! Here's a link to SortedFood's c...
published: 11 Jan 2012
author: Jim Chapman
Regent Street, what are YOU wearing?
A massive thank you to everyone who took part in this vid! Here's a link to SortedFood's channel! www.youtube.com Don't forget to subscribe, like and comment... Or I'll get the Sorted Food to make an 'non-subscriber pie'! Blog/Website: jimchapman.co.uk Twitter twitter.com Facebook: www.facebook.com VlogsWithJim: www.youtube.com
- published: 11 Jan 2012
- views: 46436
- author: Jim Chapman