- published: 26 Feb 2010
- views: 133
Владимир-Суздаль-Юрьев-Польский TRAILER (Vladimir-Suzdal, Yuryev-Polsky)
Stranger Studio дарит приятный подарок интернет-зрителям, трейлер к фильму Владимир-Суздал...
published: 16 Dec 2011
Владимир-Суздаль-Юрьев-Польский TRAILER (Vladimir-Suzdal, Yuryev-Polsky)
Stranger Studio дарит приятный подарок интернет-зрителям, трейлер к фильму Владимир-Суздаль-Юрьев-Польский.
Продюсерам фильма удалось развернуть крупномасштабную съёмку от Москвы до Владимира и обратно, это увлекательное приключение обычных московских туристов! Не пропустите!
Stranger Studio gives a nice gift online viewers, the trailer for the film of Vladimir-Suzdal, Yuryev-Polsky.
Producer of the film was shot, large-scale, from Moscow to Vladimir, and vice versa, this is the usual adventure tourists in Moscow! Do not miss out!
- published: 16 Dec 2011
- views: 305
Suzdal, Rusia
Súzdal es una ciudad de la óblast de Vladímir en Rusia. Se localiza a orillas del río Kame...
published: 01 Sep 2011
Suzdal, Rusia
Súzdal es una ciudad de la óblast de Vladímir en Rusia. Se localiza a orillas del río Kamenka.
Forma parte del llamado Anillo de Oro de Rusia, que es una zona turística que incluye un conjunto de ciudades de la región central de Rusia, al noreste de Moscú. En ellas se encuentran distintos monumentos que representan la historia y la cultura de este país, principalmente iglesias, catedrales y monasterios.
La ciudad forma parte del lugar Patrimonio de la Humanidad «Monumentos Blancos de Vladímir y Súzdal», declarado así por la UNESCO en el año 1992.
- published: 01 Sep 2011
- views: 2209
Vladimir Bogoljubowo
Now Suzdal and Vladimir - two neighboring and thriving city, although they are preserved t...
published: 22 Sep 2012
Vladimir Bogoljubowo
Now Suzdal and Vladimir - two neighboring and thriving city, although they are preserved to the building - witness the tragic and happy moments of history of the region, but in other and all of Russia. Abroad, they are known for their souvenirs made of wood, bark, cloth, crystal and enamel. And Suzdal, and the ancient city of Klyazma - Vladimir, proud of its ancient monuments, are always welcome, for there, what to see. Golden Gate. Of course, the first thing tourists want to see the Golden Gate, is unique in its design and architectural design pattern of ancient fortification - the kind in the world no. This structure emphasizes the great skill of the ancient masters of construction. Visitors to the city, at least once visited us, always leave with a good experience and a lot of positive emotions. And the reasons for this abound, such as our great historical and architectural interest. To see them organized numerous tours. If you came to Suzdal in private, in their free time to see the local sights you will help managers of the hotel "George." For visitors and tourists, we offer tours of the unique places of Suzdal and Vladimir. Golden Gate is a unique monument of ancient fortification, virtually unparalleled in the world. This building was erected in the period from 1158 to 1164 years, under the leadership of the famous Russian prince Bogolyubsky, especially for a major travel and battle tower the newly built fortress. Only one of the five Golden Gate outer gate destined to live to this day. The building has a kind of high, strong tower, which cuts through the 14th arch, having an arched bridge in the middle. In the past, under the bridge were fixed oak target, bound in gilded copper. Placed directly above the bridge deck for a battle site, and the top of the tower held the miniature white-stone church - a small church vestments provisions of the Virgin. On both sides of the tower support earth embankment, which took over some of the gravity of the gate of the church. This architectural structure is a model of high craftsmanship of the ancient builders, since all the components of the composition and the Arc de Triomphe, and the battle tower and church in harmony and emphasize the grandeur of the Golden Gate - the main gate of the North-Eastern, which at the time of the glorious Prince Andrew Bogolyubsky was the city of Vladimir . Cathedral of the Assumption. Leaves no one indifferent and contemplation famous Vladimir Uspensky Cathedral, which is traditional for the era white stone structure. Relating to the creation date to the period of flourishing of Orthodoxy in the Russian lands, namely at 12, this magnificent temple served as a model for the construction of these cathedrals across Russia. achem go for new experiences in distant lands? It's not safe and quite expensive. All the more so in our vast country, too, have something to see. For many years not lost interest in sightseeing tours of the Golden Ring of Russia. Of course, the list of cities visited by tour groups, is an ancient and glorious city of Vladimir. But see for yourself the ancient architecture, ruins of ancient castles, monasteries and churches can and coming from a business trip to these wonderful places. For example, if you are staying in a comfortable hotel Suzdal "George," that for the comfort of leisure, you will be offered a variety of sightseeing tours. Be sure to use this opportunity to get a lot of indelible impressions from the contemplation of the Home (Cathedral), the temple of the North-East of Russia - the Assumption Cathedral. This magnificent structure was built in the heyday of Orthodoxy in Russia, namely in the XII century and is an example of the greatest creations of Russian architecture. That's Assumption Cathedral, later served as a model for the construction of later religious buildings. Cathedral was built from a variety of white hewn stone on the orders of the famous Russian prince Alexander Bogolyubsky from 1158 to 1160 years. Cathedral of the Assumption is a shestistolpny The three-domed building, which has a small vestibule to the south, north and west sides of the tower, and near the western corners. Cathedral towers above the ground to a height of 32.3 m. To have survived perfectly preserved curly capitals - twin lying lions decorating the interior of the cathedral, but the scenic elements are preserved in fragments. Dmitrievka Cathedral. Hardly any tourist to miss the opportunity once in my life to see the building of listed monuments, protected by UNESCO.
- published: 22 Sep 2012
- views: 42
Золотое Кольцо.Су́здаль. Suzdal.
Золотое Кольцо.Су́здаль. Suzdal. ...
published: 14 Dec 2012
Золотое Кольцо.Су́здаль. Suzdal.
Золотое Кольцо.Су́здаль. Suzdal. Су́здаль — город в России, административный центр Суздальского района Владимирской области. Расположен на реке Каменке, притоке реки Нерли, в 26 км к северу от Владимира. Суздаль — город-заповедник, входит в Золотое кольцо России .Golden Koltso.Suzdal. Suzdal. Suzdal - a city in Russia, the administrative center of Suzdal, Vladimir region. Situated on the River Kamenka, a tributary of the River Nerl, 26 km north of Vladimir. Suzdal - a city-reserve, part of the Golden Ring of Russia. ( Золотое кольцо,музеи,туризм,поездки,экскурсии,отдых,путешествия,гостиницы
The Golden ring,museums,tourism,travel,tours,vacations,travel,hotels )
- published: 14 Dec 2012
- views: 68
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