Tamerlane defeats Toqtamysh and attacks Rus' (125)
The Tokhtamysh-Timur war was fought in the 1380s and early 1390s between Tokhtamysh, khan ...
published: 04 Sep 2007
Author: debashir
Tamerlane defeats Toqtamysh and attacks Rus' (125)
The Tokhtamysh-Timur war was fought in the 1380s and early 1390s between Tokhtamysh, khan of the Golden Horde and the Turkish warrior Timur, in the areas of the Caucasus mountains, Turkistan and southern Russia. The battle between the two Turkish rulers played a key role in the decline of the Turkish power in southern Russia. In the late 1370s and early 1380s, Timur helped Tokhtamysh to take the power in White Horde, against Urus. After this he united the White and Blue Hordes, forming the Golden Horde, and launched a massive military punitive campaign against the Russian principalities between 1381 and 1382, restoring the mongol-tartar power in Russia after the defeat in the Battle of Kulikovo. The Golden Horde, after a period of anarchy between early 1360s and late 1370s, passed for a briefly reestablishing as a dominant regional power, defeating Lithuania in Poltava around 1383. But Tokhtamysh has territorial ambitions in Persia and Central Asia. For account of this he turned against his old ally, Timur. After the death of Abu Sa'id in 1335, the last ruler of the Ilkhanid Dynasty, there was a power vacuum in Persia. In 1383 Timur started military conquest of Persia. In 1385 he captured Herat, Khorasan and all of eastern Persia. In the same year Tokhtamysh raided Azerbaijan and northwest Iran. The city of Tabriz was plundered and then he retired with the booty. Between 1389 and 1391, the two entered in war, with the defeat of Tokhtamysh. But Tokhtamysh recovered his <b>...</b>
Islam in Russia Российская Федерация
Islam in Russia (Nasheed: "Allahu" by Qari Waheed Zafar) Islam is the second lar...
published: 03 Aug 2009
Author: dualknowledge
Islam in Russia Российская Федерация
Islam in Russia (Nasheed: "Allahu" by Qari Waheed Zafar) Islam is the second largest religion in Russia, and is the religion of many ethnic minorities, as well as of many Slavic converts. Most of the ethnic Muslims are from the Middle Volga and Caucasus region. According to the last census in 2002, about 14.5 million, or 10% of Russia's 144 million population were ethnic Muslims, but some have claimed the number is closer to 20 million. Another approach to measure the number of Islam adherents in Russia is based on self-identification data of a specific ethnic group. The following table provides an overview of the number of Muslim-majority ethnic groups in Russia and what percentage of the population they make up, based on the 2002 Russian Census. The largest Islamic community present resides in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. A large number of Muslim communities are concentrated among the minority nationalities residing between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea: the Adyghes, Balkars, Nogais, Chechens, Circassians, Ingush, Kabardin, Karachay, and numerous Dagestani nationalities. In the middle of the Volga Basin are large populations of Tatars and Bashkirs, most of whom are Muslims. Many Muslims also reside in Perm Krai and Ulyanovsk, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Tyumen, and the Leningrad Oblasts (mostly ethnic Tatars). It is also projected that by the year 2050 half of the population of Russia would be Muslims due to the immigration of Muslims from the Caucasus and <b>...</b>
Russland 9 Stöckiges Haus eingestürzt! Взрыв дома в Астрахани
Russland 7 Sröckiges Haus eingestürzt ALLE VIDEOS ! Взры...
published: 28 Feb 2012
Author: BOMBASTIK2011
Russland 9 Stöckiges Haus eingestürzt! Взрыв дома в Астрахани
Russland 7 Sröckiges Haus eingestürzt ALLE VIDEOS ! Взрыв дома в Астрахани все видео 27.02.2012 Bei einer schweren Gasexplosion und dem darauf folgenden Einsturz eines Wohnhauses in der südrussischen Stadt Astrachan sind mehrere Menschen getötet worden. Als Grund für die Detonation rund 1.500 Kilometer südöstlich von Moskau gaben die Behörden den Selbstmord eines Bewohners an, der im Erdgeschoss des neunstöckigen Gebäudes das Gas aufgedreht habe. Eine Gasexplosion in der russischen Stadt Astrachan hat ein Wohnhaus komplett zerstört. Elf Menschen werden in den Trümmern vermisst. Взрыв газа в русской Астрахани уничтожил дом полностью. Одиннадцать человек пропали без вести в завалах. A gas explosion in the Russian city of Astrakhan has destroyed a house completely. Eleven people were missing in the rubble.
Batu Khan's success in Rus' (075)
The Golden Horde in Rus To his eldest son, Jochi, Genghis Khan gave a vast and indetermina...
published: 26 Jun 2007
Author: debashir
Batu Khan's success in Rus' (075)
The Golden Horde in Rus To his eldest son, Jochi, Genghis Khan gave a vast and indeterminate domain extending from east of present-day Kazakstan to the banks of the Volga River in todays western Russia. Upon Jochi's death in 1227, his territory was divided by his heirs. The western portion went to his second son, Batu, who subsequently led the Moghol campaign into Europe and thereby extended his domain westward to the Danube River. Batu's khanate became known as the Golden Horde. (The Turkish word "orda", from which the word horde is derived, means an encampment.) It was also known as the khanate of Kipchak, after the Kipchak Turks who originally dominated the region. Over time, they mingled with their Moghol conquerors. The Moghols themselves became known to Europeans as Tatars (or Tartars), after the Turkish-speaking people who made up a large portion of their forces. Batu established his capital, Sarai, on the eastern bank of the lower Volga, near modern Volgograd. He allowed the local Russian princes to keep their thrones as long as they paid tribute and homage to him. This system operated without significant resistance for more than 130 years. Islam became the official religion of the Golden Horde under Özbeg (Uzbek). His long and prosperous reign, from 1313 to 1341, is generally regarded as the golden age of the Russian Moghols. A period of anarchy followed, during which the real ruler of the Golden Horde was a general named Mamay. The Moghol khan Tokhtamish <b>...</b>
Moroccan scholar Ibn Battutah visit Crimean Tatars (Golden Horde period) in 14 century - documentary
en.wikipedia.org Ibn Battuta (1304 - 1368 or 1369) was a Moroccan Muslim Berber scholar an...
published: 10 Jun 2009
Author: BlackSeaTatar
Moroccan scholar Ibn Battutah visit Crimean Tatars (Golden Horde period) in 14 century - documentary
en.wikipedia.org Ibn Battuta (1304 - 1368 or 1369) was a Moroccan Muslim Berber scholar and traveller who is known for the account of his travels and excursions called the Rihla (Voyage). His journeys lasted for a period of nearly thirty years and covered almost the entirety of the known Islamic world and beyond, extending from North Africa, West Africa, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe in the West, to the Middle East, Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China in the East, a distance readily surpassing that of his predecessors and his near-contemporary Marco Polo. After he then returned to Mecca for the hajj of 1330 (or 1332), and spending another year there, he then resolved to seek employment with the Muslim Sultan of Delhi. Needing a guide and translator if he was to travel there, he went to Anatolia, then under the control of the Seljuqs, to join up with one of the caravans that went from there to India. A sea voyage from Damascus on a Genoese ship landed him in Alanya on the southern coast of modern-day Turkey. From there he traveled by land to Konya and then Sinope on the Black Sea coast. Crossing the Black Sea, Ibn Battuta landed in Caffa (now Theodosia), in the Crimea, and entered the lands of the Golden Horde. There he bought a wagon and fortuitously joined the caravan of Ozbeg, the Golden Horde's Khan, on a journey as far as Astrakhan on the Volga River. Upon reaching Astrakhan, the Khan allowed one of his pregnant wives Princess Bayalun to <b>...</b>
Иван Грозный Смерть Анастасии
"Иван Грозный"...
published: 09 Dec 2009
Author: CyrillicTube
Иван Грозный Смерть Анастасии
"Иван Грозный". Кадры со съемок. Смерть Анастасии Видео Иван IV Грозный Иван IV Васильевич Согласно бытовавшему на Руси праву престолонаследия великокняжеский престол переходил к старшему сыну монарха, однако Ивану («прямое имя» по дню рождения — Тит) было всего три года, когда его отец великий князь Василий серьёзно заболел. Ближайшими претендентами на трон кроме малолетнего Ивана были младшие братья Василия. Из шестерых сыновей Ивана III осталось двое — князь старицкий Андрей и князь дмитровский Юрий. Предвидя скорую смерть, Василий III сформировал для управления государством «седьмочисленную» боярскую комиссию. Опекуны должны были «беречи» Ивана, пока он не достигнет 15 лет. В опекунский совет вошли князь Андрей Старицкий — младший брат отца Ивана, М. Л. Глинский — дядя великой княгини Елены и советники: братья Шуйские (Василий и Иван), М. Ю. Захарьин, Михаил Тучков, Михаил Воронцов. По замыслу великого князя, этим должны были сохраниться порядок правления страной доверенными людьми и уменьшиться распри в аристократической Боярской думе. Существование регентского совета признаётся не всеми историками, так по версии историка А. А. Зимина, Василий передал ведение государственных дел Боярской думе, а опекунами наследника назначил М. Л. Глинского и Д. Ф. Бельского. Василий III умер 3 декабря 1533 года, а уже через 8 дней бояре избавились от основного претендента на трон — дмитровского князя Юрия. Ivan is described in contrary terms: intelligent, devout, and impulsive by <b>...</b>
Иван Грозный травит бояр собаками
"Иван Грозный"...
published: 09 Dec 2009
Author: CyrillicTube
Иван Грозный травит бояр собаками
"Иван Грозный". Кадры со съемок. Иван Грозный травит бояр собаками Видео Иван IV Грозный Иван IV Васильевич Иоа́нн Васи́льевич (в поздней историографии Ива́н (Иоа́нн) IV; 25 августа 1530, село Коломенское под Москвой — 18 марта 1584, Москва) — Великий Князь Московский и всея Руси (с 1533), царь всея Руси (с 1547) (кроме 1575—1576, когда царём номинально был Симеон Бекбулатович). Пришёл к власти в очень раннем возрасте. После восстания в Москве 1547 года правил с участием круга приближённых лиц, который князь Курбский назвал "Избранной радой". При нём начался созыв Земских соборов, составлен Судебник 1550 года. Проведены реформы военной службы, судебной системы и государственного управления, в том числе внедрены элементы самоуправления на местном уровне (Губная, Земская и другие реформы). В 1560 г. Избранная рада пала, её главные деятели попали в опалу, и началось полностью самостоятельное правление царя. В 1565 г., после бегства князя Курбского в Литву, введена опричнина. При Иване IV прирост территории Руси составил почти 100 %, с 2,8 млн км² до 5,4 млн км², были завоёваны и присоединены Казанское (1552) и Астраханское (1556) ханства, таким образом, к завершению царствования Ивана Грозного площадь Русского Государства стала больше всей остальной Европы. Ivan IV Vasilyevich (Ivan Chetvyorty, Vasiljevich), known in English as Ivan the Terrible (Ivan Grozny) ( 25 August 1530, Moscow 28 March [OS 18 March] 1584, Moscow) was Grand Prince of Moscow from 1533. The epithet <b>...</b>