- published: 28 Sep 2011
- views: 58710
- author: mechanicalengg4u

How petroleum exploration and refining process
This video explain how crude oil was explored, explain the drilling process, transporting ...
published: 28 Sep 2011
author: mechanicalengg4u
How petroleum exploration and refining process
This video explain how crude oil was explored, explain the drilling process, transporting crude oil to refinery,distillation process till final product petrol obtained...
- published: 28 Sep 2011
- views: 58710
- author: mechanicalengg4u

The Story of Petroleum
The "Story of Petroleum" in the State of Illinois. This is an educational video which intr...
published: 24 Mar 2009
author: iprb02
The Story of Petroleum
The "Story of Petroleum" in the State of Illinois. This is an educational video which introduces and explains the processes involved in oil exploration, drilling and refining. Video footage was filmed on location in the Illinois Basin with scenes from a geologists office, drilling rig, pumping unit, tank battery, refinery, and more.
- published: 24 Mar 2009
- views: 36079
- author: iprb02

Kent Petroleum (HD quality + Lyrics)
Kent Petroleum. From the great new album Jag är inte rädd för mörkret. Make sure to buy th...
published: 25 Apr 2012
author: blixabargel
Kent Petroleum (HD quality + Lyrics)
Kent Petroleum. From the great new album Jag är inte rädd för mörkret. Make sure to buy the CD if you like it! Regn Smyger ner och viskar nya språk mot fönstren är årstider ett minne blott spår av inlandsisarna Marken ligger uppskrapad bereder plats för motorvägarna Bered en väg för nya ägare Tror du att det finns något okänt där ute som mirakulöst förblev oupptäckt Något som gömmer sig i djupen som bidar sin tid och drömmer om petroleum och kristaller som drömmer om fossil och döda koraller som drömmer om strålskadade atoller i natt Säg det där du alltid ville ha sagt till mig Våra barn ska svepa filtarna över våra huvuden Ridån går ner och ljusen släcks och kvar finns bara sägner om motorvägarna bered en väg för nya ägare Tror du att det finns något okänt där ute En urtidsgud som inte ville bli väckt Något som gömmer sig i djupen som bidar sin tid och drömmer om petroleum och tungmetaller drömmer om fossil och döda koraller drömmer om strålskadade atoller i natt Tror du att det finns nåt okänt där ute som mirakulöst förblev oupptäckt Något som sover där i djupen som bidar sin tid och drömmer om petroleum och kristaller som drömmer om fossil och döda koraller som drömmer om strålskadade atoller i natt
- published: 25 Apr 2012
- views: 45320
- author: blixabargel

The Petroleum Exploration And Refining Process (TrentStanley Films)
Video Source: www.youtube.com Turn Key Oil does not own the rights to this video and it is...
published: 30 Jul 2012
author: TurnKeyOil
The Petroleum Exploration And Refining Process (TrentStanley Films)
Video Source: www.youtube.com Turn Key Oil does not own the rights to this video and it is to be used for educational purposes only. This video explain how crude oil was explored, explain the drilling process, transporting crude oil to refinery,distillation process till final product petrol obtained...
- published: 30 Jul 2012
- views: 949
- author: TurnKeyOil

petroleum refining basics
Since I stumbled on Project Kaisei, and they were talking about cracking the plastics for ...
published: 09 Aug 2009
author: ricekenn
petroleum refining basics
Since I stumbled on Project Kaisei, and they were talking about cracking the plastics for diesel fuel... time to post this.
- published: 09 Aug 2009
- views: 152755
- author: ricekenn

Where does Petroleum Come From and How do we Extract it? (1/3)
Join award winning teacher Jonathan Bergmann as he discussed petroleum. Where does oil com...
published: 07 Feb 2011
author: Learning4Mastery
Where does Petroleum Come From and How do we Extract it? (1/3)
Join award winning teacher Jonathan Bergmann as he discussed petroleum. Where does oil come from? How do geologists decide where to drill it? How is it separated? .This video was made for his 9th grade students. |Uploaded with TubeShack www.shacksoftware.com
- published: 07 Feb 2011
- views: 42034
- author: Learning4Mastery

petroleum engineers
Thisvideo series is the sole property of Richard Lau and Laura Lau. This video series refl...
published: 17 Jan 2010
author: llau13
petroleum engineers
Thisvideo series is the sole property of Richard Lau and Laura Lau. This video series reflect solely the opinions of Richard Lau and Laura Lau and are not published with the support of any organization. Having worked for 9 years as a wireline field engineer and for 6 years as a University Lecturer teaching an overview of the petroleum industry course, Richard has made this movie series to share with you his knowledge and experiences in the Oil Industry. Richard Lau is available as a guest lecturer for those organizations that want to have this topic presented in more detail. Contact him at laustewart@yahoo.com for information. Editor: Laura Lau
- published: 17 Jan 2010
- views: 70838
- author: llau13

Omega - Petróleum lámpa
Very old b/w record. From "10000 lépés", 1969. *** Sensitive porcelain, and stand here on ...
published: 12 Apr 2007
author: vizardis
Omega - Petróleum lámpa
Very old b/w record. From "10000 lépés", 1969. *** Sensitive porcelain, and stand here on the piano a shiny old-old-old-old lamp. on him sole green fonts: "I'm the light, the fire to see in night." Petroleum lamp, what a beuty its flame. Explore the nights, burn many butterfly and stand many many lies. A hundred years steped on him, he know the life, And know the big world. Petroleum lamp, What a beauty its flame. Girl, if you walk here, your shadow is a blue giant, look you, and charm you. you gazeing, what's up, wathing, like in the movie, and dancing in your the nice eyes. Petroleum lamp, What a beauty its flame. Thanks Sanislov for English translation!!
- published: 12 Apr 2007
- views: 1027816
- author: vizardis

How to Make a Petroleum Jelly Cotton ball Fire Starter
In this video we show you how to make a great and simple fire starter using only a cotton ...
published: 06 Feb 2009
author: 2brothersadventures
How to Make a Petroleum Jelly Cotton ball Fire Starter
In this video we show you how to make a great and simple fire starter using only a cotton ball and some petroleum jelly. This fire starter will easily start with a fire striker like the BlastMatch from Ultimate Survival Technologies (www.ultimatesurvival.com .
- published: 06 Feb 2009
- views: 76224
- author: 2brothersadventures

Petroleum and its refining - Chemistry
This is a chemistry video for Grade 89-10 students that talks about the elaborate process ...
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: elearnin
Petroleum and its refining - Chemistry
This is a chemistry video for Grade 89-10 students that talks about the elaborate process of refining of petroleum in industry.
- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 5989
- author: elearnin

Petroleum Production Technology
Working in the petroleum industry provides a high paying career and exciting opportunities...
published: 29 Mar 2012
author: BSCNECE
Petroleum Production Technology
Working in the petroleum industry provides a high paying career and exciting opportunities for employment throughout the world. The need for trained operators and technicians continues to increase as oil and gas production volumes and reserve estimates have increased significantly in North Dakota and in the Bakken region. This *online program is designed to provide students with a broad background to operate and maintain the equipment used in the oil extraction and services industry in a safe and responsible manner. Graduates will have the foundation to enter the industry in a number of capacities. *To successfully complete the program students will be required to demonstrate hands-on competencies in the BSC lab or at an industrial facility. Need more information? Contact us at Tyler.Merkel@bismarckstate.edu, 701.224.2594 or 800.852.5685.
- published: 29 Mar 2012
- views: 1829
- author: BSCNECE

Petroleum Products: "Oil for Aladdin's Lamp" revised circa 1949 Shell Oil Company 21min
more at auto-parts.quickfound.net "The romance of the petroleum industry, showing how depe...
published: 13 Aug 2012
author: webdev17
Petroleum Products: "Oil for Aladdin's Lamp" revised circa 1949 Shell Oil Company 21min
more at auto-parts.quickfound.net "The romance of the petroleum industry, showing how dependent our society is on oil and petrochemical products. Remake and update of the original (1933) version." Public domain film from the Library of Congress Prelinger Archive, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original). en.wikipedia.org Shell Oil Company is the United States-based subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell, a multinational oil company ("oil major") of Anglo Dutch origins, which is amongst the largest oil companies in the world. Approximately 22000 Shell employees are based in the US The US head office is in Houston, Texas. Shell Oil Company, including its consolidated companies and its share in equity companies, is one of America's largest oil and natural gas producers, natural gas marketers, gasoline marketers and petrochemical manufacturers. Shell is the market leader through approximately 25000 Shell-branded gas stations in the US which also serve as Shell's most visible public presence. Shell Oil Company is a 50/50 partner with the Saudi Arabian government-owned oil company Saudi Aramco in Motiva Enterprises, a refining and marketing joint venture which owns and operates three oil refineries on the Gulf Coast of ...
- published: 13 Aug 2012
- views: 514
- author: webdev17

Petroleum Hydraulic Fracturing And Horizontal Drilling Animation (Marathon Oil)
Video Source: www.youtube.com Turn Key Oil does not own the rights to this video and it is...
published: 29 Jul 2012
author: TurnKeyOil
Petroleum Hydraulic Fracturing And Horizontal Drilling Animation (Marathon Oil)
Video Source: www.youtube.com Turn Key Oil does not own the rights to this video and it is for educational purposes only. Safe, cost-effective refinements in hydraulic fracturing, horizontal drilling and other innovations now allow for the production of oil and natural gas from tight shale formations that previously were inaccessible. This animated video introduces you to the proven techniques used to extract resources from these shale formations in a safe, environmentally responsible manner.
- published: 29 Jul 2012
- views: 1431
- author: TurnKeyOil

American Petroleum Institute Hydraulic Fracturing Training (Fracking) Video
The major cause for concern with regard to hydrofracking is the safety of our groundwater;...
published: 09 Jan 2012
author: stuenva
American Petroleum Institute Hydraulic Fracturing Training (Fracking) Video
The major cause for concern with regard to hydrofracking is the safety of our groundwater; this extraction method has the potential to produce more than a million gallons of wastewater from just one well! This wastewater often contains highly corrosive and radioactive salts, as well as benzene (a carcinogen) and radium (a radioactive element), thereby threatening the security of groundwater supplies. Currently, the state of New York is drafting the rules to drill natural gas from the Marcellus Shale in the Delaware River Basin, which has the potential to contaminate the surrounding watersheds and the groundwater that supplies millions of New Yorkers with their drinking water. If the state of New York proceeds with the intended drilling, these millions of New Yorkers could be left with contaminated drinking water. With stakes so high and Governor Cuomo pushing to lift the ban on drilling in New York City's watershed, we are in grave need of environmental leaders to speak out on the issue. For fair use non-profit educational use only, see USC 17 §107. Donate to SEA here: ClemsonSEA.org Find SEA here: facebook.com
- published: 09 Jan 2012
- views: 3469
- author: stuenva
Vimeo results:

Thom Yorke, "Harrowdown Hill"
STUDIO Bent Image Lab - bentimagelab.com
MUSIC BY Thom Yorke
published: 03 Sep 2009
author: Bent Image Lab
Thom Yorke, "Harrowdown Hill"
STUDIO Bent Image Lab - bentimagelab.com
MUSIC BY Thom Yorke
Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke describes this song as his most political work. "Harrowdown Hill," is part of Yorke's solo album, "The Eraser," which released in August 2006. After seeing the short films of Chel White, Yorke sought him out to direct his next music video.
White, who is co-founder of Bent Image Lab in Portland, OR, chose to incorporate an innovative technique that he and the rest of the Bent artists had been researching previous to this project. Dubbed Smallgantics, the technique takes footage of large objects (rivers, factories, city skylines) and makes them appear as though they are actually miniatures. In "Harrowdown Hill," Chel used aerial footage from the pacific north west to be miniaturized using Smallgantics.
Smallgantics, inspired by tilt-shift photography, took the principles inherent with using tilt-shift lenses (Lenses that sit at an angle in comparison to the film plane, creating a sloped focal plane which can at times simulate short depth of field and can distort the apparent size of subjects), and pushed them to a new level. Instead of the apparent blurriness of the subject matter being dependent on its vertical alignment in the picture, Bent broke the image up into its apparent planes of depth. So, just like in actual shallow depth of field, it is the subject's proximity to the lens that determines its sharpness.
The process involves splitting the footage up into several vertical planes that move back over the perceived z-axis, or into the image along its perceived depth. These planes are then affected with varying degrees of blur to simulate a shallow depth of field. If done right, the amount of blur increases smoothly as it moves along the planes of the image. Next, these levels of blur are animated to simulate a change in focus or to compensate for the forward movement of the camera.
Chel White's video for Thom Yorke's, "Harrowdown Hill," won Best Music Video at South by Southwest (SXSW) 2007, ResFest 10, and The Worldwide Short Film Festival. It was nominated for Best Music Video and Best Special Effects at MVPA and FutureShorts.
"The winner of this year's South by Southwest (SXSW) music video award is described as 'a quietly intense call to consciousness in an age of disinformation, preemptive war and unprecedented governmental secrecy.' Thom Yorke's 'Harrowdown Hill,' directed by Chel White, offers a visually compelling bird's eye view of some of the biggest challenges facing our society today, including global warming and petroleum consumption." -MusicVideoWire.com

DON'T WORRY, DRIVE ON: Fossil Fools & Fracking Lies
Hello, Vimeo -
This video represents the talents of animators Alexander Perry & Michael W...
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: MONSTRO
DON'T WORRY, DRIVE ON: Fossil Fools & Fracking Lies
Hello, Vimeo -
This video represents the talents of animators Alexander Perry & Michael Wilson along with audio genius Ben Roider. They were supported by Tod Brilliant and Dalton G Crosthwait. Monstro managed the whole shabang. We do our best to support messages that we truly believe in, and this is definitely one of them. There's a lot we could be doing to reduce how much oil we consume - hopefully this little ditty convinces more people that they have the ability to reduce their consumption.
A message from the Post Carbon Institute:
In recent months we've seen a spate of assertions that peak oil is a worry of the past thanks to so-called "new technologies" that can tap massive amounts of previously inaccessible stores of "unconventional" oil. "Don't worry, drive on," we're told.
We can fall for the oil industry hype and keep ourselves chained to a resource that's depleting and comes with ever increasing economic and environmental costs, or we can recognize that the days of cheap and abundant oil (not to mention coal and natural gas) are over.
Unfortunately, the mainstream media and politicians on both sides of the aisle are parroting the hype, claiming — in Obama's case — that unconventional oil can play a key role in an "all of the above" energy strategy and — in Romney's — that increased production of tight oil and tar sands can make North America energy independent by the end of his second term.
Please share this video and help bring a dose of reality to the energy conversation:
* Email the video to everyone you think needs to watch it
* Share it through your social networks
* Send it to your elected officials

THE SKY IS PINK by Josh Fox and the GASLAND Team
An emergency short film from Josh Fox, the Oscar-nominated director of GASLAND addressing ...
published: 20 Jun 2012
author: JFOX
THE SKY IS PINK by Josh Fox and the GASLAND Team
An emergency short film from Josh Fox, the Oscar-nominated director of GASLAND addressing the urgent crisis of drilling and fracking in New York state.
Go to www.NYAgainstfracking.org for more info and to get involved.
PINK LINKS: Selected Compiled Research
The Sky Is Pink- Annotated industry documents featured in the film:
Affirming GASLAND- Our responses to industry charges against GASLAND
Flaming Faucets
Well Failures/Gas Leaks
Well Construction/Integrity
Climate Change
Breast Cancer
Pittsburgh Fracking Ban
Water Contamination
‘Drilling Down’
PR/Hill and Knowlton
State Government Documents
‘Reality Tour’ Marcellus Shale
Merchants of Doubt
Colbert Report
Gas Industry Conference:

We live in a strange world! Nowadays the technological achievements are great, but at the ...
published: 06 Mar 2010
author: kolelinia.com
We live in a strange world! Nowadays the technological achievements are great, but at the same time the means of conveyance evolves extremely slow. We drive vehicles that are about 20 times heavier than our bodies and build expensive roads with heavy materials. We are all waiting to run out of petroleum and then to live in a cleaner world, but this won’t happen soon!
What if we change the streets in the city center with taut wires?
What if our vehicles are compact enough to carry them with us as a bag?
Kolelinio is a concept for creating a completely new weightless layer for transportation on a higher level. It is based on the “Kolelinia”, project that proposes new type of “flying” bicycle-lanes supported by steel wires.
music: Markus Hasselblom-Kokokaka - Ring the Bell, Tony
Youtube results:

How it Works: The Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Marketplace reporter Eve Troeh explores the secret world of oil in this explainer animatio...
published: 30 Sep 2012
author: APM Marketplace
How it Works: The Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Marketplace reporter Eve Troeh explores the secret world of oil in this explainer animation about the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Animation by Matt Berger.
- published: 30 Sep 2012
- views: 1610
- author: APM Marketplace

How to Get Petroleum Dragon in Dragon City Petroleum Dragon Level 1 to 15
www.DragonCityGuide.com How to Get Petroleum Dragon in Dragon City Petroleum Dragon Level ...
published: 10 Aug 2012
author: dragoncitydragons
How to Get Petroleum Dragon in Dragon City Petroleum Dragon Level 1 to 15
www.DragonCityGuide.com How to Get Petroleum Dragon in Dragon City Petroleum Dragon Level 1 to 15 Petroleum = Zombie + Mud or Neon + Nenufar The Petroleum Dragon is a rare dragon composed of opposite elements. As such, it can not be bred directly from basic dragons. Instead hybrid dragons have to be used at the Breeding Mountain or Ultra Breeding Tree. All possible combinations which may lead to a Petroleum Dragon Egg can be found in the Breeding chart below Mud + Hedgehog Waterfall + Venom Cloud + Vampire Blizzard + Dark Fire Nenufar + Rattlesnake Coral + Carnivore Plant Lantern Fish + Neon Storm + Penguin Icecube + Zombie Ice Cream + Mercury
- published: 10 Aug 2012
- views: 93307
- author: dragoncitydragons

Row over Petroleum Min's ad
It has been the most difficult ally to please for the UPA. And once again, the TMC has hit...
published: 18 Sep 2012
author: timesnowonline
Row over Petroleum Min's ad
It has been the most difficult ally to please for the UPA. And once again, the TMC has hit out at the Centre, this time for an advertisement issued by the Petroleum Ministry in national dailies, advising state governments to reduce taxes on petroleum products. Calling the advertisement a 'buffon', Mamata's minister Madan Mitra has suggested psychiatric treatment for Central ministers.
- published: 18 Sep 2012
- views: 146
- author: timesnowonline