Freak hail storm flooded Coton-in-the elms thursday 22nd July 2010
Black Horse Bhangra, Coton in the Elms
Catton Hall to Netherseal
Aston Tab for the fallen 11 11 11
The Black Horse
Landrover Series 3 , Air portable, (Lightweight)
Coton De Tulear, Puppies, For, Sale, In,Omaha ,Nebraska, NE,Lincoln, Bellevue, Grand Island
Coton De Tulear, Puppies, For, Sale, In, Kearney, Nebraska, NE, Fremont, Hastings
Coton De Tulear, Puppies, For, Sale, In, Little Rock, Arkansas, AR, Russellville, Jacksonville, Sher
URA FC egenze Cameroon, ezannya Coton Sport
Hydrous Wake Park - Little Elm, TX - Summer Camp
Coton Meadows, Rugby Offers in Excess of £225,000
Crowhurst Gale Estate Agents - The Elms
Freak hail storm flooded Coton-in-the elms thursday 22nd July 2010
Black Horse Bhangra, Coton in the Elms
Catton Hall to Netherseal
Aston Tab for the fallen 11 11 11
The Black Horse
Landrover Series 3 , Air portable, (Lightweight)
Coton De Tulear, Puppies, For, Sale, In,Omaha ,Nebraska, NE,Lincoln, Bellevue, Grand Island
Coton De Tulear, Puppies, For, Sale, In, Kearney, Nebraska, NE, Fremont, Hastings
Coton De Tulear, Puppies, For, Sale, In, Little Rock, Arkansas, AR, Russellville, Jacksonville, Sher
URA FC egenze Cameroon, ezannya Coton Sport
Hydrous Wake Park - Little Elm, TX - Summer Camp
Coton Meadows, Rugby Offers in Excess of £225,000
Crowhurst Gale Estate Agents - The Elms
The Elm Tote Bag - Q20344
mazembe2 ELM soudan 0
Morris Dancing and the Men in Shorts The Elm Tree Cambridge
Un été blanc - Collection été 2013
Chiots 18_05_10.flv
!!! Tutoriel Freddy les griffes de la nuit !!!
Madingley Road Poor Cyclepath (West)
Collie, Puppies, For, Sale, In, Kearney, Nebraska, NE, Fremont, Hastings
Chihuahua, Puppies, For, Sale, In, Kearney, Nebraska, NE, Fremont, Hastings
Cock A Poo, Puppies, For, Sale, In, Kearney, Nebraska, NE, Fremont, Hastings
Coordinates: 52°43′38″N 1°37′34″W / 52.727104°N 1.62608°W / 52.727104; -1.62608
Coton in the Elms is a village and parish in the English county of Derbyshire. It is located five miles south of Burton upon Trent.
South east of the village is Church Flatts Farm, which is defined by the Ordnance Survey as the farthest point from the sea in Great Britain.
Coton is mentioned over a thousand years ago when land was transferred to Wulfrige the Black in AD942. It is also on the salt route known as Walton Way, which starts in nearby Walton-on-Trent.
Coton in the Elms is mentioned in the Domesday book where it is then spelt Cotes. The book says under the title of “The lands of the Abbey of Burton".
"In Coton in the Elms Ælfgar had two carucates of land to the geld. There is land for three ploughs. Now the abbot has it of the king. There are now one plough in demesne and six villans and three bordars having two ploughs. TRE worth 40 shillings now 30 shillings."
Coton is situated on the Walton Way and is first mentioned in 942 in a charter giving land in the area to Wulfrige the Black. This formed part of a much larger estate covering many of the villages in the area. Coton would seem to have been roughly in the centre of this estate. It would appear that it was a crossroads as there is an old lane which runs all the way from Tamworth through Coton and on northwards towards Burton on Trent. At the time of Domesday Burton Abbey held land at Coton - however this had been initially seized by King William - no doubt in part due to the rebellion led by Earl Morcar. However, by the time of Domesday this land had been restored to Burton. The village itself forms a diamond of roads around a small village green. The original route of the Walton Way may have been the south west corner of this diamond as this runs past the Church and Church Farm. To the north east of the village coal mining became important and this is reflected in the lane name Coalpit Lane.
The Elms may refer to:
Places in Canada
Buildings and places in Great Britain
Buildings and places in the United States
I need time away€ away from all time,
To make a change€ to change my mind.
I wanna give. I wanna share.
I wanna sing like it€™s a prayer.
If we only had a minute to ourselves€
I could find hope there with You.
I could find something to do,
Even though I€™ve been missing out for quite some time.
We could find places to go.
We could unlearn all we know.
I could be Yours and You€™d be mine for all of time.
I got dirty hands. I got dirty feet,
From all the things I can€™t repeat.
I talk all the day €˜bout how I want it to be€
But it€™s my own fault that I€™m not free.
One side of the mirror€™s who you are.
The other side is who you want to be.
And when you€™re through wishing you were more,
You can settle back and let your Father breathe.
I€™ve been warned.
And between the eyes, You get me every time.
I€™ve wrapped myself in fear, now I can€™t shine.
Between the eyes, You get me every time.
Get me outta here. Check me outta here.
I wanna shine.
I can see a hundred miles away,
But I can€™t see what€™s right before my eyes.
And when I€™m through trying to be brave,
I realize that all my courage dies.
I€™m going on, if I€™m wrong, You€™ll walk with me.
I wanna shine.
You saw me climbing out the window€
You saw me climbing up the walls!
And I believe it €˜cos You say so€
Who got the meaning of it all?
I think I€™m choking€™ on a wishbone
Of all the things I never got.
And I believe it €˜cos You say so€
You got the meaning of it all
Yeah! Who got the meaning of it all?
Who got the meaning of it all?
You got the meaning of it all!
You hear us screamin€™ from the rooftops€
You see us walking in Your door.
We don€™t know what it is to €œmake it€?€
But we think You€™ve got something more.
Everybody€™s on their own now,
Nobody€™s fixing all the wrong.
And I believe it €˜cos you say so.
You got the meaning of it all.
Never in my life have you ever let me down.
Have I ever told you how I€™d like to leave this town?
Would you cover me if I said I was leaving tonight?
It€™s the time of my life€
If you€™re down the tracks, I€™ll ride the train.
If you€™re in the sky, I€™ll fly a plane.
If my hope is gone and I could die,
I€™ll let you be strong and be a rainbow glowing in my sky.
If the snow is cold and it brings me to the ground,
Would you pick me up and in, no matter who€™s around?
Would you laugh with me if I said I€™d rather cry?
It€™s the time of my life€
The killers, they won't stop!
The pirates are on top, stealing all the good we made.
The nomads are faithless, and people are restless,
Searching for the love that saves.
I've got so much left to give, and you gotta release me.
You gotta release me. I've got so much left to give.
I'll stand and walk out on my own.
And I'm not alone on this road.
You saved me.
My mind and vision are clear,
And I'm not alone while you're here.
You saved me.
Down through the ages, I've been stuck in cages,
Giving up before I'm down.
When all my ambition became my religion,
Still I knew you were around.
You got no room to talk, baby!
Well, you beat me down.
You treat me wrong.
You turn my tears to a sing-along!
No room to talk, baby!
We've been down these streets, baby!
I got shoes to fill.
I get that sound.
And I bounce right back for another round.
We've been down these streets, baby!
Runnin' got me nothin'... I know truth is strong.
Somebody put their money in a simple song.
Then pass it over... pass it over now!
Hey, I'm the guy who found a treasure in your eyes,
And that's no surprise. There's something 'bout you, clearly.
I can't recall all the ones I met before.
They move on by, and leave me nothing to believe in.
Though the night may grow, the winds may blow.
The rain may fall from out into nowhere...
Through the night you learn what it is to yearn
When you cannot find the girl.
Through the night you feel how it is to kneel,
Asking God for all the world.
Drove all the way to drop a circus in your face.
If that's what it takes, I'll do it every day now.
Still, for your smile, I would run another mile
Barefoot and bruised, and laughing all the while.
Well, the rising sun says the night is done.
Yeah, the day will come after the darkness.
Was it something I ate? Maybe something I made?
Put a mirror in front of me. Now it€™s something I hate.
Well, the buzzing won€™t stop!
And we can€™t hear You talk!
We don€™t know how to rock if it€™s not okay.
Help me make the buzzing go away!
Let€™s have a little debate. I think people are great.
Though misguided and petrified, we all wanna be saved.
I am back. This time, I€™m the big surprise,
And I€™m hiding behind your sofa.
I€™m the culture shock. Temporary block.
And I€™ll love you for the next five minutes.
I€™m your magazine, €˜cos you read me clean
Without taking any time for pictures.
I€™m your hand grenade and your lemonade,
€˜Cos I€™ll blow up and leave you soured.
Find somebody with a working€™ car and drive them crazy, too.
The big surprise is me!
I worked extra hard to pick your birthday card,
You just threw it out and kept my money.
I got up at six to make your favorite dish,
So I sank when you said you weren€™t hungry.
Filed your tax return, let some candles burn,
Played Mozart to make your plants grow.
Then I clipped the trees, got down on my knees,
Not to work, just to pray you€™d see me.
Find somebody who will paint your house, and gloss them over, too.
Got the kind of face everybody knows.
Run around barefoot when it snows.
Growin€™ out your hair €˜cos you like it long.
Fighting in the road €˜cos you know it€™s wrong.
People got a thing for the dangerous.
You€™ll find it inside the best of us.
Taking what they want like it€™s owed to them.
Other folks do the best they can€
Some of us do the best we can!
Brothers! Brothers!
Everybody€™s speaking in tongues, we gotta speak in love!
Never met a man €˜said he did not try
Running from the truth time again in life.
You can be the poor one, rich or wise,
But all of us know €˜bout sacrifice.
Put me in the water, put me in the fire.
Put me in the world and I€™ll walk that wire.
Seen the people come and I€™ve seen them go.
Talk all day but it€™s what they show€
Talk all day but it€™s what you show!
Life ain't over. Life ain't done now.
So get back up in your place, child.
When you feel like its the end,
no mother and no friend could love you more.
These are dry days.
And your heart breaks when the best years seem to have gone by.
I've made promises before,
But no mother and no friend could love you more.
You've got to smile at life again.
Smile at you. There's a time to let it go, and then you
Smile at life again. There's a time to let it go.
I know that sometimes you need someone,
And the soul you want is nowhere.
When you're scared and left alone,
your faith becomes your reason to go on.
If you'll hear me, I have known truth.
I have hurt, and I have cried, too.
I've made promises before,
But no mother and no friend could love you more.
It's time to let it go.
Real men cry to their mothers, and laugh with the others
When all of the jokes are on them.
They€™re rough and they€™re tumble, but inside, they€™re humble.
When nobody€™s looking, they even get sad,
And they€™d talk all night.
They€™d even break down when you think they might.
And when you get past our egos,
there€™s a heart that wants to be just like€
Jesus. The man of all men.
The only One who makes hearts whole again.
And He could€™ve backed down with those people around,
But He proved for the last time that real men die.
Well, you can black out your windows, or go where the wind blows,
But you€™ll answer to something someday.
Bob said it best when his slow train went west,
But dignity just doesn€™t pay.
We could talk all night.
You can even break down if you think you might.
But when we can€™t impress comes the real test€
are we just like€
When you can€™t impress, there€™s your real test€
are you just like€ Jesus?
When I am scared, You are my Father.
When I can€™t breathe, You are the air.
When I can€™t swim, You are a lifeboat.
When I€™m tired and weary, You are there.
And my times get high, my times get low,
You always let me in on all that You know.
I could give You time alone and then
You€™d only come and ask me, €œWhere have you been?€?
When I am weak, You are my shoulders.
When I€™m poor, You give me a hand.
When I can€™t swim, You are my lifeboat.
You carry me to dry land.
When I can€™t see, You are my maker,
Speaking words that keep me aware.
When I can€™t swim, You are a lifeboat.
When I€™m tired and weary, You are there.
It gets tough and lonely sometimes,
And your spirit's barely holding on.
What could I say to make you stay?
What could I give? What words do you need to hear?
I could give you all the moments
That your sunlight chased away my clouds.
But talking will be the death of me.
I won't speak, just send my love your way.
Well, you're waiting for salvation, it is waiting for you, too.
And when life is at its darkest, then the heart will pull you through.
So let love go in all you know...
And let love in.
Summertime would see you crying,
And your heart knew something had to give.
You'll never deny the truths you find.
You'll hang on tight to a friend you can adore.
Some may offer sanctuary, give you counsel from the years.
And when life is at it's darkest, you can fight away the tears,
So let love go in all you know...
And let love in.
Yeah, hey, hey guys! Hey , hey guys!
What€™s the prize if we won it?
Yeah, hey, hey girls! Hey, hey girls!
What€™s the world got to offer?
If you need it, you got it! I found it, I bought it!
You can€™t ever take it, or fake it€ Hey, hey, hey!
Yeah, hey, hey you! Hey, hey you!
Is it true, all the rumours?
Yeah, hey, hey I! Hey, hey I€
Should€™ve tried - tried this sooner.
If you want it, you got it, and everybody€™s gonna bow down sometime.
We all want to get our way sometimes.
We€™re all born then choose to give up our lives.
You hooked me when You promised the Way,
So from now until forever I say€
Here€™s my hand, here€™s my hand.
You told me I was good enough to stand.
Here€™s my hand.
We all know the limits in our design,
So live off the truth and make up your mind.
It€™s silly just to get in the way.
So put €˜em up and say it today€
And what you give, you take it along.
And what you hold, you find that its gone.
We're so in love with fighting that we're blocking out the lighting of the sun.
There's no one left to lead us. We're a nation of retreaters, every one.
I won't be afraid.
Show me the light that You promised.
Happiness comes through despair.
Make it so bright, You kill the darkness everywhere.
You've given me a reason, and You're surely gonna see me if I run.
And when I wanna quit it, well, You won't let me forget it 'till it's done.
Now that I've found my tune, help me to sing it through,
And not be drawn away.
And if I should be let down by one of those standing 'round,
I will not turn away.
It's enough to make a boy cry.
It's enough to make me ill
To have so much I wish I'd said and have to walk away still.
It's enough to make a man frown.
It's enough that you give us proof.
But we trade it in, and once again we lost a little more of something true.
I would be what I should be to be your baby.
I would be what I should be to be your child.
I would be what I should be to make you happy all the time,
And make my difference worth your while.
There's a light that makes things good.
It's a hope that's more alive than anything has ever been.
And that hope, it will survive.
Like a moth going 'round the sky,
Don't we need to find our sight?
And so we go toward the glow that keeps us warm through bitter nights.
All I want is someone real.
Someone to hold a candle with me, let the night fires burn.
It's not what I choose, it's what I feel.
And if we don't see eye to eye, you go your way, I'll go mine.
And that's alright.
So raise the glass and look right past the time you've thrown away.
The tragedies and enemies, the debts you'll never pay.
Understand its in your hand to turn the other way,
And make tomorrow the first day.
A person's love. A starry night.
All wonderful, but none as grand as the man who chooses life.
And we compete in word and deed.
You think we'd learn by now that's not what people need,
But that's our style.
Birds take to the sky, we open our eyes.
You're saying hello, I'm waving goodbye to the old days.
Don't I sit on the front porch waiting on you to come?
And when you finally get there, don't my heart start running along?
It's a beautiful thing when you come to me.
Don't I sit on the front porch waiting on you to show?
And if you said the words, don't you know I'd get up and go?
It's a beautiful thing when you come to me.
It's the thrill of your sound, it puts me on the ground.
Well, I'm gone. But I'll be home soon.
It's a beautiful thing when you come to me.
Don't I sit up at night, waiting on a song to sing?
And when you finally call me, I wanna give you all of my everything.
It's a beautiful thing when you come to me.
Don't I think about you daytime, when the stars are gone?
I think about you evenings, when I'm singing my songs.
It's a beautiful thing when you come to me.
Yeah, we're gonna burn, burn, burn.
And we're gonna shine, shine, shine.
Even if it wears us out, or takes us out past these county lines.
We're sick of moving oh, so slow,
And being told where to go.
Making up our minds to burn and shine.
One soul in a year ain't all that bad
When its the only chance you ever had.
Don't you ever wish for something true?
Something to pour your heart and soul into?
Take all your feelings, and put 'em aside,
And get what matters on your mind!
All you love will surely come and go,
And life is all your moments in a row.
No more crying for the days gone by.
And no one ever loses if they try!
All the while having fun, I know you're the one!
Everything's cut in two, just like me and You.
Not in rock & roll did I find my soul!
Everyone's got the nerve, but no one will serve!
Found a place in the sun, and still on the run.