- published: 15 May 2010
- views: 20436
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish

New generation aims to maintain French Breton language
In France a battle to save a dying language is being carried out. Breton is spoken by abou...
published: 15 May 2010
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
New generation aims to maintain French Breton language
In France a battle to save a dying language is being carried out. Breton is spoken by about 200000 people in France. 80-years-ago, it was more than a million. Estelle Youssouffa has been to Britanny, where campaigners believe Breton will make a comeback (15 May 2010).
- published: 15 May 2010
- views: 20436
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish

basic breton from EuroTalk
language learning video...
published: 09 Sep 2011
author: monkeyapplenerd
basic breton from EuroTalk
language learning video
- published: 09 Sep 2011
- views: 2584
- author: monkeyapplenerd

Nolwenn Leroy - Tri Martolod (English Lyrics)
Tri Martolod (Three Sailors) was sung by Nolwenn Leroy in Breton Language. Nolwenn Leroy i...
published: 13 Jul 2012
author: TheThunderTR
Nolwenn Leroy - Tri Martolod (English Lyrics)
Tri Martolod (Three Sailors) was sung by Nolwenn Leroy in Breton Language. Nolwenn Leroy is from Brittany or Bretagne, which is one of the 22 regions of France.
- published: 13 Jul 2012
- views: 1143
- author: TheThunderTR

Words of Life Breton (brezhoneg) People/Language Movie Trailer
This is: Words of Life Breton (brezhoneg) People/Language Movie Trailer c20780 [c20780t] O...
published: 30 Sep 2010
author: worldlanguagemovies
Words of Life Breton (brezhoneg) People/Language Movie Trailer
This is: Words of Life Breton (brezhoneg) People/Language Movie Trailer c20780 [c20780t] Other names for this language are: Brezhoneg; Brezoneg; brezhoneg This language is spoken in: France This movie concerns: movie movies video videos music song songs mp3 God Allah Jesus Christ...
- published: 30 Sep 2010
- views: 8037
- author: worldlanguagemovies

Lesson to learn Breton language vocabulary of fruits - apprendre la langue et le vocabulaire
Lesson to learn Breton language vocabulary of fruits - apprendre la langue bretonne et le ...
published: 18 Aug 2012
author: Languages1001
Lesson to learn Breton language vocabulary of fruits - apprendre la langue et le vocabulaire
Lesson to learn Breton language vocabulary of fruits - apprendre la langue bretonne et le vocabulaire de Bretagne
- published: 18 Aug 2012
- views: 597
- author: Languages1001

By Christophe Nayel aka D-XRISTO. Even though I am currently living in the US I have decid...
published: 18 Aug 2011
author: Dxristo
By Christophe Nayel aka D-XRISTO. Even though I am currently living in the US I have decided to create a video in the Vannetais Breton Dialect. I have not heard anyone speaking that dialect in 20 years so I might have made few mistakes but I tried. I also deeply miss Brittany which is my home and my roots!! Breton (Brezhoneg) is a Celtic language spoken in Brittany (Breton: Breizh; French: Bretagne), France. Breton is a Brythonic language, descended from the Celtic British language brought from Great Britain to Armorica by migrating Britons during the Early Middle Ages. Like the other Brythonic languages, Welsh and Cornish, it is classified as an Insular Celtic language. Breton is most closely related to Cornish, as both are thought to have evolved from a Southwestern Brythonic protolanguage. The other regional language of Brittany, Gallo, is a Langue d'oïl derived from Latin. Le breton est une langue indo-européenne parlée depuis plus de 1500 ans. C'est une langue celtique spécifique à la Bretagne dont les premiers écrits remontent au IXème siècle. Aujourd'hui 206.000 personnes parlent le breton au quotidien. L'absence de statut légal et l'exclusion quasi totale de la langue de la vie publique et de l'école jusqu'à très récemment ont conduit à un arrêt de la transmission familiale du breton à partir des années 50. C'est pourquoi l'UNESCO classe le breton parmi les langues en danger sérieux d'extinction.
- published: 18 Aug 2011
- views: 2479
- author: Dxristo

Astrakan Project - The Drinking Song
Kan Al Lagouterion aka The Drinking Song Lyrics are traditional from Brittany in France. (...
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: Simone Alves
Astrakan Project - The Drinking Song
Kan Al Lagouterion aka The Drinking Song Lyrics are traditional from Brittany in France. (in Breton language thus) Recorded live in Beirut (26/05/2012) Voice : Simone Alves / 'oud & programming : Yann Gourvil More ? On astrakanproject.com or http
- published: 12 Jun 2012
- views: 505
- author: Simone Alves

Breton culture and language - langue bretonne
Breton culture and language - langue bretonne...
published: 30 Sep 2012
author: Languages1001
Breton culture and language - langue bretonne
Breton culture and language - langue bretonne
- published: 30 Sep 2012
- views: 193
- author: Languages1001

Redadeg 2010 Cornwall supports the Breton Language
Ar Redadeg 2010 o tegouezhout e Bro Vrest. E touez ar rederien e oa skoazellet lod anezho ...
published: 15 May 2010
author: Treveur
Redadeg 2010 Cornwall supports the Breton Language
Ar Redadeg 2010 o tegouezhout e Bro Vrest. E touez ar rederien e oa skoazellet lod anezho gant kevredigezhioù ha tud eus Kernev -Veur. Ar Redadeg is a relay race to sponsor the Breton Language. Some of the runers in the Brest area were sponsored by Cornish organizations. The Redadeg left Rennes on the 10 th of may and arrived to Pontivy ont the 15 th of May after 1200 km.
- published: 15 May 2010
- views: 2418
- author: Treveur

2 Ridées (Breton) NTAD
I'm learning a new tune (roughly) everyday. Today I learned a couple of ridées, which are ...
published: 07 May 2012
author: katiehendersonfiddle
2 Ridées (Breton) NTAD
I'm learning a new tune (roughly) everyday. Today I learned a couple of ridées, which are Breton dance tunes in 6. As far as I can tell, these ridées are not titled. A lot of Breton tunes are title-less unless they have lyrics people sing. I learned both of these from a Lùnasa recording. If you want to hear more Breton music, I suggest you check out the duo Folk Ragoût folkragout.com. They are an excellent flute-guitar duo based out of Colorado, USA. http katiedavishenderson.com
- published: 07 May 2012
- views: 497
- author: katiehendersonfiddle

Breton culture, dance, language - langue bretonne, danse
Breton culture, dance, language - langue bretonne, danse...
published: 29 Sep 2012
author: Languages1001
Breton culture, dance, language - langue bretonne, danse
Breton culture, dance, language - langue bretonne, danse
- published: 29 Sep 2012
- views: 225
- author: Languages1001

Monseigneur - Blues Breton Gwerz Penmarc'h.
The Monseigner is a prog folk band from Switzerland. If you like the band's, Gryphon or Mi...
published: 12 Aug 2012
author: DimitriadisTasos
Monseigneur - Blues Breton Gwerz Penmarc'h.
The Monseigner is a prog folk band from Switzerland. If you like the band's, Gryphon or Mike Oldfield (his short trad Celtic tunes),surely will love this album. Medieval and Celtic feel deeply...Obscure gem.!
- published: 12 Aug 2012
- views: 242
- author: DimitriadisTasos

Beyond The Shadow Of A Doubt Peter Butler & Alain Bernard
Another original composition from our CD "Jazz Me A New Song". Our quartet was filmed in b...
published: 06 Jun 2012
author: peterpikey
Beyond The Shadow Of A Doubt Peter Butler & Alain Bernard
Another original composition from our CD "Jazz Me A New Song". Our quartet was filmed in by France 3 Bretagne for the Breton language show "Bali Breizh". Peter Butler: vocals, Alain Bernard: piano, Xaivier Luguet: double-bass, Erwan Le Bousse: drums www.peterjohnbutler.com
- published: 06 Jun 2012
- views: 84
- author: peterpikey

Valse - traditional Breton
This is a short piece in Dominig Bouchaud's 'Panorama de la harpe celtique'. I added to it...
published: 27 Jun 2012
author: Kirsty Clayton
Valse - traditional Breton
This is a short piece in Dominig Bouchaud's 'Panorama de la harpe celtique'. I added to it and changed it a bit and was also influenced by Omnia Neocelt's version which goes under a different name. It's just a bit of fun and good practice when you're still learning!
- published: 27 Jun 2012
- views: 212
- author: Kirsty Clayton
Vimeo results:

Denez Prigent - E Trouz Ar Ger (Lyrics in English, Breton, French)
Denez Prigent - E Trouz Ar Ger (Lyrics in English, Breton, French)
Lyrics - English tran...
published: 11 Dec 2010
author: hagakure90
Denez Prigent - E Trouz Ar Ger (Lyrics in English, Breton, French)
Denez Prigent - E Trouz Ar Ger (Lyrics in English, Breton, French)
Lyrics - English translation by the uploader (me).
Denez Prigent - E Trouz Ar Ger
In the noise of the city where I am locked
It's my voice and my songs that keep me strong
Without singing songs not a day is spent
In the world I find comfort only then
Nothing in this world can give me consolation
I've just got my songs left, everything's got stolen
Stolen is the shadow of the wind, so is the singing of the clouds
Stolen are the blue fields, the horizon, the fire
Stolen are the merry dances on the slopes,
Stolen are the roses, the paths and the oaks
Stolen is the moon and stolen is the night
Stolen is my language, stolen is my land
No, not a day for me without singing a song
The ravages of the world, let me forget them all
When I was at school I learned so many lies
I learned there that water didn't have a life
I learned that the earth was hollow
I learned that silent were the stones
I learned that the world was blue
But the world's red, it 's scarlet, I knew
See when the scarlet sun rises
See when the scarlet sun sets
Red are the stars and red is the moon
Red is the breeze and red is the mist
Red raven satellites flying up high
Red rain is falling from a foggy sky
Like red and black tar, it's fiery red,
So red is the sea as I've never seen yet
The whole world is scarlet
And each day more red it gets
In the wild wind I can clearly hear a song
As the sun it will soon become as strong
So radiant it is as the light of the moon
So violent it is as the fire of the earth
This song was heard once yet
At the beginning of the world
The first time the whole world was water, nothing else
The second time I'll hear it, I'll know here is the end
And any time I think of it
It makes me sing a song
It makes me sing a song
And it fills my heart with grief
So much sadness in a song
Still brings me comfort and some ease
Original lyrics:
Denez Prigent - E Trouz Ar Ger
E trouz ar gêr ma'z on bac'het
Ma mouezh a oar sevel bepred
N'eus ket un deiz na ganfe ket
'Tra all d'am dizoanian er bed
Netra all nann d'am dizoanian
Pa 'deus 'r bed-mañ laeret din pep tra
Laeret din skeud an avel
Kan ar c'houmoul, tan an dremwel
War ar c'hleuziou koroll ar gwe(z)
Laeret din loarioù an de(iz)
Laeret din hadenn an noz
Hag heñtoù don ar brulu roz
Laeret din an dour-derv
Glizh ar mintin, glaz ar prado'
Laeret din ma yezh, ma bro
N'eus ket un deiz na kanfen ket
Da zisoñjal reuzioù ar bed
Er skol'm eus desket kement 'draoù
'Lodig 'zo gwir, 'lod bras 'zo gaoù
Er skol 'm eus desket kement 'draoù
E oa divuhez an dour-sav
'Oa divuhez an dour-melar
'Oa mut ar mein, bouzar an douar
'Oa tomm an tan ha glas ar bed
Pa'z eo ruz ha ruz meurbet
Ruz pa sav an heol er beure
Ha ruz pa guzh en arbadae(z)
Ruz ar stered ha ruz al louar
Ruz an aezhenn, ruz al latar
Ruz ar brini war ar stignoù
Ha ruz ar glav er magedoù
Ruz an terdu ha ruz-poazh
Ha ruz ar mor'm eus gwel't biskoazh
Ruz eo ar bed a ruziañ 'ra
Bemdez bemnoz muoc'h-muian
Me 'glev ur son en avel foll
Hag hi ken nerzhus hag an heol
Hag hi ken splann hag al loar
Hag hi ken taer ha tan an douar
Ur wech hepken eo bet kanet
Ur wech hepken e deroù-bed
E deroù-bed e liñ vadenn
An eil gwech 'vezo e dibenn
A bep amzer hep mije c'hoant
Ma muzelloù a glask ar c'han
Ma muzelloù a glask ar son
Ha se a ra din kalz a aon
Ha se ra din kalz a aon
Ha memes tro joa em c'halon
Dans le bruit de la ville où je suis enfermé
Ma voix sait encore se lever
Il n'y a pas un jour que je ne chante
Rien d'autre ne me console en ce monde
Rien d'autre ne me console en ce monde
Alors qu'il m'a tout volé
Volé l'ombre du vent, le chant des nuages
Le bleu des champs, le feu de l'horizon
Volé la danse du houx sur les talus Les chemins de digitales roses et l'eau de chêne
Volé les lunes du jour, la semence de la nuit
Volé ma langue, mon pays
Il n'y a pas un jour que je ne chante
Pour oublier les ravages de ce monde
A l'école, j'ai appris tant de mensonges
J'ai appris que l'eau des sources étaient sans vie
J'ai appris que la terre était sourde
Que les pierres étaient muettes
J'ai appris que le monde était bleu
Alors qu'il est rouge, rouge écarlate
Rouge quand le soleil se lève
Rouge le soir quand il se couche
Rouges les étoiles, rouge la lune
Rouge la brise, rouge la brume
Rouges les corbeaux sur les antennes
Rouge la pluie dans les fumées
Rouge le goudron noir, rouge-feu
Rouge la mer que je n'ai jamais vue
Rouge est le monde
Et il rougit chaque jour un peu plus
J'entends un chant dans le vent fou
Il est aussi puissant que le soleil
Il est aussi radieux que la lune
Et aussi violent que le feu de la terre
Il n'a été chanté qu'une seule fois
Au début du monde
Au début du monde, c'était le déluge
La seconde fois ce sera la fin du monde
Sans le vouloir, à tout instant
Mes lèvres le cherchent
Mes lèvres le cherchent
Et cela me tourmente
Cela me tourmente
Et me r

O loc’hañ diouzh Brest
Aet eo kuit Redadeg 2012 diouzh Brest d"an 12 a viz Mae. E pad 1500 km e tougo ar rederien...
published: 12 May 2012
author: Ar Redadeg
O loc’hañ diouzh Brest
Aet eo kuit Redadeg 2012 diouzh Brest d"an 12 a viz Mae. E pad 1500 km e tougo ar rederien ar vazh, arouez ar yezh, o tastum arc'hant evit kas ar Brezhoneg war raok..
Tro Breizh a ray ar Rederien a raok degouezhet e Douarnenez d'an 19 a viz Mae.
C'est parti pour la Redadeg 2012 . Le témoin a quitté Brest ce 12 Mai pour un périple de 1500 km à travers la Bretagne. Un témoin symbole de la langue bretonne, chaque porteur contribuant au financement d'un fond destiné à promouvoir la langue.
La Redadeg arrivera à Douarnenez le 19 mai 2012.
The start of the sponsered relay around Brittany race took place in Brest 12th May. The runners will carry the baton for 1500 kilometres from Brest to Douarnenez, arriving after a week running all around Brittany on May 19th. The money raised will be used to support the Breton language.

Klip Redadeg 2012
Des milliers de courreurs vont parcourir la Bretagne sur 1500 km au mois de mai 2012, afin...
published: 11 May 2012
author: Ar Redadeg
Klip Redadeg 2012
Des milliers de courreurs vont parcourir la Bretagne sur 1500 km au mois de mai 2012, afin de lever des fonds en soutien à la langue bretonne. Sur la chanson composée et interprétée par Dom Duff "Foeter Breizh, Mikael Baudu a réalisé, avec la société de production Gwengolo Filmoù, , ce clip de promotion afin de nous mettre déjà dans l'ambiance et l'atmosphère de la Redadeg 2012.
Filmé à Douarnenez, Guidel, Carhaix, Rennes (Yaouank) et dans le Pays du Leon.... de jour de nuit, en ville, à la campagne, en bord de mer ou en concert...
Avec la participation de jeunes lycéens, collégiens, du public de Yaouank, la collaboration de l'unité régionale de programmes des télévisions locales de Bretagne.
The official video clip of Redadeg 2010 on «Foeter Breizh» a song by Dom Duff filmed by Mikael Baudu and produced by Gwengolo.Filmoù.
In may 2012 thousands of poeple will run over 1500 km to rise money for the breton language.

Redadeg 2012 Klip ofisiel "Foeter Breizh"
Diwar ar ganaouenn savet ha kanet gant Dom Duff “Foeter Breizh”ez eus bet sevenet gant Mik...
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: Gwengolo Filmoù
Redadeg 2012 Klip ofisiel "Foeter Breizh"
Diwar ar ganaouenn savet ha kanet gant Dom Duff “Foeter Breizh”ez eus bet sevenet gant Mikael Baudu hag e gevredigezh produiñ Gwengolo Filmoù, ur c'hlip da gas war-raok ar Redadeg evit hol lakaat dija e-barzh ton Redadeg 2012.
Filmet eo bet e Douarnenez, e Gwidel, e Karaez, e Roazhon (Yaouank) hag e Bro-Leon... en noz hag en deiz, war ar maez, en arvor pe e sonadegoù...
Liseidi yaouank, skolajidi, arvesterien Yaouank o deus kemeret perzh.
Dispakañ a raio ur wagenn c'hlas war hentoù Breizh e miz Mae 2012, pe e vo an oabl a-liv ganti pe ne vo ket e vo startijenn ha plijadur penn-da-benn an hent !
Des milliers de courreurs vont parcourir la Bretagne sur 1500 km au mois de mai 2012, afin de lever des fonds en soutien à la langue bretonne. Sur la chanson composée et interprétée par Dom Duff “Foeter breizh, Mikael Baudu a réalisé, avec la société de production Gwengolo Filmoù, , ce clip de promotion afin de nous mettre déjà dans l’ambiance et l’atmosphère de la Redadeg 2012.
Filmé à Douarnenez, Guidel, Carhaix, Rennes (Yaouank) et dans le Pays du Leon.... de jour de nuit, en ville, à la campagne, en bord de mer ou en concert...
Avec la participation de jeunes lycéens, collégiens, du public de Yaouank, la collaboration de l’unité régionale de programmes des télévisions locales de Bretagne.
The official video clip of Redadeg 2010 on «Foeter Breizh» a song by Dom Duff filmed by Mikael Baudu and produced by Gwengolo.Filmoù.
In may 2012 thousands of poeple will run over 1500 km to rise money for the breton language.
Youtube results:

Breton speaking a new language ; )
published: 21 Mar 2012
author: TheJenCabezon
Breton speaking a new language ; )
- published: 21 Mar 2012
- views: 244
- author: TheJenCabezon

how to change windows 7 Region and Language format to Breton (France)
how to change windows 7 Region and Language format to Breton (France)...
published: 11 May 2012
author: shalom nehaisi
how to change windows 7 Region and Language format to Breton (France)
how to change windows 7 Region and Language format to Breton (France)
- published: 11 May 2012
- views: 15
- author: shalom nehaisi

An Dro - Bombarde and bagpipes - Breton music seminar AKL 13/04/2012
Playing an An Dro with one bombarde and one set of Scottish bagpipes to demonstrate how a ...
published: 19 Apr 2012
author: bagadnz
An Dro - Bombarde and bagpipes - Breton music seminar AKL 13/04/2012
Playing an An Dro with one bombarde and one set of Scottish bagpipes to demonstrate how a standard duet works, with guest star Breton bombarde tutor Gwenael Lamour from Bagad Kemper, visiting New Zealand.
- published: 19 Apr 2012
- views: 724
- author: bagadnz

Tri bleiz die - Er Maez
Great band from Nantes, France. They sing in breton language The album is called "Millenth...
published: 07 Jul 2011
author: Wotansp
Tri bleiz die - Er Maez
Great band from Nantes, France. They sing in breton language The album is called "Millenthal"
- published: 07 Jul 2011
- views: 1995
- author: Wotansp