
mill stone rotary quern
mill stone rotary quern
this is a short video of a quern stone that i picked up at a yard sale .... it is shaped from solid granite .. and i would estimate its age at somewhere round the 1840s.. at about that time it was illegal to own one!-- you were expected to buy your flour from the company mill ,,(thirlage ) and company men would break peoples querns to effect the monopoly ... it is hard to find any left in countrys like scotland just on a green organic note fresh milled grain contains the wheat germ ... whereas factory produced flour the wheat germ , part is removed (the most healthy part ).. because it becomes rancid after 2 or three days ... therefore fresh milled grain is far more healthy ps you woudnt want a mill stone round your neck

Grinding Flour with a Quern
Grinding Flour with a Quern
Jack Greene shows off one of his quern stones, with Gabriel and Caleb providing the muscle power. The resulting flour was then made into pancakes and cooked over a camp fire.

EbbandFlowLtd_Quern Stone water feature
EbbandFlowLtd_Quern Stone water feature
The water rising up in the centre of the Quern Stone develops rhythmical, side to side oscillations which send out patterns of gentle waves across the surface of the stone, creating a constant series of subtle lapping sounds. The shallow pool area was designed to attract bathing birds (even when the feature is turned off). The Quern Stone is a versatile feature which is suitable for a wide range of settings and can be moved from the outdoors to inside during the winter months if so required. Available in green, pink or black granite, with or without a blue glazed pot from Ebb and Flow Ltd 01453 836060 ebbandflowltd.co.uk

żarna do mielenia zboża,(quern-stone)
żarna do mielenia zboża,(quern-stone)
Żarna wykonane przez mojego dziadka ok. 60 lat temu, pod koniec 60-tych lat lekko zmodyfikowane i przerobione pod napęd silnika elektrycznego ( wsześniej napędzał je kierat), jak widać służą do dziś, przy odpowiedniej eksploatacji są praktycznie bezawaryjne.

Explore your Somerset Routes - Castle Line
Explore your Somerset Routes - Castle Line
Discover the story behind some of the finest heritage sites in Somerset. Based on the innovative touring map of Somerset, this film focuses on the Castle Line stretching from Wells through Shepton Mallet, Frome, Farleigh Hungerford to Nunney. Download your Somerset Heritage Touring Map at www.visitsomerset.co.uk/touring-map

The Joint Research Project in Godawaya, Srilanka, December 2010 Part 1
The Joint Research Project in Godawaya, Srilanka, December 2010 Part 1
An international team comprised of experts in diving and underwater archaeology from Srilanka, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Phillipines participated in the assessment of a shipwreck at Godawaya, Srilanka. The shipwreck is lying or trapped in an isolated reef (which virtually surrounded the wreck and only the northeastern part is exposed) in 31 m water depth. The observation of surface distribution suggests that the site is spread over an area of 40 m by 22 m. The important findings include various sizes of jars, carinated cooking vessels, quern stones and unidentified cargo and possible ship structure. Comparative study of pottery and stone artefacts indicate a possible time bracket for this wreck to be between the 4th century BC and the 2nd century AD.

Archaeoscoop: Down at the Bottom of the Garden
Archaeoscoop: Down at the Bottom of the Garden
Welcome to Archaeoscoop, the place to find heritage and archaeology related stories from around the world! Today I am extremely jealous of this man's garden: www.derryjournal.com

Holmbury Hill - Iron Age Hill Fort
Holmbury Hill - Iron Age Hill Fort
The Beautiful Vista from the top of Holbury Hill ~ Holbury Hillfort Camp: Holmbury Camp is a small Iron Age multivallate hillfort. The defences consist of double ramparts and ditches to the north and west, triple scarping to the south and double scarping to the east; the north-west and south-west angles have been eroded by quarrying. Finds included La Tene III pottery, flints, beehive quern stone fragments and sling pebbles. en.wikipedia.org www.exploringsurreyspast.org.uk www.surreyarchaeology.org.uk

Stone Ground Flour Mill at Eatwell Farm
Stone Ground Flour Mill at Eatwell Farm
Our new mill has arrived. We are still adjusting it to get the flour we want. It looks very promising. You can buy our flour at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market in San Francisco on Saturdays.

the making of Argan Oil
the making of Argan Oil
Argan oil is an oil produced from the fruits of the Argan (Argania spinosa) a species of tree endemic to the calcareous semi-desert of southwestern Morocco. It is the sole species in the genus Argania. The Argan tree now grows only in SW Morocco .It is believed to date back 25000000 years and to have once covered N. Africa. Now endangered and under protection of UNESCO, the Argan grows wild in semi-desert soil, its deep root system helping to protect against soil erosion and the northern advance of the Sahara. It was first reported by the explorer Leo Africanus in 1510. An early specimen was taken to Amsterdam and then cultivated by Lady Beaufort at Badminton c1711. Now only 860000 hectares remain in SW Morocco and these are declining at a rate of 50000h per year. Measures are being put in place to protect this rare and endangered species and in 1999 the argan was listed as a UNESCO Biosphere Heritage. There is an argan tree in the temperate house at Kew. The most labour intensive part of oil-extraction is removal of the soft pulp (used as animal feed) and the cracking by hand, between two stones, of the hard nut. The seeds are then removed and gently roasted. This roasting accounts for part of the oil's distinctive, nutty flavor. The traditional technique for oil extraction is to grind the roasted seeds to paste, with a little water, in a stone rotary quern. The paste is then squeezed between hands to extract the oil. The extracted paste is still oil-rich and is used as <b>...</b>

Historic Luxury House Stone Mill United States
Historic Luxury House Stone Mill United States
Extremey rare and unique converted mill. Visit www.HistoricHouseHunters.com for the finest antique properties in New Jersey.

Hand Wheat Grinder
Hand Wheat Grinder
This video provides a general overview of the WonderMill Junior Deluxe hand grain mill. This mill comes with a set of stone grinders and a set of stainless steel burrs. The stone grinders can be used to crack grains, mill farina (creamy wheat), grind corn meal or mill flour down to pastry fine consistency. You simply adjust the front knob to gain the desired consistency. The stainless steel burrs can also be used in the same way and can also be used to grind oily or moist seeds or nuts. Visit www.preparingwisely.com for more information.

Stone Mill Sales & Service - Video 1
Stone Mill Sales & Service - Video 1
The master millwright's of Stone Mill Sales and Service of North Wilkesboro, NC have over 15 years of experience in on-site, in-house, or in-bakery stone mill service and maintenance. Great pride and a skilled touch goes into each mill we service. Give us a call! We will have your mill operating BETTER than new!

Stone Milling Plant Machinery-Sand Making Automatic Plant
Stone Milling Plant Machinery-Sand Making Automatic Plant
The machine series is designed for milled stoneproduct's characteristic; their designs are good for structure shaping, and working performance with high speed and reliability; thus make high quality milled stone products. They are ideal equipments for milled stone product markets, and fit for different buyers with flexible investment requirements. Contact Person: John Zou Email: johnzouq@gmail.com MSN: johnzouq@hotmail.com Yahoo Messenger: johnzouq Skype: johnzouq Phone: 0086-15201807007

People Powered Flour Mill
People Powered Flour Mill
The People Powered Flour Mill is a bicycle-driven grain grinding mill designed to connect the community to its local food production. It allows communities to buy grain direct from local farmers, not only keeping us fit but giving us the freshest, most nutritious flour. The mill is simple to use: fill the hopper with grain, which is fed into the centre of the stones, and adjust the fineness with the adjusting wheel. Then, pedal the bicycle - connected to the mill with a flexible drive shaft which turns the bottom stone. Flour falls into the collecting bucket below. In one hour of continuous milling, a community could produce 100kg enough for 200 large loaves. With its flexible drive shaft, the mill could be plugged into any power source for continuous milling. With the mill, communities hold baking workshops and milling demonstrations in their village hall. Children, parents and grandparents can themselves provide that vital link between fields of wheat and loaves of bread. www.ferguswalker.com

Grist Mill used by Indians in San Jose Mission in San Antonio
Grist Mill used by Indians in San Jose Mission in San Antonio
One of the most interesting things to me at the San José Mission in San Antonio is the Water Powered Gristmill. Built more than two centuries ago, the gristmill continues grinding away. Parkranger and head miller tells visitors, "We could grind 600 to 800 pounds of flour every day if we had to, just as they did years ago." When the European Priests first arrived in Texas to build the Missions the only type of bread they found was "Corn" bread. Corn can be milled by hand but to mill the harder wheat grain required some type of mechanical mill. A logical addition to the extensive irrigation canal system from the San Antonio River, was a water powered mill. The mill at San José is not a technological wonder even when compared to water powered mills of that day. A gate directed water into a deep tub. Water from the tub was throttled with a smaller gate out through a small wooden pipe onto the horizontal vanes of a water wheel attached to a vertical shaft. The Miller controlled the speed of the mill by how much water he throttled through the throttle gate. The more water he let through, the faster the mill would turn. The less water he let through the slower the mill turned The vertical shaft went up through the mill floor, through the stationary millstone and was attached to the upper mill stone. The upper mill stone was turned by the shaft. The miller slowly fed grain into a hopper. The hopper is like a scoop. The hopper slowly drops the grain into a hole in the center of <b>...</b>

Kayavarohan Shiv Temple - Vadodara.....GUJARAT
Kayavarohan Shiv Temple - Vadodara.....GUJARAT
Kayavarohan,popularly known as Karvan, it is situated on National Highway No. 8, 30kms from Baroda,Gujarat. It is both a place of pilgrimage and a picnic spot. A beautiful Shiv Temple built recently houses an attractive idol of Lakulish. Ancient sculptures and relics belonging to the 2nd century have been excavated from this historical place. The Shivalayas and temples of Karvan were rebuilt and restored during the late Twentieth century by the Great Yogacharya Swamiji Krupaluanandji Maharaj. Numerous Hindu icons, number of copper coins and a stone quern have been found from Karvan. A grand head of Tapasvi, the image of Kartikeya and an idol of Uma Maheshwara are some of the rare and unmatched archaeological specimen discovered from Karvan. Karvan is a place of great archeological importance and the ASI Archaeological Survey of India has listed Karvan as a heritage site and has set up a special museum for the remains found around this site. Karvan is one of the major sites of Indian Heritage.

New Hall Water Mill, Walmley
New Hall Water Mill, Walmley
A look at the working water mill at New Hall Valley, Walmley, West Midlands. The current flour and grain mill dates back to the 18th century, and prior to that a mill occupied the site from the 16th century. The ground floor is occupied by the machinery and the engine room, the first floor is known as the stone floor with milling machines, a quern, and millstones. the second or attic floor is where the grain is stored. Two waterwheels were once operative in this mill, the former building may have contained four ! Many thanks to the Friends of New Hall Mill and staff for advice and information. Please see the website at - newhallmill.org.uk Open Day, 31st May 2010.

Argan oil woman's cooperative.
Argan oil woman's cooperative.
Morocco. Traveling from Tafraout to Essaouira. We visited a woman's cooperative. Before modern times, the Berbers (also known as the Amazighs) of Morocco would collect undigested Argan pits from the waste of goats which climb the trees to eat their fruit. The pits were then ground and pressed to make the nutty oil used in cooking and cosmetics. However, the oil used in cosmetic and culinary products available for sale today has most likely been harvested directly from the tree and processed with machines. All argan sold today is produced by a women's cooperative that shares the profits among the local women of the Berber tribe. The cooperative has established an ecosystem reforestation project so that the supply of argan oil will not run out and the income that is currently supporting the women will not disappear. The money is providing health care and education to the local women, and supporting the entire community as a whole. The most labour intensive part of oil-extraction is removal of the soft pulp (used as animal feed) and the cracking by hand, between two stones, of the hard nut. The seeds are then removed and gently roasted. This roasting accounts for part of the oil's distinctive, nutty flavor. The traditional technique for oil extraction is to grind the roasted seeds to paste, with a little water, in a stone rotary quern. The paste is then squeezed between hands to extract the oil. The extracted paste is still oil-rich and is used as animal feed. Oil produced <b>...</b>

Soy Bean Grinder
Soy Bean Grinder
A Manual Soy bean grinder or "Quern Mill' in China. The similar design (same principle) is used to grind many other grains like Sesame seed, rice etc. These will one day be part of our daily routine once more. Best we not forget how to make and use them. THis one is still manually operated but has a neat lever contraction rigged up as it is a larger.