- published: 15 Mar 2009
- views: 122996
- author: RPMXLII
Monty Python - Summarize Proust Competition Uncensored
All the videos of this sketch that I've seen here are the censored version, so I figured I...
published: 15 Mar 2009
author: RPMXLII
Monty Python - Summarize Proust Competition Uncensored
All the videos of this sketch that I've seen here are the censored version, so I figured I'd upload this. It's from one of my old Python videos that I taped from PBS. For those that don't know, the line "Strangling animals, golf, and masturbating" was censored by the BBC when this episode first aired. Then for the first Flying Circus DVD release, it was not only censored, but the scene was actually re-cut to only say "Golf and strangling animals". This video has the original, unedited line intact. I don't own Monty Python. www.amazon.com
- published: 15 Mar 2009
- views: 122996
- author: RPMXLII
Proust CAN change your life
www.btowstore.com www.audible.co.uk HOW PROUST CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE by Alain de Botton rea...
published: 12 Jun 2008
author: CSAWORDaudio
Proust CAN change your life
www.btowstore.com www.audible.co.uk HOW PROUST CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE by Alain de Botton read by Samuel West . This witty combination of biography and literary criticism is an informative and amusing book about the celebrated French writer, imitating the style of present-day 'self-help' books. More Classic Audio Books ( 350+ titles ) on our CSAword website ( csaword.co.uk ) INFORMATION FROM CSAWORD WEBSITE: New in 2008 2008 is full of new and exciting releases from the specialist Spoken Word publisher, CSA WORD. Here, you can browse through CSA's 2008 upcoming releases, to see what might take your fancy. If you are interested in purchasing titles that haven't yet been published, then please add them to your 'shopping list' ready for the release date, to be sure that you remember when you can buy the brand-new CSA WORD releases. Happy browsing... NOT BBC not naxos NOT pearson Not Recorded Books inc Not Disney .This is CSAWORD Audio from CSAWORD audio book Classic range see website for over350 audio books.Video created forCSAWORD by Robert Nichol AudioProductions RNaudioproductions Tring/London UK
- published: 12 Jun 2008
- views: 39900
- author: CSAWORDaudio
Alan Rickman -Proust Recitation
Just as it sounds... The soothing voice of Alan Rickman reciting a little something from M...
published: 17 Sep 2008
author: Natasha Smith
Alan Rickman -Proust Recitation
Just as it sounds... The soothing voice of Alan Rickman reciting a little something from Marcel Proust
- published: 17 Sep 2008
- views: 27541
- author: Natasha Smith
A la recherche de Marcel Proust - retrouvee.mp4
Re-arranging the insignificant instances and incidents of his life, Marcel Proust attempte...
published: 07 Mar 2012
author: Dan Shorer
A la recherche de Marcel Proust - retrouvee.mp4
Re-arranging the insignificant instances and incidents of his life, Marcel Proust attempted to write time our of the formula of his existence. Searching for Marcel Proust is finding out how to read "The Novel" for the fun of it
- published: 07 Mar 2012
- views: 558
- author: Dan Shorer
Marcel Proust, the Red Shoes of the Duchess - In Search of Lost Time
HOW TO WATCH THIS VIDEO:. When you see text in white, stop the video ( ▌▌) and read (it's ...
published: 30 May 2010
author: betapicts
Marcel Proust, the Red Shoes of the Duchess - In Search of Lost Time
HOW TO WATCH THIS VIDEO:. When you see text in white, stop the video ( ▌▌) and read (it's only presented for two seconds). When finished, press 'play' again (►). Simple comme bonjour! The texts are quotations from Proust's monumental novel: In Search of Lost Time (À la Recherche du Temps Perdu). To read the whole volume in English see: gutenberg.net.au The scene of the duchess's red shoes is characteristic for his work, and could form a good start reading the whole book (seven volumes!). For more on the red shoes of the duchess, see Yolande Jansen (academic stuff): home.medewerker.uva.nl The images are from Volker Schlöndorff's movie (1984): Swann in Love (Un amour de Swann), starring Jeremy Irons (Charles Swann), Fanny Ardant (Duchesse de Guermantes), Jacques Boudet (Duke de Guermantes). Music: Camille Saint-Saëns, Adagio of the Sonata for Piano and Violin no. 1 in D minor, op. 75 by Avner Arad. Proust scholars have speculated endlessly on what is the "real life" equivalent of Proust's famous "little phrase". The adagio is one of the suggestions. To download this music in mp3: www.gardnermuseum.org (at 6 min 39 sec) The timing and translation of the cc's is of course not a success, to say the least, but perhaps: 'something is better than nothing'.
- published: 30 May 2010
- views: 7680
- author: betapicts
The Adventures of Marcel Proust
A humourous neon animation by metempsychotic stream-of-consciousness filmmaker, Jack Felds...
published: 07 Jun 2007
author: jifx
The Adventures of Marcel Proust
A humourous neon animation by metempsychotic stream-of-consciousness filmmaker, Jack Feldstein...about the great modernist writer Marcel Proust. Part of Feldstein's "The Adventures of..." series.
- published: 07 Jun 2007
- views: 13261
- author: jifx
1Marcel Proust Une vie d'écrivain 1992 xvid
published: 27 Nov 2010
author: LuisMasnou
1Marcel Proust Une vie d'écrivain 1992 xvid
- published: 27 Nov 2010
- views: 3714
- author: LuisMasnou
FLAME ON: Marcel Proust and Morality
ironic film which defends gays throughout history....
published: 25 Nov 2008
author: neuralsurfer
FLAME ON: Marcel Proust and Morality
ironic film which defends gays throughout history.
- published: 25 Nov 2008
- views: 5642
- author: neuralsurfer
Audiobook: Swann's Way Marcel Proust
Choose 1 Free Audiobook out of 60000 titles when you sign up for Audible free trial at fou...
published: 21 Jul 2011
author: audiobookmturk10
Audiobook: Swann's Way Marcel Proust
Choose 1 Free Audiobook out of 60000 titles when you sign up for Audible free trial at foudak.com DRM Free Audiobook at eMusic foudak.com
- published: 21 Jul 2011
- views: 962
- author: audiobookmturk10
Marcel Proust: an Eminent Asmathic
A docu-drama on life and breathing disease of famous French writer Marcel Proust. The stor...
published: 23 Mar 2010
author: visiveprod
Marcel Proust: an Eminent Asmathic
A docu-drama on life and breathing disease of famous French writer Marcel Proust. The story is set in the end of 1800 and first decades of 1900, carrying Proust from his firts symptoms when he was just a child to the aggravate state of his mature age. Shot in ancient residence and gardens in Florence (IT), this short movie is written by and for medical professionels; directed by Isabella Panero and Guido Bandini, produced by VISIVE.
- published: 23 Mar 2010
- views: 1964
- author: visiveprod
Alla Ricerca di Marcel Proust 1/5
idealezetetico.blogspot.com Documentario con testimonianze dirette sul mio amatissimo e od...
published: 23 Feb 2010
author: idealezetetico
Alla Ricerca di Marcel Proust 1/5
idealezetetico.blogspot.com Documentario con testimonianze dirette sul mio amatissimo e odiatissimo Marcel Proust. Sentitevi liberi di contattarci chiedendolo sui commenti del canale, ricordatevi che un grazie per noi è un enorme piacere. Il filmato è usato a fini istruttivi e non di lucro, il copyright appartiene all'autore che lo ha prodotto.
- published: 23 Feb 2010
- views: 7842
- author: idealezetetico
Alessandro Baricco -- Pickwick: Marcel Proust e John Dos Passos 1/2
published: 04 Jun 2011
author: Ninelle Damasco
Alessandro Baricco -- Pickwick: Marcel Proust e John Dos Passos 1/2
- published: 04 Jun 2011
- views: 3517
- author: Ninelle Damasco
Marcel Proust - Biographisches und Anekdotisches (1/2)
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922) German language only....
published: 30 Jul 2011
author: WeisserAlarm
Marcel Proust - Biographisches und Anekdotisches (1/2)
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922) German language only.
- published: 30 Jul 2011
- views: 2935
- author: WeisserAlarm
Youtube results:
Marcel Proust [Subtítulos Español]
Documental sobre la vida y obra de Marcel Proust en el que se describen las relaciones que...
published: 26 Mar 2011
author: FuckingYouth
Marcel Proust [Subtítulos Español]
Documental sobre la vida y obra de Marcel Proust en el que se describen las relaciones que el autor de "En busca del tiempo perdido" tuvo con sus padres, con Alfred Agostinelli (uno de sus amores) y con su ama de llaves Céleste Albaret (quien fue la responsable por salvaguardar su obra). Se abordan, entre otros temas, la ascensión social de Proust en el círculo de los salones de la aristocracia parisina, su ascendencia judía y la participación que tuvo en el caso Dreyfus, su homosexualidad, el proceso de escritura y de publicación de sus obras. El documental cuenta con testimonios de contemporáneos de Proust como Jean Cocteau, François Mauriac, Paul Morand y Céleste Albaret; así mismo, de escritores y críticos como Roger Shattuck, Shelby Foote e Iris Murdoch. Los subtítulos para este documental fueron realizados por Irene Loba, gunaika87@hotmail.com, a quien agradecemos su colaboración con la "Videoteca de humanidades". La revisión y sincronización del subtítulo fue hecha por "Doclécticos". Las citas de "En busca del tiempo perdido" que aparecen en el documental fueron tomadas de la edición de Alianza Editorial (traducciones de Pedro Salinas y Consuelo Berges). Irene Loba había realizado anteriormente el subtítulo para el documental "Antoni Gaudí -- Arquitectura Modernista en Barcelona (2002)".
- published: 26 Mar 2011
- views: 30747
- author: FuckingYouth
Marcel Proust
quando una sera a teatro venne presentato a Odette de Crécy da uno dei suoi amici d'una vo...
published: 12 Oct 2008
author: rebeccabecki
Marcel Proust
quando una sera a teatro venne presentato a Odette de Crécy da uno dei suoi amici d'una volta, che gli aveva sì parlato di lei come d'una donna incantevole con la quale avrebbe potuto arrivare a qualcosa, ma gliel'aveva fatta intendere più difficile di quanto in realtà non fosse per mettere meglio in rilievo la gentilezza e l'importanza di quella sua presentazione, Swann la giudicò non certo sfornita di bellezza, ma dotata di un genere di bellezza che a lui non faceva né caldo né freddo, che non gli suggeriva alcun desiderio, che anzi gli causava una specie di repulsione fisica, una di quelle donne, tutti ne hanno e per ognuno son diverse, che son l'opposto dell'ideale invocato dai sensi. Per piacergli, aveva il profilo troppo segnato, la pelle troppo delicata, gli zigomi troppo sporgenti, i lineamenti troppo tirati. Gli occhi, li aveva belli, ma così grandi che sconvolgevano con il loro peso, affaticavano il resto della faccia e le conferivano una perpetua aria di cattiva salute o di cattivo umore. Qualche tempo dopo quella presentazione a teatro, era stata lei a scrivergli, domandando di vedere le sue collezioni che la interessavano tanto, «lei, un'ignorante, che aveva il gusto delle cose belle», dicendo che l'avrebbe conosciuto meglio quando l'avesse visto nel «suo home» in cui se lo immaginava «tanto a suo agio con il suo tè ei suoi libri», sebbene non gli celasse il suo stupore nel saperlo abitare in quel quartiere che doveva essere talmente triste «ed era talmente ...
- published: 12 Oct 2008
- views: 22353
- author: rebeccabecki
Marcel Proust, uma vida de escritor - 1
A principal obra de Marcel Proust é o tema deste documentário francês, Marcel Proust -- um...
published: 20 Feb 2012
author: Ezequiel Martins
Marcel Proust, uma vida de escritor - 1
A principal obra de Marcel Proust é o tema deste documentário francês, Marcel Proust -- uma vida de escritor. Os paradoxos do homem Marcel Proust e do escritor desfilam neste curto documentário.
- published: 20 Feb 2012
- views: 2329
- author: Ezequiel Martins
Remembrance of Things Past with Neville Jason
Neville Jason on Proust's epic 'Remembrance of Things Past', which he has just completed r...
published: 02 Sep 2012
author: NaxosAudioBooks
Remembrance of Things Past with Neville Jason
Neville Jason on Proust's epic 'Remembrance of Things Past', which he has just completed recording for Naxos AudioBooks - unabridged.
- published: 02 Sep 2012
- views: 843
- author: NaxosAudioBooks