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The emergence of a Eurasian Union

The emergence of a Eurasian Union

By Ioannis Michaletos/The Eurasian Union is a term coined in 2011 by the President of Russia, based on previous ideas and aims to re-establish the greater part of the old U.S.S.R. from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and more specifically of the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Armenia and even Ukraine. Should... »

American Wartime Film: Chetniks! The Fighting Guerrillas (1943)

American Wartime Film: Chetniks! The Fighting Guerrillas (1943)

by Carl Savich  |  The 1943 American movie Chetniks! The Fighting Guerrillas is a time capsule that shows how Draza Mihailovich and the Chetnik guerrillas were integral parts of the American and Allied war effort. At the height of World War II in 1943, the movie demonstrated their influence and impact on the “greatest generation”.... »

Dear Winston… or What General Mihailovich might have said to Churchill if he had the chance

Dear Winston… or What General Mihailovich might have said to Churchill if he had the chance

By Aleksandra Rebic Two men who changed history never met, but they should have. They had an enormous impact on each other’s lives. They both were men of war. One would survive. The other would not. The following gives voice to General Draza Mihailovich, the one who did not survive, and what he might... »

NATO Court Delivers Yet Another Miscarriage Of Justice: Serbs suffer another biased judgement

By Vojin Joksimovich, PhD On November the 16th  the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) outrageously reversed convictions, acquitted and ordered immediate release of the Croatian Colonel General Ante Gotovina, commander of  a military offensive known as Operation Storm (Oluja in Serbian), and Colonel General Mladen Markac, Operation Commander... »

Southeastern European organized crime & extremism review

By Ioannis Michaletos/ The folowing research is a review around the theme of Southeastern European organized crime, mainly in the period 1995-2007, highlighting the emergence of powerful regional “Mafias” with an actual global presence. The main focus is the Albanian criminal syndicates centered on Kosovo. The research is composed by previous material of the writer,... »

Justice in Gotovina & Markac case neither done nor seen to be done

Justice in Gotovina & Markac case neither done nor seen to be done

The corrupt verdict that has absolved these two Croatian war criminals reduces to naught its obsequious findings of “guilt” in Srebrenica cases. By Stephen Karganovic Viewed from a political perspective – and there is no other applicable standard to assess the operations of the Hague Tribunal – the appellate level vindication of the role... »

Gotovina & Markac Acquittal Exposes ICTY’s Political Agenda

Gotovina & Markac Acquittal Exposes ICTY’s Political Agenda

Why the UN war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia acquitted Gotovina and Markac in spite of the iron-clad evidence against them? by Andy Wilcoxson On November 16th the appeals chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague acquitted and ordered the immediate release of Ante Gotovina and... »

Kepiro: Fascist beast or Mr. Nobody

Kepiro: Fascist beast or Mr. Nobody

Sándor Képíró is accused that, as a Hungarian captain, he took part in executions of Serbs, Jews and Roma in Novi Sad in 1942 and was actively involved in sending Jews to the Auschwitz death camp. He was sentenced for this crime twice before – in 1944 for ten years but that sentence was... »

Terrorism in Greece

Domestic terrorism in Greece, notable cases and close examination of past attacks regarding the operational environment, the wider political & economic climate and the security measures implemented, as well as, the media & societal reaction. By Ioannis Michaletos Introduction Domestic terrorism in Greece stretches back in the mid-70′s when the infamous terrorist organization “November... »

FlashBACK: Eyewitness to Genocide in Kosovo – the Albanian Skenderbeg Division

FlashBACK: Eyewitness to Genocide in Kosovo – the Albanian Skenderbeg Division

During WWII, Kosovo Albanians formed a volunteer Nazi army called Skenderbeg whose gunmen and officials engaged in large-scale arrests, deportations, rapes, looting and murders of Serbs, Jews, Gypsies, and other non-Albanians. This historical study originally appeared on Serbianna October 23, 2000. by Carl Savich Introduction The historical and political precedent for the creation of... »

Breaking Serbia

Breaking Serbia

Foreign agents are engaged in an attempt to wobble Serbia’s Christian social fabric by using a homosexual leader who openly declared that he hates God and wants to be fisted by other men. By Jaclyn Ryan   A large segment of the population of the United States, particularly generations X, Y and Z, are... »

Terrorist Islamist threat in Bulgaria

Terrorist Islamist threat in Bulgaria

By Ioannis Michaletos | In July 2012 Bulgaria’s main tourism destination, the Burgas coastal city, was hit by a suicide bomber that killed a group of five Israeli tourists in the local airport, signaling the first attack of such type in the Balkans and bringing once more time into the surface, the issue of... »

The Rat Lines, the Holocaust in France, 1940-1944, and the Klaus Barbie Case, Part III

The Rat Lines, the Holocaust in France, 1940-1944, and the Klaus Barbie Case, Part III

By Carl Savich Introduction Croatian Roman Catholic priest Krunoslav Draganovic was the organizer of the Vatican Rat Lines that allowed wanted Ustasha and Nazi war criminals to escape from Europe to South America. He helped not only suspected Croatian Ustasha war criminals escape prosecution for war crimes. He organized Klaus Barbie’s escape to Bolivia... »