- published: 07 Nov 2009
- views: 1371
- author: 1VDG

Denkyira Kingdom Part-1
2009/8/17 拜訪了位於非洲迦納南部Denkyira 王的國王以及國王的大臣們,請他們幫助做Denkyira Kingdom 的古文物記載。2009/8/20 的下午,我們開...
published: 07 Nov 2009
author: 1VDG
Denkyira Kingdom Part-1
2009/8/17 拜訪了位於非洲迦納南部Denkyira 王的國王以及國王的大臣們,請他們幫助做Denkyira Kingdom 的古文物記載。2009/8/20 的下午,我們開始了大臣的訪談以及12 件文物的數位典藏。此次記錄的文物多用於慶典或戰爭,具有一定程度的代表性。我們記錄的12 件傳統文物包括: Sword, linguist stuff, cap, gun, war-dress, dnaka-toa, horn, slippers.每一件文物都列出了:Twi/English name, material,usage, brief introduction. 大臣在解說的過程我們都用影片記錄下來,所以有很多珍貴的片段。同時也與當地的oneVillage Foundation合作請他們幫忙協助再次確定資料的正確性。
- published: 07 Nov 2009
- views: 1371
- author: 1VDG

Paa Kow's By All Means Band: Denkyira Asafo live at Boulder Theater
Paa Kow's By All Means Band: Paa Kow: Drums, Vocals Andrew Simons: Bass Justin Fichtner: C...
published: 18 Jun 2012
author: BAMBTV
Paa Kow's By All Means Band: Denkyira Asafo live at Boulder Theater
Paa Kow's By All Means Band: Paa Kow: Drums, Vocals Andrew Simons: Bass Justin Fichtner: Congas Laine Ludwig: Shekere Atta Addo: Asafo Drum Alia: Djembe Peyton Shuffield: Cowbell Aaron Fichtner: Guitar Daniel Nunez: Guitar Solomon Goldbas: Keyboards Joel Timm: Trombone Mark Paterson: Trombone Noah Fulton-Beale: Trumpet Brad Goode: Trumpet John Gunther: Saxophone Chase Peeler: Saxophone Denkyira Asafo live at the Boulder Theater CD Release Concert in Boulder, Colorado.
- published: 18 Jun 2012
- views: 1700
- author: BAMBTV

Installment of the new Chief in Jukwa, Denkyira Kingdom, Ghana
Boa Amponsam III - King of Denkyira Kingdom He once was the paramount Chef in the traditio...
published: 17 Aug 2010
author: ulrike reinhard
Installment of the new Chief in Jukwa, Denkyira Kingdom, Ghana
Boa Amponsam III - King of Denkyira Kingdom He once was the paramount Chef in the traditional council in Ghana. Residing in his home in Jukwa, Ghana, he is going through physical therapy from the stroke he suffered few years ago. This event is for the installment of the 'last Chief' in one of the 7 divisions weithin Denkyira Kingdom as this chief role is to look out for the best interest of the Denkyira people.
- published: 17 Aug 2010
- views: 1209
- author: ulrike reinhard

Denkyira Asafo - Paa Kow's By All Means Band
Asafo is the traditional music to entertain and welcome the King of Enyan Denkyira as well...
published: 02 Apr 2011
author: BAMBTV
Denkyira Asafo - Paa Kow's By All Means Band
Asafo is the traditional music to entertain and welcome the King of Enyan Denkyira as well as the central region of Ghana. Cultural drumming groups play Asafo music for festivals, funerals, and village conferences, to bring people together spiritually. www.byallmeansband.com Paa Kow - Drums, Vocals Aaron Fichtner - Guitar, Vocals Noah Fulton-Beale - Trumpet Joel Timm - Trombone Solomon Goldbas - Keyboards, Vocals Justin Fichtner - Congas, Percussion Scott Messersmith - Congas, Percussion Zac Flynn - Bass
- published: 02 Apr 2011
- views: 961
- author: BAMBTV

The Queen of Denkyira, at a Funeral, 2004
The Queen of Denkyira, the Denkyirahemaa, Nana Ama Ayensua Saara III, performing the ''Kun...
published: 11 Dec 2010
author: akrase200
The Queen of Denkyira, at a Funeral, 2004
The Queen of Denkyira, the Denkyirahemaa, Nana Ama Ayensua Saara III, performing the ''Kuna''---the widowhood rites, at Techiman. By custom, predating from the past, the Queen of Denkyira, is said to be the customary wife of the Techimanhene.
- published: 11 Dec 2010
- views: 858
- author: akrase200

Denkyira Odwira (Firday).avi
On the Friday in the week for the celebration of the Odwira festival among the Denkyira pe...
published: 04 Jul 2011
author: LordStumpus
Denkyira Odwira (Firday).avi
On the Friday in the week for the celebration of the Odwira festival among the Denkyira people of Ghana, three main things are done; lighting the state fire, visiting Apa (Apaho) and going to the stream. (Surowi). Here, in this video, I put together the pictures I got on the events of the day in the 2010 Odwira festival at Jukwa, in the Central Region of Ghana.
- published: 04 Jul 2011
- views: 358
- author: LordStumpus

Fremah (Denkyira) for Miss West Africa Ghana 2012 (Text 'WAF Fremah' to 1736) on 25 Aug, 4pm!!
To rate and comment on this video please visit www.misswestafrica.com To see all contestan...
published: 05 Aug 2012
author: TheMisswestafrica
Fremah (Denkyira) for Miss West Africa Ghana 2012 (Text 'WAF Fremah' to 1736) on 25 Aug, 4pm!!
To rate and comment on this video please visit www.misswestafrica.com To see all contestants visit www.misswestafrica.com Tickets are only 30GHC & Available at Koala (Osu), Frankies (Osu), Joy FM (Accra Mall), Ticket Doug (Abeka). Tickets can also be delivered to your door step. The number to call is 0571 - 111 - 111. Voting Details below. Also visit www.misswestafricaghana.com Miss West Africa Ghana Finals, The Crowning of the Black Star Queen. The most talked about pageant in Ghana and Africa is taking place on 25th August 2012, 4pm!!! @ The Luxurious Next Door Beach Resort, Teshie/Labadi, Accra Text Voting - Begins Monday 6th August 2012 - Ends Sunday 19th August 2012 Text 'WAF + Name of your favourite contestant' to 1736. Each text cost 30peswas and counts as 3 votes. TEXTS ONLY VIA GHANA NETWORKS AND ARE NON REFUNDABLE Online Voting - Begins Thursday 9th August 2012, 2pm - Ends Saturday 11th August 2012, 8pm (GMT/Ghana time). Vote at www.facebook.com/MissWestAfricaInternational , visit the folder 'MWA GH: Vote For The Black Star Queen' and like the picture of your favourite candidate. This folder will only be made public on Thursday. Thank you, Vote wisely, the reigning queen will further her success by competing with all other winners in all other countries. For all other event information, please contact..... 00233(0)549 582 882 info@misswestafrica.com www.misswestafricaghana.com www.misswestafrica.com
- published: 05 Aug 2012
- views: 281
- author: TheMisswestafrica

Denkyira Odwira, The Denkyirahene in palanquin.
The primus inter paris of the Denkyira people, Odeefuo Boa Amponsem III, rides in his pala...
published: 14 Jan 2011
author: LordStumpus
Denkyira Odwira, The Denkyirahene in palanquin.
The primus inter paris of the Denkyira people, Odeefuo Boa Amponsem III, rides in his palanquin during the Odwira 2010 at jukwa. Catch a short glimpse of the king.
- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 720
- author: LordStumpus

Denkyira Odwira 2010
The Denkyirahemaa, Nana Ama Ayensua Saarah III shows her dancing skills in her palanquin d...
published: 06 Dec 2010
author: LordStumpus
Denkyira Odwira 2010
The Denkyirahemaa, Nana Ama Ayensua Saarah III shows her dancing skills in her palanquin during the celebration
- published: 06 Dec 2010
- views: 864
- author: LordStumpus

Denkyira Odwira 2010, Lighting the fire
On friday, in the week of the Odwira, no one can light fire to do anything at Jukwa until ...
published: 14 Jan 2011
author: LordStumpus
Denkyira Odwira 2010, Lighting the fire
On friday, in the week of the Odwira, no one can light fire to do anything at Jukwa until the Chief of fire (Ogyahene) and his people have come to light the state fire. Here, in this video, the Ogyahene and his people light the state fire while the other chiefs and people look on. After the lighting of the fire every one can then use fire in the town.
- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 414
- author: LordStumpus

Denkyira Odwira
As part of the celebrations, the chiefs and people of Denkyira have many durbars. Here, in...
published: 14 Jan 2011
author: LordStumpus
Denkyira Odwira
As part of the celebrations, the chiefs and people of Denkyira have many durbars. Here, in this video, an executioner swears one of the many oaths to the Denkyirahene.
- published: 14 Jan 2011
- views: 518
- author: LordStumpus

Denkyira Kingdom Part-2
published: 23 Feb 2011
author: gogogoghana
Denkyira Kingdom Part-2
- published: 23 Feb 2011
- views: 74
- author: gogogoghana

Denkyira Kingdom Part-4
2009年台灣清華大學國際志工迦納團的指導老師唐瑋,是第一位也是唯一一位亞洲女性在2008 年成為迦納南部Denkyira 王國的國母。因為她對王國發展的努力,受封為Queen M...
published: 07 Nov 2009
author: 1VDG
Denkyira Kingdom Part-4
2009年台灣清華大學國際志工迦納團的指導老師唐瑋,是第一位也是唯一一位亞洲女性在2008 年成為迦納南部Denkyira 王國的國母。因為她對王國發展的努力,受封為Queen Mother of development。她持續利用數位科技來幫助Denkyira王國的人民得到更好的生活。 而因為Denkyira王朝在迦納有相當悠久且偉大的歷史,唐老師認為如果在2009 年由台灣清華大學的學生來作Denkyira王國文物的記載,會成為一個很好機會讓Denkyira 王國的人民知道台灣是怎麼做數位典藏的工作。並藉由紀錄Denkyira Kingdom 的傳統文物以及拍攝國王紀錄片,讓來自10000 哩以外台灣的我們也逐漸了解了這個王國的歷史文化。
- published: 07 Nov 2009
- views: 463
- author: 1VDG

7p.m. - Paa Kow's By All Means Band
7 pm is the time that children have a chance to play with friends in Enyan Denkyira, Ghana...
published: 01 Apr 2011
author: BAMBTV
7p.m. - Paa Kow's By All Means Band
7 pm is the time that children have a chance to play with friends in Enyan Denkyira, Ghana. This song is about the joy of playing with brothers and sisters after the day is done. www.byallmeansband.com Paa Kow - Drums, Vocals Aaron Fichtner - Guitar, Vocals Noah Fulton-Beale - Trumpet Joel Timm - Trombone Solomon Goldbas - Keyboards Justin Fichtner - Congas, Percussion Scott Messersmith - Congas, Percussion Zac Flynn - Bass
- published: 01 Apr 2011
- views: 1187
- author: BAMBTV
Youtube results:

Boadi Ernest posted to Upper Denkyira East recounts his experience on the elections in Gha...
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: centralpress
Boadi Ernest posted to Upper Denkyira East recounts his experience on the elections in Ghana.
- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 1
- author: centralpress

Denkyira Kingdom Part-3
「謙卑與領導能力是擔任President of the National House of Chiefs的關鍵。」Nana EK 說,酋長得先擔任Paramount chief,成...
published: 07 Nov 2009
author: 1VDG
Denkyira Kingdom Part-3
「謙卑與領導能力是擔任President of the National House of Chiefs的關鍵。」Nana EK 說,酋長得先擔任Paramount chief,成為一地區的最高領袖,Paramount chief 再集合開會,從中選出President of the National House of Chiefs。「謙卑還是最重要的,」Nana EK強調,「你必須服務別人,別人才會服務你。」
- published: 07 Nov 2009
- views: 355
- author: 1VDG

Denkyira Kingdom Part-2
Odeefuo Boa Amponsem III是現任Denkyira 國王,同時也是「President of the National House of Chiefs」。「Pr...
published: 07 Nov 2009
author: 1VDG
Denkyira Kingdom Part-2
Odeefuo Boa Amponsem III是現任Denkyira 國王,同時也是「President of the National House of Chiefs」。「President of the National House of Chiefs」從所有酋長中遴選,可說是所有酋長的頭頭。Odeefuo Boa Amponsem III將現代化、新產業與普及教育帶進他的王朝;下田親自指導農民工作;鼓勵各地居民前來學習Denkyira 文化,也簡化晉見國王的流程,以往民眾需透過繁瑣流程與層層關卡,還不一定見得到國王,但現在,只要透過一位linguist 通報,就可與國王面對面。親合力十足的Odeefuo Boa Amponsem III,受到不少Denkyira 人民打心底愛戴。
- published: 07 Nov 2009
- views: 645
- author: 1VDG