- published: 27 Sep 2011
- views: 66012
- author: vidasan

ghosts of the black sea
Seven years ago, on his third trip to the Black Sea, Dr. Robert Ballard discovered a mirac...
published: 27 Sep 2011
author: vidasan
ghosts of the black sea
Seven years ago, on his third trip to the Black Sea, Dr. Robert Ballard discovered a miraculously well-preserved Byzantine shipwreck, but his team could only take pictures. Now, Ballard returns with state-of-the-art technology and a revolutionary $1.5 million robot known as "Hercules" to excavate two shipwrecks for the first time ever, including one of the most pristine ancient vessels ever found. Ballard and his team have only two weeks, so they must work in perfect precision on their hunt for the Ghost Ships of the Black Sea.
- published: 27 Sep 2011
- views: 66012
- author: vidasan

Why is the Black Sea called Black Sea?
Well - just watch the movie and you´ll know! See more at www.caucasus-pictures.blogspot.co...
published: 10 Mar 2007
author: eshate
Why is the Black Sea called Black Sea?
Well - just watch the movie and you´ll know! See more at www.caucasus-pictures.blogspot.com
- published: 10 Mar 2007
- views: 53323
- author: eshate

The Black Sea was a lake
The Black Sea is an inland sea bounded by Europe, Anatolia and the Caucasus and is ultimat...
published: 07 Apr 2010
author: ulaghchi
The Black Sea was a lake
The Black Sea is an inland sea bounded by Europe, Anatolia and the Caucasus and is ultimately connected to the Atlantic Ocean via the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas and various straits. The Bosphorus strait connects it to the Sea of Marmara, and the strait of the Dardanelles connects it to the Aegean Sea region of the Mediterranean. These waters separate eastern Europe and western Asia. The Black Sea also connects to the Sea of Azov by the Strait of Kerch. The Black Sea has an area of 436400 km2 (168495.0 sq mi), a maximum depth of 2206 m (7238 ft), and a volume of 547000 km³ (133500 cu mi). The Black Sea forms in an east-west trending elliptical depression which lies between Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine. It is constrained by the Pontic Mountains to the south, the Caucasus Mountains to the east and features a wide shelf to the north-west. The longest east-west extent is about 1175 km. Important cities along the coast include Batumi, Burgas, Constanţa, Giresun, Istanbul, Kerch, Kherson, Mangalia, Năvodari, Novorossiysk, Odessa, Ordu, Poti, Rize, Samsun, Sevastopol, Sochi, Sukhumi, Trabzon, Varna, Yalta and Zonguldak. The Black Sea has a positive water balance, which results in a net outflow of water 300 km³ per year through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles into the Aegean Sea (part of the Mediterranean Sea). Mediterranean water flows into the Black Sea as part of a 2-way hydrological exchange. The Black Sea outflow is cooler and less saline , and ...
- published: 07 Apr 2010
- views: 27781
- author: ulaghchi

Black Sea: Summer spot or sex slave route
Ukrainian city of Odessa has become a hub for the sex slave industry. Its strategic port l...
published: 25 Jul 2010
author: RussiaToday
Black Sea: Summer spot or sex slave route
Ukrainian city of Odessa has become a hub for the sex slave industry. Its strategic port location makes it a hot spot for human trafficking between the region and the rest of the world. Hundreds of thousands come to Odessa during the high tourist season. Yet for many this harbor is a point of no return, as it is from here that most sex slaves are trafficked to other countries.
- published: 25 Jul 2010
- views: 133945
- author: RussiaToday

UFOTV Presents... - Secrets of the Black Sea - Uncovering the Roots of Early Civilization
The Black Sea is a place of great mystery and antiquity. Ancient legends describe a time w...
published: 19 Dec 2010
author: UFOTVstudios
UFOTV Presents... - Secrets of the Black Sea - Uncovering the Roots of Early Civilization
The Black Sea is a place of great mystery and antiquity. Ancient legends describe a time when the oceans rose above the land, causing an entire civilization to vanish beneath the cold waters of this ocean region. Could this be the great flood described in the Bible during the time of Noah? Today scientists are beginning to discover what may have caused the oceans to rise and are developing new insights about an ancient advanced culture that existed in this mysterious part of the world. This program presents amazing archeological evidence of ancient advanced technology and a long lost advanced civilization that flourished in the Dead Sea region before the end of the last Ice Age. Includes the facts about this amazing mystery and features, on-site investigations, ancient artifacts, under water archeology, and a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, scientists, archeologists and the best-known most credible Black Sea authorities in the world today. DARK SECRETS OF THE BLACK SEA - NOW Available In A Special 3-DVD Collectors Edition and Loaded with Bonus Features, Including Over 4-Hours of Bonus Interviews - Cat# U671 - Go to www.UFOTV.com. DARK SECRETS OF THE BLACK SEA features * Underwater Archeology * Advanced Planetary Physics * Ancient Advanced Technology What are the critics saying: "Black Sea slowly gives up ancient secrets. Expedition delves into theories about biblical flood." - MSNBC "Scientists explore the Black Sea in search of evidence ...
- published: 19 Dec 2010
- views: 103513
- author: UFOTVstudios

Fennesz - Black Sea
For best audio performance, please watch in High Quality (or simply add '&fmt;=18' to the U...
published: 26 Dec 2008
author: BillyPilgrimme2
Fennesz - Black Sea
For best audio performance, please watch in High Quality (or simply add '&fmt;=18' to the URL of this page and press Enter)
- published: 26 Dec 2008
- views: 166778
- author: BillyPilgrimme2

Sleepin Pillow - Black Sea
From their album "Apples On An Orange Tree" (2008)...
published: 24 May 2009
author: themasterchris
Sleepin Pillow - Black Sea
From their album "Apples On An Orange Tree" (2008)
- published: 24 May 2009
- views: 140077
- author: themasterchris

Shipwrecks of the Black Sea
www.utexas.edu Find out why ancient shipwrecks remain preserved and intact in the basement...
published: 11 Nov 2008
author: utaustintexas
Shipwrecks of the Black Sea
www.utexas.edu Find out why ancient shipwrecks remain preserved and intact in the basement of the Black Sea unlike any other place in the world. Travel deep into the sea's dead zone using remote operated vehicles. Discover why Bob Ballard, the famous oceanographer, sought a partnership with the Institute of Classical Archeology (ICA) at The University of Texas at Austin, subsequently hiring graduate research assistant Dan Davis to his crew. Underwater footage courtesy of the Institute for Exploration.
- published: 11 Nov 2008
- views: 22241
- author: utaustintexas

deep black sea
Filmed along the Gulf Coast in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster, DEEP ...
published: 30 Jul 2010
author: lchipley
deep black sea
Filmed along the Gulf Coast in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster, DEEP BLACK SEA chronicles tiny details and vast panoramas of a critically altered landscape. Observing contaminated tidal pools, marshlands and beaches from both above and beneath the water, DEEP BLACK SEA is a meditation on a bleak new reality faced by human and animal alike. My intention with this film was to document the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in a way that, contrary to the often fleeting approach of the mainstream media, asks the viewer to contemplate at length the transformative effect of this disaster on wildlife, humans and landscapes. Dressed in a protective suit and gloves and using an inexpensive HDV camera with underwater housing, I explored and filmed the coastal areas of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana over a five day period in July 2010. The camera's perspective often assumes that of a human observer -- crouching over pools of oil, examining tar balls on the beach. At times the perspective shifts to that of an animal or piece of debris, unwittingly caught in a swirling current of oily detritus. The sound for the film is a patchwork of the sounds I encountered and created while filming: waves hitting the beach, dragging my camera case across the sand, breathing inside my respirator, and liquid sloshing against the underwater casing. DEEP BLACK SEA depicts the inevitable adaptation of the inhabitants of the Gulf Coast to the oil spill. While crabs struggle and ...
- published: 30 Jul 2010
- views: 9667
- author: lchipley

The Black Sea
Hope this movie brightens up your day with a sunny smile! :D...
published: 11 Aug 2008
author: miraclewar
The Black Sea
Hope this movie brightens up your day with a sunny smile! :D
- published: 11 Aug 2008
- views: 32494
- author: miraclewar

euronews futuris - Maps: Colouring in the Black Sea
www.euronews.com What do microscopic molecules and huge computer grids have in common? The...
published: 11 Jul 2012
author: Euronews
euronews futuris - Maps: Colouring in the Black Sea
www.euronews.com What do microscopic molecules and huge computer grids have in common? They both build up giant scientific databases of ecosystems around the World. But it is a tricky process. This is the story of how researchers around the Black Sea are struggling to get the bigger picture out of tiny details. On the shores of the Danube River there is an unusual team. Romanian and Ukranian scientists are embarking on a common research trip. They are assessing the hydrological and biological health of the Danube Delta, a huge Biosphere Reserve shared by both countries. The news is good. "Algae blooming is decreasing. And lately we have seen the development of some aquatic species that are biological indicators of a better quality of the water around here," explains Jenica Hanganu, Ecologist of the Danube Delta Research Institute. Less industrial discharges and more efficient water treatment plants are indeed improving water quality in the Danube Delta. But the region is facing other challenges. Iulian Michersu, Geographer with the Danube Delta Research Institute says: "The Danube has now many dams and dikes. That means that the Delta is narrower and the river is getting deeper, and that affects the biodiversity of the whole area. Oaks that used to grow on the shores are retreating, because the river flow is becoming much more vertical than horizontal and it offers less ground." Challenges are similar on the Delta's Ukranian side. The river's own environmental patterns ...
- published: 11 Jul 2012
- views: 912
- author: Euronews

Black Sea Region - TURKEY
Black Sea Region, Turkey The Black Sea region has a steep, rocky coast with rivers that ca...
published: 20 Jan 2008
author: TekBayrakTurk
Black Sea Region - TURKEY
Black Sea Region, Turkey The Black Sea region has a steep, rocky coast with rivers that cascade through the gorges of the coastal ranges. A few larger rivers, those cutting back through the Pontic Mountains (Dogu Karadeniz Daglari), have tributaries that flow in broad, elevated basins. Access inland from the coast is limited to a few narrow valleys because mountain ridges, with elevations of 1525 to 1800 meters in the west and 3000 to 4000 meters in the east in Kaçkar Mountains, form an almost unbroken wall separating the coast from the interior. The higher slopes facing northwest tend to be densely forested. Because of these natural conditions, the Black Sea coast historically has been isolated from Anatolia. Running from Zonguldak in the west to Rize in the east, the narrow coastal strip widens at several places into fertile, intensely cultivated deltas. The Samsun area, close to the midpoint, is a major tobacco-growing region; east of it are numerous citrus groves. East of Samsun, the area around Trabzon is world-renowned for the production of hazelnuts, and farther east the Rize region has numerous tea plantations. All cultivable areas, including mountain slopes wherever they are not too steep, are sown or used as pasture. The mild, damp climate of the Black Sea coast makes commercial farming profitable. The western part of the Black Sea region, especially the Zonguldak area, is a center of coal mining and heavy industry. The North Anatolian Mountains in the north are ...
- published: 20 Jan 2008
- views: 12020
- author: TekBayrakTurk

Boy Catches Giant Black Sea Bass with an Avet Reel
An arm breaking battle between a 13 year old boy and a giant black sea bass. A fight you j...
published: 02 Mar 2011
author: MrDanthefisherman1
Boy Catches Giant Black Sea Bass with an Avet Reel
An arm breaking battle between a 13 year old boy and a giant black sea bass. A fight you just have to see to believe. You have to watch to see if the boy or the black sea bass wins.
- published: 02 Mar 2011
- views: 67576
- author: MrDanthefisherman1

How to Catch Huge Black Sea Bass -Saltwater Sea Bass Fishing
www.ThundermistFishingTips.com Watch this short video and we'll show you exactly what we w...
published: 15 Jun 2008
author: thundermistlures
How to Catch Huge Black Sea Bass -Saltwater Sea Bass Fishing
www.ThundermistFishingTips.com Watch this short video and we'll show you exactly what we were fishing with, and how we were fishing it to catch those huge saltwater black sea bass. Filmed in Buzzards Bay, Cape Cod, MA. Filmed in HD. http
- published: 15 Jun 2008
- views: 179283
- author: thundermistlures
Vimeo results:

Streamschool (Patakiskola)
A little girl has an adventure with water as she travels from a small brook to the sea. A ...
published: 11 Oct 2011
author: Péter Vácz
Streamschool (Patakiskola)
A little girl has an adventure with water as she travels from a small brook to the sea. A tale of growing up based on a Hungarian poem.
Watch the making of here: http://vaczpeter.blogspot.com/2011/11/making-of-streamschool.html
Next screenings:
- Black Movie, Geneva-Film Festival (selection for children) February, 17-26
- Flatpack Festival, Midlands Arts Centre, Birmingham, UK - March, 17th
- CineMe Films - animation showcase 'Anime 3', Bristol, UK - March, 22nd
Monstra / Lissabon, Portugal
Anifest / Czech Rebublic
Stuttgart / International Festival of Animated Film / Germany
42. Hungarian Film Week / Hungary
KAFF / 10th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival / Hungary
BuSho / Budapest Short Film Festival / Hungary
Fantoche / 9. International Animation Film Festival / Switzerland
Jameson CineFest / Miskolc International Film Festival
Bristol Festival of Puppetry / UK
Montreal Stop-Motion Film Festival / Canada
The Standing Rock International Short Film Festival
Director: Péter Vácz
Background: Kati Egely
Narration: Piroska Molnár
Music: Yvein Monq
Tutor: József Fülöp
Translation: Joseph Wallace
The film was made in (MOME) Moholy- Nagy University of Arts and Design in 2010 as my BA graduation in Animation.

Baffin Island: A Skier's Journey EP2 [Season 2]
High in the Canadian Arctic, 5 friends venture to the frozen fjords of North West Baffin I...
published: 12 Dec 2011
author: Jordan Manley Photography
Baffin Island: A Skier's Journey EP2 [Season 2]
High in the Canadian Arctic, 5 friends venture to the frozen fjords of North West Baffin Island during spring time. Ancient and colossal, these branching hallways of rock are the domain of seals and polar bears, and relied upon by local Inuit hunters. For visiting skiers, the fjords are nothing short of a dream. In every direction, giant couloirs ascend thousands of feet above the sea ice, weaving in between some of the tallest and cliffs on the planet. Baffin Island: A Skier's Journey EP2 [Season 2] is a step through these magical spaces.
Presented by www.Arcteryx.com, The GORE-TEX® Brand, and www.VIO-pov.com
Producer: Jordan Manley
Narrator: Chad Sayers
Additional footage: Jamie Bond/http://www.doglotion.com/
Story editor: Chad Manley http://chadmanley.ca/
Chad Sayers
Marcus Waring
Jordan Manley
Tobin Seagel
Jamie Bond
Rope Access Tech: Marcus Waring
Many, many thanks to:
Andrew McLean
Natalie Smith & Crystal Dare
Leslie & Thomas (our Inuit guides)
Dr. Sheri Gearheard
Dr. Jason Briner
Black Diamond Equipment
Sam Mcdonald at Surefoot Whistler
"Introduction" by Sainkho Namtchylak
"Tategak" by Tanya Tagak
"Her Voice" by NEO Sounds LLC
"Sicrets of Life" by NEO Sounds LLC
"Keep the Streets Empty for Me" by Fever Ray
"Fox - Tiriganiak" by Tanya Tagak

hair-whip heartbreak
Naomi is 16, and works with us at photography factory when she is off school pretty much a...
published: 10 Jun 2011
author: photography-factory.co.uk
hair-whip heartbreak
Naomi is 16, and works with us at photography factory when she is off school pretty much as an equal member. Lets be honest age is irrelevant in a great picture, plus she has a sense of the social media space to rival the best new media agency analysts. All the newest trends are always playing out as only she predicts. Her detailed clear and analysis of youth culture on the internet is worth a million dollars to us and she is a key member of our team. More importantly her simple black and white photographic portraits are utterly brilliant, an evocation of sub suburban teenage life as seen though the eyes of a 15 (now 16) year old girl. But on the day of this slow motion test Naomi was not her normal beautiful smiling dry sarcastic self (think Juno with a camera). Recently she had a relationship with a Hollister lookalike boy end in an unfair way (what was ever fair about being 16?) and have to get it all dragged around the internet as the aftermath played out on FaceBook in a very modern and very public way. So in other words she was putting on a brave face. We all involved setting up the high speed camera and needed someone to stand in as a lighting dummy, When shooter one had the idea to getting someone to shake their hair around... and see how it might look at 2000 fps. Naomi stepped up to the plate and quite shocked us by the force and passion she used to whip. The beguiling result is here... if you look at here closely you can see something else:
Something about that action and the air swishing though her hair just seemed to change her mood, as if she had just tossed away the weight of an the old nightmare, something thick and heavy that had been clinging to her, but suddenly it was gone. As she was hair whipping for the camera, shooter one quietly said to himself:
"Go girl, shake that boy right out of your hair..."
Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes the light. ~Jean Giraudoux
I don't know why they call it heartbreak. It feels like every other part of my body is broken too. ~Missy Altijd
No man is rich enough to buy back his past. ~Oscar Wilde
When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead keep your head up high and gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal. ~Dante
In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966
Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together. ~Author Unknown
Love is like a puzzle. When you're in love, all the pieces fit but when your heart gets broken, it takes a while to get everything back together. ~Author Unknown
Maybe part of loving is learning to let go. ~From the television show The Wonder Years
I prithee send me back my heart,
Since I cannot have thine;
For if from yours you will not part,
Why, then, shouldst thou have mine?
~John Suckling
As soon as forever is through, I'll be over you. ~Toto
Let your tears come. Let them water your soul. ~Eileen Mayhew
It's so curious: one can resist tears and 'behave' very well in the hardest hours of grief. But then someone makes you a friendly sign behind a window, or one notices that a flower that was in bud only yesterday has suddenly blossomed, or a letter slips from a drawer... and everything collapses. ~Colette
The heart is the only broken instrument that works. ~T.E. Kalem
Sometimes I wish I were a little kid again, skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts. ~Author Unknown
God can heal a broken heart, but He has to have all the pieces. ~Author Unknown
What is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you. ~Richard Wilbur
Sadness flies away on the wings of time. ~Jean de La Fontaine
If we must part forever,
Give me but one kind word to think upon,
And please myself with, while my heart's breaking.
~Thomas Otway
Have you ever been hurt and the place tries to heal a bit, and you just pull the scar off of it over and over again. ~Rosa Parks
With what a deep devotedness of woe
I wept thy absence - o'er and o'er again
Thinking of thee, still thee, till thought grew pain,
And memory, like a drop that, night and day,
Falls cold and ceaseless, wore my heart away!
~Thomas Moore
Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell. ~Edna St. Vincent Millay
We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey. ~Kenji Miyazawa
If you're going through hell, keep going. ~Winston Churchill
You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present. ~Jan Glidewell
There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live wi

sea *
Sea Star Time-lapse
Hole-in-the-Wall - Mora Beach
Olympic Peninsula, Washington
This is o...
published: 04 Nov 2007
author: sesotek
sea *
Sea Star Time-lapse
Hole-in-the-Wall - Mora Beach
Olympic Peninsula, Washington
This is one day of shots, not edited. The first scene is tiny barnacles on a rock with little black snails.
0.5 fps -> 30 fps = 60x
Copyright Ian Smith 2007
Youtube results:

Europe - Bulgarian Black Sea Coast/Българското Черноморие
The Bulgarian Black Sea Coast covers the whole eastern bound of Bulgaria.The region is an ...
published: 31 Dec 2007
author: balkanregion
Europe - Bulgarian Black Sea Coast/Българското Черноморие
The Bulgarian Black Sea Coast covers the whole eastern bound of Bulgaria.The region is an important centre for tourism during the summer, drawing foreign and Bulgarian tourists alike and constituting one of the country's most popular tourist destination.
- published: 31 Dec 2007
- views: 13683
- author: balkanregion

Costinesti Beach (Black Sea - Romania)
This one is at the northern end of Costinesti. Clean, sandy and an excellent swim. Populat...
published: 19 Jul 2009
author: Shanti Ralsen
Costinesti Beach (Black Sea - Romania)
This one is at the northern end of Costinesti. Clean, sandy and an excellent swim. Populated mostly by young people (students). Costinesti is by tradition a youth resort. The setting up in 1949 of the first school children camp (300 places) represented the founding of the resort. Ten years later, the international students camp was inaugurated, as a result of the collaboration between the Romanian Students Association and the International Students Union. The first foreign guests were the Czech and the Polish students. Thus, the capital of the youth sumer holidays was born. Muzica: Daniel Iancu "Marea Autostrada" si "Ofiterul Radu"
- published: 19 Jul 2009
- views: 227988
- author: Shanti Ralsen

Black Sea Storm december 2007, the eye of?
This is how the storm looks like. A real eye....
published: 07 Jan 2008
author: robertwijnands
Black Sea Storm december 2007, the eye of?
This is how the storm looks like. A real eye.
- published: 07 Jan 2008
- views: 95068
- author: robertwijnands