Flykt fremmede
For du er ikke innhyllet
I jernlovens take
Ikke ditt
Men deres
For du er den som
Enna kan
VI er kilden
VI ander
Den jernlov som fodtes
I oss
Metallic bugs crawl violently through life
as grey noise rapes the red air
an artificial pulse
One gaping breath's a metallic dream
The city's kiss is a feverish scream
Just close your eyelids
- it will strengthen the explosion in your mind
{Edvard Munch in Christiania
Painter in the poor capital of
A spoon-like strip of land
He painted a self portrait in Hell
And herad Death speaking French
His anguish is remembered
And works of art extolled
Beboere av Christiania, föl min angst!
Himmeln den lave brenner et bål, men dere ser ikke opp
Dere ser på meg med gröne fjes
Aldri noensinne vil dere forst°a!
Beboere av Christiania, föl min angst!
Jeg hever blikket mot den synkende himmels flammer
og dere ser, dere ser
Dere ser mitt selvportrett i helvete
Je suis venu pour recolter les malades
Je suis venu pour fêter leurs maladies
La misere me nouritt
La misere me renforce
Il n'y a plus de Bible dans salle des malades
Il n'y pas de livre parmi les malades
Succombs, mes enfants, à la nécessite de la mort
Succombs, mes patients, Ã vortre humble docteur
Ambassador on earth Mr. Stardust
Frrls somewhat lost on his quest for the lust
Debonair diplomat seeks uninhibited space
Out of the million city a peaceful face
It's a man's garage the parts lie on the floor
The mystic rebuilt the car the mechanic hit the door
Humiliated father lover friend
So many names for the Children of the End
Where have all the women gone
Through time through space humanity be one
The on-going fight between mine and yours
Transhistorial cause of all wars
The Golden Gun judges Bond judges Mr. M
I judge you s/he judges them
Where you can't find humility you won't find me
From the room of reflection staring at the sea
Show the sole of your shoe to a Muhammadan
He'll wish you off to Satanistan
Thus as a good Christian Catholic or Jew
Say thankyah very much I've got something for you
Your mother's a goal she cries for every ball
Ramming past the poles her cunt the local mall
Everybody's welcome to her Disneyland of vice
Twice as many visitors and half the price
At the age of twelve she got addicted to cock
The advanced to a musem digging dinosaur rock
Turned to audition for Jurassic Park
Kidnapped Mr. Rex and disappeared in the dark
Governed by a nation whose language I don't know
Where have all the women gone?
Through time through space humanity be one
Break the row fly above then chech below
[C:] Out of the seven classic arts
Rhetoric rises to bust the charts
The master of agony invites you to the Forum
Louder than Romanum's decadent decorum
The bell booms GO! The centurion rhymes
Heroically racing for blood-hungry times
Close to the edge he resists their push
Pure strength saves him from the greedy rush
The race has a goal though very few know where
Mostly officers on the ground and satellites in the air
The star-spangled racers speed into house and home
Today the Americans try to recreate Rome
[L:] Leaves flicker across the boulevard
Way down I see my old retard
He said "Ello ma feren, want a nice place to go?
I fix booze girls burgers floorshow!"
(The old retard tells me:
"Come with me you ain't nothing to lose!"
I refuse the offer I cannot refuse
He hears my no scratches his beard
When Beelzie runs a nightclub times are weird)
[C:] I deny the existence of the USA
Just a fat film with too much to say
[L:] The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
Again I'm pissed
[C:] I deny the existence of the USA
Just a fat film with too much to say
[L:] The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
Again I'm pissed
[C:] Jim is alone and afraid of '67
The summer of love never returned from heaven
The hippies slowly died at the Heartbreak Hotel
Where the Peyote Poet reinvented hell
Fifteen years later he returned as a YAP
Just to make sure that life was still crap
Down and in need of the drugs that made the fun
He soberly declared I need money and a gun
[L:] Fifteen years later he returned as a YAP
[C:] I deny the existence of the USA
Just a fat film with a bit too much to say
[L:] The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
Again I'm pissed
[C:] Pornographer Cain haunts from the dead
Sews up Madame with a waxed red thread
The wanderer has found himself a home
Madame hangs as doll in his sexodrome
It's a man's world and he has seen the need
For yet another man to do the dirty deed
In Rock 'n' Rollywood our guy's at work
Pushing love shit to some fellow human jerk
[L:] It is a man's world and he has seen the need
[C:] I deny the existence of the USA
Just a fat film with too much to say
[L & C:] The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
The USA don't exist
Again I'm pissed
[C:] Hierarch of the Great White Brotherhood
Take me as I am as any brother would
This is ritual the man in singlet said
[L:] This is reactive the man in singlet said
[C:] A disaster for the people
Our nuclear show
Is run from above terminated below
Stop the violence I told the man in singlet
[L:] Heal with peace I told the man in singlet
[C:] He waned without trace in the transparent night
Balkanised my sleep to show off his might
Hierarch of the skies and the celestial sites
Hierarch of the truth and the supramental rites
To see is to know
To know is to control
This city is mine the city of my soul
Is it all as it may see or seem
Who directs me through the corridors of Dream
Who runs this planet where students are slain
Who is the head of this Academy of Pain
To the man in singlet, forward my command!
Bring me the answer I desire and demand!
[L:] The Chief is a good man but noone knows his face
Head of the realm of the golden race
[C:] The Chief is a good man but noone knows his face
Head of the realm of the golden race
How can I know that your invisible order
Isn't the idea of some second-rate marauder
That the inmost government just execute a plan
Konceived and kontrolled by some kommunist klan?
There is no coincidence and if there is
That is no coincidence neither is this
[L:] That the inmost government just execute a plan
Konceived and kontrolled by some kommunist klan
[C:] He waned without trace in the transparent night
Balkanised my sleep to show off his might
Hierarchs of skies and celestial sites
Hierarchs of truth and supramental rites
To see is to know
To know is to control
This city is mine
The city of my soul
Is it all as it may see or seem
Who directs me through the corridors of Dream
Hierarch of the skies and the celestial sites
Hierarch of the truth and the supramental rites
Hierarch of the Great White Brotherhood
[L:] Take me as I am as any brother would
[C:] Keep your system clean
And remain where you are
You may not hear the car
That comes from afar
når parasollen åpner seg I sjelelsk
glimrer det langs spilene
og verden blir kjønn
du er vanntårnet på på bordet
jeg danser på kanten av glasset
og lengter mot regn og frodige skoger
glir med et rykk og finner ut mellom isbitene
at lykken er en utpult bigamist
monogam med lidenskapen som eneste elskerinne
du kommer fra solavlede dyner
og er fuktig med leppene nede
søvn med sirupssøte mothaker
jeg drar meg opp på cocktailpinnen
huler ut en isbit med tungen
smeltevann på duken
solnedgangen rødmer når pinnen bikker
med sugerøret I munnen
setter jeg tennene I cisternen
tømmer den for vannkyss
VI går ut av baren sammen
og farer videre
kanelstrødde boulevarder
burn the edges of your thoughts
feel the air beneath
burn the edges of your thoughts
feel the air beneath
witness the cosmic dance from a red view
burn the edges of your thoughts
devastating fire
burn the edges of your thoughts
devastating fire
pieces of a paradise never created
floating on the tide of the human mind
washing the shores of the microcosmos
guiding hordes of men
towards the sick and the blind
red view
ascend, descend - the order of chaos
stay safe in the eye of the renaissance tornado
see the universe unite and yourself become its key,
[C:] To the sisterhood of the pornographic force
I raise this case to bring an end to our wars
We have not been enemies all the way
Remember our delights in the wild green bay
Father separated us in the garden you know
Father fooled us we were siblings long ago
Father is in my hands drowned in apple juice
Accused and deemed to admit his abuse
[L:] In my solitude and forest the sun bleeds red
In a few seconds Father will be dead
Warm from the womb I will greet the stars
Finally reborn and cleansed of my scars
[C:] Two decades as an eremite deprived of my right
To be part of the brotherhood of the mystic light
To make Father understand how much I missed
His punishment is hard
The penalty is this
Reap as you have sown
Go on your own
Take your evil with you and die alone
The firearms glow white in the hands of the hurt
Black horses drag Father through the dirt
[L:] Sister, let us love when the lights are low
Don't ever wait for the night to go
In black hole solitude my hope glows white
Father has ceased his hold on our light
[C:] His death is my rebirth, the birth I never had
No wonder why our love turned out bad
Let us move out through the foyers and portals
Move on through the vulva of immortals
Sister, let us love when the lights are low
Don't wait for the night to go
In black hole solitude my hope glows white
Father has ceased his hold on our light
A sotto voice sang for the soprano singer
Whose tyrannical arais won't cease to linger
Bob's out there none of us play cool
Classmates in a haunted school
Agent Dale Cooper won't take you any higher
C'mon li'l boy 'n play with the fire
Surrounded by the presence of the absent teacher
Both knowing silence as the music of the future
Surrendered at the sepent's burning gates of fear
If you think that this is hell the truth's in there
The world situation calls for evacuation
We wait in the dark for the next ejaculation
Your black fingernails clasp the candelabra
Turn the light on I see the abracadabra
Naomi does the catwalk even when it snows
Male photographers so envious it shows
The stage their temple their trampoline to trance
Trampled and turned by the transvestite's dance
It isn't Naomi it's the Marlboro Man
If you want to run I understand
The night dies on a daily basis
The solar orbit doesn't disturb my ekstasis
Searching for knowledge in the spirit of Tintin
Alone on a plain with Plato and Plotin
My forehead bronzed by the Lamborghini moon
I'm out of my night tomorrow at noon
Lead the suntan astray kick the cancer away
I'll kill my ego on a hidden highway
Invoke the big silence on this small disc
Trespasser listener on your own risk
Outside of our chords and choirs of the sublime
Reality is nothing but a heartbeat in time
Outside of the bass and the blitzing blastbeat
A massive vacuum whose ambition's complete
All-sound without sound booming all around
All-sound without sound booming all around
Enjoy the years of work in these minutes of movement
You evlove in our improvement
With a linear scaffold still to fulfill
I exercise a style of radical will
Accelerate the ratioplane past the sound barrier
To accomplish the bang the whole of my career
Masculine motorcar technowork sublime
Be beaten or compete this is the last heat
The Tiger Sky's jaws break the neck of time
Speed increased to scaffold
Silence be complete
Song to the star
That breeds and kills
Unconquered Sun
Object of cult
The day you darken
The gods too will darken}
Grösster Stern, scheine auf mein Grab!
Du bist nüde, nach eienm zu langen Taf
Du hast mein Gesicht ganz bestrahlt
Wirst du morgen noch einmal aufgehen?
An diesem Abend singe ich nur für dich
Seit vielen Wintern und vielen Sommern
Liest du dein Gesicht für die Erde ab
Grösster Stern, aufbleibender Sonnengott!
Wirst du dich an mich erinnern, wenn ich dort liege?
Dann wirst du allein sein, allein wie ich!
Wielleicht gehst du unter ein letztes Mal,
Am Tag an dem ich sterbe, gehst du under mit mir
Sonnenuntergang Im Weltraum -
Unfassbare Sonne, scheine auf mein Grab!
{Diabolos write the Book of Rock
Professor of Extreme Music Science
At night in his lab
The Beast bangs his head}
Ils se sont rencontrs dans un cabaret dans l'air
Situ central dans la technosphere
55AH a cherch de l'amour artificielle
le bordel cosmique lii a donn une demoiselle
Avant la copulation mettons les data-gloves
Ecran cran ils font du cyberlove
Elle lui dit qu'il est son old-timer
Il vit seul dans son univers Alzheimer
Libert Egalit Fraternit
Le sexe n'existe plus la peur l'a remplac
N dans une familie zroparentale
Enfant d'une suxualit monomentale
Se souvenir de l'etat national
Peine capital ca faisait mal
Jadis on subissait l'Europolice
Dans l nouvel tat d'Omniopolis
Le terme pjoratif d'
Remplacera celui de
Une mmoire d'un batteau a voile
Illumine les amants aprs l'accident gnral
Je t'ai vu dans une autre vie
M'appelle 55AH tu t'appelle Ma Fille
Pour elle il n'tait qu'une affaire artificielle
Au peochain mon amour intemporel!
{Gebura, emanation of stength
Purify my history
With flames of justice
Make me a man of equity and courage}
(Jeg ble satt ut till ulver
Jeg tvang keiseren i kne)
Med brukkede rygger skal mesterne famle
Se opp til nedlatende spir
Gispe mot himler höyere
Som skipene synker i svarte havner
Som skorgene vitner mot solsvidd himmel
Jeg er endkapens kjöl
Det skoggrönne havet over deres hoder
Jeg ernører meg av ild og utrydder mine fiender
Troende, jeg er deres ledelse og nåde
Dyrk deres frykt
Slik kan jeg bli det dere frykter
{Munin, memory of Odin:
Destiny's observer in the Midgard of men
The Providence Crow knows who you are
He cries from Mont Blanc to Midgard of Men}
You saw me on the chimney of the sinking ship
You heard my hoarse cries by the bed of the sick
You can tell where I am by the sound of the whip
Every place I visit the fog of misery lies thick
I am the Destiny's Bird, the Providence Crow
from my Mont Blanc High to Humanity Low
I observe your crimes and all that goes wrong
In Harmonia Universali, this is your song
Once you lived in the caves and under the trees
Hidden in a house, now you cannot freeze
Remember I know you as the animal you are
Cutlery and clothes only make a monkey star
I can give you Wisdom, Beauty and Power
Turn you into a robot o make a flower
But I prefer just the way are
A smartly dressed criminal, a singing monkey star
[C:] The next string of lives will know our speed limit
[L:] The next string of lives will do everything to break it
[C:] The next string of lives will deny you a grave
[L:] The next string of lives will regard you as a slave
[C:] The next string of masters will ignore the bills you passed
[L:] The next string of masters will change the order fast
[C:] The next string of masters will not know the earth
[L:] The next string of masters will live alone from birth
The next string of deaths will be yours and mine
The next string of deaths will be blessed with sunshine
[C:] The next string of deaths will be yours and mine
[L:] The next string of deaths will be blessed with sunshine
[C:] The next string of deaths will rewrite the traffic rules
The next string of deaths will illuminate the schools
[C:] Last time I saw the sun it blew me off the street
With tremendous force and invincible heat
Its light was too strong, its face beaming hate
At a bat born at day by the fury of fate
Fuck talks to Leonardo Pitt
Am human sweat piss shit
Your heart beats fast when I come up close
To beg for money
Not for a pose
Fuck talks to Marilyn French
Am inhuman eternal stench
The only time you talk to me is when you need to know
How I can starve eight days in a row
[L:] Last time I saw the sun it blew me off the street
With tremendous force and invincible heat
Its light was too strong
Its face beaming hate
At a bat born at day by the fury of fate
Fuck talks to Leonardo Pitt
Am human sweat piss shit
[C:] Am Fuck and you are afraid of me
You have learnt from watching TV
Am Fuck the scum you fear
Misery is generous we can share
People that think must always die
They know too well the shit passing by
Fuck talks to Hitler and Pot
Wipe me off the planet
Let my body rot
[L:] Your heart beats fast when I come up close
To beg for money
Not for a pose
Fuck talks to Marilyn French
Am inhuman eternal stench
The only time you talk to me is when you need to know
How I can starve eight days in a row
Fuck talks to Kurt Cobain
Your high life and enduring pain
I shared it once as Pornographer Cain
Philosopher Fuck repents in the rain
[Flourescent half]
(Gaia sips the drink of artificial red
carefully served by a flourescent sky
She swallows the light
only to throw up shadows minutes later
on a broken public toilet
Inside her
the neonism is fed until it burst with colour
unleashing the brightest shadow of all times
In the street
metallic streams wash the concrete shores
Gaia is wet and sick
but she doesn't care anymore
Hair sticks to her face as she screams
being absorbed by colours
Now she's the brightest one of all
but no one's there to see)
[The Total Orchestra half]
a noise is released; high-pitched
voices, the rumbling of tin and
machines, devilish decibels
open my eyes, see what I expected; red
melted plastic, yellow neon, pompous sunset over Lucky Beach
when everything abates at last
the universal glue cements wrong
to true, keeps
the tongues in place
the weightlessness from life
the total orchestra concluded
{Epictetus, freed slave
Turned stoic thinker
Expelled from Rome
for seeking virtue and wisdom
In Nature, the city of gods
He found his destiny
In simplicity and dignity}
What do I care about you, when all must die
What does your face mean to me, When
All my eyes can seize, must die
What is your warmth to me, it will not last
What about your hair, can it do
What the atoms will, last
What is music, a drug forever falling
What do you care about words, as you do
What the bombs keep doing, fall
What do I think of you, Amor, when all must die
What are your smiling winds to me
All their beauty and grace must die
{Holy Virgin Mary Buy my Sperm}
If you want and have the wealth to be free
Maybe I can help you make another me
Many things are possible and equally expensive
A comfort for old age the advantage is extensive
I don't do visits but my nurses do
Call them anytime and they get back to you
It's true what I'm telling you get best
My cells make the biggest price in the West
Healthy intellectual, well-built, writing verse
Good with people, clean, talent for commerce
So nice and caring you'll get everything you need
Credit card accepted for 5000 seed
The A-bomb was a product of excellent sperm
Next genocide courtesy of my firm
The world is my will and I will a cigar
A coronas corona creation of sound
Cedar matchsticks light the best Cuban brand
Hiroshima hides in this fat Havana
A motion picture to rewind and master
The director died in a Nietzschean crash
Franco-American power premire
CK II Chanel no. 6
Compact disc cinema constructed for passion propaganda
Across the widescreen
Proprietors of Red prepare the cigar
The black car slid through the dust on its aluminum belly
The snake granted them the power from an unexpected eagle
C&K; clad the continents in haute culture
The clothes are worn out it's time to undress
A scene in fast motion The New Timelessness
Some Tom Cruise crosses the landing ground
His last cigarette before changing history
The pilot climbs into the Priapus cockpit
Uncle Unkind's got something to deliver
A readymade rainfall of stillgoing drops
Compact disk cinema constructed for passion propaganda
Across the widescreen
Propietors of Red prepare the Big Boy
Let's inhale the Big Bang
Some billion years in one single breath
If you want to be to Omniopolis
what God was to Sodoma
Open this
Proprietors of Red and Priests against Prozac
Propose one hour of messainic mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus a.k.a. Muzak
Got himself a VISA and went wild in the popmart
The 23rd player thrashing the rest of his team
Flashed his ability to discard the mainstream
Largo to presto he grieves the accelerando's finite
Headphones on tight more beats per minute
Stepping on his watch enters the state of Freedia
Fucking the hostility inherent in the media
From chronological to kairological
Measure of the linear time unjustly installed
as the distinguo between work and pleasure
Serial time personal sublime
Immortalizing the point on the time
That's meandered in a circle
The revolution of all the small parts that constitute the cosmos
in which you speed for a paradise
moving just ahead but slightly faster
Middle-aged monster get out of here!
Cyclical patterns don't fit your square ear
Sensing so slowly you mistake the Sunset of Sole
For the longed-for legendary sunrise of old
Your sexist ratio pervades the hearts
Your racist sexio misinterprets the arts
Decay's seized your sensorial protection
The only thing evil's your own perception
We rest on day seven
On day eight we blast heaven
{Odin, god of poets and warriors
One-eyed sage master of Munin
Worshipped at nightfall and daybreak
By fathers beyond the millennial night
Tall old man, put down your spear
Destiny is your name, here liberated}
Liberation of Destiny, the tall old man
Liberation of Destiny, in a hall of smoke
The tall old man, father of the species, hands of liberation
Father of the species, he smokes cigars of stone
Hands of liberation, he dominates posterity
Hands of liberation, blue eyes observing
He dominates posterity, liberation of destiny
He dominates posterity, collecting the ashes
Liberation of Destiny, the old man with glasses
Liberation of Destiny, his law never dies
The old man with glasses, he rules the nations
The old man with glasses, makes cream out of bones
He rules the nations, Liberation of Destiny
He rules the nations, with cream on his lips
Liberaration of Destiny, he lets the crow fly
Liberation of Destiny, in a hall of smoke
He lets the crow fly, blue eyes observing
He lets the crow fly, his law never dies
[L:] My appartment works fine
No need for locations
It's spacious enough for a camera and some Asians
[C:] At the moment I am working on the Eastern Block
I bet my ladies would love a Serbo cock
[L:] Before shooting the sessions we chill out with a joint
Pump the girls with drugs to make them see the point
[C:] In bonking lousy guys in my stinking cellar
Baby close your eyes if you want your $
[L:] I write the story
I shoot the scene
Sometimes you see me dance across the screen
My critics claim that my movies are for men
What can I say I'm astonished when
[C:] People understand what I am trying to say
To show the world the American Way (x 2)
My appartment works fine
No need for locations
[L:] It's spacious enough for a camera and some Asians
[C:] At the moment I am working on the Eastern Block
[L:] I bet my ladies would love a Serbo cock
[C:] Before shooting the sessions we chill out with a joint
[L:] I'll pump the girls with drugs to make them see the point
[C:] In bonking lousy guys in my stinking cellar
[L:] Baby close your eyes if you want your $
I write the story
I shoot the scene
Sometimes you see me dance across the screen
[C:] My appartment works fine
No need for locations
It's spacious enough for a camera and some Asians
I am working on the Eastern Block
I bet my ladies would love a Serbo cock
Before shooting the sessions we chill out with a joint
Pump the girls with drugs to make them see the point
In bonking lousy guys in my stinking cellar
Baby close your eyes if you want your $
[L:] What can I say I'm astonished when
People understand what I am trying to say
[C:] People understand what I am trying to say
To show the world the American Way [x 2]
[C:] Hate yourself and I will make you happy
I am not a happy boy I refuse to believe
That if I hate myself I will become happy
When the trendy believers refuse to relieve
Relieve me of their lies
[L:] They say hate yourself and I will make you happy
I am not a happy boy I refuse to believe
That if I hate myself I will become happy
When the trendy believers refuse to relieve
Hate yourself you are not good enough
Hate yourself they have told you before
Hate yourself there is always someone better
Hate yourself they fight an anorexic war
[C:] Hate yourself you deserve to die
Hate yourself they have told you before
Hate yourself you are too weak
Hate yourself they fight an anorexic war
[L:] Hate yourself you deserve to die and
Hate yourself they have told you before
Hate yourself you are too weak and
Hate yourself they fight an anorexic war
[L:] Hate yourself nobody loves you
Hate yourself they have told you before
[C:] Hate yourself you are left alone
Hate yourself they fight an anorexic war
[L:] I say hate yourself like Kate Moss
Hate yourself they fight an anorexic war
Hate yourself like an xxx actor
Hate yourself you can take some more
[C:] Hate yourself with a touch of glamour
Hate yourself and smile at the anorexic war
Hate yourself suffering is sexy
Hate yourself you're their corporate whore
[L:] Hate yourself suffering is sexy
Hate yourself you're their corporate whore
Hate yourself like everybody else
Hate yourself they have told you before
Hate yourself money ain't enough
Hate yourself you want some more
Hate yourself continents are starving
Hate yourself you fight their anorexic war
[C:] Hate yourself like a pornographer
Hate yourself like I do
No way to improve
No way to do it better
Just suffer suffer suffer! [x 2]
Suffer! Suffer! Suffer! Suffer!
{Brotherhood of the Great Light
17th century Paris
A mystical prayer
The prophets apology
Fréres et Socurs de la Grande Lumiere!
Unissez-vous avec moi invocation
Invoquons Dieu, l'Être Supréme
Invoquons Yahvé, MaÃtre et Seignur
Bénissez-seus de Sagesse et d'Amour
Bénissez-sous, des êtres imparfaits!
En tot, nous trouvons l'Harmonie Universelle
Sois bént, Garant de Perfection!
Nous cherebons la sagasse de la Paix
Protéges-nous Mal du Monde
Et mettes-nous à l'abri du Malheur
Ils m'ont crucifié pour le peuple, à la demande du peuple
Jamais personne n'a armé les ouvriers plus que moi
Je semais la miséricorde et l'amour
Je récoltais la mort pour l'amour que je donnais
Les ouvriers sublient aussi vite qu'ils apprennent
Crucifié par vengeance, crucifié par envie
Ouvriers, ne m'oublies jamais
Ouvriers, ne m'oublies jamais
Je suis la Vie
Je suis L'Amour
Je suis la Grande Lumiere
{Dionysos, god of wine and ecstasy
Attend this vernal feast, with satyrs and bacchantes -
fury, strings and choirs create a canvas in your honour}
Mademoiselle, please enter this night of spring
Undress to the sound of carcassing chorals
"Dionysify this night of spring", dionysified they sing
The Aphrodite Loveroom glows with ruby walls
I gently tie you up in a bondage so mild
Your eyes float in the sea of red Bordeaux wine
I kiss you all over, passsion-blind
In the sea of white swims the albino crocodile
I tenderly adore the taste of your she
In this cathedral of cinnamon and sodomy
Strong colours congregate on the outer canvas
The motive of worship is your humid ass
Mademoiselle, this night is all yours
Choose from three thousand possible doors
[C:] One day I'll return with another man's clothes
One day I'll return with another man's name
[L:] I am all alone
Existence has no friends
I feel the emotion that never ends
[L & C:] I'm sleeping on the edge of a knife
Don't wake me up from the meaning of my life
There never were equality and freedom
In a world of individuals there is only boredom
[C:] There is lust in all repentance
And remorse in all desire [x 2]
[L:] I want to dissolve myself and to unify
With stupid ideals that are but a lie
To rid myself of what belongs to me
But I remain an I that talks about an I
I fear the fatigue of the love that went
Down the drain without asking for my consent
Loved one
I miss you too much
The way you gave me the healing touch
[L & C:] There is no kindness
Only desire
There is no kindness
Only desire
[C:] The grand devouring fucking fire
The grand devouring fucking fire
No kindness around me
Only fire
The grand devouring fucking fire
[L:] There is no kindness
Only desire
There is no kindness
Only desire
The grand devouring fucking fire
The grand devouring fucking fire
No kindness around me
Only fire
The grand devouring fucking fire
[C:] I fear the fatigue of the love that went
Down the drain without asking for my consent
Loved one
I miss you too much
The way you gave me the healing touch
There is no kindness
Only desire
No kindness around me
Only fire
That rips up every truth and leaves it a lie
That beats me asunder and makes me want to die
[L:] Without any reason
Because I have it all
That might be why
Cannot climb
[L & C:] Fall!
[C:] For the torso begging on Colaba Causeway
For the green-eyed girl on the street in Mumbai
For the grapefruit tumour that entered the taxi
The bitter reality is far from sexy
[L:] Choose the grave of the classes
Choose another guide
Than the old god who committed suicide
Am the fire that blew up Oklahoma
Am the wind that demolished Sodoma
[C:] Choose the grave of the classes
Choose another guide
Than the old god who committed suicide
Am the fire that blew up Oklahoma
Am the wind that demolished Sodoma
The blood that gleams on the butcher's knife
Am filtering Ray-Ban philosophy of life
May my bombs smash The City of No Pity
Kings and generals have never been pretty
Am the child's brown teeth
The ribs that broke
The billion lives that never spoke
Broadcast the crucifixion of the poor
Wake the human beings and arm them for war
The Third World War rages below their feet
Information works for their defeat
Before my fur suits the somber ladies
Before my wolf soul belongs to Hades
Bring wind to the forest of the crosses
Comfort the people who suffered the losses
Stop the media murders
Rumour after rumour
Kill the weak
Say it's postmodern humour
[L:] Write my thesis with a razor in the face of lies
One word for every hope that dies
The blood-stained brokers die as vampires die
Roll their marble staircase on people that cry
[C:] Write my thesis with a razor in the face of lies
One word for every hope that dies
The blood-stained brokers die as vampires die
Roll their marble staircase on people that cry
Hand out the pills, pass the chalice
Let us die to give the animals some peace
Together for the first time let us drink
Extinguish everything or what do you think
Floating magenta in circles
Over slippery, white surfaces
Reversed vitality
And the laughter of a metallic light
The world is familiar
the poem was written by the noble lord Byron (1788 - 1824)
when the moon is on the wave,
and the glow-worm in the grass,
and the meteor on the grave,
and the wisp on the morass
when the falling stars are shooting,
and the answer'd owls are hooting,
and the silent leaves are still
in the shadow of the hill,
shall my soul be upon thine,
with a power and with a sign.
though thy slumber may be deep,
yet thy spirit shall not sleep;
there are shades which will not vanish,
there are thoughts thou canst not banish,
by a power to thee unknown,
thou canst never be alone;
thou art wrapt as with a shroud,
thou art gather'd in a cloud;
and for ever shalt thou dwell
in the spirit of this spell.
though thou seest me not pass by,
thou shalt feel me with thine eye
as a thing that, though unseen,
must be near thee, and hath been;
and when in that secret dread
thou hast turn'd around thy head,
thou shalt marvel I am not
as thy shadow on the spot,
and the power which thou dost feel
shall be what thou dost feel
shall be what thou must conceal.
and a magic voice and verse
hath baptized thee with a curse;
and a spirit of the air
hath begirt thee with a snare;
in the wind there is a voice
shall forbid thee to rejoice;
and to thee shall night deny
all the quiet of her sky;
and the day shall have a sun,
which shall make thee wish it done.
from thy false tears I did distil
an essence which hath strength to kill;
from thy own heart I then did wring
the black blood in its blackest spring;
from thy own smile I snatch'd the snake,
for there it coil'd as in a brake;
from thy own smile I snatch'd the snake,
for there it coil'd as in a brake;
from thy own lip I drew the the charm
which gave all these their chiefest harm;
in proving every poison known,
I found the strongest was thine own.
by thy cold breast and serpent smile,
by thy unfathom'd gulfs of guile,
by that most seeming virtuos eye,
by thy shut soul's hypocrisy;
by the perfection of thine art
which pass'd for human thine own heart;
by thy delight in others' pain,
and by thy brotherhood of cain,
I call upon thee! and compel
thyself to be thy proper hell!
and on thy head I pour the vial
which doth devote this trial;
nor to slumber, nor to die,
shall be in thy destiny;
though thy death shall still seem near
to thy wish, but as a fear;
lo! the spell now works around thee,
and the clankless chain hath bound thee;
o'er thy heart and brain together
sex from backyards - porches
out - into chambers - arenas
parliaments of men
broadcasted boys
we fell off the macho vehicle
as batons from the scientific rev
lost their bastille in paris 68
paternity dyed red
world pornography fall
no floor for the colossus
no divine divan
- on words to rest -
no more soil
sown with peasant lies
burden carried by
Luna plina - lift your veil of silver
Red wine rebellion - drown yourself in vain
Control and strength - cultivating sense
Regressive dreams - living in the past
Atmosfear - emptiness inside
Disintegration - scatered sence of life
Realised impermanence - the sunrise of the human mind
Realised perfection - artwork out of body
Realised corruption - artwork out of mind
Remaining permanence - the sunset of the human mind
Confucios, Lao - Tse,
Socrates, Plato,
Schopenhauer, Nietzche,
Sartre & Beauvoir
Defend the name of nobility itself
The art of intellectual reflection
My mistress of mental desire
- Not bound to rules nor form
The train left westwards on a Saturday sunrise
We rode along the linear scaffold
To a fertile sidetrack
Not yet been tamed
By urban architecture
Unknown in a rural village
Tresspassing silent roads
Deserted bu television natives
Rows of rusty tracktors left behind
To keep the sunset company
We strived the valley sides
Reached the bright blue castle
It appeared in defiant solitude
Spreading scraps of paint
Out on the October sky surface
From inside a giant panorama
Our conversation evolved
To women and witches and sex
We ate the saucy beaf
And dark rumanian red
Before nightfall dragged us into its coat
To watch to circular star belt
Wrapping us tightly together
In the pale flame of the parafin lamp
A blue rope lowered onto glowing necks
We entered the circle of branches spread out
Like countryside bohemians
Reeking of whiskey and wool
The knife cut from grey to red
A brotherhood of blood
Dripping down on the heather
And into the soil
We were mystics balancing
On the plunge of knowledge
Ready to fall in ecstasy
Of retire smart stupidity
After a one-night stand
Sun I call burning wheel
Sword I call wolf of steel
Star I call sword of light
Rune I call sign in stone
Man I call tree that thinks
Earth I call grave of men
God I call not of earth
Sky I call home of gods
Sea I call flock of waves
Ship I call horse at sea
Mount I call giant dead
Wind I call Midgard's breath
Life I call kiss of gods
Fire I call wrath of life
Love I call lust for more
Child I call made of love
Name I call eternal life
Worth I call what lives on
Law I call hard as Hel
Fear I call unjust law
King I call head of men
Queen I call pride of king
Dream I call what is not
Time I call Odin's dream
World I call Yggdrasil
Seven years of pain for one night of joy
Loki tricked the lovers with a vicious ploy
He spoke to the queen in his softest voice
Told her he would give her the following choice
Either you were raped by the skald of the king
Death upon the man who would do you such a thing! -
Or you cheated on your husband, striking him down -
Both you and your poet will be sentenced to drown!
The queen was all tears, feared for her life,
'Outlaw the skald, surrender him to strife,
But save our skin, no one should die for love!'
Loki stared at the queen with want in his eyes
Thought ' A god born of giants, I lust for the queen!
I'll make sure this time there's no poet in between!'
Said 'From this day and onwards let Loki be the one,
Your god and your beast, your father and your son,
Cherish me with kisses and honour me with pleasure,
Give in to me, and I'll protect you as my treasure!
But if you reveal who I am, or disclose what I have said,
Both the skald and you will sink to the abyss of the dead!
Garm the Fog of Hel will eat your heart and liver,
Even when cold you'll tremble and shiver
For the rotten goddess and her hungry beast
Allfathers ancestors
I think of you in Odin's hall
Allfathers ancestors
I think of how you crossed the seas
Dirty bearded men who slept in the snow
Can you feel the beauty of Iceland still?
Eagles and icebergs
The white nights of the North
I will fight for your legend
Never forgotten
Combat for your honour
Protect my kin
Allfathers ancestors
What you were I want to be
What you were look at me
Tell me what you see
Do you see a son in me
Or just another man
I am the son of a man
Who was the son of a man
I will fight for your legend
Combat for your honour
What you were I want to be
Now look at me what do you see
Allfathers ancestors
I think of you in Odin's hall
Allfathers ancestors
I think of how you crossed the seas
I will fight for your legend
Combat for your honour
Steel in my hand
Hatred in my eyes
Don't you touch what is mine
Spoil what I hold dear
Defile what I love
Smear pure with impure
Or I shall avenge with sword and axe
Till Hel decides who she wants
The black art's dead can't you feel the foul smell
Ten years ago the corpses gave us hell
Now the scene's changed we're still around
The vampires lie six feet deep into the ground
We have engineered a Medieval War Machine
Come with us corpse feel your own medicine
Now listen to me to the end of the story
We claim what is ours we hunger for glory
Ja you were right music is war
Now show me the truth that you've fought for
It isn't very much if nothing at all
Toss those remains into the Cheiftan's hall
Let everybody witness the state of your carcass
All of you devils who wanted to mark us
Come on brand your iron I bet you it is cold
Let's see how hard you are growing up and old
The winters of Norway have frozen your brains
At every living thought you scream in seven pains
As Necriphisto I speak the Deity of Hell
Spellbound I wil have you tremble to the bell
Join me in battle fight by my side
Together we may run for triumph and pride
But if you go against me fight like a man
Make me die with a sword in my hand
Give up your life the rags that were you
You'll feed the snakes all the time to stay true
Thank you for all now give up the crown
Our law is here we rule your mind with sound
Join me in battle fight by my side
Together we may run for triumph and pride
But if you go against me fight like a man
As a hungry wolf with an old man's teeth I run
Freezing cold in caves, forever crushing the sun
The daylight and all time when the weather is clear
I live in night and darkness, that's why I'm still here
Iceland was my home with seals in the fjords
My winter's only thought is fleeing from the hordes
They may come anytime to kill me like a dog
Always on guard I pray for another day of fog
As the outlaw am I shout at the mighty Thor
Greatest god of thunder I can't take it anymore
Take me home where smoke rises from the halls
Make me welcome again within the Chieftain's walls
Drown his treacherous wife the adulterous Queen
Who told the King what a rapist I had been
She lied she was wrong she asked me to seduce her
In her games of sex I was bound to be the loser
She harmed her husband's skald, caused the poet's disgrace
Outlawed at Althingi, I can never show my face
At Reykjanes again, lest I want to endure
All the evils she accused me of doing to her
More bone than man, I hail the gods of the North
Avenge my injustices, I beg you to come forth
Misfortune loves both fool and wise
For seven winters I have strayed the land of ice
A master of the word and a man of the sword
Of tongue and steel many times I proved to be lord
Gods of the North, I beg you come forth
More bone than man Odin I hail you
As a slave on the run I must stay out of sight
Allfather make my destiny right
That in none of the worlds whose number is nine
Another innocent must suffer a fate like mine
As the outlaw I am I shout at might Thor
Great god of thunder I can't take it anymore
Take me to Reykjavik where smoke rises from the halls
O father of truth and marvellous lies
Ignorance the dragon never dies
In the Midgard of men they call you sagateller
In the Asgard of gods they call you dragonkiller
Red words for black thoughts, you cannot be blamed
No name is a secret, no secret is unnamed
The sagas you tell mankind teach them about fate
Songs and legends from times of love and hate
When the words of Odin's art resound through the horn
Heroes and Giants of the ancient epics are reborn
In the Midgard of men they call you sagateller
In the Asgard of gods they call you dragonkiller
[Skald:] The eyes of the universe, the witness of time
Heart and head tied together in rhythm and rhyme
The fury of enemies the madness of the young
There is no thing in the world that is not in your song
Under the silver of a thousand moons
The book of your life was written with runes
Would you know the future of your kin
How White Christ and Black Death were going to win
The Icelanders who hungered the Norwegians who died
Before the doors of Hel, they had their strength tried
Remember the hardships the toil they through
Remember the hardships the battles they lived through
Our blood hails the North pagan Vikings stay true
Red for Fire + Black for Death
Our blood hails the North pagan Vikings stay true
The Icelanders who hungered the Norwegians who died
Before the doors of Hel, they had their strength tried
Remember the hardships the battles they lived through
Our blood hails the North pagan Vikings stay true
Sagateller Dragonkiller
O father of truth and marvellous lies
Ignorance the dragon that never dies
The Icelanders who hungered the Norwegians who died
Before the doors of Hel, they had their strength tried
Red for Fire + Black for Death
I walked towards Reykjavik as always alone
When a band of dwarves seized me pulling me through stone
Down into their underworld where birds have never been
Wickedness and wonders the weirdest things ever seen
A silver dwarf seated on his mighty dark throne
Held up his wand and spoke to me in dire tone
"You come from way above and shall prove your worth
This ordeal has been waiting since before your birth
A victim of Destiny is what you claim to be
If you've been wronged then for sure you'll be free
But if your prove too weak to accept your fate
That means your freedom will forever have to wait
Only dwarves will know your all-too human shame
Only small men will speak your dishonoured name
You'll stay in the underworld where birds have never been
Among gold and silver the weirdest things ever seen
In the dim timelessness where only spiders mate
It might take you a thousand years to honour your fate
Thnk of Destiny for each rust-red drop that falls
On your brow while you stare at these stately walls
You must teach your stomach to let go of its greed
Your throat will learn to abate its strong need
You'll ask if life is an illness if you can be cured
In the end if you make it your story might be heard
The day you can bear the clothes Destiny gave to you
Then we can give you the powers see you stay true
You'll be free to leave this place deprived of life and light
Climb up towards the white sun to take up your great fight
You'll speak like a god before the cheering masses
You'll stand like a cliff in the stream of time that passes
Choose right over wrong there's nothing in between
Never be haughty or spiteful stay calm and serene
Drink the wine of winners live with pride in the sun
As a man of the sword and a master of the word
Not as a wild wolf forever on the run
Whose life's an illness that cannot be cured
Remember your friends where birds have never been
Wickedness and wonders the weirdest dwarves ever seen
We shall stay behind in this mine of wisdom and gold
When leaving the Underworld be strong and bold
As you climb through the stone you'll again be all alone"
Prayer of a Son
You are my tree of life
The nine worlds of manhood
I drink to you, my father
I was like the apple in the hands of the giants
Once you were small, small like me
Once you were the son of a man who was the son of a man
My father, my eyes bleed as you age
Stay on the screen on which the worlds are shown
Stay in the hole where I was safe
Protect me, father
I am your friend from way down
Trapped in a dark forever
Silver Dwarf
This place is dead
Silver Dwarf
Night everywhere
Chained to the Tree of Death
I see no birds no life
Silver Dwarf
This is my home
Only these walls know my face
This is the mine where I am stuck
Silver Dwarf
Bowels of greed
Silver Dwarf
Once filled with gold
Friend from the Land of Light
Help me out of darkness
Silver Dwarf
Horses pull me apart
Silver Dwarf
Under the earth
I wish to be strong
But I was born in a mine
Silver Dwarf
Never allowed to leave
Silver Dwarf
Cellar of life
I will dig my way out of here
The Silver Dwarf will see the sun
Silver Dwarf
A closed infinity
Silver Dwarf
Nothing to lose
I am your friend from way down
Spiders eat me
Silver Dwarf
Sunlight and glory
Silver Dwarf
One two three
Blackabilly me
Four five six
Burning kicks
Seven eight nine
I want mine
Ten to one
Let's get it on
Rockabilly mockabilly
Blackabilly burnin'
Fuckabilly muckabilly
Whackabilly churnin'
Cockabilly kickabilly
Trickabilly streamin'
Ticabilly tocabilly
Clockabilly screamin'
Me gav ljod til striden
for å syne kva fred var
No hev kampen breidt seg
støyen vorte sann
Ein tvo tri
Det er tidi
Fire fem seks
Ta meg heks
Sju åtte ni
I Svinesti
Ti elleve tolv
men utan vold
Blackabilly blackabully
Blackabuddy loomin'
Blackabody blackaboarding
Blackaballing boomin'
Blackafuzzing blackabuzzing
Blackajazzing freezin'
Blackamunchy blackacrunchy
Blackawhacky wheezin'
Me spelar svart metall
men lèt ingen smaka stål
Me gjev all makt til klangen
men spiller ikkje blod
Difor ser me attende
mot uskulds fornalder
då stridslyst styrde alt
men ingen døydde i kamp
Chilihead chilihead
Hey chilihead
Why choose autumn
When spring is an option?
Heacy head heavy head
Hey heavy head
Here's a chili bomb
For your blackabilly self
Rockabilly mockabilly
Blackabilly King
Fuckabilly muckabilly
Whackabilly King
Chilihead chilihead
Hey chilihead
Cheer up with colours
Red hot fur
Beerhead beerhead
Blackabilly King
But if you pray
Winter will come
Rockabilly mockabilly
Blackabilly Voguesville
Fuckabilly muckabilly
Whackabilly Voguesville
Upp i otta må han rise
som rikdom vil taka
Upp for sine meiningar
slik må skalden stande
Til deg som vil i ljodkrig
Lat nåden liggje heime
Gakk berserk på valen
so kvart steg vert ein siger
Me spelar for å vinne
i strid med solarljod
Me spelar svart metall
As the last god on Earth I ask for a whisky
The floodwave took it all life up here is risky
What can I tell you the giants pulled us under
A sky-high tsunami black walls of thunder
My Third Valhalla was splintered by the waves
I knew at heart no bloody magic saves
In solitude divine I mourn the greatest loss
The golden world of gods everything that was
Creator Destroyer I am Allfather again
The nine worlds went under except for number ten
One for Being Yggdrasil in my hand
Zero for the lifeless Nothingness' land
I curse the Norns that weave the Vital Code
Life both good and evil to rise and to erode
Cells feed on matter feeds on cells feed on matter
If a body is to grow it needs another one to shatter
Life requires Death to seep through the pores of Time
A mytholife like Sisyphos that continues to climb
It menas that no life is pure not even my own
Also Odin's veins are host to a giant's seed sown
So what I create 'twill have a twofold nature
The Twilight of the Gods was not an erasure
What hurts the most is that if I kill the enemy
I have not tasted bread for weeks
Snow is what I eat and drink
My saga the saga of hunger and need
The father of my father ancestors of my kin
The skald told the story of my house
Here I lie like a dead man
A weak wreck of no worth
At the Crater of the Valkyries
The angels of Odin my master
Take the dead home from battle
To Valhalla
Here I am as a nobody
Awaiting the beating of wings
Of the godly women who fill the sky
Black wings on their shoulders
Helmets hide white faces
They will take me to Valhalla
Not as a warrior
Hall of Od
Skald I be
Skald through the runes
Let Fate decide
If you shall live or die
Fall into the volcano
Or still suffer under the stars
Skald do you see the raven
Munin is its name
It turns the rune
That would have you
Fall into the flame
Skald do you see
The raven by your side
As you throw the runes
To settle life or death
Are you still to see
The blue of the sky
Or shall you fall into the fire
Of the mighty volcano Hekla
The raven turns
The rune of your fate
You shall live for vengeance
To have justice done
Return to Reykjavik
To the hall of your king
Show them what you have suffered
Be the man you were
Father of my father
Ancestors of my kin
You had mead to drink
And meat to eat
You lived in crafted halls
And sacrificed to the gods
You sailed black longships
With red shields and dragon heads
Here I lie like a dead man
A weak wreck of no worth
At the Crater of the Valkyries
The angels of Odin my master
Take the dead home from battle
To Valhalla
Here I am as a nobody
Awaiting the beating of wings
Of the godly women who fill the sky
Black wings on their shoulders
I am the memory of all
Helmets hide white faces
They will take me to Valhalla
Not as a warrior
Hall of Od
The kiss disappeared and came back as a split
Phantom that inhabits my stomach
Dance as my limbs are playing
Your first imitation is born
An echo without source
Longing for McDonald’s compassion
Ducklings follow their mother
Fried or alive
The sexual law
The chopped snake
Sensuality is Sanskrit for the few
The colour we fear
Bitten by the colour we believe
Biting back
The big rhythm appears
Grooving further into the eternal grey
Open the knowledge
Falls to the ground like a mirror
What we gather
What we save
Lose stretch strive
Searching for will in a part of the Will
The cosmophony continues in these
The brain remains behind virgin walls
My hooks are hereby thrown
Skin burst flesh torn
Faith of my fathers
Your son bleeds
Bashed in the propellers’ protected room
Where dreams are drowned in woollen empathy
And unfathomable fingers interpret the sea
Dream my world with open eyes
My doubt blinded by a radiant throne
Abnormal Living
Take your seat
I’m not small
I don’t feel ashamed
I believe my essence is pure
In the name of the Will
In the name of the Power
Remember me bastard for my years in the ice
Do you see me your victim of old
I have waited for revenge to turn cold
I have explored the world to find the place you hide
Rooted out of your rathole this is your last ride
Red for Fire + Black for Death
The dark horns of vengeance are about to be blown
In retribution reborn from the forests unknown
I heard the feeble screams of lost pride and dignity
After a thousand years comes liberation of destiny
Deathlike silence
Deathlike silence will rule
In the rooms of your cave
Euronymous Prince of Death
You shall dance on their grave
I've rejected the rules of hands and heart
I raped and pillaged the darkest art
It's toughened hardened a bastard child grown strong
May it linger after me as a saga in song
Stay written in runes on the black metal sword
May it some day save a Viking of my horde
Red for Fire + Black for Death
Red for fire endure the Iron Law
Bragi skald
That is you
Eg lysar deg i bann
That is you
Aldri meir kjem du att
Til Reykjavik
That is you
Eller du m? d? ya
That is you
Treacherous queen
Who abused my good faith
I will take you
Where birds have never been
A knife in my belt
A spear in my hand
To my burning eyes
Your halls are made of glass
Treacherous queen
You abused my good faith
I will take you
Where birds have never been
A knife in my belt
A spearhead in my heart
To my burning eyes
Your walls are made of glass
The age of the heroes
A distant memory
The Iron Law rules Iceland
Evil kings faithless queens
Who hides in the Bay of Smoke
Nothing goes unpunished
Look where you step
You might tread on me
Queen in the Bay of Smoke
Bring supplies
For the worst of your winters
I shall wear your pain
As a golden crown
Whe shall crawl the tunnels
In the dark of the Underworld
A million midgets are waiting for you
Queen in the Bay of Smoke
I tasted your beauty
You threw me to the dogs
I walked as a wolf among the dogs
I walked as a god among the slaves
Queen in the Bay of Smoke
I m? rket under jorden
ligger dvergenes gruver
Den hvite dronning faller
i Regins svarte hull
Skalden s? ker
en konges skamhevn
Dronningen dulgt
i sm? folkets berg
Dvergene stimler
om fagerm? ya sammen
Skrekk st? r? se
i Berg-Disas blikk
Hva vondt har jeg gjort?
Hvor tar du meg hen?
T? resalt drysser
p? gulvert av gull
Her skal du bli
svikefulle kvinne
Ta skalden til mann
The wheel of light sets another day
Glowing in the Water of Reykjavik bay
The ground has grown wight with nightly frost
The town is a wake at the sullen gloom's cost
Odin has granted Icelander's the light
To sharpen their swords, to show off their might
For another day in the bay of smoke
Where virtue is strong and weaknesses choke
A king on his throne and a queen by his side
The ruler of men and his principal pride
A blade his companion, the crown his duty
The lady he reveres, her radiant beauty
-Oh queen, grant my wish, make me calm and serene
Please stay by my side, never fly from our scene
I rule this cold land and I herd my flock
I worship the gods on this volcanic rock
But might makes me weary and you are the cure
You keep me strong, that is your allure
Deceitful queen in the land of cold
Sun I called burning wheel
Sword I called wolf of steel
Star I called sword of light
Rune I called sign in stone
Man I called tree that thinks
Earth I called grave of men
God I called not of earth
Sky I called home of gods
Sea I called flock of waves
Ship I called horse at sea
Mount I called giant dead
Wind I called Midgard's breath
Life I called kiss of gods
Fire I called wrath of life
Love I called lust for more
Child I called made of love
Name I called eternal life
Worth I called what lives on
Law I called hard as Hel
Fear I called unjust law
King I called head of men
Queen I called pride of king
Dream I called what is not
Time I called Odin's dream
World I called Yggdrasil
Ein haustdag på fjellet
gjeng ei kjerring med rive
Daudens raude dotter
et fingrar frå eit knyte
Med handi for augo
skyggjer ho for soli
Ho fer gjenom heimen
der svartedauden fór
I dei gule augo
lyser bjarte hatet
Blodet strøymer yver skallen
eit skaut frå farne dagar
"Dauden den raude
Eg skal vitja kvar gard
sope kvar krok"
mekrar kjerringi
"I jordi med kristenfolket
fyrr gjev eg meg ikkje
Raudedaudens rive
vert det siste dei ser
Eg matar flugor og rottor
med deim som rudde landet
Ingen gnagar skal svelte
ingen rovfugl hungre
Kvar knok fram i dagen
ut i soli med kvart bein"
I stilla etter heksi