The Daily Mail He was under pressure to stick to his ultra-tight schedule. But in an act of extraordinary kindness, a pilot delayed his plane by 12 minutes so a man could say goodbye to his dying grandson. Airport security personnel and Southwest Airlines staff had given the man next to no assistance but the plane's pilot, who was aware of the family's sad loss, delayed the flight by 12...
PR Newswire     Dynamic New Series Travels the World for Fun and Fact-Packed Explorations to Capture Never-Before-Seen Wildlife Moments , Dec. 21, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Animals can take you anywhere in science!  Creature adventurers Chris and Martin Kratt will take 6- to 8-year olds and their families along on extraordinary animal-powered adventures in WILD KRATTS, a new...
Flavorpill REDCAT says: A homemade spaceship built from scrap metal and wood serves as a central metaphor in the...
The Daily Mail Don't be surprised if you soon see paparazzi pictures of Eva Mendes, Celia and I on an 80ft Sunseeker in the south of France Amanda Holden has landed the part of Princess Fiona in the upcoming musical version of Shrek in London's West End. And to say she's excited is a bit like saying Neil Armstrong must have felt a sliver of pleasure when he first set foot on the Moon. She'll...
Denver Post Young MC will perform Saturday as part of Bar Standard's "Retro Standard" night. It's always exciting when a new little nook opens up. A small, cool place that's off the beaten path, a respite from the usual haunts and hangouts. It's not a place where everybody knows your name — and that's fine. The Bar Car (819 Colorado Blvd.), the latest outing from the Jonesy's EatBar...
CBS SportsLine Two things need to be cleared up as they relate to New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. One is this: His skills aren't eroding, as some would lead us to believe.   Contrary to a few opinions out there, Tom Brady's skills aren't eroding. (US Presswire)   The second goes hand-and-hand with the first: He isn't going anywhere. There was a column earlier this month...
National Public Radio So here in Europe right now, everybody thinks it's the apocalypse. The sun may be out, but chaos is spreading across the continent. And the culprit, again, is Iceland. It's almost as if the island itself is taking revenge: "You thought those 'Icesave' bank accounts wrecked global havoc? Ha! Wait 'til you see this." One little volcano is erupting, and now all of Western Europe...
MSNBC updated 12:04 p.m. ET Jan. 28, 2010 Jay Leno is no Oprah. But the embattled late-night comedian this morning tried to draw a parallel between their careers. “You and I will go down together,” Leno told the talk show maven. “You and I will hold hands and walk out into the sunset together. You’re not going anywhere, I’m not...
PR Newswire Download image PHOENIX, Nov. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- SuperShuttle, the largest shared ride airport transportation service in the U.S., just launched its first international service in Paris, France. The new service is available from Charles de Gaulle (CDG) - main international airport, ORLY (ORY) and the local airport Beauvais (BVA) to anywhere in Paris including hotels, local...
The Daily Mail Winifred Foley, who died earlier this month aged 94, was born in 1914. Her enchanting account of growing up in the Forest of Dean is an object lesson for our times because, despite being so poor that there was never enough to eat, her life was extraordinarily secure and happy. Here, in the second part of our serialisation, she recalls going into domestic service at the age of...
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