How the Mamluks Defended Against the Mongols - Medieval DOCUMENTARY
Go to https://establishedtitles.com/Kings and help support the channel. They are now running a massive Black Friday Sale, plus 10% off on any purchase with code Kings. Thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring this video!
The Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on Mongol History continues with a video explaining how the Mamluks defended against the Mongols. In our previous episode we discussed the European defence against the Mongol invasions (https://youtu.be/DJdqMs6OUyI)
Our podcast on Mongol history - https://kingsandgenerals.libsyn.com/21-history-of-the-mongols-intro
How the Mongol Empire Fell - https://youtu.be/THpYk-au6-s
Lost History of Genghis Khan - https://youtu.be/FdxT58OpDf4
Mongol Ideology - Why Chinggis Wanted to Conquer the World - https://youtu.be/...
published: 26 Nov 2022
Rags to Riches — The Rise and Fall of Mamluk Egypt
Enjoyed the video? Future History & Lore videos will be posted on the Radix the Lorekeeper channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKrFRZ7yEdfod5aL0OcgHSw), so keep an eye out over there for new uploads!
Let's take a look at the history of the Mamluks in Egypt.
Support the channel! — https://www.patreon.com/commanderradix
Commander's Cabin — https://bit.ly/2L2KHT8
Radix Repository — https://bit.ly/2yYfBec
🎵 MUSIC (In order of appearance)
kudasai - a light of mine
another chance by slipfunc
Los! Los! Los! by Jenny
Transformers Lore: Fixer Bug, the Mini-Con Pokeball — https://youtu.be/vUuuuEdtiT4
Twitter — https://bit.ly/36uYaNG
Commander Radix Discord — https://discord.gg/gMz3z2q
Twitch — https://bit.ly/2IWt4DM
MyAnimeList — https://bit.ly/2yTM...
published: 12 Mar 2020
Mongol Invasions - Mamluk-Ilkhanate Wars DOCUMENTARY
Play Conqueror’s Blade and Score an Arsenal of FREE Battle Supplies ➤ http://bit.ly/2PFtsLs
Sponsored by MY.GAMES
Our animated historical documentary series on the Mongol Invasions continues with the aftermath of the battle of Ain Jalut 1260 http://bit.ly/2Ehy4Cf - the Mongol empire is now divided and the Mamluk Sultanate led by Qutuz and Baibars is facing the Ilkhanate ruled by Hulagu. In this episode, we will cover the Mamluk-Ilkhanate War with the focus on the battles of Elbistan and Wadi al-Khaznadar and features the Seljuks, Georgians, Armenians, Crusader states.
Previous videos on Mongol invasions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX6rwW39kRuJ-DvG4hE7vEFC
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
We ...
published: 15 Dec 2019
How was Egypt conquered by the Ottomans in just 1 Year?
Help support the channel and get a 30-day free trial with CuriosityStream with the code 'knowledgia' at http://go.thoughtleaders.io/1777320200309 to get unlimited access to the world’s top documentaries.
How was Egypt conquered by the Ottomans in just 1 Year?
♦Consider to Support the Channel of Patreon and gain cool stuff:
♦Please consider to SUBSCRIBE : https://goo.gl/YJNqek
♦Narrated by : Royal Carter
♦Music Used :
Kevin MacLeod - Drums of the Deep
Kevin MacLeod - BTS Prolog
Kevin MacLeod - Grim League
Daniele - Epic Orchestral Music
♦Sources :
The Mameluke; or, Slave dynasty of Egypt, 1260-1517, A. D
The C...
published: 04 Dec 2019
Ottoman-Mamluk War of 1516-1517 DOCUMENTARY
Go to http://Wix.com/kingsandgenerals to get started on your Wix website!
*Note: Our new Wix website is coming soon!
In this animated historical documentary video, we will cover the battles of Marj Dabiq, Khan Yunis, Ridanieh within the Ottoman-Mamluk war of 1516-1517.
Previously in our animated historical documentary series on the Ottoman Wars, we have covered the battles of Kosovo (http://bit.ly/2JI3F0p), Nicopolis (http://bit.ly/2zUNRre), Ankara (http://bit.ly/2uW7r0D), Varna (http://bit.ly/2JIK2VG), Second Kosovo, Constantinople (http://bit.ly/2uELWlI), Belgrade, Targoviste and Otlukbeli (http://bit.ly/2JOBlcQ), Vaslui, Valea Alba (http://bit.ly/2C9Cm0l), Skanderbeg's rebellion (http://bit.ly/2BYMYgW), Breadfield, Krbava, Otranto and Chaldiran (http://bit.ly/2DUa3mJ). But the Ottoman...
published: 25 Nov 2018
Battle of Elbistan (Mamluk Baibars vs Mongol Ilkhanate)
In April 15, 1277, the Mamluk forces complimented with bedouins auxilary under Sultan Baibars marched from Syria into the Mongol-Ilkhanate in Anatolia. Upon reaching Elbistan, Mamluks was confronted with the Mongols ilkhan forces totalling in equal size under General Tadaun, although the Mongol core forces were smaller than the Mamluk army, they were supplemented by Georgians contingent. Rûm-Seljuk forces under vizier Pervâne, vassal of the Ilkhanate, were pesent at the battlefield as Ilkhnate reserve, but at the height of the battle did not take part.
Music :
Adam Skorupa - Holy War to Come (Ancestors Legacy : Saladin's Conquest)
Sarah Schachner - Fight Theme (Assassin’s Creed Origins)
Stephen Rippy - Canyon Of Death (Age of Empires: Definitive Edition)
published: 09 May 2020
Perang Ain Jalut: Mamluk vs Mongol
Wuish tak pernah dengar pun perang ni.
#naqiyusoff #sejarah
published: 24 Aug 2020
Mamluk (مملوك) - Nizar a.k.a ABS [DISS Chyno - دس شينو]
Disclaimer : The following track contains language that might trigger some viewers.
Be advised.
Merch Link : my-store-b6fb87.creator-spring.com
Bonus Track : Mamluk (مملوك) - DISS Chyno - دس شينو
Written & Performed by Nizar a.k.a ABS
Sound Mixed by Nizar Zgheib
Beat by Serouj
Album : Alfiyya 7
Recorded at Bloodz Records Studio (Lebanon - Byblos)
Direction of Photography & Operation by Anthony Samarany
Montage by Anthony Samarany
Graphics & Cover Art by Roy a.k.a RASH
Lebanon - 2020
Support my work on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/nizarzgheib
Or by subscribing to my YouTube Membership program and have your name in my video credits as a sponsor and a co-producer!
In collaboration with :
Arabic Rap Music Streaming Platform
Instagram :
Social Me...
published: 23 Nov 2020
Third Battle of Homs 1299 - Mamluk-Ilkhanid War
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DQwzJap6YHkfui48a3gVNOX_G-p2cYgwDJrQEX69Idk/edit?usp=sharing
The script for this video was developed by Jack Wilson - The Jackmeister. Check out his channel dedicated to the history of the Mongols: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQEYhWVV3V-ItwJE-kgRd9w
This video was narrated by Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficiallyDevin)
Machinimas were made on Total War: Attila engine by MalayArcher (https://www.youtube.com/user/MathemedicUpdates)
✔ Merch stor...
published: 16 Nov 2022
2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWpgb8x6L5pCuakP_137lqA
Discord: https://discord.gg/ksDjjUhKHd
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theredhawklive
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRedHawkYT
Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSRjWr3pAEaBvi0u6bdexTw/join
In this video titled EU4 1.33 Mamluks Guide - The MAMLUK HRE VASSAL SWARM Is INSANE I make an EU4 Guide for The Mamluks for Europa Universalis 4 1.33 France. With EU4 1.33 France releasing the meta and the starting moves for many nations on the map has changed, so of course new and up to date guides are needed. This EU4 Mamluks starting moves guide or EU4 Mamluks starting moves tutorial will ensure that you get a great start for yourself playing as the nation of The Mamluks. This guide covers the opening moves, diploma...
published: 06 May 2022
How the Mamluks Defended Against the Mongols - Medieval DOCUMENTARY
Go to https://establishedtitles.com/Kings and help support the channel. They are now running a massive Black Friday Sale, plus 10% off on any purchase with code...
Go to https://establishedtitles.com/Kings and help support the channel. They are now running a massive Black Friday Sale, plus 10% off on any purchase with code Kings. Thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring this video!
The Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on Mongol History continues with a video explaining how the Mamluks defended against the Mongols. In our previous episode we discussed the European defence against the Mongol invasions (https://youtu.be/DJdqMs6OUyI)
Our podcast on Mongol history - https://kingsandgenerals.libsyn.com/21-history-of-the-mongols-intro
How the Mongol Empire Fell - https://youtu.be/THpYk-au6-s
Lost History of Genghis Khan - https://youtu.be/FdxT58OpDf4
Mongol Ideology - Why Chinggis Wanted to Conquer the World - https://youtu.be/8W3B8o1r2-c
How the Mongols Became Muslim - https://youtu.be/esuvYHZe22c
Why the Mongols Tolerated Other Religions - https://youtu.be/c2ZhXLbbfrk
Rabban Bar Sauma: Adventures of Mongol Marco Polo - https://youtu.be/VaW9gUSpS1A
Mongol Army - Tactics, Logistics, Siegecraft, Recruitment - https://youtu.be/HPbBaKYlsfU
Is Genghis Khan Ancestor of the Millions? - https://youtu.be/qrPnMEpOuNw
What is the Truth about Tartaria: https://youtu.be/_9yvFe4tZ7c
Previous videos in our series on Mongol history - https://bit.ly/3eezUnW
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals or by joining the youtube membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmaBzfCCwZ2KqaBJjkj0fw/join We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ooKPbpq0z8ciEjz5Zmrga4-gWRmripm0u4BHMkkXHVc/edit?usp=sharing
The video was made by Galang Pinandita, while the script was developed by Jack Wilson - The Jackmeister. Check out his channel dedicated to the history of the Mongols: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQEYhWVV3V-ItwJE-kgRd9w. This video was narrated by Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU0-VII-V376zFxiRGMeZGg & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC79s7EdN9uXX77-Ly2HmEjQ)
✔ Merch store ► https://teespring.com/stores/kingsandgenerals
✔ Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals
✔ Podcast ► https://kingsandgenerals.libsyn.com/ iTunes: https://apple.co/2QTuMNG
✔ PayPal ► http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
✔ Twitter ► https://twitter.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Discord ►https://discord.gg/DpuRAMa75V
✔ Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Instagram ►http://www.instagram.com/Kings_Generals
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
#Documentary #Mongols #Mamluks
Go to https://establishedtitles.com/Kings and help support the channel. They are now running a massive Black Friday Sale, plus 10% off on any purchase with code Kings. Thanks to Established Titles for sponsoring this video!
The Kings and Generals animated historical documentary series on Mongol History continues with a video explaining how the Mamluks defended against the Mongols. In our previous episode we discussed the European defence against the Mongol invasions (https://youtu.be/DJdqMs6OUyI)
Our podcast on Mongol history - https://kingsandgenerals.libsyn.com/21-history-of-the-mongols-intro
How the Mongol Empire Fell - https://youtu.be/THpYk-au6-s
Lost History of Genghis Khan - https://youtu.be/FdxT58OpDf4
Mongol Ideology - Why Chinggis Wanted to Conquer the World - https://youtu.be/8W3B8o1r2-c
How the Mongols Became Muslim - https://youtu.be/esuvYHZe22c
Why the Mongols Tolerated Other Religions - https://youtu.be/c2ZhXLbbfrk
Rabban Bar Sauma: Adventures of Mongol Marco Polo - https://youtu.be/VaW9gUSpS1A
Mongol Army - Tactics, Logistics, Siegecraft, Recruitment - https://youtu.be/HPbBaKYlsfU
Is Genghis Khan Ancestor of the Millions? - https://youtu.be/qrPnMEpOuNw
What is the Truth about Tartaria: https://youtu.be/_9yvFe4tZ7c
Previous videos in our series on Mongol history - https://bit.ly/3eezUnW
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals or by joining the youtube membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmaBzfCCwZ2KqaBJjkj0fw/join We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ooKPbpq0z8ciEjz5Zmrga4-gWRmripm0u4BHMkkXHVc/edit?usp=sharing
The video was made by Galang Pinandita, while the script was developed by Jack Wilson - The Jackmeister. Check out his channel dedicated to the history of the Mongols: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQEYhWVV3V-ItwJE-kgRd9w. This video was narrated by Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU0-VII-V376zFxiRGMeZGg & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC79s7EdN9uXX77-Ly2HmEjQ)
✔ Merch store ► https://teespring.com/stores/kingsandgenerals
✔ Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals
✔ Podcast ► https://kingsandgenerals.libsyn.com/ iTunes: https://apple.co/2QTuMNG
✔ PayPal ► http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
✔ Twitter ► https://twitter.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Discord ►https://discord.gg/DpuRAMa75V
✔ Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Instagram ►http://www.instagram.com/Kings_Generals
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
#Documentary #Mongols #Mamluks
- published: 26 Nov 2022
- views: 427722
Rags to Riches — The Rise and Fall of Mamluk Egypt
Enjoyed the video? Future History & Lore videos will be posted on the Radix the Lorekeeper channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKrFRZ7yEdfod5aL0OcgHSw), s...
Enjoyed the video? Future History & Lore videos will be posted on the Radix the Lorekeeper channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKrFRZ7yEdfod5aL0OcgHSw), so keep an eye out over there for new uploads!
Let's take a look at the history of the Mamluks in Egypt.
Support the channel! — https://www.patreon.com/commanderradix
Commander's Cabin — https://bit.ly/2L2KHT8
Radix Repository — https://bit.ly/2yYfBec
🎵 MUSIC (In order of appearance)
kudasai - a light of mine
another chance by slipfunc
Los! Los! Los! by Jenny
Transformers Lore: Fixer Bug, the Mini-Con Pokeball — https://youtu.be/vUuuuEdtiT4
Twitter — https://bit.ly/36uYaNG
Commander Radix Discord — https://discord.gg/gMz3z2q
Twitch — https://bit.ly/2IWt4DM
MyAnimeList — https://bit.ly/2yTMVD4
Instagram — https://bit.ly/2lLL2iB
Writing Universe — http://kalamosmythos.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page
🢂Lazy Koalas Twitter — http://bit.ly/2D8eV3V
🢂Lazy Koalas Discord — https://discordapp.com/invite/5femeDB
🢂Lazy Koalas — http://bit.ly/1RhR2Js
This video was brought to you by the following patrons from Patreon:
Josh Adkins
Mark Roberts
Thank you very much for your support!
Enjoyed the video? Future History & Lore videos will be posted on the Radix the Lorekeeper channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKrFRZ7yEdfod5aL0OcgHSw), so keep an eye out over there for new uploads!
Let's take a look at the history of the Mamluks in Egypt.
Support the channel! — https://www.patreon.com/commanderradix
Commander's Cabin — https://bit.ly/2L2KHT8
Radix Repository — https://bit.ly/2yYfBec
🎵 MUSIC (In order of appearance)
kudasai - a light of mine
another chance by slipfunc
Los! Los! Los! by Jenny
Transformers Lore: Fixer Bug, the Mini-Con Pokeball — https://youtu.be/vUuuuEdtiT4
Twitter — https://bit.ly/36uYaNG
Commander Radix Discord — https://discord.gg/gMz3z2q
Twitch — https://bit.ly/2IWt4DM
MyAnimeList — https://bit.ly/2yTMVD4
Instagram — https://bit.ly/2lLL2iB
Writing Universe — http://kalamosmythos.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page
🢂Lazy Koalas Twitter — http://bit.ly/2D8eV3V
🢂Lazy Koalas Discord — https://discordapp.com/invite/5femeDB
🢂Lazy Koalas — http://bit.ly/1RhR2Js
This video was brought to you by the following patrons from Patreon:
Josh Adkins
Mark Roberts
Thank you very much for your support!
- published: 12 Mar 2020
- views: 49570
Mongol Invasions - Mamluk-Ilkhanate Wars DOCUMENTARY
Play Conqueror’s Blade and Score an Arsenal of FREE Battle Supplies ➤ http://bit.ly/2PFtsLs
Sponsored by MY.GAMES
Our animated historical documentary series on...
Play Conqueror’s Blade and Score an Arsenal of FREE Battle Supplies ➤ http://bit.ly/2PFtsLs
Sponsored by MY.GAMES
Our animated historical documentary series on the Mongol Invasions continues with the aftermath of the battle of Ain Jalut 1260 http://bit.ly/2Ehy4Cf - the Mongol empire is now divided and the Mamluk Sultanate led by Qutuz and Baibars is facing the Ilkhanate ruled by Hulagu. In this episode, we will cover the Mamluk-Ilkhanate War with the focus on the battles of Elbistan and Wadi al-Khaznadar and features the Seljuks, Georgians, Armenians, Crusader states.
Previous videos on Mongol invasions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX6rwW39kRuJ-DvG4hE7vEFC
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DQwzJap6YHkfui48a3gVNOX_G-p2cYgwDJrQEX69Idk/edit?usp=sharing
The script for this video was developed by Jack Wilson - The Jackmeister. Check out his channel dedicated to the history of the Mongols: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQEYhWVV3V-ItwJE-kgRd9w
This video was narrated by Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU0-VII-V376zFxiRGMeZGg & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC79s7EdN9uXX77-Ly2HmEjQ)
Machinimas were made on Total War: Attila engine by MalayArcher (https://www.youtube.com/user/MathemedicUpdates)
✔ Merch store ► https://teespring.com/stores/kingsandgenerals
✔ Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals
✔ Podcast ► https://kingsandgenerals.libsyn.com/ iTunes: https://apple.co/2QTuMNG
✔ PayPal ► http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
✔ Twitter ► https://twitter.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Instagram ►http://www.instagram.com/Kings_Generals
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
#Documentary #Mongols #Mamluks
Play Conqueror’s Blade and Score an Arsenal of FREE Battle Supplies ➤ http://bit.ly/2PFtsLs
Sponsored by MY.GAMES
Our animated historical documentary series on the Mongol Invasions continues with the aftermath of the battle of Ain Jalut 1260 http://bit.ly/2Ehy4Cf - the Mongol empire is now divided and the Mamluk Sultanate led by Qutuz and Baibars is facing the Ilkhanate ruled by Hulagu. In this episode, we will cover the Mamluk-Ilkhanate War with the focus on the battles of Elbistan and Wadi al-Khaznadar and features the Seljuks, Georgians, Armenians, Crusader states.
Previous videos on Mongol invasions: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX6rwW39kRuJ-DvG4hE7vEFC
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DQwzJap6YHkfui48a3gVNOX_G-p2cYgwDJrQEX69Idk/edit?usp=sharing
The script for this video was developed by Jack Wilson - The Jackmeister. Check out his channel dedicated to the history of the Mongols: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQEYhWVV3V-ItwJE-kgRd9w
This video was narrated by Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU0-VII-V376zFxiRGMeZGg & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC79s7EdN9uXX77-Ly2HmEjQ)
Machinimas were made on Total War: Attila engine by MalayArcher (https://www.youtube.com/user/MathemedicUpdates)
✔ Merch store ► https://teespring.com/stores/kingsandgenerals
✔ Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals
✔ Podcast ► https://kingsandgenerals.libsyn.com/ iTunes: https://apple.co/2QTuMNG
✔ PayPal ► http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
✔ Twitter ► https://twitter.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Instagram ►http://www.instagram.com/Kings_Generals
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
#Documentary #Mongols #Mamluks
- published: 15 Dec 2019
- views: 911861
How was Egypt conquered by the Ottomans in just 1 Year?
Help support the channel and get a 30-day free trial with CuriosityStream with the code 'knowledgia' at http://go.thoughtleaders.io/1777320200309 to get unlimit...
Help support the channel and get a 30-day free trial with CuriosityStream with the code 'knowledgia' at http://go.thoughtleaders.io/1777320200309 to get unlimited access to the world’s top documentaries.
How was Egypt conquered by the Ottomans in just 1 Year?
♦Consider to Support the Channel of Patreon and gain cool stuff:
♦Please consider to SUBSCRIBE : https://goo.gl/YJNqek
♦Narrated by : Royal Carter
♦Music Used :
Kevin MacLeod - Drums of the Deep
Kevin MacLeod - BTS Prolog
Kevin MacLeod - Grim League
Daniele - Epic Orchestral Music
♦Sources :
The Mameluke; or, Slave dynasty of Egypt, 1260-1517, A. D
The Cambridge History of Egypt, Volumul 1 Coperta unu Martin W.. Daly, Professor of History M W Daly
Ottoman Seapower and Levantine Diplomacy in the Age of Discovery De Palmira Johnson Brummett
E.J. Brill's First Encyclopaedia of Islam 1913-1936
#History #Documentary
Help support the channel and get a 30-day free trial with CuriosityStream with the code 'knowledgia' at http://go.thoughtleaders.io/1777320200309 to get unlimited access to the world’s top documentaries.
How was Egypt conquered by the Ottomans in just 1 Year?
♦Consider to Support the Channel of Patreon and gain cool stuff:
♦Please consider to SUBSCRIBE : https://goo.gl/YJNqek
♦Narrated by : Royal Carter
♦Music Used :
Kevin MacLeod - Drums of the Deep
Kevin MacLeod - BTS Prolog
Kevin MacLeod - Grim League
Daniele - Epic Orchestral Music
♦Sources :
The Mameluke; or, Slave dynasty of Egypt, 1260-1517, A. D
The Cambridge History of Egypt, Volumul 1 Coperta unu Martin W.. Daly, Professor of History M W Daly
Ottoman Seapower and Levantine Diplomacy in the Age of Discovery De Palmira Johnson Brummett
E.J. Brill's First Encyclopaedia of Islam 1913-1936
#History #Documentary
- published: 04 Dec 2019
- views: 931612
Ottoman-Mamluk War of 1516-1517 DOCUMENTARY
Go to http://Wix.com/kingsandgenerals to get started on your Wix website!
*Note: Our new Wix website is coming soon!
In this animated historical documentary vi...
Go to http://Wix.com/kingsandgenerals to get started on your Wix website!
*Note: Our new Wix website is coming soon!
In this animated historical documentary video, we will cover the battles of Marj Dabiq, Khan Yunis, Ridanieh within the Ottoman-Mamluk war of 1516-1517.
Previously in our animated historical documentary series on the Ottoman Wars, we have covered the battles of Kosovo (http://bit.ly/2JI3F0p), Nicopolis (http://bit.ly/2zUNRre), Ankara (http://bit.ly/2uW7r0D), Varna (http://bit.ly/2JIK2VG), Second Kosovo, Constantinople (http://bit.ly/2uELWlI), Belgrade, Targoviste and Otlukbeli (http://bit.ly/2JOBlcQ), Vaslui, Valea Alba (http://bit.ly/2C9Cm0l), Skanderbeg's rebellion (http://bit.ly/2BYMYgW), Breadfield, Krbava, Otranto and Chaldiran (http://bit.ly/2DUa3mJ). But the Ottomans continued their expansion in the next decades.
Check out our previous videos on the Ottoman history -
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
Check out our Merch Store: https://teespring.com/stores/kingsandgenerals
We are grateful to our patrons and youtube members, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17kxt38_bM8CebQp06ZQ4BNRwbbGqCaFWqKzzVknOtVY/edit?usp=sharing
This video was narrated by Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU0-VII-V376zFxiRGMeZGg & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC79s7EdN9uXX77-Ly2HmEjQ)
Machinimas made on the Total War: Attila engine by Malay Archer (https://www.youtube.com/user/MathemedicUpdates)
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Константин Рыжов - Бурджиты
Yaşar Yüce, Ali Sevim - Türkiye tarihi
Carl Petry - The Cambridge History of Egypt: Islamic Egypt
James Waterson - The Knights of Islam: The Wars of the Mamluks
Burhan Erhan Çavdaroğlu - Askeri dönüşüm çağında Mercidabik ve
Ridaniye savaşları üzerine bir tahlil
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
#Documentary #OttomanWars #Mamluks
Go to http://Wix.com/kingsandgenerals to get started on your Wix website!
*Note: Our new Wix website is coming soon!
In this animated historical documentary video, we will cover the battles of Marj Dabiq, Khan Yunis, Ridanieh within the Ottoman-Mamluk war of 1516-1517.
Previously in our animated historical documentary series on the Ottoman Wars, we have covered the battles of Kosovo (http://bit.ly/2JI3F0p), Nicopolis (http://bit.ly/2zUNRre), Ankara (http://bit.ly/2uW7r0D), Varna (http://bit.ly/2JIK2VG), Second Kosovo, Constantinople (http://bit.ly/2uELWlI), Belgrade, Targoviste and Otlukbeli (http://bit.ly/2JOBlcQ), Vaslui, Valea Alba (http://bit.ly/2C9Cm0l), Skanderbeg's rebellion (http://bit.ly/2BYMYgW), Breadfield, Krbava, Otranto and Chaldiran (http://bit.ly/2DUa3mJ). But the Ottomans continued their expansion in the next decades.
Check out our previous videos on the Ottoman history -
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
Check out our Merch Store: https://teespring.com/stores/kingsandgenerals
We are grateful to our patrons and youtube members, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17kxt38_bM8CebQp06ZQ4BNRwbbGqCaFWqKzzVknOtVY/edit?usp=sharing
This video was narrated by Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU0-VII-V376zFxiRGMeZGg & https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC79s7EdN9uXX77-Ly2HmEjQ)
Machinimas made on the Total War: Attila engine by Malay Archer (https://www.youtube.com/user/MathemedicUpdates)
✔ Merch store ► https://teespring.com/stores/kingsandgenerals
✔ Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals
✔ PayPal ► http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
✔ Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/nurrrik_phoenix
✔ Twitter ► https://twitter.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Instagram ►http://www.instagram.com/Kings_Generals
Константин Рыжов - Бурджиты
Yaşar Yüce, Ali Sevim - Türkiye tarihi
Carl Petry - The Cambridge History of Egypt: Islamic Egypt
James Waterson - The Knights of Islam: The Wars of the Mamluks
Burhan Erhan Çavdaroğlu - Askeri dönüşüm çağında Mercidabik ve
Ridaniye savaşları üzerine bir tahlil
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
#Documentary #OttomanWars #Mamluks
- published: 25 Nov 2018
- views: 846470
Battle of Elbistan (Mamluk Baibars vs Mongol Ilkhanate)
In April 15, 1277, the Mamluk forces complimented with bedouins auxilary under Sultan Baibars marched from Syria into the Mongol-Ilkhanate in Anatolia. Upon rea...
In April 15, 1277, the Mamluk forces complimented with bedouins auxilary under Sultan Baibars marched from Syria into the Mongol-Ilkhanate in Anatolia. Upon reaching Elbistan, Mamluks was confronted with the Mongols ilkhan forces totalling in equal size under General Tadaun, although the Mongol core forces were smaller than the Mamluk army, they were supplemented by Georgians contingent. Rûm-Seljuk forces under vizier Pervâne, vassal of the Ilkhanate, were pesent at the battlefield as Ilkhnate reserve, but at the height of the battle did not take part.
Music :
Adam Skorupa - Holy War to Come (Ancestors Legacy : Saladin's Conquest)
Sarah Schachner - Fight Theme (Assassin’s Creed Origins)
Stephen Rippy - Canyon Of Death (Age of Empires: Definitive Edition)
In April 15, 1277, the Mamluk forces complimented with bedouins auxilary under Sultan Baibars marched from Syria into the Mongol-Ilkhanate in Anatolia. Upon reaching Elbistan, Mamluks was confronted with the Mongols ilkhan forces totalling in equal size under General Tadaun, although the Mongol core forces were smaller than the Mamluk army, they were supplemented by Georgians contingent. Rûm-Seljuk forces under vizier Pervâne, vassal of the Ilkhanate, were pesent at the battlefield as Ilkhnate reserve, but at the height of the battle did not take part.
Music :
Adam Skorupa - Holy War to Come (Ancestors Legacy : Saladin's Conquest)
Sarah Schachner - Fight Theme (Assassin’s Creed Origins)
Stephen Rippy - Canyon Of Death (Age of Empires: Definitive Edition)
- published: 09 May 2020
- views: 1264638
Perang Ain Jalut: Mamluk vs Mongol
Wuish tak pernah dengar pun perang ni.
#naqiyusoff #sejarah
Wuish tak pernah dengar pun perang ni.
#naqiyusoff #sejarah
Wuish tak pernah dengar pun perang ni.
#naqiyusoff #sejarah
- published: 24 Aug 2020
- views: 62456
Mamluk (مملوك) - Nizar a.k.a ABS [DISS Chyno - دس شينو]
Disclaimer : The following track contains language that might trigger some viewers.
Be advised.
Merch Link : my-store-b6fb87.creator-spring.com
Bonus Track : ...
Disclaimer : The following track contains language that might trigger some viewers.
Be advised.
Merch Link : my-store-b6fb87.creator-spring.com
Bonus Track : Mamluk (مملوك) - DISS Chyno - دس شينو
Written & Performed by Nizar a.k.a ABS
Sound Mixed by Nizar Zgheib
Beat by Serouj
Album : Alfiyya 7
Recorded at Bloodz Records Studio (Lebanon - Byblos)
Direction of Photography & Operation by Anthony Samarany
Montage by Anthony Samarany
Graphics & Cover Art by Roy a.k.a RASH
Lebanon - 2020
Support my work on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/nizarzgheib
Or by subscribing to my YouTube Membership program and have your name in my video credits as a sponsor and a co-producer!
In collaboration with :
Arabic Rap Music Streaming Platform
Instagram :
Social Media
Instagram: www.instagram.com/nizarzgheib
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BloodzRecords
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/nizar-zgheib/mamluk-abs-diss-chyno
Reverbnation: www.reverbnation.com/bloodzrecords
Genius : https://genius.com/Nizar-zgheib-aka-abs-mamluk-diss-chyno-lyrics
Disclaimer : The following track contains language that might trigger some viewers.
Be advised.
Merch Link : my-store-b6fb87.creator-spring.com
Bonus Track : Mamluk (مملوك) - DISS Chyno - دس شينو
Written & Performed by Nizar a.k.a ABS
Sound Mixed by Nizar Zgheib
Beat by Serouj
Album : Alfiyya 7
Recorded at Bloodz Records Studio (Lebanon - Byblos)
Direction of Photography & Operation by Anthony Samarany
Montage by Anthony Samarany
Graphics & Cover Art by Roy a.k.a RASH
Lebanon - 2020
Support my work on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/nizarzgheib
Or by subscribing to my YouTube Membership program and have your name in my video credits as a sponsor and a co-producer!
In collaboration with :
Arabic Rap Music Streaming Platform
Instagram :
Social Media
Instagram: www.instagram.com/nizarzgheib
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BloodzRecords
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/nizar-zgheib/mamluk-abs-diss-chyno
Reverbnation: www.reverbnation.com/bloodzrecords
Genius : https://genius.com/Nizar-zgheib-aka-abs-mamluk-diss-chyno-lyrics
- published: 23 Nov 2020
- views: 457043
Third Battle of Homs 1299 - Mamluk-Ilkhanid War
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Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandG...
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DQwzJap6YHkfui48a3gVNOX_G-p2cYgwDJrQEX69Idk/edit?usp=sharing
The script for this video was developed by Jack Wilson - The Jackmeister. Check out his channel dedicated to the history of the Mongols: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQEYhWVV3V-ItwJE-kgRd9w
This video was narrated by Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficiallyDevin)
Machinimas were made on Total War: Attila engine by MalayArcher (https://www.youtube.com/user/MathemedicUpdates)
✔ Merch store ► https://teespring.com/stores/kingsandgenerals
✔ Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals
✔ Podcast ► https://kingsandgenerals.libsyn.com/ iTunes: https://apple.co/2QTuMNG
✔ PayPal ► http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
✔ Twitter ► https://twitter.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Instagram ►http://www.instagram.com/Kings_Generals
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
#Documentary #Mongols #Mamluks
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DQwzJap6YHkfui48a3gVNOX_G-p2cYgwDJrQEX69Idk/edit?usp=sharing
The script for this video was developed by Jack Wilson - The Jackmeister. Check out his channel dedicated to the history of the Mongols: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQEYhWVV3V-ItwJE-kgRd9w
This video was narrated by Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficiallyDevin)
Machinimas were made on Total War: Attila engine by MalayArcher (https://www.youtube.com/user/MathemedicUpdates)
✔ Merch store ► https://teespring.com/stores/kingsandgenerals
✔ Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals
✔ Podcast ► https://kingsandgenerals.libsyn.com/ iTunes: https://apple.co/2QTuMNG
✔ PayPal ► http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals
✔ Twitter ► https://twitter.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/KingsGenerals
✔ Instagram ►http://www.instagram.com/Kings_Generals
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: http://www.epidemicsound.com
#Documentary #Mongols #Mamluks
- published: 16 Nov 2022
- views: 364745
2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWpgb8x6L5pCuakP_137lqA
Discord: https://discord.gg/ksDjjUhKHd
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theredhawklive
2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWpgb8x6L5pCuakP_137lqA
Discord: https://discord.gg/ksDjjUhKHd
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theredhawklive
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRedHawkYT
Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSRjWr3pAEaBvi0u6bdexTw/join
In this video titled EU4 1.33 Mamluks Guide - The MAMLUK HRE VASSAL SWARM Is INSANE I make an EU4 Guide for The Mamluks for Europa Universalis 4 1.33 France. With EU4 1.33 France releasing the meta and the starting moves for many nations on the map has changed, so of course new and up to date guides are needed. This EU4 Mamluks starting moves guide or EU4 Mamluks starting moves tutorial will ensure that you get a great start for yourself playing as the nation of The Mamluks. This guide covers the opening moves, diplomacy, estates, alliances, subjects, missions, national ideas, and more! The Mamluks are one of the best nations for blobbing, having a massive army that is also extremely powerful, being extremely rich, dominating trade, crushing The Ottomans, having a massive vassal swarm and more! After watching this EU4 Mamluks guide you will ensure a great start for yourself, and you will have an easy and fun campaign. The save file is available for all Tier 1 and above Youtube members in the save-games Discord channel.
#eu4 #europauniversalis4
2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWpgb8x6L5pCuakP_137lqA
Discord: https://discord.gg/ksDjjUhKHd
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theredhawklive
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRedHawkYT
Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSRjWr3pAEaBvi0u6bdexTw/join
In this video titled EU4 1.33 Mamluks Guide - The MAMLUK HRE VASSAL SWARM Is INSANE I make an EU4 Guide for The Mamluks for Europa Universalis 4 1.33 France. With EU4 1.33 France releasing the meta and the starting moves for many nations on the map has changed, so of course new and up to date guides are needed. This EU4 Mamluks starting moves guide or EU4 Mamluks starting moves tutorial will ensure that you get a great start for yourself playing as the nation of The Mamluks. This guide covers the opening moves, diplomacy, estates, alliances, subjects, missions, national ideas, and more! The Mamluks are one of the best nations for blobbing, having a massive army that is also extremely powerful, being extremely rich, dominating trade, crushing The Ottomans, having a massive vassal swarm and more! After watching this EU4 Mamluks guide you will ensure a great start for yourself, and you will have an easy and fun campaign. The save file is available for all Tier 1 and above Youtube members in the save-games Discord channel.
#eu4 #europauniversalis4
- published: 06 May 2022
- views: 141266