- published: 24 Aug 2010
- views: 820
- author: bilikate
Skipping Without Rope by Jack Mapanje
Prison sequence from After Mikuyu: work in progress performed at Oval House Theatre in 200...
published: 24 Aug 2010
author: bilikate
Skipping Without Rope by Jack Mapanje
Prison sequence from After Mikuyu: work in progress performed at Oval House Theatre in 2006.
- published: 24 Aug 2010
- views: 820
- author: bilikate
Jack Mapanje launches his new book
On 8th December 2011, poet and former political prisoner Jack Mapanje launched his new boo...
published: 21 Dec 2011
author: englishpen1921
Jack Mapanje launches his new book
On 8th December 2011, poet and former political prisoner Jack Mapanje launched his new book, 'And Crocodiles are Hungry at Night'. The event took place at Amnesty UK's Human Rights Action Centre, and was hosted by Gillian Slovo, President of English PEN.
- published: 21 Dec 2011
- views: 414
- author: englishpen1921
Jack Mapanje-Skipping Without Rope.mpg
published: 14 Dec 2011
author: grace09341
Jack Mapanje-Skipping Without Rope.mpg
- published: 14 Dec 2011
- views: 145
- author: grace09341
Jack Mapanje - Knowing Ways Conference
At North Edinburgh Arts Centre. September 2011. Sorry fhat the quality is not great....
published: 14 Sep 2011
author: BobWintonArt
Jack Mapanje - Knowing Ways Conference
At North Edinburgh Arts Centre. September 2011. Sorry fhat the quality is not great.
- published: 14 Sep 2011
- views: 86
- author: BobWintonArt
Jack Mapanje at poesiefestival berlin 2009
Jack Mapanje (born 1944 in Malawi) debuted as a poet in 1981 with his collection Of Chamel...
published: 19 Jan 2010
author: Literaturwerkstatt
Jack Mapanje at poesiefestival berlin 2009
Jack Mapanje (born 1944 in Malawi) debuted as a poet in 1981 with his collection Of Chameleons and Gods, which was subsequently banned in Malawi in 1985 for being unsuitable teaching material. In 1987, shortly before taking up a writer in residence fellowship in Zimbabwe, he was arrested and spent four years in prison in Malawi without trial. After his release he went with his family into exile in Britain, where he still lives and teaches. He did not return to his homeland until he visited in 2003 to do his first reading there. Mapanjes poetry is concerned with his experience of being a prisoner in Malawi, political regimes, the hypocrisy and prejudice of racist thinking and religious persecution. Mapanjes voice is full of bright irony, his tone full of anger; a hypnotic poetry of bold narrativity.
- published: 19 Jan 2010
- views: 290
- author: Literaturwerkstatt
Jack Mapanje - Malawi
published: 26 Jul 2012
author: SouthbankCentre
Jack Mapanje - Malawi
- published: 26 Jul 2012
- views: 50
- author: SouthbankCentre
Acerca del poema de David Constantine (Jack Mapanje, Malawi)
Memoria del Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín. En el poema del poeta africano J...
published: 24 Apr 2007
author: revistaprometeo
Acerca del poema de David Constantine (Jack Mapanje, Malawi)
Memoria del Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín. En el poema del poeta africano Jack Mapanje (Malawi), escrito en cautiverio, sobre un poema de David Constantine, el autor habla sobre la experiencia en prisión y de qué manera la poesía atraviesa los muros para alimentar la amorosa rebelión del sueño poético, antiguo y nuevo. Mapanje tomó parte en el XIII Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín en 2003. Jack Mapanje nació en Malawi en 1944. Poeta, lingüista, editor y activista de los Derechos Humanos. Es el poeta más famoso de Malawi. Fue Jefe del Departamento de Inglés de la Universidad de Malawi. Y actualmente profesor de la Universidad de Leeds. Por su poesía radical fue, en 1987, hecho prisionero cerca de tres años y medio, por la dictadura de su país, encabezada por Hastings Kamuzu Banda. Ha publicado los libros: Of Chameleons and Gods, Heinemann, 1981 & 1991 (Rotterdam International Poetry Award, 1988); The Chattering Wagtails of Mikuyu Prison, Heinemann, 1993; Skipping Without Ropes, Bloodaxe Books, 1998; Oral Poetry from Africa: an anthology, Longmans, 1983; Summer Fires: New Poetry of Modern Africa, Heinemann, 1983 y The African Writers' Handbook, African Book Collective, 1999. En sus libros ha sabido relatar su experiencia como sobreviviente en la cárcel, gracias también a su gran sentido del humor. Por su contribución a la poesía africana ya la defensa de los Derechos Humanos, recibió en el presente año el Premio Fonlon-Nichols, de la Asociación de ...
- published: 24 Apr 2007
- views: 2327
- author: revistaprometeo
Jack Mapanje
Jack Mapanje werd in 1945 geboren in een dorp in Malawi. Hij studeerde aan de Universiteit...
published: 26 Aug 2009
author: gekooid
Jack Mapanje
Jack Mapanje werd in 1945 geboren in een dorp in Malawi. Hij studeerde aan de Universiteit van Malawi en het Institute of Education in Londen en trad in 1975 als docent Engels in dienst van de Universiteit van Malawi. Zijn eerste poëziebundel, Of Chameleons and Gods, verscheen in Engeland in 1981. Hij keerde terug naar Malawi, waar hij in 1984 hoofd werd van de vakgroep Engels van zijn universiteit. In Of Chameleons and Gods protesteerde hij nog met allusies en metaforen, die echter nauwelijks mis te verstaan waren. In The Chattering Wagtails of Mikuyu Prison, geschreven in de gevangenis, zijn het zijn ballingschap en de deplorabele toestand van Malawi, inmiddels een land van wegversperringen en als ongeluk vermomde politieke liquidaties, die hem geen rust gunnen. In zijn bundel Skipping Without Ropes herinnert hij zich weer zijn gevangenistijd. De stank van pap is hiervan een pakkend voorbeeld: wie een paar jaar in een Malawische cel heeft gezeten, sleept de geestelijke wonden daarvan levenslang met zich mee.
- published: 26 Aug 2009
- views: 197
- author: gekooid
Nkhwachi Peter Mhango on the UK premiere of And Crocodiles Are Hungry At Night
Nkhwachi Peter Mhango - a Special Projects Coordinator with Nanzikambe Theatre Company ( n...
published: 30 Jul 2012
author: CivicLeicester
Nkhwachi Peter Mhango on the UK premiere of And Crocodiles Are Hungry At Night
Nkhwachi Peter Mhango - a Special Projects Coordinator with Nanzikambe Theatre Company ( nanzikambearts.org ) - talks about performing the play, AND CROCODILES ARE HUNGRY AT NIGHT in Stratford-upon-Avon at Poetry for Amnesty ( www.shakespeare.org.uk ) on July 29 and about the subsequent performances that will be taking place at the Africa Centre in London from July 31 till August 18. The play is based on a memoir by Jack Mapanje.
- published: 30 Jul 2012
- views: 270
- author: CivicLeicester
Mphundu Brian Mjumira on And Crocodiles Are Hungry At Night
Mphundu Brian Mjumira - an actor with Nanzikambe Theatre Company ( nanzikambearts.org ) - ...
published: 31 Jul 2012
author: CivicLeicester
Mphundu Brian Mjumira on And Crocodiles Are Hungry At Night
Mphundu Brian Mjumira - an actor with Nanzikambe Theatre Company ( nanzikambearts.org ) - talks about the play, AND CROCODILES ARE HUNGRY AT NIGHT which premiered in the UK in Stratford-upon-Avon at Poetry for Amnesty ( www.shakespeare.org.uk ) on July 29 and will be performed back-to-back at the Africa Centre in London from July 31 till August 18. The play is based on a memoir by Jack Mapanje.
- published: 31 Jul 2012
- views: 66
- author: CivicLeicester
BYC in 'Success' by Nick Drake
BYC performance in NT Connections 2009. Filmed at Jacksons Lane Theatre....
published: 24 Aug 2010
author: bilikate
BYC in 'Success' by Nick Drake
BYC performance in NT Connections 2009. Filmed at Jacksons Lane Theatre.
- published: 24 Aug 2010
- views: 185
- author: bilikate