Encuentran MUERTO a Enrique Peña Nieto | Fotos Exclusivas
Encuentran Muerto al Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto | Fotos Exclusivas
10 Estrellas del Bicentenario COAHUILA ®TELEVISA 3 mins. HD 1080p
TELEVISA ¨Estrellas del Bicentenario" COAHUILA es el DECIMO Estado en México de esta campaña de Televisa, producida por Filmmates. Este promo de 3 minutos fu...
TORREON Coahuila Ciudad como nunca antes Vista VogV City
grabando por la ciudad de torreon centro lugares principales galerias y 4 cuatro caminos
Fuerte Balacera en Monclova, Coahuila ZETAS vs G.A.T.E [Febrero 2015]
Monclova, Coahuila.-
El Grupo de Armas y Tácticas Especiales (GATE)
detuvo en Monclova, Coahuila, a Eduardo Oziel García Wislar
presunto jefe de plaza del grupo criminal “Los Zetas”,
a quien se le investiga por el homicidio del regidor del municipio de Cuatro Ciénegas, Ponciano Ramos Ramírez.
Los efectivos implementaron un operativo de inteligencia en la colonia Venustiano Carranza, por lo que
Video: Tornado deja serios daños en Coahuila
Autoridades de Coahuila informaron que un tornado en Ciudad Acuña, dejó serios daños y reportan varias personas muertas.
¡ENTÉRATE! 11 muertos por tornado en Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila
Un tornado afectó al municipio de Ciudad Acuña, al norte de Coahuila, dejando un saldo preliminar de al menos 11 personas muertas y daños materiales en más de 100 viviendas. 25 mayo de 2015
Chihuahua: adolescentes matan a puñaladas a niño de 6 años
Desierto de Coahuila: México Septiembre 2015
Albertano aventura en coahuila
Albertano en los premios furia musical en la region carbonifera de coahuila.
Los sobrevivientes del narco en Coahuila
Una masacre del narco en Piedras Negras, que después de tres años, está siendo investigada.
GATES asesinan y rematan a civiles en Coahuila
Video original donde GATES asesinan a sangre fría a civiles en Coahuila autoridades desmienten y dicen es una mala información para desprestigiar a los GATES. Usted que opina?
CAPTATN VIDEO De Tornado En Acuña Coahuila, 13 Muertos, 25 Mayo 2015
Momentos del tornado en el norte de Coahuila, Acuña
Masacre en Allende, Coahuila. Por venganza, los Zetas asesinaron a 300 personas. Parte 1.
SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/fGcOkT En 2011, en Allende, Coahuila, se perpetró una masacre de la que hasta el día de hoy, no sabíamos nada. Fueron desaparecidas...
Este es un video que muestra un poco de lo que tenemos que soportar quienes vivimos en TORREON COAHUILA-MEXICO muertos, balaceras, levantones, desaparecidos,...
Coahuila, Tierra de Dinosaurios
Hace 72 millones de años, Coahuila formaba parte del Mar de Tetis y habitaban en él una gran variedad de especies que dejaron sus huellas en este suelo. Coah...
Tornado En Ciudad Acuña Coahuila Mexico MOMENTOS EN VIVO IMPRESIONANTE
Tornado en Ciudad Acuña Coahuila México MOMENTOS EN VIVO IMPRESIONANTE!
Video del Tornado en Ciudad Acuña Coahuila, México, que Golpeó esta mañana lunes 25 de Mayo de 2015, dejando 13 muertos, muchos heridos y algunos desaparecidos.
En la grabación del tornado de ciudad acuña en vivo se observa y se escucha su poder devastador. Son momentos de gran de pánico y zozobra que vivieron sus habitantes
Tornado Hits Acuña in Mexico Coahuila State Texas - Damage 13 Dead Muetos (RAW VIDEO)
RAW FOOTAGE VIDEO HD -- 13 dead after tornado hits Acuña in Mexico's Coahuila State damage cars house home Muertos Deadly Tornado Destroys Homes in Mexico, Leaving Cars at 90-Degree Angle 13 muertos, 300 heridos y cerca de 4.000 casas dañadas, el saldo de un tornado en Ciudada Acuña, en Coahuila!! 5/25/2015!!!
At least 13 people were killed today when a tornado struck the town of Ciudad Acuna, Me
Silencio, aquí se mata. Masacre en Allende, Coahuila.
SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/fGcOkT
SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/L6mnuM
Conductor en coahuila se burla de López Dóriga y Loret de Mola
El conductor de noticias Marco Martínez Soriano tuvo un gran desliz cuando hizo comentarios en contra de Joaquín López Dóriga y Carlos Loret de Mora, pensando que aún no regresaban del corte comercial, pues nadie le avisó que ya estaba al aire.
IMPRESIONANTE!! VIDEO: Tornado deja 11 muertos en Coahuila
Con sólo 6 segundos de duración, un tornado terminó con la vida de 11 personas, te dejamos los detalles de lo ocurrido en Ciudad Acuña en Coahuila.
26 de mayo 2015
Te recomendamos el siguiente video:
Madonna y su 'asqueroso' beso a Drake en Coachella
Si te gusta, dale like y comparte!
Para más info
Un Tornado categoría 4, Azotó esta Mañana Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila
Un tornado azotó esta mañana Ciudad Acuña, al norte de Coahuila, informó la Comisión Nacional del Agua. El fenómeno ocurrió entre las 5:30 y las 6:00 de la mañana y fue categoría 4, por lo que resultó destructivo y violento. Reportes iniciales de las autoridades locales hablaban de 9 muertos, entre ellos dos menores.
"El tornado pasó en línea recta y causó destrucción en cuatro cuadras de la colon
Pelea en Skate Park de Torreón Coahuila
Pelea callejera en Skate Park de la ciudad de Torreón Coahuila termino en desgracia, ya que al chavo que lo rebotaron en el suelo sufrió 2 derrames y su estado de salud es delicado.
#Sismo vs #Karim
Jorge Dávila, Alcalde de Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila, dio el Grito de Independencia el pasado 15 de Septiembre de 2015, en completo estado de ebriedad. Este es un Reporte de Noti Express "El Rapidín" de la Red
Encuentran MUERTO a Enrique Peña Nieto | Fotos Exclusivas
Encuentran Muerto al Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto | Fotos Exclusivas...
Encuentran Muerto al Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto | Fotos Exclusivas
wn.com/Encuentran Muerto A Enrique Peña Nieto | Fotos Exclusivas
Encuentran Muerto al Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto | Fotos Exclusivas
- published: 21 Jan 2015
- views: 1671
10 Estrellas del Bicentenario COAHUILA ®TELEVISA 3 mins. HD 1080p
TELEVISA ¨Estrellas del Bicentenario" COAHUILA es el DECIMO Estado en México de esta campaña de Televisa, producida por Filmmates. Este promo de 3 minutos fu......
TELEVISA ¨Estrellas del Bicentenario" COAHUILA es el DECIMO Estado en México de esta campaña de Televisa, producida por Filmmates. Este promo de 3 minutos fu...
wn.com/10 Estrellas Del Bicentenario Coahuila ®Televisa 3 Mins. Hd 1080P
TELEVISA ¨Estrellas del Bicentenario" COAHUILA es el DECIMO Estado en México de esta campaña de Televisa, producida por Filmmates. Este promo de 3 minutos fu...
TORREON Coahuila Ciudad como nunca antes Vista VogV City
grabando por la ciudad de torreon centro lugares principales galerias y 4 cuatro caminos...
grabando por la ciudad de torreon centro lugares principales galerias y 4 cuatro caminos
wn.com/Torreon Coahuila Ciudad Como Nunca Antes Vista Vogv City
grabando por la ciudad de torreon centro lugares principales galerias y 4 cuatro caminos
- published: 27 Mar 2015
- views: 187
Fuerte Balacera en Monclova, Coahuila ZETAS vs G.A.T.E [Febrero 2015]
Monclova, Coahuila.-
El Grupo de Armas y Tácticas Especiales (GATE)
detuvo en Monclova, Coahuila, a Eduardo Oziel García Wislar
presunto jefe de plaza del gru...
Monclova, Coahuila.-
El Grupo de Armas y Tácticas Especiales (GATE)
detuvo en Monclova, Coahuila, a Eduardo Oziel García Wislar
presunto jefe de plaza del grupo criminal “Los Zetas”,
a quien se le investiga por el homicidio del regidor del municipio de Cuatro Ciénegas, Ponciano Ramos Ramírez.
Los efectivos implementaron un operativo de inteligencia en la colonia Venustiano Carranza, por lo que al circular por la calle Ecuador, frente al número 530, se percataron que un vehículo, se desplazaba a exceso de velocidad y en el cual viajaban cuatro personas.
Los oficiales de la Policía del Estado fueron recibidos con disparos de arma de fuego desde la vivienda antes mencionada, por lo que repelieron la agresión, abatiendo a un sujeto.
Elementos del Grupo de Armas y Tácticas Especiales (GATE)
se enfrentaron contra delincuentes armados
sobre la calle Ecuador de la colonia Carranza
provocando pánico en el sector.
Poco antes de las 16:00 horas, los vecinos de las colonias aledañas reportaron una fuerte balacera, con duración de al menos 15 minutos y la presencia de varias unidades del GATE
y marinos.
En el lugar del enfrentamiento, las paredes de viviendas
y comercios quedaron con las evidencias del tiroteo.
Balacera Monclova, Coahuila
La Tuta Lider Templario
Balacera en Vivo
Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación
Carretera Reynosa - Río Bravo
Los Caballeros Templarios
Balacera Reynosa, Matamoros, Tampico
cartel los antrax
Policia Federal
Balacera en Jalisco Octubre 2015
Balaceras y Narcobloqueos en Reynosa, Tamaulipas
Zetas contra Cartel del Golfo
madero tamaulipas
tampico tamaulipas
Enfrentamiento en Monclova, Coahuila
balacera Febrero 2015
balacera 2014
balaceras Septiembre 2015
cartel del golfo en accion
cartel del golfo vs zetas
cartel del golfo
wn.com/Fuerte Balacera En Monclova, Coahuila Zetas Vs G.A.T.E Febrero 2015
Monclova, Coahuila.-
El Grupo de Armas y Tácticas Especiales (GATE)
detuvo en Monclova, Coahuila, a Eduardo Oziel García Wislar
presunto jefe de plaza del grupo criminal “Los Zetas”,
a quien se le investiga por el homicidio del regidor del municipio de Cuatro Ciénegas, Ponciano Ramos Ramírez.
Los efectivos implementaron un operativo de inteligencia en la colonia Venustiano Carranza, por lo que al circular por la calle Ecuador, frente al número 530, se percataron que un vehículo, se desplazaba a exceso de velocidad y en el cual viajaban cuatro personas.
Los oficiales de la Policía del Estado fueron recibidos con disparos de arma de fuego desde la vivienda antes mencionada, por lo que repelieron la agresión, abatiendo a un sujeto.
Elementos del Grupo de Armas y Tácticas Especiales (GATE)
se enfrentaron contra delincuentes armados
sobre la calle Ecuador de la colonia Carranza
provocando pánico en el sector.
Poco antes de las 16:00 horas, los vecinos de las colonias aledañas reportaron una fuerte balacera, con duración de al menos 15 minutos y la presencia de varias unidades del GATE
y marinos.
En el lugar del enfrentamiento, las paredes de viviendas
y comercios quedaron con las evidencias del tiroteo.
Balacera Monclova, Coahuila
La Tuta Lider Templario
Balacera en Vivo
Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Generación
Carretera Reynosa - Río Bravo
Los Caballeros Templarios
Balacera Reynosa, Matamoros, Tampico
cartel los antrax
Policia Federal
Balacera en Jalisco Octubre 2015
Balaceras y Narcobloqueos en Reynosa, Tamaulipas
Zetas contra Cartel del Golfo
madero tamaulipas
tampico tamaulipas
Enfrentamiento en Monclova, Coahuila
balacera Febrero 2015
balacera 2014
balaceras Septiembre 2015
cartel del golfo en accion
cartel del golfo vs zetas
cartel del golfo
- published: 28 Feb 2015
- views: 2167
Video: Tornado deja serios daños en Coahuila
Autoridades de Coahuila informaron que un tornado en Ciudad Acuña, dejó serios daños y reportan varias personas muertas....
Autoridades de Coahuila informaron que un tornado en Ciudad Acuña, dejó serios daños y reportan varias personas muertas.
wn.com/Video Tornado Deja Serios Daños En Coahuila
Autoridades de Coahuila informaron que un tornado en Ciudad Acuña, dejó serios daños y reportan varias personas muertas.
- published: 25 May 2015
- views: 263
¡ENTÉRATE! 11 muertos por tornado en Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila
Un tornado afectó al municipio de Ciudad Acuña, al norte de Coahuila, dejando un saldo preliminar de al menos 11 personas muertas y daños materiales en más de 1...
Un tornado afectó al municipio de Ciudad Acuña, al norte de Coahuila, dejando un saldo preliminar de al menos 11 personas muertas y daños materiales en más de 100 viviendas. 25 mayo de 2015
Chihuahua: adolescentes matan a puñaladas a niño de 6 años
Sonora: video revela una playa privada propiedad de Guillermo Padrés
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tornado en ciudad acuña, ciudad acuña afectada por tornado, tornado azota a ciudad acuña, ciudad acuña, ciudad acuña coahuila, tornado mata a 10 civiles en ciudad acuña, daños por tornado en ciudad acuña, tornado, noticias de ultima hora de hoy en mexico, noticias de ultima hora, noticias de hoy, noticias de mexico, noticias recientes,
wn.com/¡Entérate 11 Muertos Por Tornado En Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila
Un tornado afectó al municipio de Ciudad Acuña, al norte de Coahuila, dejando un saldo preliminar de al menos 11 personas muertas y daños materiales en más de 100 viviendas. 25 mayo de 2015
Chihuahua: adolescentes matan a puñaladas a niño de 6 años
Sonora: video revela una playa privada propiedad de Guillermo Padrés
* Para más información entra en:
* No olvides dejarnos tus comentarios y visitarnos en:
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/CadenaTresMx
Twitter https://twitter.com/cadenatres_mx
Sitio http://cadenatres.com.mx
* Suscríbete a nuestro canal de YouTube:
tornado en ciudad acuña, ciudad acuña afectada por tornado, tornado azota a ciudad acuña, ciudad acuña, ciudad acuña coahuila, tornado mata a 10 civiles en ciudad acuña, daños por tornado en ciudad acuña, tornado, noticias de ultima hora de hoy en mexico, noticias de ultima hora, noticias de hoy, noticias de mexico, noticias recientes,
- published: 25 May 2015
- views: 264
Albertano aventura en coahuila
Albertano en los premios furia musical en la region carbonifera de coahuila....
Albertano en los premios furia musical en la region carbonifera de coahuila.
wn.com/Albertano Aventura En Coahuila
Albertano en los premios furia musical en la region carbonifera de coahuila.
Los sobrevivientes del narco en Coahuila
Una masacre del narco en Piedras Negras, que después de tres años, está siendo investigada....
Una masacre del narco en Piedras Negras, que después de tres años, está siendo investigada.
wn.com/Los Sobrevivientes Del Narco En Coahuila
Una masacre del narco en Piedras Negras, que después de tres años, está siendo investigada.
GATES asesinan y rematan a civiles en Coahuila
Video original donde GATES asesinan a sangre fría a civiles en Coahuila autoridades desmienten y dicen es una mala información para desprestigiar a los GATES. U...
Video original donde GATES asesinan a sangre fría a civiles en Coahuila autoridades desmienten y dicen es una mala información para desprestigiar a los GATES. Usted que opina?
wn.com/Gates Asesinan Y Rematan A Civiles En Coahuila
Video original donde GATES asesinan a sangre fría a civiles en Coahuila autoridades desmienten y dicen es una mala información para desprestigiar a los GATES. Usted que opina?
- published: 17 Feb 2015
- views: 15842
Masacre en Allende, Coahuila. Por venganza, los Zetas asesinaron a 300 personas. Parte 1.
SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/fGcOkT En 2011, en Allende, Coahuila, se perpetró una masacre de la que hasta el día de hoy, no sabíamos nada. Fueron desaparecidas......
SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/fGcOkT En 2011, en Allende, Coahuila, se perpetró una masacre de la que hasta el día de hoy, no sabíamos nada. Fueron desaparecidas...
wn.com/Masacre En Allende, Coahuila. Por Venganza, Los Zetas Asesinaron A 300 Personas. Parte 1.
SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/fGcOkT En 2011, en Allende, Coahuila, se perpetró una masacre de la que hasta el día de hoy, no sabíamos nada. Fueron desaparecidas...
Este es un video que muestra un poco de lo que tenemos que soportar quienes vivimos en TORREON COAHUILA-MEXICO muertos, balaceras, levantones, desaparecidos,......
Este es un video que muestra un poco de lo que tenemos que soportar quienes vivimos en TORREON COAHUILA-MEXICO muertos, balaceras, levantones, desaparecidos,...
wn.com/Violencia Y Muerte En Torreon Coahuila (Fuertes Imagenes)
Este es un video que muestra un poco de lo que tenemos que soportar quienes vivimos en TORREON COAHUILA-MEXICO muertos, balaceras, levantones, desaparecidos,...
Coahuila, Tierra de Dinosaurios
Hace 72 millones de años, Coahuila formaba parte del Mar de Tetis y habitaban en él una gran variedad de especies que dejaron sus huellas en este suelo. Coah......
Hace 72 millones de años, Coahuila formaba parte del Mar de Tetis y habitaban en él una gran variedad de especies que dejaron sus huellas en este suelo. Coah...
wn.com/Coahuila, Tierra De Dinosaurios
Hace 72 millones de años, Coahuila formaba parte del Mar de Tetis y habitaban en él una gran variedad de especies que dejaron sus huellas en este suelo. Coah...
Tornado En Ciudad Acuña Coahuila Mexico MOMENTOS EN VIVO IMPRESIONANTE
Tornado en Ciudad Acuña Coahuila México MOMENTOS EN VIVO IMPRESIONANTE!
Video del Tornado en Ciudad Acuña Coahuila, México, que Golpeó esta mañana lunes 25 de ...
Tornado en Ciudad Acuña Coahuila México MOMENTOS EN VIVO IMPRESIONANTE!
Video del Tornado en Ciudad Acuña Coahuila, México, que Golpeó esta mañana lunes 25 de Mayo de 2015, dejando 13 muertos, muchos heridos y algunos desaparecidos.
En la grabación del tornado de ciudad acuña en vivo se observa y se escucha su poder devastador. Son momentos de gran de pánico y zozobra que vivieron sus habitantes.
Es muy raro ver un tornado en México, sin embargo este tornado en Ciudad Acuña Coahuila nos hace reflexionar que debemos estar preparados para este tipo de fenómenos.
tornado en ciudad acuña, tornado en coahuila, tornado en coahuila mexico, tornado en mexico, tornado en coahuila 25 de mayo, tornado en mexico 2015, tornado en coahuila en vivo, tornado en coahuila momento en vivo, tornado en vivo
wn.com/Tornado En Ciudad Acuña Coahuila Mexico Momentos En Vivo Impresionante
Tornado en Ciudad Acuña Coahuila México MOMENTOS EN VIVO IMPRESIONANTE!
Video del Tornado en Ciudad Acuña Coahuila, México, que Golpeó esta mañana lunes 25 de Mayo de 2015, dejando 13 muertos, muchos heridos y algunos desaparecidos.
En la grabación del tornado de ciudad acuña en vivo se observa y se escucha su poder devastador. Son momentos de gran de pánico y zozobra que vivieron sus habitantes.
Es muy raro ver un tornado en México, sin embargo este tornado en Ciudad Acuña Coahuila nos hace reflexionar que debemos estar preparados para este tipo de fenómenos.
tornado en ciudad acuña, tornado en coahuila, tornado en coahuila mexico, tornado en mexico, tornado en coahuila 25 de mayo, tornado en mexico 2015, tornado en coahuila en vivo, tornado en coahuila momento en vivo, tornado en vivo
- published: 26 May 2015
- views: 1355
Tornado Hits Acuña in Mexico Coahuila State Texas - Damage 13 Dead Muetos (RAW VIDEO)
RAW FOOTAGE VIDEO HD -- 13 dead after tornado hits Acuña in Mexico's Coahuila State damage cars house home Muertos Deadly Tornado Destroys Homes in Mexico, Leav...
RAW FOOTAGE VIDEO HD -- 13 dead after tornado hits Acuña in Mexico's Coahuila State damage cars house home Muertos Deadly Tornado Destroys Homes in Mexico, Leaving Cars at 90-Degree Angle 13 muertos, 300 heridos y cerca de 4.000 casas dañadas, el saldo de un tornado en Ciudada Acuña, en Coahuila!! 5/25/2015!!!
At least 13 people were killed today when a tornado struck the town of Ciudad Acuna, Mexico, near the Texas border, causing widespread damage that includes destroyed homes and cars flipped sideways at 90-degree angles.
The town is just two miles from Texas' Laughlin Air Force base, the largest pilot training base in the United States.
No injuries or damage were reported at the Air Force base, according to an official.
About 300 homes were affected, according to a press statement from the Coahuila Government.
wn.com/Tornado Hits Acuña In Mexico Coahuila State Texas Damage 13 Dead Muetos (Raw Video)
RAW FOOTAGE VIDEO HD -- 13 dead after tornado hits Acuña in Mexico's Coahuila State damage cars house home Muertos Deadly Tornado Destroys Homes in Mexico, Leaving Cars at 90-Degree Angle 13 muertos, 300 heridos y cerca de 4.000 casas dañadas, el saldo de un tornado en Ciudada Acuña, en Coahuila!! 5/25/2015!!!
At least 13 people were killed today when a tornado struck the town of Ciudad Acuna, Mexico, near the Texas border, causing widespread damage that includes destroyed homes and cars flipped sideways at 90-degree angles.
The town is just two miles from Texas' Laughlin Air Force base, the largest pilot training base in the United States.
No injuries or damage were reported at the Air Force base, according to an official.
About 300 homes were affected, according to a press statement from the Coahuila Government.
- published: 25 May 2015
- views: 58549
Silencio, aquí se mata. Masacre en Allende, Coahuila.
SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/fGcOkT
SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/L6mnuM...
SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/fGcOkT
SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/L6mnuM
wn.com/Silencio, Aquí Se Mata. Masacre En Allende, Coahuila.
SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/fGcOkT
SUSCRÍBETE: http://goo.gl/L6mnuM
- published: 08 Jul 2014
- views: 47706
Conductor en coahuila se burla de López Dóriga y Loret de Mola
El conductor de noticias Marco Martínez Soriano tuvo un gran desliz cuando hizo comentarios en contra de Joaquín López Dóriga y Carlos Loret de Mora, pensando q...
El conductor de noticias Marco Martínez Soriano tuvo un gran desliz cuando hizo comentarios en contra de Joaquín López Dóriga y Carlos Loret de Mora, pensando que aún no regresaban del corte comercial, pues nadie le avisó que ya estaba al aire.
wn.com/Conductor En Coahuila Se Burla De López Dóriga Y Loret De Mola
El conductor de noticias Marco Martínez Soriano tuvo un gran desliz cuando hizo comentarios en contra de Joaquín López Dóriga y Carlos Loret de Mora, pensando que aún no regresaban del corte comercial, pues nadie le avisó que ya estaba al aire.
- published: 15 Jul 2015
- views: 954
IMPRESIONANTE!! VIDEO: Tornado deja 11 muertos en Coahuila
Con sólo 6 segundos de duración, un tornado terminó con la vida de 11 personas, te dejamos los detalles de lo ocurrido en Ciudad Acuña en Coahuila.
26 d...
Con sólo 6 segundos de duración, un tornado terminó con la vida de 11 personas, te dejamos los detalles de lo ocurrido en Ciudad Acuña en Coahuila.
26 de mayo 2015
Te recomendamos el siguiente video:
Madonna y su 'asqueroso' beso a Drake en Coachella
Si te gusta, dale like y comparte!
Para más información entra en:
Kiosko- Cadenatres: http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIw-c74vSA
No olvides dejarnos tus comentarios y visitarnos en:
-Facebook http://www.facebook.com/CadenaTresMx
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-Sitio http://cadenatres.com.mx
Tornado deja 11 muertos en Coahuila,tornado mexico,tornado coahuila,video del tornado en coahuila,tornado en ciudad acuña,ciudad acuña afectada por tornado,tornado azota a ciudad acuña,ciudad acuña,ciudad acuña coahuila,tornado mata a 10 civiles en ciudad acuña,daños por tornado en ciudad acuña,tornado,noticias de ultima hora
wn.com/Impresionante Video Tornado Deja 11 Muertos En Coahuila
Con sólo 6 segundos de duración, un tornado terminó con la vida de 11 personas, te dejamos los detalles de lo ocurrido en Ciudad Acuña en Coahuila.
26 de mayo 2015
Te recomendamos el siguiente video:
Madonna y su 'asqueroso' beso a Drake en Coachella
Si te gusta, dale like y comparte!
Para más información entra en:
Kiosko- Cadenatres: http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIw-c74vSA
No olvides dejarnos tus comentarios y visitarnos en:
-Facebook http://www.facebook.com/CadenaTresMx
-Twitter https://twitter.com/cadenatres_mx
-Sitio http://cadenatres.com.mx
Tornado deja 11 muertos en Coahuila,tornado mexico,tornado coahuila,video del tornado en coahuila,tornado en ciudad acuña,ciudad acuña afectada por tornado,tornado azota a ciudad acuña,ciudad acuña,ciudad acuña coahuila,tornado mata a 10 civiles en ciudad acuña,daños por tornado en ciudad acuña,tornado,noticias de ultima hora
- published: 26 May 2015
- views: 3
Un Tornado categoría 4, Azotó esta Mañana Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila
Un tornado azotó esta mañana Ciudad Acuña, al norte de Coahuila, informó la Comisión Nacional del Agua. El fenómeno ocurrió entre las 5:30 y las 6:00 de la maña...
Un tornado azotó esta mañana Ciudad Acuña, al norte de Coahuila, informó la Comisión Nacional del Agua. El fenómeno ocurrió entre las 5:30 y las 6:00 de la mañana y fue categoría 4, por lo que resultó destructivo y violento. Reportes iniciales de las autoridades locales hablaban de 9 muertos, entre ellos dos menores.
"El tornado pasó en línea recta y causó destrucción en cuatro cuadras de la colonia Altos de Santa Teresa, tenemos el reporte de 9 personas fallecidas, hay vehículos en las azoteas de las casas.
wn.com/Un Tornado Categoría 4, Azotó Esta Mañana Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila
Un tornado azotó esta mañana Ciudad Acuña, al norte de Coahuila, informó la Comisión Nacional del Agua. El fenómeno ocurrió entre las 5:30 y las 6:00 de la mañana y fue categoría 4, por lo que resultó destructivo y violento. Reportes iniciales de las autoridades locales hablaban de 9 muertos, entre ellos dos menores.
"El tornado pasó en línea recta y causó destrucción en cuatro cuadras de la colonia Altos de Santa Teresa, tenemos el reporte de 9 personas fallecidas, hay vehículos en las azoteas de las casas.
- published: 25 May 2015
- views: 31
wn.com/Momento Exacto Del Tornado En Ciudad Acuña Coahuila, Mata A 10 Personas 25 05 2015
- published: 25 May 2015
- views: 301
Pelea en Skate Park de Torreón Coahuila
Pelea callejera en Skate Park de la ciudad de Torreón Coahuila termino en desgracia, ya que al chavo que lo rebotaron en el suelo sufrió 2 derrames y su estado ...
Pelea callejera en Skate Park de la ciudad de Torreón Coahuila termino en desgracia, ya que al chavo que lo rebotaron en el suelo sufrió 2 derrames y su estado de salud es delicado.
#Sismo vs #Karim
wn.com/Pelea En Skate Park De Torreón Coahuila
Pelea callejera en Skate Park de la ciudad de Torreón Coahuila termino en desgracia, ya que al chavo que lo rebotaron en el suelo sufrió 2 derrames y su estado de salud es delicado.
#Sismo vs #Karim
- published: 04 Sep 2015
- views: 1
Jorge Dávila, Alcalde de Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila, dio el Grito de Independencia el pasado 15 de Septiembre de 2015, en completo estado de ebriedad. Este e...
Jorge Dávila, Alcalde de Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila, dio el Grito de Independencia el pasado 15 de Septiembre de 2015, en completo estado de ebriedad. Este es un Reporte de Noti Express "El Rapidín" de la Red
wn.com/Alcalde Ebrio Da Grito De Independencia En Parras, Coahuila
Jorge Dávila, Alcalde de Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila, dio el Grito de Independencia el pasado 15 de Septiembre de 2015, en completo estado de ebriedad. Este es un Reporte de Noti Express "El Rapidín" de la Red
- published: 17 Sep 2015
- views: 47504
San Diego Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to San Diego, often called the birthplace of California.
Start your San Diego tour with a stop in Old Town, a historic park filled with buildings dating back to the 1820s. If you want something a little livelier, go a few miles south to check out the Gaslamp District, full of Victorian-era architecture and a thriving bar
Palau Paradise (Oceania) Vacation Travel Wild Video Guide
The Republic of Palau consists of a string of islands along an oceanic ridge in the Western most part of the North Pacific, 800 Km East of the Philippines, 660 Km North of Irianjaya and 2000 Km North of Australia. Palau is part of a scattering of islands that became known collectively as the Caroline Islands. These islands lie within the larger region of Micronesia and it’s not hard to see the att
Colorado Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Colorado.
Colorado is situated in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, a land of remote valleys and high mountains.Denver is the state capital and is located on a sunny high plateau sixteen hundred metres above sea level where the local inhabitants enjoy more sunshine throughout the year than in California’s San Diego or even Honolulu. Skyscrapers between the prairie an
Travel Guide New Mexico tm, Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort and Spa
Deemed sacred by indigenous Native Americans of Northern New Mexico, Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort and Spa has been a gathering place and a source of h...
La Manga - tourist guide.
Rent your holiday home in Spain directly from the owner who is the perfect guide to the local area, restaurants etc.: http://www.spain-holiday.com.
Rancho Las Palmas - Palm Springs Hotels - California Travel Tips
SUBSCRIBE! http://tinyurl.com/p2fveuj California travel expert Veronica Hill of http://www.CaliforniaTravelExpert.com tours Rancho Las Palmas - a Palm Spring...
Travel Tips: 8 Reasons NOT to Visit Mexico and other travel tips
Travel Tips: 8 Reasons NOT to Visit Mexico and other travel tips
Often, Mexico is thought of beautiful sandy beaches. Well, there’s news folks. Mexico is way more than this. Did you know that there is even a sky resort in Mexico. You can find it in Monterreal in the state of Coahuila. You can even hike to the tops of snow capped mountains like the Nevado of Toluca and Nevado of Colima.
Tijuana, Mexico - A Travel Guide
Click http://bit.ly/TravelforLess We teach you ways to save so you can enjoy traveling.
Mexico Magico : Coahuila
5to Aniversario Mexico Magico : Coahuila
Club kalua en san antonio Tx dj angel d coahuila
PhotoDron - Sobrevolando la Hoya de La Armenia, Sierra Madre Oriental, Coahuila, México.
la coahuila tijuana
el lugar ke no puede faltar de visitar en tijuana.
Drone Monclova, coahuila
uff...... que susto..
al estar checando la ultima actualización y unos ajustes al gimbal, el equipo de repente se puso loco y se fué, se intentó regresarlo, pero tuvimos problemas, al ultimo decidí activar el failsafe, apagar la emisora y volverla a encender y fue de la forma que se reestableció la comunicación con el Drone.
que susto, ....!!!!
La Coahuila, Zona Norte in Tijuana Mexico
La Coahuila, Zona Norte in Tijuana Mexico Zona Norte (North Zone) The district is also known La Coahuila for the name of the primary avenue that runs through...
turisteando en a coahuila tijuana
pinchis viejas se enojaron porke vieron ke les estaba tomando video! me hicieron la batiseñal! hehe... si es pura publicidad de la wena!
Anthony Bourdain: Tacos in Piedras Negras
http://www.tacojournalism.com From the second season of Tony's Travel Channel series "No Reservations." He visits a famous Mexican border town know for their...
Cienega de Gonzalez-El Salto.rumbo a Los Lirios Arteaga Coahuila
Paisaje de enorme Belleza, Sierra Madre Oriental.
Super Hot Tijuana Street Girl in Purple dress in Callejon Coahuila
Tijuana girls in Zona Notre, Ass Featured on Google Earth
Coahuila Disasters - NASA DEVELOP Summer 2013 @ Wise County & Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
Forest fires are one of the most common natural disasters affecting thousands of people directly or indirectly every year. For the past decade, the state of ...
The new cannabis culture in Colorado
It's been a year since Colorado legalized the recreational use of marijuana. Reg Sherren travels to Denver to see how the cannabis culture has changed.
Worlds MOST FEARED sniper rifle great idea for US Military
Another great idea for the US Military this new sniper rifle uses advanced technology to ensure the soldier to tomorrow will never miss his target. TrackingPoint is an Austin, Texas-based applied technology company that created the first precision guided firearm (PGF), a long-range rifle system.[1][2]
TrackingPoint was formed by CEO John McHale in February 2011. The first PGF prototype was create
ADVANCED RIFLE NEVER MISSES it's target. Tracking Point Rifle great for US Military
Another great idea for the US Military this new rifle uses advanced technology to ensure the soldier to tomorrow will never miss his target. TrackingPoint is an Austin, Texas-based applied technology company that created the first precision guided firearm (PGF), a long-range rifle system.[1][2]
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San Diego Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to San Diego, often called the birthplace of California.
Start your San Diego tour ...
Welcome to San Diego, often called the birthplace of California.
Start your San Diego tour with a stop in Old Town, a historic park filled with buildings dating back to the 1820s. If you want something a little livelier, go a few miles south to check out the Gaslamp District, full of Victorian-era architecture and a thriving bar and club scene. Bringing the kids with you, or looking for a more sedate afternoon? Stop by the San Diego Zoo and spend some time with the many animals taking up residence there – including some of the few pandas outside of China.
Explore San Diego’s ties to the sea by touring the U.S.S. Midway, Navy Pier, and Maritime Museum. From there, it’s just a skip across the bay to Coronado, where you can lay out in the sun and soak up some rays in a quiet beach town.
Round out your day with a trip to “the jewel,” better known as La Jolla, and indulge in some of the best seafood and Mexican food you’ll find anywhere. Don’t forget to say “Hi” to the sea lions.
Visit our San Diego travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/San Diego Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to San Diego, often called the birthplace of California.
Start your San Diego tour with a stop in Old Town, a historic park filled with buildings dating back to the 1820s. If you want something a little livelier, go a few miles south to check out the Gaslamp District, full of Victorian-era architecture and a thriving bar and club scene. Bringing the kids with you, or looking for a more sedate afternoon? Stop by the San Diego Zoo and spend some time with the many animals taking up residence there – including some of the few pandas outside of China.
Explore San Diego’s ties to the sea by touring the U.S.S. Midway, Navy Pier, and Maritime Museum. From there, it’s just a skip across the bay to Coronado, where you can lay out in the sun and soak up some rays in a quiet beach town.
Round out your day with a trip to “the jewel,” better known as La Jolla, and indulge in some of the best seafood and Mexican food you’ll find anywhere. Don’t forget to say “Hi” to the sea lions.
Visit our San Diego travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Expedia
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 470808
Palau Paradise (Oceania) Vacation Travel Wild Video Guide
The Republic of Palau consists of a string of islands along an oceanic ridge in the Western most part of the North Pacific, 800 Km East of the Philippines, 660 ...
The Republic of Palau consists of a string of islands along an oceanic ridge in the Western most part of the North Pacific, 800 Km East of the Philippines, 660 Km North of Irianjaya and 2000 Km North of Australia. Palau is part of a scattering of islands that became known collectively as the Caroline Islands. These islands lie within the larger region of Micronesia and it’s not hard to see the attraction of this place. Palau’s such an untouched paradise above and below the waterline.
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Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
wn.com/Palau Paradise (Oceania) Vacation Travel Wild Video Guide
The Republic of Palau consists of a string of islands along an oceanic ridge in the Western most part of the North Pacific, 800 Km East of the Philippines, 660 Km North of Irianjaya and 2000 Km North of Australia. Palau is part of a scattering of islands that became known collectively as the Caroline Islands. These islands lie within the larger region of Micronesia and it’s not hard to see the attraction of this place. Palau’s such an untouched paradise above and below the waterline.
Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg
Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p
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Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!
Please: respect each other in the comments.
Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world...
It is yours to discover!
- published: 03 Sep 2015
- views: 319
Colorado Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Colorado.
Colorado is situated in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, a land of remote valleys and high mountains.Denver is the sta...
Travel video about destination Colorado.
Colorado is situated in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, a land of remote valleys and high mountains.Denver is the state capital and is located on a sunny high plateau sixteen hundred metres above sea level where the local inhabitants enjoy more sunshine throughout the year than in California’s San Diego or even Honolulu. Skyscrapers between the prairie and the Rockies, a somewhat surreal city in which various power industry companies are to be found. The 16th Street Mall is the city’s pride and a splendid avenue that boasts the longest pedestrianised area in the USA plus a free bus service! It contains several shopping malls, restaurants and all kinds of shops with products from all over the world. The shining red rocks on the outskirts of Colorado Springs are a striking spectacle within the Garden Of The Gods. The huge red sandstone rock formations rise to a height of up to a hundred and fifty metres. The natural monuments are a reminder of the geological past of this extraordinary region situated at the foot of the Rocky Mountains Directly next to the caves at the foot of Pike’s Peak are the caves in which the Anasazi Indians once lived, the famous Cliff Dwellings where one can gain a fascinating insight into the culture of the native inhabitants of North America, how they lived, their culture and beliefs. The Indian Museum features Indian culture and work tools and is an impressive record of a long forgotten time and a people that almost became extinct. Sprague Lake is one of the region’s many glacial lakes and is ideal for walkers as well as anglers and boat enthusiasts, and several ranches offer accommodation. Ghost towns, gold mines, ancient cultures and mountain paradises, Native Indians, explorers, fur traders and gold prospectors, all the ingredients of the colourful history of America’s wild West. Colorado is indeed a place of spectacular nature and breathtaking adventure!
wn.com/Colorado Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Colorado.
Colorado is situated in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, a land of remote valleys and high mountains.Denver is the state capital and is located on a sunny high plateau sixteen hundred metres above sea level where the local inhabitants enjoy more sunshine throughout the year than in California’s San Diego or even Honolulu. Skyscrapers between the prairie and the Rockies, a somewhat surreal city in which various power industry companies are to be found. The 16th Street Mall is the city’s pride and a splendid avenue that boasts the longest pedestrianised area in the USA plus a free bus service! It contains several shopping malls, restaurants and all kinds of shops with products from all over the world. The shining red rocks on the outskirts of Colorado Springs are a striking spectacle within the Garden Of The Gods. The huge red sandstone rock formations rise to a height of up to a hundred and fifty metres. The natural monuments are a reminder of the geological past of this extraordinary region situated at the foot of the Rocky Mountains Directly next to the caves at the foot of Pike’s Peak are the caves in which the Anasazi Indians once lived, the famous Cliff Dwellings where one can gain a fascinating insight into the culture of the native inhabitants of North America, how they lived, their culture and beliefs. The Indian Museum features Indian culture and work tools and is an impressive record of a long forgotten time and a people that almost became extinct. Sprague Lake is one of the region’s many glacial lakes and is ideal for walkers as well as anglers and boat enthusiasts, and several ranches offer accommodation. Ghost towns, gold mines, ancient cultures and mountain paradises, Native Indians, explorers, fur traders and gold prospectors, all the ingredients of the colourful history of America’s wild West. Colorado is indeed a place of spectacular nature and breathtaking adventure!
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 89228
Travel Guide New Mexico tm, Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort and Spa
Deemed sacred by indigenous Native Americans of Northern New Mexico, Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort and Spa has been a gathering place and a source of h......
Deemed sacred by indigenous Native Americans of Northern New Mexico, Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort and Spa has been a gathering place and a source of h...
wn.com/Travel Guide New Mexico Tm, Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort And Spa
Deemed sacred by indigenous Native Americans of Northern New Mexico, Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs Resort and Spa has been a gathering place and a source of h...
wn.com/Coahuila Travel Hotel Ramada Resort
La Manga - tourist guide.
Rent your holiday home in Spain directly from the owner who is the perfect guide to the local area, restaurants etc.: http://www.spain-holiday.com....
Rent your holiday home in Spain directly from the owner who is the perfect guide to the local area, restaurants etc.: http://www.spain-holiday.com.
wn.com/La Manga Tourist Guide.
Rent your holiday home in Spain directly from the owner who is the perfect guide to the local area, restaurants etc.: http://www.spain-holiday.com.
Rancho Las Palmas - Palm Springs Hotels - California Travel Tips
SUBSCRIBE! http://tinyurl.com/p2fveuj California travel expert Veronica Hill of http://www.CaliforniaTravelExpert.com tours Rancho Las Palmas - a Palm Spring......
SUBSCRIBE! http://tinyurl.com/p2fveuj California travel expert Veronica Hill of http://www.CaliforniaTravelExpert.com tours Rancho Las Palmas - a Palm Spring...
wn.com/Rancho Las Palmas Palm Springs Hotels California Travel Tips
SUBSCRIBE! http://tinyurl.com/p2fveuj California travel expert Veronica Hill of http://www.CaliforniaTravelExpert.com tours Rancho Las Palmas - a Palm Spring...
Travel Tips: 8 Reasons NOT to Visit Mexico and other travel tips
Travel Tips: 8 Reasons NOT to Visit Mexico and other travel tips
Often, Mexico is thought of beautiful sandy beaches. Well, there’s news folks. Mexico is way m...
Travel Tips: 8 Reasons NOT to Visit Mexico and other travel tips
Often, Mexico is thought of beautiful sandy beaches. Well, there’s news folks. Mexico is way more than this. Did you know that there is even a sky resort in Mexico. You can find it in Monterreal in the state of Coahuila. You can even hike to the tops of snow capped mountains like the Nevado of Toluca and Nevado of Colima.
Hot Air Balloon Festival in the city of Leon- Its a wonderful, colourful festival in which Leon’s sky is filled with hot air balloons in different shapes, sizes and colours. Happens annually during the long weekend (for Mexicans) on month of November. Lately, the festival has brought a huge amounts of tourists so plan in advance and reserve your bedroom.
Copper Canyon in Chihuahua – Maybe you have heard of the Sumidero Canyon in the state of Chiapas. Well, compared to the Sumidero Canyon, the Copper Canyon in Chihuahua does not fall far behind. Its a truly beautiful natural wonder and if you crave a little train trip, you can hop on to The Chepe. This ride gives you a beautiful visual feast and its main feature is this marvellous Copper Canyon.
Monterreal Forrest in Coahuila – This is another surprise for many tourist and one of the best kept secrets of Mexico. You can do skying in Mexico. Yes you read correctly, skiing in Mexico features Monterreal Resort in the State of Chihuahua. As I said before, Mexico is not only beautiful sandy beaches and turquoise Oceans. Mexico is one of the most geographically diverse regions in the world and skiing is included in for tourists.
Swimming with the whale shark in Holbox Island (Isla Holbox) – Just about a 2 hour drive from Cancun, Holbox Island has some of the clearest waters you will see in your life. Swimming with the whale shark is one of the reasons this island is starting to get better known from tourists that arrive to the mayan riviera.
Ever hear of the Mayan city of Tulum? - If you have not had enough from the Mayan Riviera, well, then Tulum would be a nice place to stop and have a tour. This place is an archeologic site right off the beach a few hours away from Cancun. The ruins blending with the white sand, turquoise ocean and waves clashing against the cliff that lifts the pre-columbian city is one of the memories you will never forget in your life.
Take a stroll through Paseo de la Reforma in Mexico City - When people hears about Mexico, many pictures towns surrounded by deserts and cactus. Well, this is true to some extent, specially cities and towns close to the border to de U.S. Actually, some of the most beautiful places in Mexico are well far away from the U.S. border. A case of this is Mexico City. By simply taking a walk through Paseo de la Reforma, which is one of the most important avenues, if not the most. Mexico City is all about tall buildings, cool neighbourhoods, hipe cultural and art scenes and business interchanges. If you spend a week in Mexico City you will get the feeling it was not enough time to entirely discover it. You will want to go back.
Nevado de Toluca - A few our drive from Mexico City. If you suddenly find overwhelmed of the urban jungle that is Mexico City and crave a little hike to a mountain, Nevado de Toluca is the place. It might give you the impression you are not in Mexico, it actually has a himalayans touch.
Petrified waterfalls in Oaxaca – There are two impressive petrified waterfalls (calcium carbonate) formed from thousands of years ago, carbonated water runoff. From springs, water falls rugged cliffs over 50 meters high. The area of spring that gives rise to it, was exploited to create a large pool that has now become natural spa, warm water regularly. This place is known as “Hierve el Agua” has been recognized as a probable sacred place of the ancient Zapotecs, which inhabited this region. Here in Hierve el Agua has attracted numerous archaeologists, biologists and geologists, due to place a complex irrigation system built over 2,500 years ago that keep them intrigued.
Not Enough inspiration? More videos below:
Follow Me:
wn.com/Travel Tips 8 Reasons Not To Visit Mexico And Other Travel Tips
Travel Tips: 8 Reasons NOT to Visit Mexico and other travel tips
Often, Mexico is thought of beautiful sandy beaches. Well, there’s news folks. Mexico is way more than this. Did you know that there is even a sky resort in Mexico. You can find it in Monterreal in the state of Coahuila. You can even hike to the tops of snow capped mountains like the Nevado of Toluca and Nevado of Colima.
Hot Air Balloon Festival in the city of Leon- Its a wonderful, colourful festival in which Leon’s sky is filled with hot air balloons in different shapes, sizes and colours. Happens annually during the long weekend (for Mexicans) on month of November. Lately, the festival has brought a huge amounts of tourists so plan in advance and reserve your bedroom.
Copper Canyon in Chihuahua – Maybe you have heard of the Sumidero Canyon in the state of Chiapas. Well, compared to the Sumidero Canyon, the Copper Canyon in Chihuahua does not fall far behind. Its a truly beautiful natural wonder and if you crave a little train trip, you can hop on to The Chepe. This ride gives you a beautiful visual feast and its main feature is this marvellous Copper Canyon.
Monterreal Forrest in Coahuila – This is another surprise for many tourist and one of the best kept secrets of Mexico. You can do skying in Mexico. Yes you read correctly, skiing in Mexico features Monterreal Resort in the State of Chihuahua. As I said before, Mexico is not only beautiful sandy beaches and turquoise Oceans. Mexico is one of the most geographically diverse regions in the world and skiing is included in for tourists.
Swimming with the whale shark in Holbox Island (Isla Holbox) – Just about a 2 hour drive from Cancun, Holbox Island has some of the clearest waters you will see in your life. Swimming with the whale shark is one of the reasons this island is starting to get better known from tourists that arrive to the mayan riviera.
Ever hear of the Mayan city of Tulum? - If you have not had enough from the Mayan Riviera, well, then Tulum would be a nice place to stop and have a tour. This place is an archeologic site right off the beach a few hours away from Cancun. The ruins blending with the white sand, turquoise ocean and waves clashing against the cliff that lifts the pre-columbian city is one of the memories you will never forget in your life.
Take a stroll through Paseo de la Reforma in Mexico City - When people hears about Mexico, many pictures towns surrounded by deserts and cactus. Well, this is true to some extent, specially cities and towns close to the border to de U.S. Actually, some of the most beautiful places in Mexico are well far away from the U.S. border. A case of this is Mexico City. By simply taking a walk through Paseo de la Reforma, which is one of the most important avenues, if not the most. Mexico City is all about tall buildings, cool neighbourhoods, hipe cultural and art scenes and business interchanges. If you spend a week in Mexico City you will get the feeling it was not enough time to entirely discover it. You will want to go back.
Nevado de Toluca - A few our drive from Mexico City. If you suddenly find overwhelmed of the urban jungle that is Mexico City and crave a little hike to a mountain, Nevado de Toluca is the place. It might give you the impression you are not in Mexico, it actually has a himalayans touch.
Petrified waterfalls in Oaxaca – There are two impressive petrified waterfalls (calcium carbonate) formed from thousands of years ago, carbonated water runoff. From springs, water falls rugged cliffs over 50 meters high. The area of spring that gives rise to it, was exploited to create a large pool that has now become natural spa, warm water regularly. This place is known as “Hierve el Agua” has been recognized as a probable sacred place of the ancient Zapotecs, which inhabited this region. Here in Hierve el Agua has attracted numerous archaeologists, biologists and geologists, due to place a complex irrigation system built over 2,500 years ago that keep them intrigued.
Not Enough inspiration? More videos below:
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- published: 11 Feb 2015
- views: 2
Tijuana, Mexico - A Travel Guide
Click http://bit.ly/TravelforLess We teach you ways to save so you can enjoy traveling....
Click http://bit.ly/TravelforLess We teach you ways to save so you can enjoy traveling.
wn.com/Tijuana, Mexico A Travel Guide
Click http://bit.ly/TravelforLess We teach you ways to save so you can enjoy traveling.
Mexico Magico : Coahuila
5to Aniversario Mexico Magico : Coahuila...
5to Aniversario Mexico Magico : Coahuila
wn.com/Mexico Magico Coahuila
5to Aniversario Mexico Magico : Coahuila
- published: 21 Sep 2013
- views: 2
la coahuila tijuana
el lugar ke no puede faltar de visitar en tijuana....
el lugar ke no puede faltar de visitar en tijuana.
wn.com/La Coahuila Tijuana
el lugar ke no puede faltar de visitar en tijuana.
- published: 10 Jul 2008
- views: 22835
author: z0mbary
Drone Monclova, coahuila
uff...... que susto..
al estar checando la ultima actualización y unos ajustes al gimbal, el equipo de repente se puso loco y se fué, se intentó regresarlo, pe...
uff...... que susto..
al estar checando la ultima actualización y unos ajustes al gimbal, el equipo de repente se puso loco y se fué, se intentó regresarlo, pero tuvimos problemas, al ultimo decidí activar el failsafe, apagar la emisora y volverla a encender y fue de la forma que se reestableció la comunicación con el Drone.
que susto, ....!!!!
wn.com/Drone Monclova, Coahuila
uff...... que susto..
al estar checando la ultima actualización y unos ajustes al gimbal, el equipo de repente se puso loco y se fué, se intentó regresarlo, pero tuvimos problemas, al ultimo decidí activar el failsafe, apagar la emisora y volverla a encender y fue de la forma que se reestableció la comunicación con el Drone.
que susto, ....!!!!
- published: 23 May 2015
- views: 72
La Coahuila, Zona Norte in Tijuana Mexico
La Coahuila, Zona Norte in Tijuana Mexico Zona Norte (North Zone) The district is also known La Coahuila for the name of the primary avenue that runs through......
La Coahuila, Zona Norte in Tijuana Mexico Zona Norte (North Zone) The district is also known La Coahuila for the name of the primary avenue that runs through...
wn.com/La Coahuila, Zona Norte In Tijuana Mexico
La Coahuila, Zona Norte in Tijuana Mexico Zona Norte (North Zone) The district is also known La Coahuila for the name of the primary avenue that runs through...
turisteando en a coahuila tijuana
pinchis viejas se enojaron porke vieron ke les estaba tomando video! me hicieron la batiseñal! hehe... si es pura publicidad de la wena!...
pinchis viejas se enojaron porke vieron ke les estaba tomando video! me hicieron la batiseñal! hehe... si es pura publicidad de la wena!
wn.com/Turisteando En A Coahuila Tijuana
pinchis viejas se enojaron porke vieron ke les estaba tomando video! me hicieron la batiseñal! hehe... si es pura publicidad de la wena!
- published: 16 Jul 2008
- views: 55071
author: z0mbary
Anthony Bourdain: Tacos in Piedras Negras
http://www.tacojournalism.com From the second season of Tony's Travel Channel series "No Reservations." He visits a famous Mexican border town know for their......
http://www.tacojournalism.com From the second season of Tony's Travel Channel series "No Reservations." He visits a famous Mexican border town know for their...
wn.com/Anthony Bourdain Tacos In Piedras Negras
http://www.tacojournalism.com From the second season of Tony's Travel Channel series "No Reservations." He visits a famous Mexican border town know for their...
- published: 29 Jul 2007
- views: 119965
author: AndreaJarod
Coahuila Disasters - NASA DEVELOP Summer 2013 @ Wise County & Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
Forest fires are one of the most common natural disasters affecting thousands of people directly or indirectly every year. For the past decade, the state of ......
Forest fires are one of the most common natural disasters affecting thousands of people directly or indirectly every year. For the past decade, the state of ...
wn.com/Coahuila Disasters Nasa Develop Summer 2013 Wise County Tecnologico De Monterrey, Mexico
Forest fires are one of the most common natural disasters affecting thousands of people directly or indirectly every year. For the past decade, the state of ...
The new cannabis culture in Colorado
It's been a year since Colorado legalized the recreational use of marijuana. Reg Sherren travels to Denver to see how the cannabis culture has changed....
It's been a year since Colorado legalized the recreational use of marijuana. Reg Sherren travels to Denver to see how the cannabis culture has changed.
wn.com/The New Cannabis Culture In Colorado
It's been a year since Colorado legalized the recreational use of marijuana. Reg Sherren travels to Denver to see how the cannabis culture has changed.
- published: 19 Jan 2015
- views: 52154
Worlds MOST FEARED sniper rifle great idea for US Military
Another great idea for the US Military this new sniper rifle uses advanced technology to ensure the soldier to tomorrow will never miss his target. TrackingPoin...
Another great idea for the US Military this new sniper rifle uses advanced technology to ensure the soldier to tomorrow will never miss his target. TrackingPoint is an Austin, Texas-based applied technology company that created the first precision guided firearm (PGF), a long-range rifle system.[1][2]
TrackingPoint was formed by CEO John McHale in February 2011. The first PGF prototype was created in March 2011. The company officially launched a publicly available product in January 2013.[3]
TrackingPoint's precision guided firearms system uses several component technologies:
Networked Tracking Scope: The core engine that tracks the target, calculates range and the ballistic solution, and works in concert with the shooter and guided trigger to release the shot.[4][5]
Barrel Reference System: A fixed reference point that enables the networked tracking scope to make adjustments and retain zero over time. The barrel reference system is factory calibrated to a laser reference.[6]
Guided Trigger: The rifle's trigger is hard-wired to the networked tracking scope. The networked tracking scope controls the trigger weight to eliminate trigger squeeze and shot timing errors.[7]
Field Software Upgradeable: Software can be uploaded to the scope to add capability.[8]
Heads Up Display (HUD): The HUD indicates range, wind, reticle, video storage gauge, zoom, and battery life, plus LRF icon, Wi-Fi on/off icon, compass icon, cant wheel, inclination wheels and off-screen indicators.[4][9]
Recording: An integrated camera captures video and still images from the networked tracking scope and heads up display. Recorded images can be downloaded to a smartphone or tablet from the scope and transmitted via email or social media.[10]
A rifle is a firearm designed to be fired from the shoulder, with a barrel that has a helical groove or pattern of grooves ("rifling") cut into the barrel walls. The raised areas of the rifling are called "lands," which make contact with the projectile (for small arms usage, called a bullet), imparting spin around an axis corresponding to the orientation of the weapon. When the projectile leaves the barrel, this spin lends gyroscopic stability to the projectile and prevents tumbling, in the same way that a properly thrown American football or rugby ball behaves. This allows the use of aerodynamically-efficient pointed bullets (as opposed to the spherical balls used in muskets) and thus improves range and accuracy. The word "rifle" originally referred to the grooving, and a rifle was called a "rifled gun." Rifles are used in warfare, hunting and shooting sports.
Typically, a bullet is propelled by the contained deflagration of an explosive compound (originally black powder, later cordite, and now nitrocellulose), although other means such as compressed air are used in air rifles, which are popular for vermin control, hunting small game, formal target shooting and casual shooting ("plinking").
In most armed forces the term "gun" is incorrect when referring to small arms; in military parlance, the word "gun" refers to an artillery piece or crew-served machine gun. Furthermore, in many works of fiction a rifle refers to any weapon that has a stock and is shouldered before firing, even if the weapon is not rifled or does not fire solid projectiles (e.g. a "laser rifle").
A gun is a normally tubular weapon or other device designed to discharge projectiles or other material.[1] The projectile may be solid, liquid, gas or energy and may be free, as with bullets and artillery shells, or captive as with Taser probes and whaling harpoons. The means of projection varies according to design but is usually effected by the action of gas pressure, either produced through the rapid combustion of a propellant or compressed and stored by mechanical means, operating on the projectile inside an open-ended tube in the fashion of a piston. The confined gas accelerates the movable projectile down the length of the tube imparting sufficient velocity to sustain the projectile's travel once the action of the gas ceases at the end of the tube or muzzle. Alternatively, acceleration via electromagnetic field generation may be employed in which case the tube may be dispensed with and a guide rail substituted.
The first devices identified as guns appeared in China around 1000AD, and by the 12th century the technology was spreading through the rest of Asia, and into Europe by the 13th century.[2]
Texas is the second most populous, after California, and the second-largest of the 50 states, after Alaska in the United States of America, and the largest state in the 48 contiguous United States. Geographically located in the South Central part of the country, Texas shares an international border with the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas to the south and borders the U.S.
wn.com/Worlds Most Feared Sniper Rifle Great Idea For US Military
Another great idea for the US Military this new sniper rifle uses advanced technology to ensure the soldier to tomorrow will never miss his target. TrackingPoint is an Austin, Texas-based applied technology company that created the first precision guided firearm (PGF), a long-range rifle system.[1][2]
TrackingPoint was formed by CEO John McHale in February 2011. The first PGF prototype was created in March 2011. The company officially launched a publicly available product in January 2013.[3]
TrackingPoint's precision guided firearms system uses several component technologies:
Networked Tracking Scope: The core engine that tracks the target, calculates range and the ballistic solution, and works in concert with the shooter and guided trigger to release the shot.[4][5]
Barrel Reference System: A fixed reference point that enables the networked tracking scope to make adjustments and retain zero over time. The barrel reference system is factory calibrated to a laser reference.[6]
Guided Trigger: The rifle's trigger is hard-wired to the networked tracking scope. The networked tracking scope controls the trigger weight to eliminate trigger squeeze and shot timing errors.[7]
Field Software Upgradeable: Software can be uploaded to the scope to add capability.[8]
Heads Up Display (HUD): The HUD indicates range, wind, reticle, video storage gauge, zoom, and battery life, plus LRF icon, Wi-Fi on/off icon, compass icon, cant wheel, inclination wheels and off-screen indicators.[4][9]
Recording: An integrated camera captures video and still images from the networked tracking scope and heads up display. Recorded images can be downloaded to a smartphone or tablet from the scope and transmitted via email or social media.[10]
A rifle is a firearm designed to be fired from the shoulder, with a barrel that has a helical groove or pattern of grooves ("rifling") cut into the barrel walls. The raised areas of the rifling are called "lands," which make contact with the projectile (for small arms usage, called a bullet), imparting spin around an axis corresponding to the orientation of the weapon. When the projectile leaves the barrel, this spin lends gyroscopic stability to the projectile and prevents tumbling, in the same way that a properly thrown American football or rugby ball behaves. This allows the use of aerodynamically-efficient pointed bullets (as opposed to the spherical balls used in muskets) and thus improves range and accuracy. The word "rifle" originally referred to the grooving, and a rifle was called a "rifled gun." Rifles are used in warfare, hunting and shooting sports.
Typically, a bullet is propelled by the contained deflagration of an explosive compound (originally black powder, later cordite, and now nitrocellulose), although other means such as compressed air are used in air rifles, which are popular for vermin control, hunting small game, formal target shooting and casual shooting ("plinking").
In most armed forces the term "gun" is incorrect when referring to small arms; in military parlance, the word "gun" refers to an artillery piece or crew-served machine gun. Furthermore, in many works of fiction a rifle refers to any weapon that has a stock and is shouldered before firing, even if the weapon is not rifled or does not fire solid projectiles (e.g. a "laser rifle").
A gun is a normally tubular weapon or other device designed to discharge projectiles or other material.[1] The projectile may be solid, liquid, gas or energy and may be free, as with bullets and artillery shells, or captive as with Taser probes and whaling harpoons. The means of projection varies according to design but is usually effected by the action of gas pressure, either produced through the rapid combustion of a propellant or compressed and stored by mechanical means, operating on the projectile inside an open-ended tube in the fashion of a piston. The confined gas accelerates the movable projectile down the length of the tube imparting sufficient velocity to sustain the projectile's travel once the action of the gas ceases at the end of the tube or muzzle. Alternatively, acceleration via electromagnetic field generation may be employed in which case the tube may be dispensed with and a guide rail substituted.
The first devices identified as guns appeared in China around 1000AD, and by the 12th century the technology was spreading through the rest of Asia, and into Europe by the 13th century.[2]
Texas is the second most populous, after California, and the second-largest of the 50 states, after Alaska in the United States of America, and the largest state in the 48 contiguous United States. Geographically located in the South Central part of the country, Texas shares an international border with the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas to the south and borders the U.S.
- published: 19 Sep 2015
- views: 615
ADVANCED RIFLE NEVER MISSES it's target. Tracking Point Rifle great for US Military
Another great idea for the US Military this new rifle uses advanced technology to ensure the soldier to tomorrow will never miss his target. TrackingPoint is an...
Another great idea for the US Military this new rifle uses advanced technology to ensure the soldier to tomorrow will never miss his target. TrackingPoint is an Austin, Texas-based applied technology company that created the first precision guided firearm (PGF), a long-range rifle system.[1][2]
CLICK HERE http://13e4933lo3ir8kba07mdg-6ixz.hop...
TrackingPoint was formed by CEO John McHale in February 2011. The first PGF prototype was created in March 2011. The company officially launched a publicly available product in January 2013.[3]
TrackingPoint's precision guided firearms system uses several component technologies:
Networked Tracking Scope: The core engine that tracks the target, calculates range and the ballistic solution, and works in concert with the shooter and guided trigger to release the shot.[4][5]
Barrel Reference System: A fixed reference point that enables the networked tracking scope to make adjustments and retain zero over time. The barrel reference system is factory calibrated to a laser reference.[6]
Guided Trigger: The rifle's trigger is hard-wired to the networked tracking scope. The networked tracking scope controls the trigger weight to eliminate trigger squeeze and shot timing errors.[7]
Field Software Upgradeable: Software can be uploaded to the scope to add capability.[8]
Heads Up Display (HUD): The HUD indicates range, wind, reticle, video storage gauge, zoom, and battery life, plus LRF icon, Wi-Fi on/off icon, compass icon, cant wheel, inclination wheels and off-screen indicators.[4][9]
Recording: An integrated camera captures video and still images from the networked tracking scope and heads up display. Recorded images can be downloaded to a smartphone or tablet from the scope and transmitted via email or social media.[10]
A rifle is a firearm designed to be fired from the shoulder, with a barrel that has a helical groove or pattern of grooves ("rifling") cut into the barrel walls. The raised areas of the rifling are called "lands," which make contact with the projectile (for small arms usage, called a bullet), imparting spin around an axis corresponding to the orientation of the weapon. When the projectile leaves the barrel, this spin lends gyroscopic stability to the projectile and prevents tumbling, in the same way that a properly thrown American football or rugby ball behaves. This allows the use of aerodynamically-efficient pointed bullets (as opposed to the spherical balls used in muskets) and thus improves range and accuracy. The word "rifle" originally referred to the grooving, and a rifle was called a "rifled gun." Rifles are used in warfare, hunting and shooting sports.
Typically, a bullet is propelled by the contained deflagration of an explosive compound (originally black powder, later cordite, and now nitrocellulose), although other means such as compressed air are used in air rifles, which are popular for vermin control, hunting small game, formal target shooting and casual shooting ("plinking").
In most armed forces the term "gun" is incorrect when referring to small arms; in military parlance, the word "gun" refers to an artillery piece or crew-served machine gun. Furthermore, in many works of fiction a rifle refers to any weapon that has a stock and is shouldered before firing, even if the weapon is not rifled or does not fire solid projectiles (e.g. a "laser rifle").
A gun is a normally tubular weapon or other device designed to discharge projectiles or other material.[1] The projectile may be solid, liquid, gas or energy and may be free, as with bullets and artillery shells, or captive as with Taser probes and whaling harpoons. The means of projection varies according to design but is usually effected by the action of gas pressure, either produced through the rapid combustion of a propellant or compressed and stored by mechanical means, operating on the projectile inside an open-ended tube in the fashion of a piston. The confined gas accelerates the movable projectile down the length of the tube imparting sufficient velocity to sustain the projectile's travel once the action of the gas ceases at the end of the tube or muzzle. Alternatively, acceleration via electromagnetic field generation may be employed in which case the tube may be dispensed with and a guide rail substituted.
The first devices identified as guns appeared in China around 1000AD, and by the 12th century the technology was spreading through the rest of Asia, and into Europe by the 13th century.[2]
Texas is the second most populous, after California, and the second-largest of the 50 states, after Alaska in the United States of America, and the largest state in the 48 contiguous United States. Geographically located in the South Central part of the country, Texas shares an international border with the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas to the south and borders the U.S.
wn.com/Advanced Rifle Never Misses It's Target. Tracking Point Rifle Great For US Military
Another great idea for the US Military this new rifle uses advanced technology to ensure the soldier to tomorrow will never miss his target. TrackingPoint is an Austin, Texas-based applied technology company that created the first precision guided firearm (PGF), a long-range rifle system.[1][2]
CLICK HERE http://13e4933lo3ir8kba07mdg-6ixz.hop...
TrackingPoint was formed by CEO John McHale in February 2011. The first PGF prototype was created in March 2011. The company officially launched a publicly available product in January 2013.[3]
TrackingPoint's precision guided firearms system uses several component technologies:
Networked Tracking Scope: The core engine that tracks the target, calculates range and the ballistic solution, and works in concert with the shooter and guided trigger to release the shot.[4][5]
Barrel Reference System: A fixed reference point that enables the networked tracking scope to make adjustments and retain zero over time. The barrel reference system is factory calibrated to a laser reference.[6]
Guided Trigger: The rifle's trigger is hard-wired to the networked tracking scope. The networked tracking scope controls the trigger weight to eliminate trigger squeeze and shot timing errors.[7]
Field Software Upgradeable: Software can be uploaded to the scope to add capability.[8]
Heads Up Display (HUD): The HUD indicates range, wind, reticle, video storage gauge, zoom, and battery life, plus LRF icon, Wi-Fi on/off icon, compass icon, cant wheel, inclination wheels and off-screen indicators.[4][9]
Recording: An integrated camera captures video and still images from the networked tracking scope and heads up display. Recorded images can be downloaded to a smartphone or tablet from the scope and transmitted via email or social media.[10]
A rifle is a firearm designed to be fired from the shoulder, with a barrel that has a helical groove or pattern of grooves ("rifling") cut into the barrel walls. The raised areas of the rifling are called "lands," which make contact with the projectile (for small arms usage, called a bullet), imparting spin around an axis corresponding to the orientation of the weapon. When the projectile leaves the barrel, this spin lends gyroscopic stability to the projectile and prevents tumbling, in the same way that a properly thrown American football or rugby ball behaves. This allows the use of aerodynamically-efficient pointed bullets (as opposed to the spherical balls used in muskets) and thus improves range and accuracy. The word "rifle" originally referred to the grooving, and a rifle was called a "rifled gun." Rifles are used in warfare, hunting and shooting sports.
Typically, a bullet is propelled by the contained deflagration of an explosive compound (originally black powder, later cordite, and now nitrocellulose), although other means such as compressed air are used in air rifles, which are popular for vermin control, hunting small game, formal target shooting and casual shooting ("plinking").
In most armed forces the term "gun" is incorrect when referring to small arms; in military parlance, the word "gun" refers to an artillery piece or crew-served machine gun. Furthermore, in many works of fiction a rifle refers to any weapon that has a stock and is shouldered before firing, even if the weapon is not rifled or does not fire solid projectiles (e.g. a "laser rifle").
A gun is a normally tubular weapon or other device designed to discharge projectiles or other material.[1] The projectile may be solid, liquid, gas or energy and may be free, as with bullets and artillery shells, or captive as with Taser probes and whaling harpoons. The means of projection varies according to design but is usually effected by the action of gas pressure, either produced through the rapid combustion of a propellant or compressed and stored by mechanical means, operating on the projectile inside an open-ended tube in the fashion of a piston. The confined gas accelerates the movable projectile down the length of the tube imparting sufficient velocity to sustain the projectile's travel once the action of the gas ceases at the end of the tube or muzzle. Alternatively, acceleration via electromagnetic field generation may be employed in which case the tube may be dispensed with and a guide rail substituted.
The first devices identified as guns appeared in China around 1000AD, and by the 12th century the technology was spreading through the rest of Asia, and into Europe by the 13th century.[2]
Texas is the second most populous, after California, and the second-largest of the 50 states, after Alaska in the United States of America, and the largest state in the 48 contiguous United States. Geographically located in the South Central part of the country, Texas shares an international border with the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas to the south and borders the U.S.
- published: 03 Apr 2015
- views: 153