- published: 20 Jan 2007
- views: 455227
- author: kermukerec

published: 20 Jan 2007
author: kermukerec
- published: 20 Jan 2007
- views: 455227
- author: kermukerec

Symbol at Tulum
This video presents an interesting analysis of a symbol on the Temple of the Wind at Tulum...
published: 22 Dec 2011
author: ScienceOnline
Symbol at Tulum
This video presents an interesting analysis of a symbol on the Temple of the Wind at Tulum, Yucatan, Mexico. The video explores the possibility that this symbol is related to the Cult of the Speaking Cross. This cult appeared during the Mayan Caste Wars, 1847 to 1901. Tulum is close to Cancun.
- published: 22 Dec 2011
- views: 11804
- author: ScienceOnline

tulum heyana
published: 11 Oct 2009
author: habib çakal
tulum heyana
- published: 11 Oct 2009
- views: 76956
- author: habib çakal

Lazca Tulum Xoron Horon Çatxali do ibiri patxali do ibiri
Tulum Xoron Lazistan...
published: 30 Jan 2008
author: PartiyaLazuri
Lazca Tulum Xoron Horon Çatxali do ibiri patxali do ibiri
Tulum Xoron Lazistan
- published: 30 Jan 2008
- views: 416938
- author: PartiyaLazuri

selim tarım bir nefesin öyküsü ile tulum sanatçılarını biraraya getirip nefis bir çalışmay...
published: 03 Dec 2011
author: pazar rize
selim tarım bir nefesin öyküsü ile tulum sanatçılarını biraraya getirip nefis bir çalışmaya imza atmış. İşte Rize'deki tulumcuların, birbirinden güzel değişik mekanlarda tuluma ses vererek ortaya çıkarttıkları armoni...
- published: 03 Dec 2011
- views: 151463
- author: pazar rize

Mayan Ruins of Tulum (HD)
We went on a Carnival Cruise and stopped in Cozumel, then went to the main land to see the...
published: 05 Apr 2009
author: Kevin Yurasovich
Mayan Ruins of Tulum (HD)
We went on a Carnival Cruise and stopped in Cozumel, then went to the main land to see these. (HD)
- published: 05 Apr 2009
- views: 14628
- author: Kevin Yurasovich

Süper Tulum - Burhan Kutlu
www.facebook.com TEL : 0543 934 69 53 RİZE Tulum Rizegezgini Kemençe ardeşen pazar fındıkl...
published: 27 Sep 2007
author: cepuzmani53
Süper Tulum - Burhan Kutlu
www.facebook.com TEL : 0543 934 69 53 RİZE Tulum Rizegezgini Kemençe ardeşen pazar fındıklı çayeli Rizeli Org Samsun Burhan 53 Facebook ar-g3@hotmail.com
- published: 27 Sep 2007
- views: 292573
- author: cepuzmani53

Tulum Mayan Ruins & Beach (Tulum, Mexico)
Doing a little exploring around the Tulum Ruins in Quintana Roo, Mexico. This was a very, ...
published: 20 May 2011
author: MrAndrewsAdventures
Tulum Mayan Ruins & Beach (Tulum, Mexico)
Doing a little exploring around the Tulum Ruins in Quintana Roo, Mexico. This was a very, very beautiful beach with pretty cool areas to walk around. I went further down where less folks were swimming. Its much better there than the "main" part of the beach. Song is "Like I do" by Stars Taken with a GoPro Helmet Cam Please watch in 720p or 1080i to fully appreciate the landscape.
- published: 20 May 2011
- views: 10334
- author: MrAndrewsAdventures

Go Cavern Diving - Steve Bogaerts & HP Hartmann
Trailer about the beauty of Cavern Diving on the Yucathan Peninsula in Mexico. Go to the n...
published: 16 Oct 2010
author: Steve Bogaerts
Go Cavern Diving - Steve Bogaerts & HP Hartmann
Trailer about the beauty of Cavern Diving on the Yucathan Peninsula in Mexico. Go to the new Webpage to see more... www.gocaverndiving.com
- published: 16 Oct 2010
- views: 7728
- author: Steve Bogaerts

Mayan Mystery - The Maya of Mexico
DVD-Download: hilaroad.com - A chance to take part in some amateur archaeology. This video...
published: 27 Nov 2006
author: ScienceOnline
Mayan Mystery - The Maya of Mexico
DVD-Download: hilaroad.com - A chance to take part in some amateur archaeology. This video presents theories about the meaning of a symbol on a Mayan temple at Tulum near Cancun. I believe this symbol and temple relate to Mayan observations of the stars, others have suggested the temple is an ancient lighthouse, or a sacrificial center, even that the symbol is related to Dan Brown's story the DaVinci Code! Images and story available at our website: hilaroad.com
- published: 27 Nov 2006
- views: 148097
- author: ScienceOnline

Messico, Tulum: mare caraibico e Maya
Mar dei Caraibi: a Tulum, Messico, si possono ammirare le rovine Maya in riva al mare cris...
published: 01 Jul 2010
author: marcopoloviaggi
Messico, Tulum: mare caraibico e Maya
Mar dei Caraibi: a Tulum, Messico, si possono ammirare le rovine Maya in riva al mare cristallino. Spiagge bianche e natura selvaggia www.marcopolo.tv Altri video su www.marcopolo.tv
- published: 01 Jul 2010
- views: 28449
- author: marcopoloviaggi
Vimeo results:

Sian Kan / Tulum 1.20 Estrellas del Bicentenario
DP / AMC - Cinematographer & Cameraman - Wescam and Underwater Operator.
Shooting in Phan...
published: 25 Aug 2010
author: David Torres
Sian Kan / Tulum 1.20 Estrellas del Bicentenario
DP / AMC - Cinematographer & Cameraman - Wescam and Underwater Operator.
Shooting in Phantom & Red One Cameras.
Lenses Red Pro Primes.
Production Company: The Mates Group.

Don L. feat. Flora Matos - "Sangue é Champanhe"
O videoclipe de “Sangue é Champanhe” aconteceu por acaso. Na verdade, ele surgiu da ideia ...
published: 16 Oct 2012
author: LuckyBastardsInc
Don L. feat. Flora Matos - "Sangue é Champanhe"
O videoclipe de “Sangue é Champanhe” aconteceu por acaso. Na verdade, ele surgiu da ideia de outros dois vídeos. Depois que a diretora Erica Gonsales e a fotógrafa Autumn Sonnichsen realizaram One Day (with Autumn Sonnichsen) vimeo.com/35034162 com as imagens gravadas pela norte-americana, a dupla ouviu a música “Enquanto Acaba” do Don L, e resolveu propor um clipe.
O Don gostou do roteiro, e enquanto eles procuravam captar verba pra produzir, outra ideia surgiu: ele tinha uma canção inédita pronta, que coincidentemente casava com as imagens captadas pela fotógrafa durante seus ensaios, viagens e festas pelo mundo. Na mesma época, Autumn organizava uma exposição individual na Galeria AVA, em São Paulo, e pensava em exibir uma versão mais explícita do vídeo One Day (a original era para iPad, com restrições de nudez impostas pela Apple).
Em setembro deste ano, o videoclipe Sangue é Champanhe estreou na exposição “Paraíso na Boca”, que segue em cartaz até dia10/11/2012. Inclusive há um monitor com fones de ouvido para ver o vídeo.
Don L.
Vindo de Fortaleza, o também produtor Don L é “o MC preferido do seu MC preferido” desde o lançamento da mítica mixtape de seu grupo Costa a Costa, Dinheiro Sexo Drogas e Violência de Costa a Costa, em 2007. De lá pra cá soltou algumas faixas solo e prepara dois lançamentos simultâneos ainda pro ano de 2012: Caro Vapor e Vida Premium Beta.
Sobre “Sangue é Champanhe”, seu primeiro videoclipe, Don L. diz:
“Acho que vocês conseguiram expressar em imagens a sedução da qual eu falo na letra... ‘apaixonante só de ver, olha só o quanto excitante pode ser...’. E isso deu um efeito muito louco. Acho que esse vídeo vai proporcionar uma experiência de verdade pra pessoa que assistir, e é isso que eu procuro como artista. Provocar. Tem outras coisas que eu falo na letra, que é a parte que tá implícita no vídeo, que é o preço. O sangue. O trago de morte. A princípio fiquei pensando que faltava expressar isso em imagens, mas, pensando bem, ‘quem lembra do sangue derramado admirado com a pirâmide de Queops’, né ? Eu já digo isso na letra. Então, no final, achei que tem tudo a ver. Com a ideia de comida e bebida da exposição da Autumn, senti que posso fazer umas paradas meio estilo Oiticica, provocar experiências. Fazer isso usando uma coisa tão popular como mulheres lindas, nuas, e paraísos alcançáveis, é um caminho interessante, (RISOS)”.
O videoclipe tem imagens captadas em São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis, Cancun, Tulum, Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Cabo Verde, Cascais, Ilhas Canárias, Ilhas Maurício, Los Angeles, Nova York, Fernando de Noronha, Salvador, Buenos Aires, Campinas, Santa Bárbara, Berlim e Carpinteria. Uma produção da Lucky Bastards Inc.
Don L. soundcloud.com/don-l-rico
Autumn Sonnichsen www.autumnsonnichsen.com/
Erica Gonsales vimeo.com/user1443608
AVA Galeria www.avaonline.com.br/
Mais infos: luckybastardsinc@gmail.com
"Sangue é Champanhe" is an accident. Or to be more specific, was born out of the ideas from two separate videos. After the Brazilian director Erica Gonsales and the American photographer Autumn Sonnichsen made One Day http://vimeo.com/35034162, they heard the music "Enquanto Acaba" from Don L, and asked the rapper if they could shoot a music video for him.
Don liked the idea and while they worked on funding another idea was born: he had another song ready which, by coincidence, worked perfectly with the images filmed by Autumn during her shoots, her travels, and a few parties. Autumn also was planning her solo show at the AVA Gallery in São Paulo, called "Paraíso na Boca" or "Paradise in Your Mouth", and they decided to edit a NSFW version of One Day. The video premiered at the opening of the show at AVA and will continue to be shown there until November 10th, 2012.
Originally from Fortaleza, Don L, who is also a producer and is aptly called "your favorite MC's favorite MC" since the release of the epic mixtape from his group Costa a Costa, Dinheiro Sexo Drogas e Violência de Costa a Costa in 2007. Since then he has released various singles and is preparing two simultaneous releases in 2012: Caro Vapor and Vida Premium Beta.
About "Sangue é Champanhe", his first music video, Don L says:
"I think you two were able to express through images the seduction that I talk about in the line… ‘apaixonante só de ver, olha só o quanto excitante pode ser...’ This did something crazy. I think that this video will give some kind of truthful experience to the viewers, which is my goal as an artist. To provoke."

Karmate | Hasta Oldum Derdine
Grup Karmate
Vokal : Resul Dindar
Kemençe : Oktay Üst
Tulum : İsmail Avcı
Akordion : Gökh...
published: 24 Mar 2010
author: mutlucihan
Karmate | Hasta Oldum Derdine
Grup Karmate
Vokal : Resul Dindar
Kemençe : Oktay Üst
Tulum : İsmail Avcı
Akordion : Gökhan Özkan
Buzuki : Muhterem Sur
emine hanım olsa da dinlesek beraber...

This short piece of work is my way to say goodbye to my hometown Darmstadt (Germany), my f...
published: 13 Apr 2012
author: Frank Sauer
This short piece of work is my way to say goodbye to my hometown Darmstadt (Germany), my friends and my family back there. I moved to Berlin and that is why I choose an inspiring artist directly from the capital - Apparat.
The film features several locations on my way through America including El Tunco (El Salvador), Tulum (Mexico) and San Diego (USA).
MUSIC Apparat (The World around you)
Camera: GH2
Lenses: Panasonic 20mm, 14-140mm & 7-14mm
Youtube results:

Tulum Mexico Cenote Angelita
Diving at 100'+ in the Cenote Angelita in Tulum, it's a big sinkhole out in the jungle wit...
published: 14 Apr 2009
author: sgt2221
Tulum Mexico Cenote Angelita
Diving at 100'+ in the Cenote Angelita in Tulum, it's a big sinkhole out in the jungle with a layer of gas trapped at around 90' which is caused by the decomposing leaves and trees that fall in, I believe it's sulfur dioxide, and is somewhat poisonous if exposed to it for too long. It was a great dive.
- published: 14 Apr 2009
- views: 118095
- author: sgt2221

Disco Tulum
Linsey live loops vocals, jaw harp and kaossilator and then plays a beach ball bagpipe usi...
published: 07 Oct 2011
author: SquealyD
Disco Tulum
Linsey live loops vocals, jaw harp and kaossilator and then plays a beach ball bagpipe using a chanter he made from cheese wood with measurements provided by Kim Sanders of a hybrid Turkish gaida made and played by Kamil Gul ......from his solo show "Live & Loopy".
- published: 07 Oct 2011
- views: 33037
- author: SquealyD

Gran Bahia Principe Tulum - Riviera Maya August 2008
summer vacation in Mexico at the Gran Bahia Principe. Great resort, can´t complain about a...
published: 20 Nov 2010
author: Hom3sicK
Gran Bahia Principe Tulum - Riviera Maya August 2008
summer vacation in Mexico at the Gran Bahia Principe. Great resort, can´t complain about anything. Mexico has lovely spots to visit, people are very kind and the weather and water are incredible!
- published: 20 Nov 2010
- views: 24171
- author: Hom3sicK

Cenote Angelita diving, Tulum, MEXICO
Diving Angelita Cenote in Tulum, Mexico with Nicolas (dive master) and Jean. Filmed in HD ...
published: 12 Sep 2010
author: Jean-Marc Thimon
Cenote Angelita diving, Tulum, MEXICO
Diving Angelita Cenote in Tulum, Mexico with Nicolas (dive master) and Jean. Filmed in HD 1080i, January 2010. Video camera: Sony HDR-SR11/12 Housing: Ikelite Lights: Ikelite video pro lite 3
- published: 12 Sep 2010
- views: 7044
- author: Jean-Marc Thimon