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News. Latest headlines regarding the fight for science education.

Trademark suit against creationists settled

Science Friday

The suit against the operators of a right-wing radio show that features a creationist segment was settled in a federal court on December 28, 2012.

NGSS, take two

The second public draft of the Next Generation Science Standards is available on-line — and your feedback is invited.

A preview of How to Build a Habitable Planet

How to Build a Habitable Planet

NCSE is pleased to offer a free preview (PDF) of Charles H. Langmuir and Wally Broecker's How to Build a Habitable Planet: The Story of Earth from the Big Bang to Humankind (Princeton University Press, 2012).

Eugenie C. Scott: "This I believe"

Eugenie C. ScottEugenie C. Scott

NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott contributed a "This I believe" op-ed to Frontiers in Evolutionary and Population Genetics.

Montana bill mutates

The bill in Montana that was intended to "[r]equire public schools to teach intelligent design along with evolution" instead now purports to "encourage critical thinking regarding controversial scientific theories."
