- published: 29 Nov 2012
- views: 1
- author: fcbarcelona

FC Barcelona - Fruit soup of 'We are what we eat"
Fruit soup with orange, pomegranate and figs from the FC Barcelona Foundation campaign "We...
published: 29 Nov 2012
author: fcbarcelona
FC Barcelona - Fruit soup of 'We are what we eat"
Fruit soup with orange, pomegranate and figs from the FC Barcelona Foundation campaign "We are what we eat".

FC Barcelona - Jordi Alba: "I feel good and I'm fitting in"
Jordi Alba commented on Barça fielding 11 home grown players for part of the game against ...
published: 28 Nov 2012
author: fcbarcelona
FC Barcelona - Jordi Alba: "I feel good and I'm fitting in"
Jordi Alba commented on Barça fielding 11 home grown players for part of the game against Levante, claiming: "it's good for the kids in the academy -- they can see they can reach the first team if they work hard"
- published: 28 Nov 2012
- views: 332
- author: fcbarcelona

FC Barcelona - Vilanova claims cup tie not all over
The Barça manager has warned that Alavés are coming with everything to play for and that "...
published: 28 Nov 2012
author: fcbarcelona
FC Barcelona - Vilanova claims cup tie not all over
The Barça manager has warned that Alavés are coming with everything to play for and that "utmost seriousness is the best way to respect the competition, the opponent and our fans"
- published: 28 Nov 2012
- views: 448
- author: fcbarcelona

FC Barcelona - Andrés Iniesta overtakes Guillermo Amor
Iniesta, just like Amor in his day, is a shining example of the Barça Masia youth academy....
published: 26 Nov 2012
author: fcbarcelona
FC Barcelona - Andrés Iniesta overtakes Guillermo Amor
Iniesta, just like Amor in his day, is a shining example of the Barça Masia youth academy. He's on the verge of playing his 422nd competitive match for Barça to reach sixth place in the ranking of all-time Barça appearances.
- published: 26 Nov 2012
- views: 6583
- author: fcbarcelona

FC Barcelona - Messi: "The Champions League is a challenge every year"
Leo Messi believes that the Champions League is the team's principal objective because: "i...
published: 28 Nov 2012
author: fcbarcelona
FC Barcelona - Messi: "The Champions League is a challenge every year"
Leo Messi believes that the Champions League is the team's principal objective because: "it's the hardest to win, the best to play in and it's where the best teams are"
- published: 28 Nov 2012
- views: 3640
- author: fcbarcelona

FC Barcelona One Touch Football
don't forget to subscribe without black bars: vimeo.com I made this video over a year ago ...
published: 07 Jul 2012
author: MessiBarcaNL
FC Barcelona One Touch Football
don't forget to subscribe without black bars: vimeo.com I made this video over a year ago but it was blocked by uefa.. it had already 500.000 views.. Im uploading some old videos with black bars so they dont block it.. hopefully
- published: 07 Jul 2012
- views: 72798
- author: MessiBarcaNL

FC Barcelona AMAZING Tiki-Taka Skills in Training
Check out Barcelona doing what they do best in training, as they practice the rondo (piggy...
published: 05 Mar 2012
author: TheFootballDaily
FC Barcelona AMAZING Tiki-Taka Skills in Training
Check out Barcelona doing what they do best in training, as they practice the rondo (piggy in the middle) to perfect their tika-taka passing style. Barcelona midfielder Xavi has often talked about the importance of the training, saying- "It's all about rondos. Rondo, rondo, rondo. Every. Single. Day. It's the best exercise there is. You learn responsibility and not to lose the ball. If you lose the ball, you go in the middle. Pum-pum-pum-pum, always one touch. If you go in the middle, it's humiliating, the rest applaud and laugh at you." Subscribe here: www.youtube.com Where else to find The Football Daily... Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Buzzfeed: www.buzzfeed.com
- published: 05 Mar 2012
- views: 4728758
- author: TheFootballDaily

FC Barcelona - The Guardiola System 2008-2012 ||HD||
Check out my facebook page: www.facebook.com :) Hey guys, here is another video I've made ...
published: 19 Jul 2012
author: leboakatio
FC Barcelona - The Guardiola System 2008-2012 ||HD||
Check out my facebook page: www.facebook.com :) Hey guys, here is another video I've made for you hope you'll like it :) Never too late to say goodbye to the most amazing coach ever Pep Guardiola. This is a tribute to him.
- published: 19 Jul 2012
- views: 549002
- author: leboakatio

FC Barcelona - Entrenament 16/11/2012
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: fcbarcelona
FC Barcelona - Entrenament 16/11/2012
- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 38153
- author: fcbarcelona

FC Barcelona - El equipo prueba el césped del Luzhniki Stadium
La plantilla dirigida por Tito Vilanova ya ha experimentado la sensación de jugar sobre el...
published: 19 Nov 2012
author: fcbarcelona
FC Barcelona - El equipo prueba el césped del Luzhniki Stadium
La plantilla dirigida por Tito Vilanova ya ha experimentado la sensación de jugar sobre el terreno de juego de césped artificial del estadio del Spartak de Moscú
- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 80801
- author: fcbarcelona

FC Barcelona - 'Abidal, your struggle is our source of strength'
This is the title of Barça TV's report on the Frenchman, who is currently recovering from ...
published: 30 Oct 2012
author: fcbarcelona
FC Barcelona - 'Abidal, your struggle is our source of strength'
This is the title of Barça TV's report on the Frenchman, who is currently recovering from liver transplant surgery
- published: 30 Oct 2012
- views: 39817
- author: fcbarcelona

FC Barcelona - Xavi reckons "I've got a very good feeling" #CampNouLive (Part 2)
In the second part of the #CampNouLive ,the Catalan midfielder claims Tito Vilanova: "is d...
published: 23 Nov 2012
author: fcbarcelona
FC Barcelona - Xavi reckons "I've got a very good feeling" #CampNouLive (Part 2)
In the second part of the #CampNouLive ,the Catalan midfielder claims Tito Vilanova: "is doing an extraordinary job", whilst admitting he's been surprised by the boss' "personality and capacity for leadership"
- published: 23 Nov 2012
- views: 13026
- author: fcbarcelona

FC Barcelona - Iniesta superará a Amor
Andrés Iniesta superará a Guillermo Amor como el sexto jugador del Barça con más partidos...
published: 24 Nov 2012
author: fcbarcelona
FC Barcelona - Iniesta superará a Amor
Andrés Iniesta superará a Guillermo Amor como el sexto jugador del Barça con más partidos
- published: 24 Nov 2012
- views: 8156
- author: fcbarcelona

FC Barcelona - Guardiola's Era | The Official Movie 2012
Hello guys, after a month break I'm back to show you my new work "FC Barcelona - Guardiola...
published: 01 Jul 2012
author: ngasparyan7
FC Barcelona - Guardiola's Era | The Official Movie 2012
Hello guys, after a month break I'm back to show you my new work "FC Barcelona - Guardiola's Era." From the editor of "Lionel Messi - From an Ordinary Boy to a Legend". I worked a lot on this project so I hope that you will like it. In 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 season Barca lost everything ` Ronaldinho got injured and Barcelona became weaker team and after being destroyed in Santiago Bernabeu by Real Madrid "4-1", Frank Riikard was replaced by his assister Pep Guardiola and in season 2008-2009 Guardiola's Era started. Guardiola's Era was the best in Barcelona's history, in just 4 years Barca broke all possible and impossible records, won 14 titles, record "6-2" win against Real Madrid and then in 29th of November another record win against Real Madrid ` this time in Camp Nou "5-0". In the first year of managing Barca, Barca won six titles which was record in the history of football. In 2010-2011 season Barca was about to repeat its own record of 2009 but the defeat in Copa del Rey Final, didn't let them to do that. Unfortunately this season Barca lost the chance to win La Liga and Uefa Champions League. But as you know you have to fall down ` to have the desire to get up again. 2 weeks later they won Copa del Rey and that was another record for the club. And after all this Pep Guardiola announced that he is going to left the club. But I hope he will come back soon again to win new titles with the club. Gràcies Pep for everything!!! Special thanks to ` Michal Kotukov ...
- published: 01 Jul 2012
- views: 167760
- author: ngasparyan7
Vimeo results:

La Plaza del Pi
The times that one could walk naked in the streets of Barcelona are over.
Since May 2011 ...
published: 07 May 2010
author: Rein de Lege
La Plaza del Pi
The times that one could walk naked in the streets of Barcelona are over.
Since May 2011 it is even forbidden to walk around in town in bathing-clothes or without a shirt.
Here you can see an interesting video of another young lady at the same square;

Fuegos del Apóstol. 2011. Mapping Obradoiro. Oficial
Galardonado con el premio:
General de Producciones y Diseño, S...
published: 05 Aug 2011
author: vjspain.com
Fuegos del Apóstol. 2011. Mapping Obradoiro. Oficial
Galardonado con el premio:
General de Producciones y Diseño, S.A. (GDP) - VIII Centenario de la Conmemoración de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela
Mapping sobre la fachada del Obradoiro de la Catedral de Santiago de Compostela con motivo de su 800 Aniversario, marcando el inicio de las fiestas del Apóstol 2011.
Fachada de 100 metros de base por 70 de alta
Utilizamos 18 proyectores x 22 K (BARCO)
- Mapping Obradoiro on the facade of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela on the occasion of its 800th anniversary, marking the beginning of the celebrations of the Apostle 2011.
18 projectors x 22K
Una vez concluido el videomapping se quedaba funcionando una mesa táctil donde el público podía elegir la secuencia que más le gustaba y proyectarla.
El objeto del espectáculo es contar la historia de la catedral compostelana, su relación con la ciudad y con el Camino de Santiago. Hemos querido presentarlo, sin embargo, como un cuento visual, no como una lección de historia. No hay voz en off ni textos ni fechas. Hemos preferido recurrir a conceptos, a símbolos que se enlazan formando una continuidad visual.
Arrancamos en el Santiago antes de Santiago, en el Santiago pagano anterior a la llegada de los restos del apóstol. Imaginamos el lugar como un bosque salvaje representado por símbolos pre-cristianos y célticos. De repente, pasamos de lo sólido a lo líquido: el agua irrumpe en el bosque tridimensional: es el mar Mediterráneo por el que llega el cuerpo decapitado del apóstol sobre la barca de piedra. Los símbolos célticos se convierten en iconografía apostólica.
El legendario descubrimiento de los restos por el ermitaño Paio fue, en sí mismo, un espectáculo de luz y sonido. Nosotros reproducimos aquel milagro con los medios actuales. Incluso entramos dentro de la catedral por medio de un agujero (un efecto óptico) hasta llegar al interior del sepulcro para contemplar los restos. La catedral se transforma en el rostro del apóstol a lo que siguen varios efectos y juegos visuales
A partir de aquí contamos brevemente y de manera intuitiva la historia de las construcciones, destrucciones y reconstrucciones de la catedral: la iglesia pre-románica, la románica y la fachada barroca. Y en medio de esas reformas y re-edificaciones, reconstruiremos episodios como la destrucción de Almanzor, que nos permite ver la catedral “arder” mediante un efecto óptico que recrea un incendio con total realismo; o la revuelta de los burgueses compostelanos contra Xelmírez...
Finalizamos esta parte con el Camino y sus catedrales, recreadas ante los ojos de los espectadores. Y por supuesto, el Pórtico de la Gloria, la joya artística de la catedral, dando vida brevemente a sus personajes.
Una vez que hemos completado este breve recorrido por el tiempo de la catedral, hacemos otro por su espacio, a caballo del botafumeiro, entrando en las naves y las capillas, haciendo girar el edificio sobre su propio eje para observar las distintas fachadas... Para concluir en una apoteosis de fuegos artificiales que cierra el espectáculo.
Espectáculo diseñado y producido por GPD.
2ª Cámara.
"Oscar Corral Fotógrafo"

FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid 5-0 - Incredible Football
This video is about the game that Barcelona played against Real Madrid in the Camp Nou at ...
published: 29 Apr 2011
author: Abdullah Eid
FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid 5-0 - Incredible Football
This video is about the game that Barcelona played against Real Madrid in the Camp Nou at the end of November when Barcelona put in one of the best performances by a club side ever. Enjoy
Please Comment and Rate. On Nov 29,2010, Barca produced one of the best performances you will ever see in the 5-0 destruction of Real Madrid. Here are some of the clips of their great plays.
Futbol Club Barcelona, (often known simply as Barcelona and familiarly as Barça, is a Spanish professional football club, based in Barcelona, Spain. They play in La Liga, and is one of the only three clubs to have never been relegated.
Founded as Foot-Ball Club Barcelona in 1899 by a group of Swiss, English, and Spanish footballers led by Joan Gamper, the club has become a symbol of Catalan culture and Catalanism, hence the motto "Més que un club" (English: More than a club). The official Barça anthem is the "Cant del Barça" written by Jaume Picas and Josep Maria Espinàs. Unlike many other football clubs, the supporters own and operate Barcelona. It is the world's second richest football club in terms of revenue, with an annual turn-over of €366 million. The club holds a long-standing rivalry with Real Madrid, and matches between the two teams are referred to as "El Clásico".
FC Barcelona is the most successful club in Spanish football in terms of overall trophies, having won twenty La Liga titles, a record twenty-five Spanish Cups, nine Spanish Super Cups, and two League Cups. It is also one of the most successful clubs in European football, having won ten UEFA competitions. It is the only European club to have played continental football every season since 1955. In 2009, Barcelona became the first club in Spain to win the treble consisting of La Liga, Copa del Rey, and the Champions League. That same year, it also became the first football club ever to win six out of six competitions in a single year, thus completing the sextuple, comprising the aforementioned treble and the Spanish Super Cup, UEFA Super Cup and FIFA Club World Cup.
Related tags: Cristiano Ronaldo,Lionel Messi, Ronaldinho, Adebayor, Fabregas, Henry, Nani, Ricardo Quaresma, roullete, pana, nutmeg, rabona, kaka, benzema, toni, park ji sung, manchester champions league season 2007-2008, who, mejor, original, video, goles, hleb, alves, united,arsenal,chelsea,liverpool,gerrard ,ibrahimovic,robinho,real madrid,inter javiermora5, milano,portugal, france, cafe247, daum, korea, argentina, china, brazil, brasil, futbol, football,messi skill, messi skills, messi skills, mls, soccer, epl, la liga,india, pato, messi skills, skills, nikeshow07,milan,uefa champions, tevez league,barcelona,porto, the best of messi top 17 goals, top 15 goals, compilation, semifinal, 2nd leg, match, highlights, 29 april, Cristiano Ronaldo vs Lionel Messi "Who is the best ?" New!! goals, giggs, nutmeg, panna, caño, tunel, dribbles, skill, dribbling, javiermora5, updated, top 17, top 15, top 20, olympics beijing, youth, netherlands, 2005 world cup, messi skills, messi skills, kaka vs messi vs c. ronaldo

Nike - Mercurial directed by Edouard Salier
Director Edouard Salier
Production Paranoid US
Post production Digital District...
published: 29 Mar 2010
author: edouard salier
Nike - Mercurial directed by Edouard Salier
Director Edouard Salier
Production Paranoid US
Post production Digital District
Youtube results:

FC Barcelona - Rueda de prensa de Messi para EA Sports en el Camp Nou
Rueda de prensa íntegra del '10' azulgrana...
published: 22 Nov 2012
author: fcbarcelona
FC Barcelona - Rueda de prensa de Messi para EA Sports en el Camp Nou
Rueda de prensa íntegra del '10' azulgrana
- published: 22 Nov 2012
- views: 20395
- author: fcbarcelona

Barcelona Vs Psg 2-2 all goals & highlights
Barcelona Vs Psg 2-2 all goals & highlights Tags::real madrid vs barcelona 1-1 16.04.2011 ...
published: 04 Aug 2012
author: shootlava
Barcelona Vs Psg 2-2 all goals & highlights
Barcelona Vs Psg 2-2 all goals & highlights Tags::real madrid vs barcelona 1-1 16.04.2011 xavi hernandez la pelopina skill dribble andres iniesta victor valdes david villa lionel messi sergio busquets dani alves gerard pique fontas dos santos thiago alcantara la masia ballon dor tiki taka rooney 5-0 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 6-0 1-1 2-1 3-1 4-1 5-2 4-2 3-3 barcelona barca real madrid camp nou pedro goal passing leo blaugrana santander sevilla passing game panathinaikos zaragoza ceuta beautiful sevilla kazan camp nou free kick penalty complication new world cup holland germany chile paraguay eric abidal puyol keita yaya toure fc barcelona video HD how to make goal blaugrana 551 rihanna T-pain lil wayne justin bieber F50 la más ligera jugador rápido tv tox Oliver smith-Nimbus(Original mix) crush Schiller mit Mila Mar - Liebe (ATB Dub Remix) FC Barcelona vs RCD Espanyol 18.12.10 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Athletic Club 21.12.10 All goals and FC Barcelona vs Levante UD 02.01.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Athletic Club 05.01.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Deportivo 09.01.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Málaga CF 16.01.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Racing 23.01.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Hercules 30.01.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Athletico Madrid 06.02.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Sporting Gijón 13.02.11 All goals and highlights FC Barcelona vs Athletic Club 20.02.11 All ...
- published: 04 Aug 2012
- views: 904767
- author: shootlava

FC Barcelona - Barça Legends: Romario
This is the first installment of Barça TV's new series 'Barça Legends." The series will fo...
published: 14 Nov 2012
author: fcbarcelona
FC Barcelona - Barça Legends: Romario
This is the first installment of Barça TV's new series 'Barça Legends." The series will focus on the players that made an impact on FC Barcelona's recent history. First up, Romario
- published: 14 Nov 2012
- views: 46922
- author: fcbarcelona

FC Barcelona - Audi entrega els nous vehicles a l'equip de futbol
En l'acte els jugadors han participat amb nens socis i fills de socis en una sessió educat...
published: 21 Nov 2012
author: fcbarcelona
FC Barcelona - Audi entrega els nous vehicles a l'equip de futbol
En l'acte els jugadors han participat amb nens socis i fills de socis en una sessió educativa que pertany a les activitats de l'Escola d'Educació Vial d'Audi, Attitudes
- published: 21 Nov 2012
- views: 159346
- author: fcbarcelona