December 2012 Open Thread

Despite carbon tax, Australia is still not in the Stone Age.

Maurice Newman, former chairman of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, has the necessary lack of scientific qualifications to write about climate science in The Australian (Google “Losing their religion as evidence cools off”): So when in 1969 Paul Ehrlich claimed because of global cooling it was an even-money bet whether England would survive until the year…

The Australian’s War on Science 78

Graham Lloyd is back with a story headlined “Climate link to Sandy invalid” (Google the title if you want to read it).  As we’ve come to expect from The Australian the headline is contradicted by the story, with both scientists quoted agreeing that sea level rise caused by global warming had worsened the flooding from…

November 2012 Open Thread

It’s a new month!

Yale Environment 360 has damaged its credibility by publishing a piece by Fred Pearce claiming: When Rachel Carson’s sound case against the mass application of DDT as an agricultural pesticide morphed into blanket opposition to much smaller indoor applications to fight malaria, it arguably resulted in millions of deaths as the diseases resurged. But the…

October 2012 Open Thread

More thread.

Shameless self-promotion

Nominate Tim for a Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching and Supervision Excellence.

September 2012 Open Thread

Time for more thread.

August 2012 Open Thread

Still here. It seems the carbon tax has not destroyed the Australian economy. Phew!

Watch Peter Sinclair’s latest video: