Five Public Opinions

Politics, philosophy and slave morality from an agnostic atheist perspective

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Unknown author
The week in whackaloonery:1. A Catholic priest in the UK is shocked SHOCKED at the notion that the primary function of a hospital is the provision of medical care, and claims that if taxpayers don’t continue to foot the bill for “spiritual...
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Unknown author
. . . I feel the need to bathe myself in some science. A team at the University of Colorado, Boulder, shows us what it might look like to fall inside a black hole.Click here.(Personally, I prefer Kubrick’s version.)
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Unknown author
From his recent Online Opinion piece:So how does one get blacklisted?Quite easily.There are two ways to end up on the blacklist, either through direct channels or inadvertently. Currently, if I come across a website that I do not approve of either...
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Unknown author
March in March - 770 days ago
I will be here in spirit:WHATMarch in March is an upbeat event to give people an opportunity stand up, be heard, and hold the government accountable for their plans of forcing mandatory censorship on a very unwilling public.With a mix of live...
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Unknown author
Wikileaks, bitches - 771 days ago
WIKILEAKS WIKILEAKS WIKILEAKS WIKILEAKS WIKILEAKS WIKILEAKS WIKILEAKS WIKILEAKS WIKILEAKS WIKILEAKS WIKILEAKS WIKILEAKS“The first rule of censorship is that you cannot talk about censorship.” (Wikileaks, March 16 2009)Proudly brought to you...
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