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Anti-gay pundit: Write Huckabee's religion into the Constitution to protect the status quo from the courts

by PageOneQ

GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, seen by some as "too liberal," recently stated that the Constitution needs to be updated to match what he calls "God's standards."

Family Research Council's Tony Perkins and political analyst Lawrence O'Donnell sat down with MSNBC's Dan Abrams to discuss the recent stump speech, which Huckabee gave Tuesday night at the primaries in Warren, Michigan.

"I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution," Huckabee told his audience. "But I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And that's what we need to do, is to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards so it lines up with some contemporary view of how we treat each other, and how we treat their families."

"In my view, as a lawyer, that is dangerous language that he's applying," Abrams says.

Abrams suggests that Huckabee is getting a "free pass" from the media due to his being perceived as a nice guy, despite a radical platform that appears to include turning the Constitution into a "religious document."

Perkins calls Huckabee's stance a "no-brainer;" while it comes off as radical, America, as he puts it, a Judeo-Christian nation, ought to bring its founding documnet in line with what he says is God's word, particularly on matters of a woman's right to choose and a couple's right to marry.

"He's simply responding," says Perkins, "to an effort that's been [underway] for nearly fifty years to remove God and people who acknowledge Him from the public square."

Perkins asks, "What's more troubling, Dan: Huckabee saying that we should have--reflect in our Constitution biblical standards of life and marriage--which, by the way, our nation has held throughout most of its history--or, a candidate who subscribes to Darwin's theory of evolution and 'survival of the fittest' proposing a health care program?"

"Tony," Abrams scoffs, "even you know that--even if you disagree with it, how radical what you just said is."

O'Donnell opines that Huckabee's comments make him sound "quacky," and asks Perkins if the Ten Commandments should be the next ten amendments to the Constitution.

"If Huckabee is saying he wants his religion encoded in the Constitution," O'Donnell asks, "why would he stop at these two things?"

It's a matter of preserving the status quo and protecting it from the courts, responds Perkins, when it comes to the definition of marriage and abortion, which, as he puts it, was "imposed on the nation" in 1973.

The entire exchange is available below for viewing, as broadcast on MSNBC's Live with Dan Abrams on Wednesday, January 16, 2008.


Originally published on Thursday January 17, 2008.

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