Vote for Jesus!

26 10 2008

Via the comments at Pharyngula.

If it’s Sunday, it must be Bowie

15 06 2008

Assorted David Bowie clips, in chronological order.

1968: “When I’m Five” (from the short film Love You Til Tuesday)

1969: “Space Oddity” (David Bowie)
Read the rest of this entry »

The Audacity of Bitch

21 05 2008

Loving Jesus too much can give you a serious case of Tourettes (or is this just what they mean by “speaking in tongues”?).

“I come in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit . . . bitch!”

Massive HT to Lance1977. Read the rest of this entry »

Computer says no.

10 04 2008


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