- published: 26 Mar 2018
- views: 2586
Wiesloch is a city in Germany, in northern Baden-Württemberg. It is situated 13 kilometres south of Heidelberg. After Weinheim, Sinsheim and Leimen it is the fourth largest city of the Rhein-Neckar-Kreis and is in the north-central area near Heidelberg with its neighbouring town Walldorf. Also in the vicinity of Wiesloch are the cities and towns of Dielheim, Malsch (bei Wiesloch), Mühlhausen, Rauenberg and Sankt Leon-Rot.
During the reformation of the area in the 1970s Wiesloch's inhabitants exceeded 20,000. Wiesloch became a "Große Kreisstadt" on January 1, 1973, when Altwiesloch, Baiertal, Frauenweiler and Schatthausen were joined with the town of Wiesloch to form the present municipality.
Wiesloch is a twin town of:
The fossil remains of the oldest hummingbird found to date, Eurotrochilus inexpectatus, were found in a clay pit at Frauenweiler. This bird lived during the Early Oligocene (30 mya), when the area had a humid, subtropical climate similar to the northern Caribbean today.
Mobil-Reporterin Aita Koha ist in Wiesloch unterwegs. Es gibt viel zu entdecken in der Satdt zwischen Reben, Wald und Autobahnen, direkt neben Walldorf.
In Baden-Württemberg leiden knapp 250.000 Menschen unter einem nächtlichen Lärmpegel von mehr als 55 Dezibel. Der SWR will mit seiner Mitmachaktion "Hier ist es zu laut" auf diese Missstände aufmerksam machen. Aus Wiesloch bei Heidelberg haben sich Anwohner gemeldet, von dort haben wir bei unserer Aktion Abgasalarm schon einmal berichtet. Seitdem hat sich die Situation für die Betroffenen aber keinen Deut verbessert. Fan werden bei Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/landesschau.bw Offizielle Homepage: http://www.SWR.de/landesschau-bw Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/swr_heimat_bw/ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/landesschau
Baden-Württemberg eyaletinin Wiesloch kentinde dün akşam saatlerinde bir Türk kökenli aileye aşırı sağcılar tarafından „Heil Hitler“ ve „Almanya Almanlara aittir“ sloganları eşliğinde fiziksel saldırı düzenlendiği haberini aldık ve bugün sebepsiz saldırılara maruz kalan Kog Ailesine ziyarette bulunduk. Yapmış olduğu „Almanyanın ana sorunu göç“ açıklamasıyla göçmeneleri aşırı sağcılara hedef gösterip, nefret tohumlarını bizzat kendisi eken Almanya Federal Cumhuriyeti Içişleri Bakanı Horst Seehofer bu ve bundan sonraki her bu tür olayın sorumlusudur! Sırf dış görünüme bakarak ırkçı saldırılarını gerçeklestiren aşırı sağcılar saldırıda bulundukları kişilerin hangi Vatandaşlık mensubu olduklarına bakmaksızın yabancı gördükleri herkesi düşman olarak görmektedir. Neticede bu tür olayların önü...
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G= Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten. Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Ein Spaziergang durch Wiesloch am 7.12.2018 der neue Kreisel an der alten Post, Bachgasse , Hauptstrasse , Abriss Kaufhaus Dannheimer
Unser Rundgang durch die Grosse Kreisstadt Wiesloch (Rhein-Neckar-Kreis - Baden Württemberg) führt uns u.a. zum Runden Turm und den Resten der mittelalterlichen Stadtbefestigung. Weitere Besichtigungsziele sind der Freihof und die St.-Laurentius-Kirche. Einzelheiten: siehe Untertitel
1986 eine Fahrt von Nussloch nach Wiesloch und durch Wiesloch
Wiesloch is a city in Germany, in northern Baden-Württemberg. It is situated 13 kilometres south of Heidelberg. After Weinheim, Sinsheim and Leimen it is the fourth largest city of the Rhein-Neckar-Kreis and is in the north-central area near Heidelberg with its neighbouring town Walldorf. Also in the vicinity of Wiesloch are the cities and towns of Dielheim, Malsch (bei Wiesloch), Mühlhausen, Rauenberg and Sankt Leon-Rot.
During the reformation of the area in the 1970s Wiesloch's inhabitants exceeded 20,000. Wiesloch became a "Große Kreisstadt" on January 1, 1973, when Altwiesloch, Baiertal, Frauenweiler and Schatthausen were joined with the town of Wiesloch to form the present municipality.
Wiesloch is a twin town of:
The fossil remains of the oldest hummingbird found to date, Eurotrochilus inexpectatus, were found in a clay pit at Frauenweiler. This bird lived during the Early Oligocene (30 mya), when the area had a humid, subtropical climate similar to the northern Caribbean today.
But are you free when things don't come easy?
Is there a peace to breathe you anyway?
Honestly, do you get the feeling that those who you meet believe you know the way?
And now I see it,
You couldn't hide it,
Would you believe it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
It isn't me when I look into the sky,
Can't help but think I'd meet you any day,
Wanna be one who's really confident when there's a need to be put on display.
And now I see it,
You couldn't hide it,
Would you believe it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
And now I see it.
And now I see it,
You couldn't hide it,
Would you believe it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
And now I see it,
You couldn't hide it,
Would you believe it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah....