TGA Podcast: Episode 199 1/2

TGA Podcast: Episode 199 1/2

This week, my special guest is Vyckie Garrisson, founder of "No Longer Quivering", a movement aimed at helping victims of spiritual abuse. She joins me to talk about her past in th ...

TGA Podcast: Episode 199

TGA Podcast: Episode 199

This week, Ryan joins me for a general news show, where we discuss the death of Savita Halappanavar, who was denied a life saving abortion because of Catholic superstition. Also on ...

TGA Podcast: Episode 198

TGA Podcast: Episode 198

This week, my special guest is author, linguist, and podcaster Karen Stollznow. On the show, we discuss the dangers of faith healing and other dangerous pseudoscience, her upcoming ...

TGA Podcast: Episode 197

TGA Podcast: Episode 197

This week, I offer you guys a sneak peek at my upcoming "The Essentials DVD" by featuring an interview with yours truly. I talk about the early beginnings of The Good Atheist, my b ...

TGA Podcast: Episode 196

TGA Podcast: Episode 196

This week, my special guest is Dr. Andy Thomson, author of the book Why We Believe in Gods, and a psychiatrist with his own private practice in Charlottesville, VA. When he's not a ...

TGA Podcast: Episode 195

TGA Podcast: Episode 195

This week, my guest is fellow podcaster Geroge Hrab of the Geologic Podcast. We discuss the pros and cons of Internet stardom, Why Iron Man is better than Batman, and how we can ch ...

TGA Podcast: Episode 194

TGA Podcast: Episode 194

This week, part 2 of our Bible Stories Book of Samuel, featuring David, his bromance with Jonathan, the fight with Goliath, and King Saul tries to kill him. Come and get your fix! ...

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