
Repent Campaign

We are continuing the Repent Campaign this December by asking you, our members, to participate in dialogue with Fundamentalist thought leaders. First, we need you to vote on the Fundamentalists you think most deserve our attention right now in this political moment. We have a range of people, from anti-choice activists to those supporting racist interventions in the politics of other countries. We have worked with, challenged, and shown up for dialogue with many on the list.
Second, we need you to submit your story. The 12 winners of the vote will receive a parcel including your stories and Soulforce resources this December. As they take stock of this year, we want them to remember the voices of LGBTQ people in all our complex identities and visions of justice.
And third, we need you to donate this holiday season. End of year giving is a tradition for many, and we hope that you will consider how we use the power of personal story, the bravery of Soulforce and our allies to address Fundamentalists, and the need for continuing education and outreach.

Thanks for Voting!

We asked you to name who among Fundamentalists you think are most powerful and important to work with. Here are the results in order of number of votes:

  • 1. Rev. Dr. Rick warren
  • 2. Jim Daly of Focus on the Family
  • 3. Rev. Joel Osteen
  • 4. Dr. Alveda King
  • 5. Alan Chambers of Exodus
  • 6. Lou Engle of the International House of Prayer
  • 7. Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage
  • 8. Bishop T.D. Jakes
  • 9. Dr. Julie Hamilton of NARTH
  • 10. Pastor Bill Hybels
  • 11. Christopher Yuan, and Ex-Gay Movement Leader
  • 12. Bishop Eddie Long

Now submit your story to be included in our holiday packages to the winners!

Submit Your Story
(Click Here!)

What would you tell any or all of the Fundamentalist thought leaders in the U.S. if you could sit in a room with them? What is your vision of LGBTQ justice? What is your story as an LGBTQ or allied person?

This is your chance to have a voice and articulate what reconciliation feels like for you. We encourage nonviolent language and a spirit of creating community with your words.

Deadline December 10th.

(Click Here!)

Can you make a donation today to support the Repent Campaign? Soulforce is committed to relentlessly reaching out to and standing firm on our commitment to dialogue and change. A donation of $100 will cover the printing, resources, and shipping to each of the 12 winners in of the vote. Thank you for supporting Soulforce in going where other organizations do not go and having the conversations no one else will.

Make your gift by December 31st!

Vote, submit your story, or make a donation of $25 or more and receive an entry for each in our Ipad Mini 32Gig WITH Otterbox Cover Giveaway on December 15th! For each gift of $25 received online or in our office by December 12th, you will be entered in the drawing. For example, a gift of $200 equals 8 entries!

Soulforce is committed to freedom for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people from religious and political oppression through relentless nonviolent resistance. As we enter our second decade of work, we invite you to join our movement.

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Become a Soulforce Delegate!
The Soulforce Delegate Program recruits participants from all over the country. Each participant undergoes rigorous training on the principles of nonviolence as it relates to social justice issues. Learn More Here! >>

Recent Event...

Soulforce participates in MedMob (Meditation Mob) Event

MedMob is a global community coming together in meditation, open to people from all walks of life, inspired to anchor peace in public places and bring harmony to every corner of the Earth.

MedMob meets in silent meditation at high traffic areas around the city to promote meditatio n as a means to self discovery.


Why Religion?

We recognize that oppression is most often rooted in religious belief and ideologies of power in which women, people of color and non-gender conforming (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer) people are subjugated and subjected to the violence of exclusion.  You will find us most often in dialogue with religious leaders, denominations and institutions who discriminate in polity, policy or practice.  We are committed to decriminalization of sexual minorities by all church and state sanctioned organizations worldwide.

Read more about why our work focuses on religious based oppression »

Get State of Religion Reports >>

From the Store

What the Bible Says-and Doesn’t Say-about Homosexuality

A 24-page booklet written by the Rev. Dr. Mel White that offers a biblical response to the question people often ask: “How can you consider yourself a Christian when you are also gay?” Get It Now! >>
Read it Online!(click here)

join our mailing list.

Get involved and learn what you can do to help! We’ll send you information on our campaigns, invite you to participate with us, provide actions you can take for justice, and send pictures, video, and articles your way.

News to know

Dec. 12th - To Ugandan MPs: God does not discriminate among our family

Dec. 11th - WATCH: Ricky Martin to Join LGBT Human Rights Celebration at UN

Dec. 8th - The Story of My Reconciliation: William Woods

External Newsreels

from...Christian Post

Children's Bible Club Delivers 6th Millionth Lesson

Texas Pastor Holds Class on Concealed Carry at Church

John Piper Reflects on 30-Year Ministry: Warns Pastors to Avoid Stereotypes


The Fabulous Beekman Boys and Cast of 'The Amazing Race' Send Encouragement to Gay Teen

Congratulations to Rev. David Weekley, Northwest Gender Alliance's Man of the Year

Facebook Stories Shares Essay On Coming Out As Transgender

from...Human Rights Campaign

Update: Military Spouses Group That Rejected Wife of Lesbian Servicemember Responds

Morehouse College to Offer LGBT History Course

New Poll: Support for Marriage Equality Sees 21-Point Jump in Last Eight Years

THE BLOG: What we're reading, thinking, doing

all | columns | updates | national actions | equality ride

The Story of My Reconciliation: William Woods

William Woods

from William Woods, story submitted as part of the Repent Campaign 2012 Whenever I try to write out my thoughts in response to a request by someone, I strive to be as honest & accurate as I can be.  The challenge is always that none of us is completely honest or accurate.  Depending on our …

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A Minister’s Coming Out Story

Repent Campaign 2012 graphic

A Minister’s Coming Out Story Soulforce is focusing on the power of story.  Personal witness helped us get in the doors of Focus on the Family and a dozen conservative colleges this year. Not many organizations can say they get an invitation like that! Below we share with you the story of Reverend Vincent Gonzalez, …

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Now Let’s Hear from A Soulforce Luminary in Maryland


We want to introduce you to Cris Elkins, a Soulforcer from the very beginning who, along with his partner Gene Hannold, has been on more vigil lines, sung more protest songs, and marched more miles than we can count. As part of our ongoing series focusing on Soulforce leaders of all ages and sharing the …

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Does Equality Threaten The Sanctity of Marriage?


Article by Jeff Freeman Opponents of marriage equality often cite the need to protect the sanctity of marriage as reason for denying gay couples their right to equal protection under the law, yet there is no credible evidence that gay marriage has any influence on heterosexual marriage, let alone poses any real threat.  If it is …

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