Larissa Waters launches "too precious to lose" COAG campaign

With COAG meeting this week to advance its plans to hand the Federal Government's environmental protection powers to the States, the Australian Greens are holding a week of action to stand up for the places that are too precious to lose.


Parliament votes on Afghan pull out

The House of Representatives divided today on a Greens motion to set a date for the safe return of Australian troops from Afghanistan.  This is the first time the House of Representatives has voted on the deployment of troops in Afghanistan.


Australia should be supporting UN recognition of Palestine

Australia, as a newly elected member of the UN Security Council and a country which ostensibly supports a peaceful two-state solution, should vote for recognition of Palestine as a non-member state observer at the United Nations this week, rather than abstaining.


Greens introduce bill to restore Territories rights to legislate for voluntary euthanasia

Australian Greens health spokesperson, Senator Richard Di Natale, will today introduce the Restoring Territory Rights (Voluntary Euthanasia Legislation) Bill 2012, which would overturn a 15 year old private member’s bill by Kevin Andrews that banned the Northern Territory and ACT from legislating dying with dignity laws.
