
Why Root My Android Smartphone?
Why Root My Android Smartphone? This video explains what rooting can do for your Android s...
published: 04 Nov 2011
Why Root My Android Smartphone?
Why Root My Android Smartphone? This video explains what rooting can do for your Android smartphone. Also see: Android Root 101 - How to Fix Bootloops/Brick: www.youtube.com What Does Rooting Android Mean? www.youtube.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I use Canon 7D for recording most of my YouTube videos, for my setup, see here: www.youtube.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Why You Should Choose Android Over iPhone/iOS: www.youtube.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Want to contact me? Add me on: GooglePlus: plus.google.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you like this video, please CLICK on the link below to subscribe to my YouTube channel, THANKS A TON BUD, I OWE YOU ONE! www.youtube.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
published: 04 Nov 2011

What is Root? ( Android )
*Newb explanation* Me Explaining what "root" on Android devices is, in the easie...
published: 25 Jul 2010
What is Root? ( Android )
*Newb explanation* Me Explaining what "root" on Android devices is, in the easiest way I can, by showing you guys through video. ______________________________________________ GamerCore: www.Twitter.com www.YouTube.com ______________________________________________ Music: Pillows by AloysiusRexford on NewGrounds My Twitter: Vinny_Modi
published: 25 Jul 2010
author: XXVitalEagleXX

Why Root Android? Top 10 Reasons
Written article: www.phonebuff.com In this video, I share with you the top 10 reasons for ...
published: 14 Jun 2012
Why Root Android? Top 10 Reasons
Written article: www.phonebuff.com In this video, I share with you the top 10 reasons for rooting your Android phone. I know a lot of you have either rooted or are considering rooting your phone, so I wanted to make a quick video talking about the advantages. Root is also referred to as root access or root permissions. Some people call it jailbreaking, but this applies more so to iOS and WP7. The top 10 reasons to root your Android phone are: 1) Wifi tethering 2) Overclock the processor 3) Custom ROMs and Kernels 4) Complete customization 5) Early updates to Android version 6) Remove bloatware 7) Take screen shots (for pre Android 4.0 devices) 8) Root only apps 9) Better backup 10) Because you can! I don't know about you, but just WiFi tethering, overclocking, and early updates are enough to convince me to root my phone. Add custom ROMs, removal of bloatware, and those awesome root only apps and I think most of you would want to root. Of course there is a down side. Rooting your phone does pose the risk of bricking your phone if you do it wrong (as in, your phone won't work anymore) and also voids the manufacturer warranty. You can flash back to stock (take away root) and most of the times manufacturers can't tell, but its still a risk. Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Website: www.phonebuff.com
published: 14 Jun 2012
author: PhoneBuff

Deftones - "Root"
video from their "B-sides and Rarities" album...lol please note tht im am just s...
published: 06 Aug 2006
Deftones - "Root"
video from their "B-sides and Rarities" album...lol please note tht im am just supporting this band with videos i ripped from the DVD..i am not taking credit for any of the work by Deftones all rights are reserved by Deftones and Maverick Records Thank you
published: 06 Aug 2006
author: kobrakaiX

Android - Why To Root And Popular Rooted Apps Part 1!
Find out why YOU may want to root your android phone here! Part 2: www.youtube.com See The...
published: 01 Mar 2012
Android - Why To Root And Popular Rooted Apps Part 1!
Find out why YOU may want to root your android phone here! Part 2: www.youtube.com See The *full* Show! ★ www.youtube.com ★ WAY ➚ What is WAY? - See way.tgn.tv Subscribe to my personal channel to be entered in give aways! Personal Channel www.youtube.com Live Stream: www.Twitch.tv Twitter: www.twitter.com Join the conversation at tgn.tv Tell us what you think in the comments below. Click "Like" and "Add to... Favorites" if you like this video! =-=-=-= Music by Farhan! — See Farhan.tgn.tv =-=-=-= ★ TGN Social http ★ What is TGN? what.tgn.tv ★ TGN Times http ★ TGN on Facebook www.facebook.com ★ TGN on Twitter twitter.com ★ We Are YouTube - WAY! way.tgn.tv
published: 01 Mar 2012
author: Technology

Pauly - but I root
Best way to get out of trouble is to let them know you root. And everything will be fine....
published: 12 Apr 2011
Pauly - but I root
Best way to get out of trouble is to let them know you root. And everything will be fine.
published: 12 Apr 2011
author: MrPauly1992

What Is Android Rooting? Rooting Benefits And Reasons To Root Your Android Device
androidcritics.com Please Subscribe! http Email: androidcritics@gmail.com...
published: 05 Apr 2012
What Is Android Rooting? Rooting Benefits And Reasons To Root Your Android Device
androidcritics.com Please Subscribe! http Email: androidcritics@gmail.com
published: 05 Apr 2012
author: androidcritics

How To - Root Your Android Phone (SuperOneClick Method) - www.TheUnlockr.com
David from TheUnlockr.com shows you how to root most Android phones with a simple one clic...
published: 11 Oct 2010
How To - Root Your Android Phone (SuperOneClick Method) - www.TheUnlockr.com
David from TheUnlockr.com shows you how to root most Android phones with a simple one click program. Check out www.TheUnlockr.com for all the latest phone news, review, how to's, and more! PLEASE LEAVE ALL QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS ON THEUNLOCKR.COM UNDER THIS VIDEO ON OUR SITE AND WE WILL TRY TO GET BACK TO YOU ASAP THERE!
published: 11 Oct 2010
author: MobileUnlimited

Why should you Root your Android device?
WHY ROOT YOUR PHONE? So YOU CAN DO THIS! youtu.be I did it! I went and got pink braces, ev...
published: 09 Apr 2012
Why should you Root your Android device?
WHY ROOT YOUR PHONE? So YOU CAN DO THIS! youtu.be I did it! I went and got pink braces, even though I almost chickened out! www.youtube.com This took FOREVER to upload! twitter.com Just watch and see! www.filehippo.com www.filehippo.com My FULL Titanium Backup Pro Review - goo.gl Videos of my Daughter's Cerebral Palsy progress www.youtube.com Wireless Tether For Root Users - goo.gl code.google.com Trials Evolution Xbox 360 www.redlynx.com My 2nd YouTube Channel www.youtube.com Follow me on Twitter for updates please! twitter.com
published: 09 Apr 2012
author: wwjoshdew

How to Root Galaxy S3!
Here's how to root your Galaxy S3 GT-i9300! This is very "safe" root method,...
published: 09 Jun 2012
How to Root Galaxy S3!
Here's how to root your Galaxy S3 GT-i9300! This is very "safe" root method, installs CWM recovery and roots. See update root method here: www.youtube.com Download and Step-by-step instructions with photos here: galaxys3root.com For AT&T, T-Mobile, or Sprint, please see this root method instead: www.youtube.com Credits to Chainfire on XDA: forum.xda-developers.com For Mac OSX, please see How to Root Galaxy S3 on Mac OSX here: galaxys3root.com For Linux/Ubuntu, please see How to Root Galaxy S3 on Linux/Ubuntu here: galaxys3root.com How to Root Sprint or T-Mobile Galaxy S3? Here: galaxys3root.com If you accidentally followed method in this video and encounter kies error, just run the sprint/tmobile over it for fix, above link to vid. See Galaxy S3 Unboxing here: www.youtube.com Need to get "really" high on Android? Check out my other YouTube channel where I upload more stuff for people who need to stay high longer: www.youtube.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ High On Android T-shirts available here: store.highonandroid.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I use Canon 7D for recording most of my YouTube videos, for my setup, see here: www.youtube.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Why You Should Choose Android Over iPhone/iOS: www.youtube.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Why You Should Root Your Android: www.youtube.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Want to contact me? Add me on <b>...</b>
published: 09 Jun 2012
author: zedomax

Why Root Your Android Phone (featuring Samsung Galaxy S2)
In this video, I listed a few reasons as to why I like rooting my Galaxy S2. Hope you enjo...
published: 03 Feb 2012
Why Root Your Android Phone (featuring Samsung Galaxy S2)
In this video, I listed a few reasons as to why I like rooting my Galaxy S2. Hope you enjoy the video and subscribe to my channel if you like the content. Follow @ weeklytech123 Guidance on rooting : - www.xda-developers.com - Look for youtuber "zedomax"
published: 03 Feb 2012
author: Stephen C
Youtube results:

How to Root - Kindle Fire 6.2.2 BurritoRoot3
VVV Show More VVV ***NOTICE if your on software version 6.3 use the link below to go to my...
published: 29 Jan 2012
How to Root - Kindle Fire 6.2.2 BurritoRoot3
VVV Show More VVV ***NOTICE if your on software version 6.3 use the link below to go to my new video www.youtube.com ============ Additional Kindle Videos ============ how to sideload apps (no root required) www.youtube.com how to root software version 6.2.1 www.youtube.com how to root software version 6.2.2 www.youtube.com how to root software version 6.3 www.youtube.com how to install android market www.youtube.com how to flash twrp custom recovery www.youtube.com how to install custom rom (cm7) www.youtube.com how to flash miui rom www.youtube.com how to install thumb keyboard www.youtube.com how to resize internal storage www.youtube.com ============ Thanks ============ jcase donate to him here: market.android.com ============ Disclaimer ============ This proccess can be dangerous if you do not know what you are doing. I am not responsible for anything happening to your device after watching this video. ============ FAQs ============ Nothing shows up when I type adb devices, what can I do? First, reboot ur kindle and computer and try installing the driver again, following the same procedure. Ive heard reports that reinstalling the driver multiple times has worked. Second, if it still wont work, go to the video linked below and try installing the driver manually following that procedure. www.youtube.com Third, if that doesnt work, then there might be something wrong with your computer or kindle setup. If you did everything else right, then it should be working. So <b>...</b>
published: 29 Jan 2012
author: nat3mil

How To Root Phone Simple One Click (Z4 root Tutorial)
FOLLOW FaceBook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Google +: plus.google.com Instructi...
published: 23 Jan 2011
How To Root Phone Simple One Click (Z4 root Tutorial)
FOLLOW FaceBook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Google +: plus.google.com Instructions: *by attempting to do this you are voiding your warranty. z4 root works best on Motorola phones. If your updated your droid x to gingerbread update to must flash the sbf file back to stock before update for z4 root to work. 1.download z4root app. www.droidxforums.com 2.Open z4root and click on temporary root. It should start saying running exploits and saving file. It will tell you when its rooted. If it does not work within first 2-5 minutes back out of the app and try again. 3. Open z4root again and click on permanent root. Its will say the same things such as running exploits and saving file. If it takes a couple minutes don't panic its just taking a little time to install everything. Once done your phone should reboot. note: go inside your app draw and see if you have the superuser app. If you have this app you are now officially rooted. 4. Done. Rate and subscribe :) Running on 2.2 froyo Compatible Backflip Sony X10 Xperia Mini Droid 2 Galaxy Tab Galaxy I5700 Galaxy 3 I5800 Droid X Droid 1 (2.2) Samsung Acclaim Cricket Huawei Ascend Compatible ADDED from viewers Droid Eris LG Optimus One Incompatible or Unknown so far: Desire (requires nand unlock) Desire HD (requires nand unlock) Magic (unknown) Evo (requires nand unlock) G2 (requires nand unlock) Archos 70 (unknown) myTouch 3G (unknown) Droid1 (older firmware) Wildfire Droid Incredible Samsung Galaxy S Most HTC devices <b>...</b>
published: 23 Jan 2011
author: justinball9709

Alex Haley 'ROOTS' ~ Part 1 of 6
Alex Haley 'ROOTS' ~ Part 1 of 6 Complete Series as Aired in 1977 Uninterrupted Ru...
published: 06 Nov 2011
Alex Haley 'ROOTS' ~ Part 1 of 6
Alex Haley 'ROOTS' ~ Part 1 of 6 Complete Series as Aired in 1977 Uninterrupted Run Time: 1 hour 36 minutes
published: 06 Nov 2011
author: AlexHaleyRoots