Freedom of religion and freedom from religion 
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Concerned about the influence of religion in Australian government?

The Secular Party of Australia is the first and only Australian political party whose chief objective is a liberal, secular democracy for this country. We want all Australians to enjoy freedom of and from religion.

Unlike the other parties the Secular Party is:

  • Both socially and economically liberal
  • The only party which stands for comprehensive secularism and true separation of Church and State
    The only party that stands for comprehensive secularism. We fight for the separation of religion from state institutions, impartiality between religions and the protection of human rights from violation on the basis of religious doctrine.

For more information visit our policies page and read our recent media releases.

The Secular Party of Australia became a federally registered political party in the months before the 2010 federal election. Now we are growing and plan to achieve registration for state elections.

You can help us stand for your interests by:

With or without religion, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion. - Steven Weinberg



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