Greg Nash

Boehner goes on a PR blitz to counter Obama in deficit talks

Molly K. Hooper - 12/04/12 05:00 AM ET

The media blitz is aimed at maximizing Boehner’s negotiating power in the debt talks.…
House GOP makes a $2.2 trillion debt counteroffer to Obama on cliff

Russell Berman - 12/03/12 08:17 PM ET

Boehner's offer includes $800 billion in new tax revenue as well as spending cuts and entitlement reforms.…

Related: White House: Time for Republicans to make counteroffer

Related: Reid: Boehner’s proposal ‘flunks the test of balance’

Top House conservative cancels plans to unveil alternate deficit proposal

Erik Wasson - 12/04/12 10:41 AM ET

Rep. Jim Jordan cancelled an event to announce his own plan, in the wake of House leaderships $2.2 trillion offer.…
DeMint slams Boehner counteroffer

Daniel Strauss - 12/04/12 09:37 AM ET

DeMint charged that Boehner's proposal would "destroy American jobs" and permit more government spending.…
GOP ousts lawmakers from plum posts

Peter Schroeder - 12/03/12 07:45 PM ET

The decisions are already sparking outcry from Republican lawmakers and conservatives off Capitol Hill. …
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McConnell's moves box in House GOP

Alexander Bolton - 12/04/12 05:00 AM ET

McConnell decided against a filibuster on the July vote to extend tax rates only on income below $250,000.…
UN disabilities treaty expected to fail in Senate amid GOP opposition

Julian Pecquet - 12/04/12 05:00 AM ET

Senate Republicans are expected on Tuesday to reject an international treaty affirming the rights of people with disabilities.…
Four more years for DNC chief

Cameron Joseph and Daniel Strauss - 12/03/12 08:02 PM ET

Wasserman Schultz will seek to replicate Democrats’ 2012 winning formula under much tougher circumstances.…
Cuomo gets no firm assurances on Sandy aid from federal government

Erik Wasson - 12/03/12 07:44 PM ET

Gov. Cuomo pressed Congress and the White House for $80 billion for recovery efforts from Hurricane Sandy.…
Reid says Boehner plan would raise taxes on middle class

Russell Berman

12/04/12 11:03 AM ET

Senate leader insists finding $800 billon from tax deductions would have to hit middle class. …
Poll finds majority would blame GOP if deficit negotiations fail

Jonathan Easley

12/04/12 09:10 AM ET

Fifty-three percent would blame Republicans and 27 percent Obama if the nation goes over the "fiscal cliff," a poll finds.…
Conservative groups lash out at GOP's 'fiscal cliff' counteroffer

Jonathan Easley

12/03/12 08:17 PM ET

Americans for Prosperity, a conservative group partially funded by the billionaire Koch brothers, called Boehner's counteroffer disappointing.…
Former Gov. Whitman sees turning tide for Republican centrists

Ben Geman

12/04/12 05:00 AM ET

She’s tough on Republicans who bashed New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) for praising President Obama.…
Report: Holder’s chief of staff to leave DOJ

Meghashyam Mali

12/04/12 07:59 AM ET

A DOJ official said Gary Grindler's departure was unrelated to GOP criticism over his role in "Fast and Furious."…
White House rejects GOP offer as 'nothing new,' unbalanced

Justin Sink

12/03/12 05:03 PM ET

The White House blasted a counteroffer from House Republicans on debt talks as failing to "meet the test of balance." …
Report: Bloomberg asked Hillary Clinton to run for New York mayor

Meghashyam Mali

12/04/12 07:20 AM ET

Clinton, the focus of 2016 speculation, made clear that she was not interested in the mayor’s office, the report said.…

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