- published: 16 Dec 2011
- views: 1704757
- author: GakAttack

Jedi Ninjas Ft. Team2X
Facebook it: on.fb.me | Tweet it: bit.ly 'Jedi Ninjas' a Team2X production. Produced by Ja...
published: 16 Dec 2011
author: GakAttack
Jedi Ninjas Ft. Team2X
Facebook it: on.fb.me | Tweet it: bit.ly 'Jedi Ninjas' a Team2X production. Produced by James Mark and Yung Lee (GakAttack). Directed by James Mark and Justin Lovell. Concept &. Action Designed by and Featuring Team2x. Visual FX by Yung Lee (GakAttack) Jedi Ninjas was developed as a passion project to recreate the current style of Star Wars action seen in video games into live action. This style often combines elements of Force powers with the use lightsaber combat. As there are no upcoming live action Star Wars movies to this date, this was a project to make many of the fans' dreams into a reality. Team 2X is a professional martial arts performance consisting of members with experience in Hollywood films and television. With their unique talent in creating mind blowing fight sequences and GakAttack's passion for combining Visual FX with Martial Arts action. Jedi Ninjas became the result of this collaboration. Team2X's Channel: www.youtube.com GakAttack's Channel: www.youtube.com Special thanks to Lucas Arts for creating something so special in a galaxy far far away. Thanks also goes to IGN for helping figure out what to name this vid and helping it get out there: www.youtube.com
- published: 16 Dec 2011
- views: 1704757
- author: GakAttack

How Return Of The Jedi Should Have Ended
The Trilogy is complete! Enjoy HISHE's take on the final episode of the Star Wars saga, Re...
published: 25 Jan 2012
author: HISHEdotcom
How Return Of The Jedi Should Have Ended
The Trilogy is complete! Enjoy HISHE's take on the final episode of the Star Wars saga, Return of the Jedi. If you want to read more about the short, you can find the bio on our website. www.howitshouldhaveended.com Thanks for watching! Get your HISHE shirts now: howitshouldhaveended.spreadshirt.com We're also on Facebook www.facebook.com Leave us a comment and spread the love by subscribing to our channel and/or give us a 'thumbs up'! For more, go to www.howitshouldhaveended.com Guest Voice work and Special Thanks go to Brock Baker. http Congratulations to Matt Massery! As the grand prize winner of the HISHE Cameo Sweepstakes, he wins a cameo appearance in our first HISHE episode of the new year: How The Return Of The Jedi Should Have Ended. Thanks again to all who entered!
- published: 25 Jan 2012
- views: 3361290
- author: HISHEdotcom

Jedi Condoms
Jedi Condoms. Don't be the Father. Watch our vid with SHAYCARL! youtu.be We just got named...
published: 02 Aug 2012
author: ZekeMahogany
Jedi Condoms
Jedi Condoms. Don't be the Father. Watch our vid with SHAYCARL! youtu.be We just got named YouTube Next Comic! Click to subscribe to Zeke Mahogany Comedy!: bit.ly Written & Directed by Travis Kurtz Produced by Matin Atrushi, David R. Conner and Travis Kurtz Director of Photography - John Frost Special Effects, Editing, Audio Effects and Art Direction by David R. Conner Make-up & Hair by Anthony M. Cody Starring Adam Conn, Jillian Davis, Willis Turner, David R. Conner & Matin Atrushi Additional Voices by David R. Conner Music courtesy of www.Shockwave-Sound.com -- Great quality royalty-free music -- "Holst Venus (from The Planets Suite)" by Gustav Holst; arrangement by Keith Salmon "Dvorak: Symphony 9, Movement 4" by Antonin Leopold Dvorak; arrangement by Keith Salmon "Holst: Mars (from The Planets Suite)" by Gustav Holst; arrangement by Keith Salmon "Party Starts" by Ivan Janos www.youtube.com/ZekeMahogany
- published: 02 Aug 2012
- views: 508773
- author: ZekeMahogany

KotOR 2 HK-47: How to Kill Jedi
You can unlock this dialog after reaching an influence level pretty close to 100 with HK (...
published: 25 May 2008
author: tehPrincessJ
KotOR 2 HK-47: How to Kill Jedi
You can unlock this dialog after reaching an influence level pretty close to 100 with HK (you'll need to play VERY dark sided). Funny stuff! xD STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords belongs to Obsidian Entertainment and LucasArts. Mods: "HK-47's Reskin" by Darth Xander(g_w_lghtsbr02) "90SK's K1 Robes for TSL" by 90SK(CaptainSkye) "Movie Style Dark Side Transitions (TSL)" by Shem
- published: 25 May 2008
- views: 208311
- author: tehPrincessJ

Sexy Jedi Bubblebath! Saber 2: Return of the Body Wash
The last remnants of the Empire have been defeated, and it is a period of peace in the gal...
published: 04 May 2012
author: Nerdist
Sexy Jedi Bubblebath! Saber 2: Return of the Body Wash
The last remnants of the Empire have been defeated, and it is a period of peace in the galaxy. The Jedi Order, no longer needed in their role as defenders, have scattered across the stars and started new lives...while the Sith wait quietly hidden in their midst. Such a Jedi and her Sith counterpart have found common ground and established a new business together on a remote planet. United by a love of animals and a belief in the force, they have rededicated their lives to the art of grooming. Their latest mission leads them to the base of a former Rebel. Though the war is over, they have not forgotten where their true allegiances lie... See the original Saber here: youtu.be
- published: 04 May 2012
- views: 3177042
- author: Nerdist

Jedi A-holes
Download the song: bit.ly Check out the Behind the Scenes!: www.youtube.com Spread the lov...
published: 05 May 2010
author: freddiew
Jedi A-holes
Download the song: bit.ly Check out the Behind the Scenes!: www.youtube.com Spread the love! Click to RT: bit.ly Digg it up!: digg.com Follow me on Twitter to keep up to date: twitter.com More vids on my channel: youtube.com Abuse the force! Man, those Jedi, they can be total a-holes. Special thanks to Logan Olson for being the other Jedi, to Carson Laatsch for taking a bike fall like a champion, and to Heldine Aguiluz for playing the girl.
- published: 05 May 2010
- views: 7866358
- author: freddiew

Jedi A-Holes Strike Back
Click here to tweet it, help us spread the word! bit.ly We tend to not do a lot of sequels...
published: 28 May 2011
author: freddiew
Jedi A-Holes Strike Back
Click here to tweet it, help us spread the word! bit.ly We tend to not do a lot of sequels, but we couldn't resist going back and doing another Jedi Assholes. Special thanks to Shelly Dennis for getting in the freezing cold water in a bikini! -- 2nd Channel! youtube.com Twitter! twitter.com twitter.com Facebook! facebook.com Website! facerocker.com
- published: 28 May 2011
- views: 8749314
- author: freddiew

Jedi Kittens
Tweet! bit.ly www.facebook.com Don't be fooled by their cuteness because they are really s...
published: 25 Aug 2011
author: FinalCutKing
Jedi Kittens
Tweet! bit.ly www.facebook.com Don't be fooled by their cuteness because they are really some crazy Jedi Kittens! I know it's short but when I saw these kittens playing around with light sabers I had to start filming. Hopefully this can hold you over until the next video! Behind the Scenes - www.youtube.com These two kittens were rescued from a pound a few weeks ago and were about to die from eye infections and pre-mature birth. 1 has fully recovered and the other is finishing up antibiotics. They love life and love cuddling on the couch and watching star wars. Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com Google + goplus.us
- published: 25 Aug 2011
- views: 3817402
- author: FinalCutKing

Jedi Kittens Strike Back
Tweet: bit.ly The Jedi Kittens are striking back with with an action packed adventure. Who...
published: 15 Sep 2011
author: FinalCutKing
Jedi Kittens Strike Back
Tweet: bit.ly The Jedi Kittens are striking back with with an action packed adventure. Who can resist the X-Wing and Tie Fighting kittens! Join my facebook page: www.facebook.com Music composed by Andrew Gerlicher - www.youtube.com Special thanks to Aaron Benitez for helping me shoot. www.youtube.com Behind the Scenes - www.youtube.com No Cats were harmed - in fact they were rescued. Meow What do you think about Star Wars 7 being made?
- published: 15 Sep 2011
- views: 7408376
- author: FinalCutKing

Badminton Jedi
Just a video I made to practice on After Effects :) Thank's to Andrew Kramer for the Light...
published: 21 Mar 2011
author: bamosbellamy
Badminton Jedi
Just a video I made to practice on After Effects :) Thank's to Andrew Kramer for the Lightsaber Preset ! You can find it here : www.videocopilot.net
- published: 21 Mar 2011
- views: 1640426
- author: bamosbellamy

Lazy Jedi
Master Dave just doesn't feel motivated today. With great power eventually comes great laz...
published: 12 Jan 2012
author: Warialasky
Lazy Jedi
Master Dave just doesn't feel motivated today. With great power eventually comes great laziness. Thanks to Dave Ackerman for helping out on this video! Check out his channel here! www.youtube.com Filmed on a Canon 7D. You guys rock! Follow us on Twitter! www.twitter.com Like us on Facebook! htto://www.facebook.com/warialasky
- published: 12 Jan 2012
- views: 1320861
- author: Warialasky

"Design in Malice" from Jedi Mind Tricks's newest album "Violence Begets Violence." Track ...
published: 22 Dec 2011
author: jmthiphop
"Design in Malice" from Jedi Mind Tricks's newest album "Violence Begets Violence." Track produced by Mr. Green. Album available in stores and online now. www.jmthiphop.com Directed by Sam Lipman-Stern for Live From The Streets Productions Cinematography by Ethan Schwartz & Sam Lipman-Stern Shot by Sam Lipman-Stern, Ethan Schwartz, Hiram Stelzig & Jimmy Giambrone Special effects by Mr. Green Graffiti by Stie FH, Kasso VS & Rain VS
- published: 22 Dec 2011
- views: 1327178
- author: jmthiphop

Baby Jedi - slothfurnace.com
My daughter playing with her first lightsaber. She'll be one year old next month. We had j...
published: 30 Jun 2012
author: slothfurnace
Baby Jedi - slothfurnace.com
My daughter playing with her first lightsaber. She'll be one year old next month. We had just given her that little M&M; light up lightsaber a few minutes prior to videoing this. The full size lightsaber is a custom one I have been building for about a year. More information on that one at www slothfurnace com. Thank you for watching, we are blessed to have such a wonderful baby girl.
- published: 30 Jun 2012
- views: 557855
- author: slothfurnace

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Beta: Jedi Knight lvl 1 - 5 playthrough w/ commentary
In a galaxy far far away, Jesse returns to entertain and inform with his Star Wars the Old...
published: 28 Nov 2011
author: OMFGcata
Star Wars: The Old Republic - Beta: Jedi Knight lvl 1 - 5 playthrough w/ commentary
In a galaxy far far away, Jesse returns to entertain and inform with his Star Wars the Old Republic Beta gameplay videos. In the 2nd of this initial series of 8, Jesse takes a look at what it takes to be a Jedi Knight from level 1 to level 5, trying to keep any major spoilers out of sight.
- published: 28 Nov 2011
- views: 277907
- author: OMFGcata
Youtube results:

Jedi Noob
published: 02 Nov 2011
author: daneboe
Jedi Noob
JEDI NOOB TSHIRT: bit.ly SKETCHIES IS: DANEBOE: youtube.com BOBJENZ: youtube.com AARON MASSEY: youtube.com facebook.com TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: facebook.com 2ND CHANNEL: youtube.com TSHIRTS: daneboe.spreadshirt.com SEND STUFF Daneboe 2658 Griffith Park Blvd. #803 Los Angeles, CA 90039 Welcome to the first episode of SKETCHIES! Hope you like it! New episodes every Wednesday! Type "Gimme RoboBacon Thumbs" in the comments if you read the entire description!!! ALSO - Lightsabers cause bloody wounds in my videos. Deal with it.
- published: 02 Nov 2011
- views: 420824
- author: daneboe

Machinima Realm - 12/16/10 (Jedi Knights defend the Inside Gaming Awards!)
www.youtube.com Click here to watch the previous episode of Realm! Machinima Realm w Hunda...
published: 16 Dec 2010
author: MachinimaRealm
Machinima Realm - 12/16/10 (Jedi Knights defend the Inside Gaming Awards!)
www.youtube.com Click here to watch the previous episode of Realm! Machinima Realm w Hundar 12/16/10 (Jedi Knights defend the Inside Gaming Awards!) S01E14 Hundar and Grit try out TOR's Jedi classes, Realm covers the IGAs, and YOUR video submissions love me long time. TODAY'S FEATURED VIDEOS: Antoes: www.youtube.com Nightmare RH: www.youtube.com GIJesus: www.youtube.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima twitter.com Inside Gaming twitter.com Machinima Respawn twitter.com Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture twitter.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com TAGS: Machinima Realm MachinimaRealm Hundar Quest Ian Beckman Joel yt:quality=high "World of Warcraft" Cataclysm Blizzard Entertainment "Collector's Edition" UPC 0202514010432 Standard Edition 9325121000267 wow massively multiplayer online role playing game mmorpg mmo rpg pc windows computer wow hobs wowhobbs gold power leveling epic loot level 80 burning crusade Star Wars Darth Vadar Dark Side Light Lightsaber Jedi Sith Death star Space Empire Knight Droid Storm Trooper tie fighter x wing rebellion
- published: 16 Dec 2010
- views: 32678
- author: MachinimaRealm

Trailer - Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi - Official Trailer HD
Luke Skywalker initiates a plan to rescue the frozen Han Solo from the crime lord Jabba th...
published: 14 Jan 2012
author: megatrailer
Trailer - Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi - Official Trailer HD
Luke Skywalker initiates a plan to rescue the frozen Han Solo from the crime lord Jabba the Hutt (Larry Ward) with the help of Princess Leia, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2. Leia infiltrates Jabba's palace on Tatooine disguised as a bounty hunter and releases Han, but Leia is captured and enslaved and Han is detained. Luke arrives a week later and allows himself to be captured. After surviving an attempted feeding to the Rancor, Jabba sentences Luke and Han to be executed by the Sarlacc. Luke breaks free, retrieving his newly-constructed lightsaber from R2-D2 and a large battle erupts; in the ensuing chaos, Leia strangles Jabba to death, Han inadvertently knocks Boba Fett into the gaping maw of the Sarlacc and Luke, escaping with his allies, destroys Jabba's sail barge. While Han and Leia rendezvous with the other Rebels, Luke returns to Dagobah, only to find that Yoda is dying. With his last breaths, Yoda confirms that Darth Vader is Luke's father and that Luke must confront him again to become a true Jedi Knight; he also mentions "another Skywalker". The spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi reveals that the "other Skywalker" Yoda spoke of is Luke's twin sister, whom Luke discovers is Leia. Obi-Wan then tells Luke that he must confront Vader once more to defeat the Galactic Empire after confirming that Vader was originally Anakin Skywalker. The Rebel Alliance learns that the Empire has been constructing a new Death Star. In a plan to destroy the new weapon, Han leads a ...
- published: 14 Jan 2012
- views: 17173
- author: megatrailer

★ SWTOR - Jedi Sage Healer Guide (level 25) ft. Rurikhan
See the *full* show! ★ tgn.tv (or tgn.tv or tgn.tv ★ WAY What is WAY? - See way.tgn.tv In ...
published: 23 Dec 2011
author: TGN
★ SWTOR - Jedi Sage Healer Guide (level 25) ft. Rurikhan
See the *full* show! ★ tgn.tv (or tgn.tv or tgn.tv ★ WAY What is WAY? - See way.tgn.tv In this video I go over the basics for healing as Jedi Sage, from which healing spells to use and when, while also covering utility abilities that will make every party want to have you as a healer again and also a couple of UI tips as well as DPS rotation to help you level. Join the conversation at http Director Links: rurikhan.com http facebook.rurikhan.com http gplus.rurikhan.com Music licensed to TGN by FiXT - Get the music at http Tell us what you think in the comments below. Click "Like" and "Add to... Favorites" if you like this video! =-=-=-= ★ TGN Social tgn.tv ★ What is TGN? http ★ TGN Times news.tgn.tv ★ TGN on Facebook http ★ TGN on Twitter twitter.com ★ We Are YouTube - WAY! way.tgn.tv Star Wars The Old Republic [SWTOR] [TOR] - News, Updates, Guides, PvP, Strategy, Development, Commentary, Gameplay and More!
- published: 23 Dec 2011
- views: 57421
- author: TGN