
Part 1 - Siddhartha Audiobook by Hermann Hesse (Chs 1-5)
Part 1 (Chs 1-5). Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcr...
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: CCProse
Part 1 - Siddhartha Audiobook by Hermann Hesse (Chs 1-5)
Part 1 (Chs 1-5). Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Adrian Praetzellis. Playlist for Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse: www.youtube.com Siddhartha free audiobook at Librivox: librivox.org Siddhartha free eBook at Project Gutenberg: www.gutenberg.org Siddhartha at Wikipedia: goo.gl View a list of all our videobooks: www.ccprose.com
published: 28 Jun 2012
views: 37073

Hermann Hesse Das Wichtigste im Leben
Siegfried Unseld (Verleger) traf als Doktorand den lebensweisen Hermann Hesse in Montagnol...
published: 02 Aug 2008
author: padefeo
Hermann Hesse Das Wichtigste im Leben
Siegfried Unseld (Verleger) traf als Doktorand den lebensweisen Hermann Hesse in Montagnola... Ein 18-Jähriger fragt per Brief an Hesse: Was ist das Wichtigste im Leben? Und Hesse antwortet mit Konfuzius... Und hier der Link zu der Musik (Buddhist Chants): www.esnips.com Mr Unseld wrote a thesis about Hermann Hesse. While he attended the old, wise poet in Monagnola. In this time Hesse received thousands of letters. He wanted to answer always personally. Especially for serious questions of young people. An 18 year-old asked H. Hesse: "What is the most important thing in life?" First, Hesse asked to guest Siegfried Unseld.S. Unseld was frightened before this big, heavy issue. Then Hesse said "Well, if we do not know, then we ask Confucius.And Confucius responds: Loyalty to itself and kindness to others."
published: 02 Aug 2008
views: 142000

SWITCH. A short film by Tyson Hesse
www.boxerhockey.com This film was animated entirely in Flash CS3 with some audio editing d...
published: 26 May 2010
author: Tyson Hesse
SWITCH. A short film by Tyson Hesse
www.boxerhockey.com This film was animated entirely in Flash CS3 with some audio editing done afterwards in Premiere. This was my graduating thesis film for my final year at SCAD. It turned out alright, I think. I would have liked to do something more ambitious, but being that I was working alone for the entirety of the film and had other projects in production at the same time I had to keep things simple. The animation is mostly very pose-to-pose and nothing too visually impressive, but at the very least I hope it to be entertaining to someone. Enjoy.
published: 26 May 2010
views: 888900
Tyson Hesse

Chapter 01 - Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Chapter 1: The Son of the Brahman. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, in...
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: CCProse
Chapter 01 - Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
Chapter 1: The Son of the Brahman. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Adrian Praetzellis. Playlist for Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse: www.youtube.com Siddhartha free audiobook at Librivox: librivox.org Siddhartha free eBook at Project Gutenberg: www.gutenberg.org Siddhartha at Wikipedia: goo.gl View a list of all our videobooks: www.ccprose.com
published: 28 Jun 2012
views: 21706

Hermann Hesse Superstar - Dokumentation - Teil 1v2
Eine hervorragende Doku über den Schriftsteller und Maler Herman Hesse. Mehr Informationen...
published: 03 May 2012
author: konzeptjaeger
Hermann Hesse Superstar - Dokumentation - Teil 1v2
Eine hervorragende Doku über den Schriftsteller und Maler Herman Hesse. Mehr Informationen: de.wikipedia.org
published: 03 May 2012
views: 8367

Eva Hesse's Materials
SFMOMA conservator Michelle Barger discusses Hesse's work, "Aught," and considers the arti...
published: 12 Jan 2011
author: sfmoma
Eva Hesse's Materials
SFMOMA conservator Michelle Barger discusses Hesse's work, "Aught," and considers the artist's use of latex. And in an archival interview, Hesse offers her perspective on impermanence in art. See more videos at www.sfmoma.org
published: 12 Jan 2011
views: 6830

Hermann Hesse-Siddhartha-1
Hermann Hesse Siddhartha Hörbuch...
published: 21 Aug 2010
author: DrLearyUSA
Hermann Hesse-Siddhartha-1

LINDA HESSE - Ich bin ja kein Mann
Offizieller Videoclip zu Linda Hesses Debüt Single "Ich bin ja kein Mann" - aus dem Album ...
published: 26 Jun 2012
LINDA HESSE - Ich bin ja kein Mann
Offizieller Videoclip zu Linda Hesses Debüt Single "Ich bin ja kein Mann" - aus dem Album 'Punktgenaue Landung'. Director: Michael S.Ruscheinsky. Producer: Andre Franke. (C) 2012 AirplaySONGS Recording, Berlin. www.lindahesse.de www.facebook.com
published: 26 Jun 2012
views: 71499

Ebi - Hesse Tanhaee OFFICIAL VIDEO HD
join Ebi & all your favorites fb.com artist: EBI song: HESSE TANHAEE label: AVANG MUSIC di...
published: 16 Feb 2012
author: avangmusic
Ebi - Hesse Tanhaee OFFICIAL VIDEO HD
join Ebi & all your favorites fb.com artist: EBI song: HESSE TANHAEE label: AVANG MUSIC director: RAVI executive producer: ARMIN HASHEMI www.avang.com www.youtube.com/avangmusic www.facebook.com/avangmusic © 2012 Avang Music Co. All Rights Reserved.
published: 16 Feb 2012
views: 151646

Parsa (hesse Tanhai) = پارسا / حس تنهایی
published: 18 Dec 2010
author: Soroushfilm
Parsa (hesse Tanhai) = پارسا / حس تنهایی
published: 18 Dec 2010
views: 114530

Amir Tataloo - Hesse Mamooli
published: 10 Sep 2012
author: Amir Tataloo
Amir Tataloo - Hesse Mamooli

DER WEG NACH INNEN [aaeraa.blogspot.com] Am 9. August 2012 jährt sich zum 50. Mal der Tode...
published: 11 Aug 2012
DER WEG NACH INNEN [aaeraa.blogspot.com] Am 9. August 2012 jährt sich zum 50. Mal der Todestag des weltbekannten Schriftstellers und Literaturnobelpreisträgers Hermann Hesse. Vor allem von jungen Lesern der 60er und 70er Jahre wurde er regelrecht verschlungen. Hesse selbst wurde zu einer Art Popstar, zu einem Guru einer Generation, die auf der Suche nach neuen Lebensformen war. Die Hesse-Welle wurde in den USA ausgelöst und gelangte auf diesem Umweg wieder nach Deutschland. "Siddhartha" und "Steppenwolf" gehörten zu den meistgelesenen Büchern, über 100 Millionen beträgt die Weltauflage von Hesses Werken. Das Filmporträt widmet sich der Wirkung Hesses auf seine Leserschaft und zeichnet die Stapitionen seiner Lebensreise nach, die einer Flucht glich die dramatische Kindheit im pietistischen württembergischen Städtchen Calw, der Drill in der Klosterschule Maulbronn im Schwarzwald, die zahlreichen abgebrochenen Versuche einer beruflichen Existenz, das geordnete Familienleben eines Schriftstellers in Gaienhofen am Bodensee, aus dem er immer wieder ausbrach bis ins ferne Indien. All das, um endlich anzukommen im Leben, in Montagnola im Tessin. Der Filmautor Andreas Christoph Schmidt folgt Hesse ebenso auf seinem Weg nach innen und zeigt den Menschen, der sein Leben lang auf der Suche war - nach sich selbst, nach dem Sinn des menschlichen Daseins, nach einer angemessenen Lebensform. Zu Wort kommen der Herausgeber aller Hesse-Ausgaben Volker Michels, der Schweizer Schriftsteller ...
published: 11 Aug 2012
views: 5696

Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf revisited 1st scene
To skip the credits, let the red libe below the vid fill most of the way, and start the vi...
published: 14 Jan 2008
author: RobinofSactown
Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf revisited 1st scene
To skip the credits, let the red libe below the vid fill most of the way, and start the vid at 4:50/ The entire " unauthorized editor's cut" of this film is viewable at YouTube/RobinofSacTown split into 14 parts. .One of my favorite films, of course it would star Max, who is to me the archetypal everyman searcher of the last 50 years. From "the Seventh Seal" to "Minority Report" with this film in th3 70's and "What Dreams May Come" featuring Max as the tracker- the guide to hell...this guy has appeared in a lot of amazing roles that i relate to. I recently faced my 50th year and it was rather difficult. The films I really have begun to study have a theme that seems to weave in and out of my own life. I am aware of the wisdom of the immortals. I am aware, also, of that Magic Theater of the mind, and because my life has become a shadow in recent times, there seems nothing left to do but to offer you these shadow plays, reflections of movies in reflections of screens, watched perhaps by reflections of people. Write me reflections of notes, people...I'll holler you echoes back from unseen canyon walls.
published: 14 Jan 2008
views: 17904
Youtube results:

Sohrab Pakzad & Amir Tabari - Hesse Parvaz [ HQ 2011 ]
ahange jadido besiyar ghashang be nameh "Hesse Parvaz" Sohrab Pakzad & Amir Tabari - Hesse...
published: 22 Feb 2011
author: persiansongz
Sohrab Pakzad & Amir Tabari - Hesse Parvaz [ HQ 2011 ]
ahange jadido besiyar ghashang be nameh "Hesse Parvaz" Sohrab Pakzad & Amir Tabari - Hesse Parvaz arrangement by: Nima Varasteh Video By: Sev & Tadeh
published: 22 Feb 2011
views: 87869

Hermann Hesse - El Lobo Estepario (Audiolibro) 1ª Parte
Audiolibro: El Lobo Estepario- Hermann Hesse Voz Humana-Español Primera Parte (Primer Disc...
published: 27 Feb 2012
author: Cataclas
Hermann Hesse - El Lobo Estepario (Audiolibro) 1ª Parte
Audiolibro: El Lobo Estepario- Hermann Hesse Voz Humana-Español Primera Parte (Primer Disco)
published: 27 Feb 2012
views: 23688

Helen Hesse Tazeh
Helen Hesse Tazeh...
published: 13 Mar 2011
author: sheida hosseini
Helen Hesse Tazeh

Hermann Hesse's steppenwolf 2008 pt 14~finis
Poor Harry learns slowly. like a raggedy old wolf. His execution is a sad bit of gallows h...
published: 16 Jan 2008
author: RobinofSactown
Hermann Hesse's steppenwolf 2008 pt 14~finis
Poor Harry learns slowly. like a raggedy old wolf. His execution is a sad bit of gallows humor...Somehow Kate Bush leaped forth at the last possible moment to underscore the drama and cosmic laughter of the final scene. If you have actually viewed this entire movie, Steppenwolf reconsidered, we hope you have enjoyed the quest. For any who may take exception to this work please remember not to lose your sense of humor...not tonight. As for the one you seek, look for yourself, and you will find her. The doors of perception are creaking wide open, did you notice? All time receded and now its the dream. Dream on, friends and lovers. Play your roles. The film is beginning. Just relax.
published: 16 Jan 2008
views: 5572