- published: 03 Oct 2009
- views: 20519
- author: khalifahklothing
Stories of the Prophets [19] Musa & Al-Khidr (pbut) [Sh. Shady Al-Suleiman]
The Stories of the Prophets presented by Sheikh Shady Al-Suleiman on HUDATV. Episode 19...
published: 03 Oct 2009
author: khalifahklothing
Stories of the Prophets [19] Musa & Al-Khidr (pbut) [Sh. Shady Al-Suleiman]
The Stories of the Prophets presented by Sheikh Shady Al-Suleiman on HUDATV. Episode 19
The Story of Musa (AS) & Al Khidr - Dr. Israr Ahmed
Musa (AS) & Al Khidr - Dr. Israr Ahmed, Prof. Tahir ul Qadri & Maulana Imran Hosein....
published: 25 Jan 2011
author: Nabeel Aejaz
The Story of Musa (AS) & Al Khidr - Dr. Israr Ahmed
Musa (AS) & Al Khidr - Dr. Israr Ahmed, Prof. Tahir ul Qadri & Maulana Imran Hosein.
- published: 25 Jan 2011
- views: 6025
- author: Nabeel Aejaz
Khidr And Akhirulzaman By Sheikh Imran Hosein
published: 01 Jun 2012
author: SheikhImranHosein
Khidr And Akhirulzaman By Sheikh Imran Hosein
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 50239
- author: SheikhImranHosein
The Story of Moses and Khidr
published: 07 Oct 2011
author: mnoorhendricks
The Story of Moses and Khidr
- published: 07 Oct 2011
- views: 483
- author: mnoorhendricks
Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi who is a student of Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) said that Hazrat
en.harunyahya.tv www.servingislam.com www.harunyahya.com www.englishkuran.com www.riseofis...
published: 01 Oct 2010
author: HarunYahyaEnglish
Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi who is a student of Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) said that Hazrat
en.harunyahya.tv www.servingislam.com www.harunyahya.com www.englishkuran.com www.riseofislam.com www.economicsinislam.net www.callforanislamicunion.com www.turkishislamicunion.com www.harunyahyasays.com www.theprophetmuhammad.org www.primepeace.com www.atheismrefuted.com www.psychologicalwarfaremethods.com www.confessionsofevolutionists.com http www.miracleintheeye.com www.darwinistpanic.com www.evolutionisnotscientific.com www.whatisdestiny.com www.fossil-museum.com www.harunyahyaimpact.com www.living-fossils.com www.perishednations.com www.nightmareofdisbelief.com Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi who is a student of Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) said that Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will destroy Darwinism Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview at Adiyaman Asu TV on May 31st, 2010
- published: 01 Oct 2010
- views: 10243
- author: HarunYahyaEnglish
Who is al Khidr ?
who is al-khidr al-khadir khader al-khader khadeer Wahabi wahhaabi wahabism sufi Sufism ta...
published: 20 Nov 2010
author: imad07
Who is al Khidr ?
who is al-khidr al-khadir khader al-khader khadeer Wahabi wahhaabi wahabism sufi Sufism tassawuf salafi name title sect Muhammad abdul-wahhab najd horn satan trial tribulation iraq Saudi Arabia bani tamim tawheed shirk worship dua du'aa intercession intermediaries saints mawlana shafa'ah world wonder Allaah Sunnah righteous predecessors muslim Islam Islaam shia is kuffar khomeini jewish kafir wahabi dog najes ahlu bayt prophet muhammad ali omar saudia fatima hussein shiism shiite rafida rafidah pakistan flood 2010 The Horn Of Satan najdi
- published: 20 Nov 2010
- views: 4570
- author: imad07
Who fears Hazrat Khidr (as) and why ?
en.harunyahya.tv www.servingislam.com www.harunyahya.com www.englishkuran.com www.riseofis...
published: 18 Aug 2010
author: HarunYahyaEnglish
Who fears Hazrat Khidr (as) and why ?
en.harunyahya.tv www.servingislam.com www.harunyahya.com www.englishkuran.com www.riseofislam.com www.economicsinislam.net www.callforanislamicunion.com www.turkishislamicunion.com www.harunyahyasays.com www.theprophetmuhammad.org www.primepeace.com www.atheismrefuted.com www.psychologicalwarfaremethods.com www.confessionsofevolutionists.com http www.miracleintheeye.com www.darwinistpanic.com www.evolutionisnotscientific.com www.whatisdestiny.com www.fossil-museum.com www.harunyahyaimpact.com www.living-fossils.com www.perishednations.com www.nightmareofdisbelief.com Who fears Hazrat Khidr (as) and why ? From Adnan Oktar's interview on 26 March 2010, Harunyahya.TV
- published: 18 Aug 2010
- views: 3379
- author: HarunYahyaEnglish
Talk in honour of Hazrat Khidr as by Sufi Muzammil Khan
published: 31 Dec 2010
author: sultan1808
Talk in honour of Hazrat Khidr as by Sufi Muzammil Khan
- published: 31 Dec 2010
- views: 690
- author: sultan1808
The person on the green horse seen during the incidents in Egypt is Hazrat Khidr (pbuh)
en.harunyahya.tv www.harunyahya.com www.awaitedmahdi.com www.darwinistsdefeated.com www.da...
published: 23 Feb 2011
author: HarunYahyaEnglish
The person on the green horse seen during the incidents in Egypt is Hazrat Khidr (pbuh)
en.harunyahya.tv www.harunyahya.com www.awaitedmahdi.com www.darwinistsdefeated.com www.darwinistpanic.com www.darwinistsinpain.com www.famousdarwinistdeceptions.com www.evolutionisnotscientific.com www.naturalselectionanddarwinism.com darwinistsdilemma.com www.atheismrefuted.com www.living-fossils.com www.collapseofatheism.com www.baltic-ambers.com www.darwinslostcause.com www.transitionalformdilemma.com www.servingislam.com www.adnanoktarinterviews.com www.englishkuran.com www.jesuswillreturn.com www.atlasofcreation.com www.creationofuniverse.com www.dayofjudgment.com www.womaninthequran.com www.whatisdestiny.com www.wisdomfromtorah.com www.riseofislam.com www.economicsinislam.net www.callforanislamicunion.com www.turkishislamicunion.com www.harunyahyasays.com www.theprophetmuhammad.org www.primepeace.com www.psychologicalwarfaremethods.com www.confessionsofevolutionists.com http www.miracleintheeye.com www.whatisdestiny.com www.fossil-museum.com www.harunyahyaimpact.com www.perishednations.com www.nightmareofdisbelief.com The person on the green horse seen during the incidents in Egypt is Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview on Adiyaman Asu TV dated February 14th, 2011 ADNAN OKTAR: "Master Adnan, As-salamun Alaykom" Alaykom as-salam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. "First of all, may all your friends there have a blessed Mawlid an-Nabi." May we all have a blessed Mawlid an-Nabi. "Master, I am curious about that person on the green horse seen ...
- published: 23 Feb 2011
- views: 11916
- author: HarunYahyaEnglish
Sheikh Imran Hosein@ IIUM Kuala Lumpur - Lessons learnt from Khidr
Sheikh Imran Hosein@ IIUM Kuala Lumpur - Lessons learnt from Khidr...
published: 09 May 2012
author: TheNorthernwarriors
Sheikh Imran Hosein@ IIUM Kuala Lumpur - Lessons learnt from Khidr
Sheikh Imran Hosein@ IIUM Kuala Lumpur - Lessons learnt from Khidr
- published: 09 May 2012
- views: 2722
- author: TheNorthernwarriors
Who is Hazrat Khidr? What was Prophet Moses encounter with Hazrat Khidr about?
Who is Hazrat Khidr?What is his purpose on earth.?What was Prophet Moses encounter with Ha...
published: 10 May 2012
author: NaqshbandiOttoman
Who is Hazrat Khidr? What was Prophet Moses encounter with Hazrat Khidr about?
Who is Hazrat Khidr?What is his purpose on earth.?What was Prophet Moses encounter with Hazrat Khidr about? Naksibendi.us - sohbet by Shaykh Abdulkerim el Kibrisi, a khalifah of Maulana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani. Osmanli Dergahi - New York
- published: 10 May 2012
- views: 526
- author: NaqshbandiOttoman
22 - Musa (Moses) and Al-Khidr (Kheyr)
Stories of the prophets according to the Quran and the authentic Hadith....
published: 16 May 2011
author: Cartoons4MuslimKids
22 - Musa (Moses) and Al-Khidr (Kheyr)
Stories of the prophets according to the Quran and the authentic Hadith.
- published: 16 May 2011
- views: 2203
- author: Cartoons4MuslimKids
Les Histoires Des Prophètes E21 [Al Khidr - Le Verdoyant] 2/3
Muslim-Fansub Presente : Nabil Al Awadi Dans : Les Histoires Des Prophètes L'histoire d'Al...
published: 29 Dec 2009
author: muslimfansub
Les Histoires Des Prophètes E21 [Al Khidr - Le Verdoyant] 2/3
Muslim-Fansub Presente : Nabil Al Awadi Dans : Les Histoires Des Prophètes L'histoire d'Al Khadr - Al Khidr - L'homme vert Troisième Partie : www.youtube.com
- published: 29 Dec 2009
- views: 26900
- author: muslimfansub
Who is Khidr
It is known from the Story related in soorah Al-Kahf the Prophet Moosa(Alihi-wasslam) trav...
published: 22 Jul 2009
author: kafeelahmed
Who is Khidr
It is known from the Story related in soorah Al-Kahf the Prophet Moosa(Alihi-wasslam) traveled to seek knowledge from a righteous slave of Allah(SWT) whose name was Khidr.--------by Dr. Abdullah Al-Farsi
- published: 22 Jul 2009
- views: 4081
- author: kafeelahmed
Vimeo results:
Who fears Hazrat Khidr (as), and why?
published: 16 Oct 2010
author: Meryem Mina
Who fears Hazrat Khidr (as), and why?
Khidr a.s und der Bäcker Ali
Sheikh Bahauddin Efendi, Sohbet Berlin 07.0811...
published: 14 Oct 2011
author: Sufi Zentrum Rabbaniyya
Khidr a.s und der Bäcker Ali
Sheikh Bahauddin Efendi, Sohbet Berlin 07.0811
Youtube results:
Sheikh Imran Hosein @ TTDI Kuala Lumpur - Khidr and Akhirulzaman.
Sheikh Imran was born in the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 from parents whose ances...
published: 31 May 2012
author: icemaker1990
Sheikh Imran Hosein @ TTDI Kuala Lumpur - Khidr and Akhirulzaman.
Sheikh Imran was born in the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 from parents whose ancestors had migrated as indentured labourer from India. He is a graduate of the Aleemiyah Institute in Karachi and has studied at sevaral instutions of higher learning including the University of Karachi,the University of the West Indies, Al Azhar University and the Graduate Institute of International Relations in Switzerland He worked for several years as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago but gave up his job in 1985 to devote his life to the mission of Islam. He lived in New York for ten years during which time he served as the Director of Islamic Studies for the Joint Committee of Muslim Organizations of Greater New York. He lectured on Islam in several American and Canadian universities, colleges, churches, synagogues, prisons, community halls, etc. He also participated in many inter-faith dialogues with Christian and Jewish scholars while representing Islam in USA. He was the Imam, for sometime, at Masjid Dar al-Qur'an in Long Island, New York. He also led the weekly Juma'ah prayers and delivered the sermon at the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan once a month for ten years continuously.
- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 2910
- author: icemaker1990
Hazrat Khidr was responsible in the events of September 11 The event was totally metaphysical
en.harunyahya.tv www.harunyahya.com www.awaitedmahdi.com www.darwinistsdefeated.com www.da...
published: 12 May 2011
author: Yaratilistr
Hazrat Khidr was responsible in the events of September 11 The event was totally metaphysical
en.harunyahya.tv www.harunyahya.com www.awaitedmahdi.com www.darwinistsdefeated.com www.darwinistpanic.com www.darwinistsinpain.com www.famousdarwinistdeceptions.com www.evolutionisnotscientific.com www.naturalselectionanddarwinism.com darwinistsdilemma.com www.atheismrefuted.com www.living-fossils.com www.collapseofatheism.com www.baltic-ambers.com www.darwinslostcause.com www.transitionalformdilemma.com www.servingislam.com www.adnanoktarinterviews.com www.englishkuran.com www.jesuswillreturn.com www.atlasofcreation.com www.creationofuniverse.com www.dayofjudgment.com www.womaninthequran.com www.whatisdestiny.com www.wisdomfromtorah.com www.riseofislam.com www.economicsinislam.net www.callforanislamicunion.com www.turkishislamicunion.com www.harunyahyasays.com www.theprophetmuhammad.org www.primepeace.com www.psychologicalwarfaremethods.com www.confessionsofevolutionists.com http www.miracleintheeye.com www.whatisdestiny.com www.fossil-museum.com www.harunyahyaimpact.com www.perishednations.com www.nightmareofdisbelief.com Hazrat Khidr was responsible in the events of September 11. The event was totally metaphysical Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on A9 TV dated May 3rd, 2011 ADNAN OKTAR: "As-salamun alaykom my majestic and compassionate Master. The other day you said that Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) would tear a building down. The destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11 came as a great surprise. Might Hazrat Hidhir (pbuh) be commissioned to do that ...
- published: 12 May 2011
- views: 1241
- author: Yaratilistr
published: 29 Nov 2010
author: Djaafar Ouitis
- published: 29 Nov 2010
- views: 2042
- author: Djaafar Ouitis
Lessons Learnt From Khidr By Sheikh Imran Hosein
published: 09 May 2012
author: SheikhImranHosein
Lessons Learnt From Khidr By Sheikh Imran Hosein
- published: 09 May 2012
- views: 17262
- author: SheikhImranHosein