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    Microsoft is back: Why the dorky Apple rival is suddenly cool

    Virginia Heffernan is the national correspondent for Yahoo! News, covering culture and politics from a digital perspective. She wrote extensively on Internet culture during her eight years as a staff writer for The New York Times, and she has also worked at Harper’s, the New Yorker and Slate. Her new book, Magic and Loss: The Pleasures of the Internet, will be published in early 2013.

    By Virginia Heffernan

    Oh man that new commercial for Internet Explorer 10 has me dorkily cackling at every pixel in it, and then replaying the ad to laugh again, and harder. OK, maybe you’re too cool for it. But I am not.

    Here’s what happens: A trolly commenter dude—he looks like the old groovy Apple kid turned puffier, more caffeinated and housebound—keeps trying to tweet and post about how IE sucks until he’s overwhelmed with the realization that Microsoft’s new browser might be kind of good. The way the brilliant actor’s pupils register his increasing coffee intake and his excitement at his holy mission (typing “IE sucks” at every opportunity) is lovely—a great new archetype for the Internet 2013.

    It’s been a long time since a commercial worked so well. The promo does true magic: It sends up IE’s critics, by exposing the OCD fury of the smug hacker pose. The anti-Microsoft type as no longer that neato Apple guy standing with the middle-aged PC nerd, but a shut-in maniac who has long since lost sight of his would-be artsy path. That lil’ hipster, when we last saw him in Apple’s anti-PC campaign, was supposed to be blogging about indie bands. But now he’s rapping out “IE sucks” the way Jack Torrance wrote “All work and no play” in “The Shining.”

    Furthermore, the ad sets the stage for a comeback for Microsoft. AdAge gives the “work”—I love how ad people reverently call advertisements “the work”—high-enough marks, though it points out that the troll’s conversion from IE-hater to IE-agnostic pivots on a “very thin plot device.” (This high-handed critical judgment made the ad all the funnier, in my view.) AdAge also files the ad, titled “Do you know this guy?,” in the TV/Video category, though the Web video also directs to a robust website called that really introduces the specs and features of IE 10.

    Now I can’t even remember what I used to hate about Internet Explorer. I dimly recall font sizing being chronically off, and developing an entirely superstitious resistance to that “e” logo. Years ago, while I was still using it, someone told me about Firefox—and then Safari—and then Chrome, which I use now. Internet Explorer, down to its lumpy literal name, just became an uncool thing of the past. It, I guess, “sucked.”

    Like Microsoft Word. And Microsoft Office. And the whole PC scene, embodied in that middle-aged schmo. But now the Internet is middle-aged, and the Apple/Google war is starting to seem like a more grueling showdown for consumers than whatever happened between Microsoft and the federal government. (What was that again?) And Microsoft is Xbox now, and Seattle seems kind of sleeper-cool again: not drippy Portlandia or cutthroat NorCal. People have always said Microsoft is an amazing place to work, and it won World’s Best Multinational Workplace last year, which does not—to put it conservatively—happen at Apple. Microsoft is greener than most electronics companies, too.

    The company got a new logo in August. It has Bing, Xbox, Windows 8, the Surface tablet and that indispensable no-matter-how-you-slice-it Office suite. And now it has a winning new ad campaign. Maybe a comeback really is possible. After a decade of the hip-ification of the Internet, it might be time to root for the squares.



    • M W  •  2 hrs 46 mins ago
      But Yahoo just had another story a few hours ago saying Microsoft was in trouble!

      Geez, pick a side, Yahoo!
      • Rustiew2 9 mins ago
        I was thinking the same thing. An earlier article was about the demise of Microsoft and now this..... It is like investment research firms. Recommending the Enron Corporation as a "buy" all the way into bankruptcy. Go figure.
    • Upside1  •  2 hrs 10 mins ago
      Having Apple products are "cool"? Then how come everybody laughs at me when they see me working on my Apple IIc?
      • Fred 27 mins ago
        You will NEVER catch me using ROTTEN fruit if I can help it.
    • Brian  •  3 hrs ago
      How odd that Microsoft is "back" when 90% of the comments posted on Yahoo are posted from computers running a Microsoft OS. I don't know about you, but all of the offices in my place of work have networked P.C's in them.
      • . 28 mins ago
        Frank - Your avatar is a convicted child molester.
    • Alex  •  1 hr 20 mins ago
      The problem with M$ is that Windows XP is still a good operating system. PCs sold 5 years ago (or more) still work fine. People don't need to upgrade. Apple zombies buy not because they need to but because they want the latest gadget. M$ hasn't built the best mouse trap possible but they've left themselves little room for improvement.
      • Jimmy 32 mins ago
        @Alex - No everyone who purchases an Apple product does so every Generation. I have one of the first Mac Mini's circa 2005. Having said that now that it's been 7 years I've been thinking about getting a new one.
    • Hogfather  •  2 hrs 25 mins ago
      Microsoft is cool because its founder, Bill Gates, is the most charitable giver in history, while Apple's founder, Steve Jobs, never gave a red penny to charity and even ended all charitable donations by Apple - the most valuable company in the world. So all you dirty hippies thinking you are fighting "the man" by buying Apple, should get a clue.
      • Customer 1 hr 2 mins ago
        Steve Jobs should be medium rare by now ya think?
    • THE RIGHT WORD  •  2 hrs 14 mins ago
      Nice try, PR company hired to pass off advertisements as actual articles!
      • KarlS 2 hrs 0 mins ago
        No one at Yahoo knows what a real article is....
    • ced1106  •  1 hr 30 mins ago
      > Now I can’t even remember what I used to hate about Internet Explorer.

      They didn't follow browser standards and tried to impose their own.
    • des  •  21 mins ago
      The author bases her claim that MS is "back" and "cool" on an AD?

    • Miles  •  25 mins ago
      As always, Ms Heffernan shows her previous records for insipid banality are meant to be broken.
    • Razz  •  33 mins ago
      Does anyone really expect this 22 year old to actually understand what she's blathering on about? Walt Mossberg she is not.
    • missileman  •  1 hr 48 mins ago
      I remember that it was not so long ago that Apple was the dorky rival.
      • Doomsday 39 mins ago
        That's right Missileman, and now Microsoft is trying to steal their image, in the vain hope that changing their image means they won't actually have to change their corporate culture.
    • Doug S  •  3 hrs ago
      Just bought a new computer with Windows 8. I was hesitant, but there really was no choice without paying a lot more money for the same machine. So far, it looks just like old Windows with a tablet screen layered on top. We'll see.
    • Y  •  3 hrs ago
      Ms. Heffernan and Chris Chase need to hook up.
      • Mr Math 2 hrs 28 mins ago
        Oliver Knox wants a shot at Virginia too!
    • Timothy  •  2 hrs 11 mins ago
      The only thing more out of date than Windows is Heffernan herself. She writes like a college sophomore living in the 1990s.
    • Customer  •  1 hr 3 mins ago
      Prove it.
    • RobertE  •  2 hrs 3 mins ago
      Today I have read two articles; one says tha MS is toast, the other above snickers at the idea. I think that Mark Twain's statement about reports of his death being premature is appropriate. The tablet is not yet capable of doing what a PC can do and still has a long way to go for anyone who actually needs to do work. Simple apps are nice but that's about it. When you can take one to the field, collect data, and write a detailed report efficiently, then a tablet becomes useful.
    • Tony  •  2 hrs 4 mins ago
      Dude, a funny commercial is excellent (many times even better than the product itself), but actual sales is a totally different thing. Time will tell..
    • Steve O  •  17 mins ago
      Yahoo writers prove that anyone can get a job. This author tries so hard to be hip that she ends up being just the opposite...boring, shallow and ill-informed. Nice work....
    • David  •  17 mins ago
      Virginia Heffernan bandying around words like "dorky," "sucks," and "smug" in her post . . . Irony so thick that . . . .
    • Junk  •  19 mins ago
      Peole got sick and tired with Microsoft products and windows when instead of fixing the problems they just rearrange the User Interface, the display looks an dare selling it as a new version.
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