
Ancient Dacia (country of Getae-Dacians subgroup of Thracians) General Presentation - English
Ancient Dacia General Presentation - English Muzic Gheorghe Zamfir based on Romanian popul...
published: 15 Dec 2009
author: Blurallis
Ancient Dacia (country of Getae-Dacians subgroup of Thracians) General Presentation - English
Ancient Dacia General Presentation - English Muzic Gheorghe Zamfir based on Romanian popular music

Ancient Getae-Dacians at the time of Decebal
Ancient Dacia at the time of Decebal, before and after Dacian-Romans wars. This video is t...
published: 15 Dec 2009
author: Blurallis
Ancient Getae-Dacians at the time of Decebal
Ancient Dacia at the time of Decebal, before and after Dacian-Romans wars. This video is the result of my research It should be considered with caution, like any other research work

Free Getae-Dacians Carpi Dacia English
About Free Dacians - Carpi. Besides Costoboci and Daci Magni they not only survived but th...
published: 22 Dec 2009
author: Blurallis
Free Getae-Dacians Carpi Dacia English
About Free Dacians - Carpi. Besides Costoboci and Daci Magni they not only survived but they continued Dacian fight against the Romans invaders

The Getae
This video features the Getai doing battle against the Boii, two of the more than 25 facti...
published: 06 Oct 2011
author: EuropaBarbarorum
The Getae
This video features the Getai doing battle against the Boii, two of the more than 25 factions in Europa Barbarorum II, a total modification for Medieval 2: Total War. Enjoy! Note: Several animations depicted on this video have been reworked, and some, like the falxmen animation, are work in progress.

Dacii liberi - Focul Viu - Dacians / Getae / Romanians Folk Song
Romanian Song - Dacians = ancient Getae = Romanians today - picture : Dacian fight against...
published: 18 Jul 2009
author: RomaniansMusic
Dacii liberi - Focul Viu - Dacians / Getae / Romanians Folk Song
Romanian Song - Dacians = ancient Getae = Romanians today - picture : Dacian fight against the army of the Roman Empire - Text - versuri - Lyrics - : - Coboara dacii liberi din columna Prin barbi si plete suiera un vant Aduc cu ei sarutul libertatii Si-a permanentei ce rasuna-n cant Cand auzi de chiu si vai Puneti seile pe cai Sa cantam in vechiul grai Turai, turai si no haaaaai Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai Se-aude tropotul de cal in noapte Printre paduri stinghere si pustii Vuieste prin galopul ce-l starneste Iubirea de mosie si de fii Cand auzi de chiu si vai Puneti seile pe cai Sa cantam in vechiul grai Turai, turai si no haaaai Suntem urmasi de daci si suntem liberi Caci libertatea ne-a fost crudul dor Murind am rupt in veacuri mii de lanturi Ce ne-au robit mereu de-atatea ori Lasam sa treaca peste noi durerea Si focul ce se-ncinge peste timp Caliti de-atata ura si robie Strigam ca libertatea-i lucru sfant Cand auzi de chiu si vai Puneti seile pe cai Sa cantam in vechiul grai Turai, turai si no haaaai Si no hai!

Rome Total War: Dacia Campaign Part 6 - Battle for Campus Getae
Sorry for the sound not syncing in this video and the last video, hopefully that is sorted...
published: 08 Dec 2011
author: MrPierrini
Rome Total War: Dacia Campaign Part 6 - Battle for Campus Getae
Sorry for the sound not syncing in this video and the last video, hopefully that is sorted in the next vid In this part we attempt to wipe out the Thracians as we battle to take their final province Difficulty: Very hard/Hard Twitter: twitter.com

Kevbob Plays! Rome: Total War - 032 - The Defense of Getae
Ziles finally reaches the huge army of Captain Madyes, attempting to shatter the siege and...
published: 06 Nov 2010
author: kailkay
Kevbob Plays! Rome: Total War - 032 - The Defense of Getae
Ziles finally reaches the huge army of Captain Madyes, attempting to shatter the siege and crush so much of the Dacian military.

Samanta Geto-Daca - Dacian Men Romania Dacians Getae song
Romanian Song de Daniel Avram about the old Dacian Kingdom Dacia Daco Getia Romania Folk M...
published: 06 Oct 2009
author: RomaniansMusic
Samanta Geto-Daca - Dacian Men Romania Dacians Getae song
Romanian Song de Daniel Avram about the old Dacian Kingdom Dacia Daco Getia Romania Folk Music - photo picture : movie scene "Columna" ( the son of Decebal ) man men barbarians warriors history - versuri text lyrics - : - SAMANTA GETO-DACA - poezie Pavel Corut muzica Daniel Avram Ploua cu spaima si durere Peste cetatea mea invinsa, Cadeau barbatii in tacere, Murea un zeu cu tampla ninsa, Ardeau strabunele altare Si ziua coborase-n berna, Treceau ostirile barbare Peste cetatea mea eterna. Stam gol in focul din altare Cu ochii cautand la ceruri, Cerseam un strop de indurare, Un colt din vesnice-adevaruri. Ardeam pe geticul jertfelnic Si muntele ardea cu mine... Din trupul meu de om nevrednic Si din batranele ruine, Se zamislea samanta daca, Din foc si sange si pamanturi Si dintr-un strop din sfanta apa Si din blesteme si din canturi... Samanta getilor rodeste, Caci timpul ia trimis porunca. Un neam intreg din mine creste, Un neam de foc si flori de stanca.

Spartacus blood and sand -musci video- Breath into me
La serie narra la vida del célebre Espartaco, desde su captura a manos de los roman...
published: 22 Dec 2011
author: FuegoEternoyPoder
Spartacus blood and sand -musci video- Breath into me
La serie narra la vida del célebre Espartaco, desde su captura a manos de los romanos en la región de Tracia pasando por su vida en la escuela de gladiadores de Batiatus hasta su rebelión y huida junto a sus compañeros gladiadores luego de ganar su confianza. La historia narra todas las peripecias de Espartaco dentro del ludus, su convivencia con el resto de gladiadores, cómo los romanos tratan a los propios gladiadores y las vivencias de Batiatus, el lanista, y sus intentos de ascender socialmente, utilizando sin escrúpulos a los gladiadores. The story begins with an unnamed Thracian's involvement in a unit of Roman auxiliary in a campaign against the Getae (Dacian tribes that occupied the regions of the Lower Danube, in what today is Romania) under the command of the legatus, Claudius Glaber. In 72-71 BC, Roman general Marcus Terentius Varro Lucullus, proconsul of the Roman province of Macedonia, marched against the Getae, who were allies of Rome's enemy, Mithridates VI of Pontus. The Getae frequently raid the Thracians' lands, so the Thracians are persuaded by Glaber to enlist in the Romans' service as auxiliaries. Glaber is persuaded by his wife Ilithyia to seek greater glory, decides to break off attacking the Getae and directly confront the forces of Mithridates in Asia Minor. The Thracian, feeling betrayed, leads a mutiny against Glaber, and returns to find his village destroyed. The Thracian and his wife Sura, are captured by Glaber the next day; the Thracian is <b>...</b>

Dacii / Dacians - Romanian Movie Trailer History Romania
The Dacians, situated north of the lower Danube in the area of the Carpathians and Transyl...
published: 23 Oct 2010
author: DoinaDor
Dacii / Dacians - Romanian Movie Trailer History Romania
The Dacians, situated north of the lower Danube in the area of the Carpathians and Transylvania, are the earliest named people from the present territory of Romania. They are first mentioned in the writings of Ancient Greeks, in Herodotus (Histories Book IV XCIII - "[Getae] the noblest as well as the most just of all the Thracian tribes") and Thucydides (Peloponnesian Wars, Book II - "[Getae] border on the Scythians and are armed in the same manner, being all mounted archers"). Later the Dacians were mentioned in the Roman documents (Caesar's De Bello Gallico, Book VI 25,1 - "The Hercynian Forest [...] stretches along the Danube to the areas of the Daci and Anarti"), and also under the name Geta (plural Getae). Strabo in his Geography, Book VII 3,12 tells about the Daci-Getae division "Getae, those who incline towards the Pontus and the east, and Daci, those who incline in the opposite direction towards Germany and the sources of the Ister". In Strabo's opinion, the original name of the Dacians was "daoi", which Mircea Eliade in his De Zalmoxis à Genghis Khan explained with a possible Phrygian cognate "Daos", the name of the wolf god. This assumption is enforced by the fact that the Dacian standard, the Dacian Draco, had a wolf head. In ancient geography, especially in Roman sources, Dacia was the land inhabited by the Dacians or Getae as they were known by the Greeks - the North-Danubian branches of the Thracians. Dacia had in the middle the Carpathian Mountains and was <b>...</b>

Traciens Wars (history)
The ancient Thracians were a group of Indo-European tribes who spoke the Thracian language...
published: 09 Apr 2009
author: VyckTube
Traciens Wars (history)
The ancient Thracians were a group of Indo-European tribes who spoke the Thracian language - a scarcely attested branch of the Indo-European language family. Those peoples inhabited the Eastern, Central and Southern part of the Balkan peninsula, as well as the adjacent parts of Central-Eastern Europe Thracians inhabited parts of the ancient provinces of: Thrace, Moesia, Macedonia, Dacia, Scythia Minor, Sarmatia, Bithynia, Mysia, Pannonia, and other regions on the Balkans and Anatolia. This area extends over most of the Balkans region, and the Getae north of the Danube as far as beyond the Bug.[2] The branch of science that studies the ancient Thracians and Thrace is called Thracology.

Negura Bunget - Dedesuptul
I made this video because I really love this band. Negura Bunget from Transilvania - The l...
published: 24 May 2010
author: Scarrus666
Negura Bunget - Dedesuptul
I made this video because I really love this band. Negura Bunget from Transilvania - The land of the Getae Negura Bunget is a Folk/Pagan Metal band from Transilvania, Romania. The band's main focus is to put the Getae spirituality into music.

Religion of the ancient Dacia (people living in the territory of the present-day Romania)
Religion of the ancient Dacia (music by Romanian pan flute artist, Gherghe Zamfir). Dacia ...
published: 21 Apr 2010
author: Ilotz
Religion of the ancient Dacia (people living in the territory of the present-day Romania)
Religion of the ancient Dacia (music by Romanian pan flute artist, Gherghe Zamfir). Dacia The earliest written evidence of people living in the territory of the present-day Romania comes from Herodotus in book IV of his Histories written 440 BCE. Herein he writes that the tribal confederation of the Getae were defeated by the Persian Emperor Darius the Great during his campaign against the Scythians. The Dacians, widely accepted as part of the Getae described earlier by the Greeks, were a branch of Thracians that inhabited Dacia (corresponding to modern Romania, Moldova and northern Bulgaria). The Dacian kingdom reached its maximum expansion during King Burebista, between 82 BCE - 44 BCE. Under his leadership Dacia became a powerful state which threatened the regional interests of the Romans. Julius Caesar intended to start a campaign against the Dacians, due to the support that Burebista gave to Pompey, but was assassinated in 44 BC. A few months later, Burebista shared the same fate, assassinated by his own noblemen. Another theory suggests that he was killed by Caesar's friends. His powerful state was divided in four and did not become unified again until 95 AD, under the reign of the Dacian king Decebalus. The Roman Empire conquered Moesia by 29 BC, reaching the Danube. In 87 AD Emperor Domitian sent six legions into Dacia, which were defeated at Tapae. The Dacians were eventually defeated by Emperor Trajan in two campaigns stretching from 101 AD to 106 AD, and the <b>...</b>

Trajan's Column / Dacian Wars Romanian History Dacians
Trajan's Column is a Roman triumphal column in Rome which commemorates Roman emperor T...
published: 16 Jul 2010
author: DacoGetia
Trajan's Column / Dacian Wars Romanian History Dacians
Trajan's Column is a Roman triumphal column in Rome which commemorates Roman emperor Trajan's victory in the Dacian Wars. It is located in Trajan's Forum, built near the Quirinal Hill, north of the Roman Forum. Completed in 113 CE, the freestanding column is most famous for its spiral bas relief, that artistically describes the epic wars between the Romans and Dacians (101--102 and 105--106). Its design has inspired numerous victory columns, both ancient and modern. Inhabited by the ancient Dacians, today's territory of Romania was conquered by the Roman Empire in 106, when Trajan's army defeated the army of Dacia's ruler Decebalus ( Dacian Wars). The Roman administration withdrew two centuries later, under the pressure of the Goths and Carpi. The Romanian people was formed by the Romanization of the Roman Province of Dacia. The Romanians are descended from local populations: Dacians (Getae, Thracians) and Roman legionnaires and colonists. In the course of the two wars with the Roman legions, between 101 - 102 AD and. 105 - 106 AD respectively, the emperor Trajan succeeded after in defeating the Dacians and the greatest part of Dacia became a Roman province. The colonization with Roman or Romanized elements, the use of the Latin language and the assimilation of Roman civilization as well as the intense development of urban centres led to the Romanization of the autochthonous population. The intermarriage of Dacians with Roman colonists, formed the Daco-Roman population <b>...</b>

Roman conquest of Dacia ( modern day Romania ) part 1/5
Inhabited by the ancient Dacians, today's territory of Romania was conquered by the Ro...
published: 11 Jun 2010
author: RomanianHistory
Roman conquest of Dacia ( modern day Romania ) part 1/5
Inhabited by the ancient Dacians, today's territory of Romania was conquered by the Roman Empire in 106, when Trajan's army defeated the army of Dacia's ruler Decebalus ( Dacian Wars). The Roman administration withdrew two centuries later, under the pressure of the Goths and Carpi. The Romanian people was formed by the Romanization of the Roman Province of Dacia. The Romanians are descended from local populations: Dacians (Getae, Thracians) and Roman legionnaires and colonists. In the course of the two wars with the Roman legions, between 101 - 102 AD and. 105 - 106 AD respectively, the emperor Trajan succeeded after in defeating the Dacians and the greatest part of Dacia became a Roman province. The colonization with Roman or Romanized elements, the use of the Latin language and the assimilation of Roman civilization as well as the intense development of urban centres led to the Romanization of the autochthonous population. The intermarriage of Dacians with Roman colonists, formed the Daco-Roman population, which is part of the ethnogenesis process of the Romanian people. This process was concluded by the 10th century when the assimilation of the Slavs by the Daco-Romanians was completed. Kings of the Dacians The best known Dacian king were Dromihetes, Burebista and Decebalus who organized powerful states and proved to be skilful military strategists. The Dacian king reigned with the help of a council of noblemen and with the advice of the high priest. Dromihetes is <b>...</b>

kandaon - Codru Intunecat
Kandaon 2007 Bria Getae...
published: 08 Jun 2011
author: 6hell6baalzephon6
kandaon - Codru Intunecat
Kandaon 2007 Bria Getae

Geto-Dacians ''The most Brave and Fair Thracian tribe''
Poseidonios says that Mysians are out of meat products from a particular religious faith, ...
published: 28 Mar 2009
author: oceanospotamos
Geto-Dacians ''The most Brave and Fair Thracian tribe''
Poseidonios says that Mysians are out of meat products from a particular religious faith, just because they dont grow animals. They feed with honey, milk and cheese, living alone, as they are called pious men from gods and capnobates. There are Thracians which live without girls, they...

Old-Europe, Fertile Cerscent, Pontic neolitic Hassuna-Samarra, Halaf-Ubaid, Uruk-Jemdet Na...
published: 19 Jun 2012
author: HungarianHistory2
Old-Europe, Fertile Cerscent, Pontic neolitic Hassuna-Samarra, Halaf-Ubaid, Uruk-Jemdet Nassr Daha (dacian, tocharian, kushan, thracian, yuezhi, ugur, sarmata) Hun (massagethe, thyssagethe, getae, xiongnu, hephtalite, kun, chunni) Uz (türk, oghuz, assyr, kassite, osman, osset, assi, jassi, yazig, alan) Avar (abaorte, aparni, parni, parsi, persi, persa, parthian, bactrian, var, obor) Sabir (magyar, mada, mitanni, suwar, chuwash, bolgar, subartuan, hurri, khur, kurd, khar, urartu, median)

DRACO-chipurile de piatra- Film documentar despre anticii geto-daci.Un portret neobisnuit TRAILER
"Un voiaj cinematografic in antica Dacie, o intalnire cu Zalmoxis, zeitatea uitata a ...
published: 17 Apr 2012
author: filmarisibiu
DRACO-chipurile de piatra- Film documentar despre anticii geto-daci.Un portret neobisnuit TRAILER
"Un voiaj cinematografic in antica Dacie, o intalnire cu Zalmoxis, zeitatea uitata a getilor, o suita de intrebari, controverse si imagini relevate mot-a-mot de textele scriitorilor latini si greci contemporani. Un portret autentic cioplit in piatra de fabulosii artisti romani. O reteta cinematografica unica, o calatorie vizuala fascinanta in timpurile stravechi, iata ce va propunem, noi realizatorii. Productia a durat un an si jumatate si premiera este prognozata pentru mijlocul anului 2012" LIKE: www.facebook.com MORE INFO: www.dracofilm.blogspot.com referinte documentare Vasile Parvan, Ion Horatiu Crisan, Constantin Daicoviciu, Ioan I.Russu, Mircea Eliade, Leonard Velcescu, Alexandru Nour, Ovidiu Dramba, George Popa-Lisseanu, Constantin C.Giurescu, Dan Dana. Realizatori-un grup de videografi independenti: scenariu, regie_ Octavian Repede imagine_ Tudor Porumb, Octavian Repede consultant stiintific iconografie antica_ Leonard Velcescu Dr.en histoire de l`art de l`EPHE-Sorbonne Chercheur CRHISM-Universite de Perpignan, France. editor imagine_ Octavian Repede voce_ Cristian Stanca, Liviu Vlad editori text_ Octavian Repede, Ovidiu Repede subtitrare eng&fra _ Diana Popescu germana_ Radu Buiuca DRACO, the stone faces, Trailer, documentary about the ancient Getae-Dacians,Full HD The film exposes in an original way, a portrait of the ancient inhabitants of the Romanian territory, claimed in a certain way that ancestors of the Romanians. Production contains special images of <b>...</b>

România iarna
România is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, n...
published: 03 Jan 2011
author: JEnescu1
România iarna
România is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeastern Europe, north of the Balkan Peninsula, on the Lower Danube, within and outside the Carpathian arch, bordering on the Black Sea. Romania shares a border with Hungary and Serbia to the west, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova to the northeast, and Bulgaria to the south. Although some 42000 years old human remains were discovered in the "Cave With Bones", and being Europe's oldest remains of Homo sapiens they may represent the first modern humans to have entered the continent, the earliest written evidence of people living in the territory of the present-day Romania comes from Herodotus, in his 440 BCE book IV of his Histories (Herodotus). Dacians, considered a part of the Getae tribes mentioned by Herodotus, were a branch of Thracians that inhabited Dacia (corresponding mostly to present-day Romania). The Dacian kingdom reached its peak between 82--44 BC during the reign of Burebista, but was eventually conquered by the Roman Empire in the aftermath of Dacian Wars (87--106 AD), and transformed into the province of Roman Dacia. Due to Dacia's rich ore deposits (especially gold and silver), Rome brought colonists from all over the empire. This brought Vulgar Latin and started a period of intense romanization, that would give birth to the Proto-Romanian language. During the 3rd century AD, with the invasions of migratory populations, the Roman Empire was forced to pull out of Dacia around 271 AD <b>...</b>

Dacians and Romans fighting against the Barbarians - Romania
Our ancestors, the Dacians and the Romans, were fighting against the Barbarian Invasion. B...
published: 18 Jan 2008
author: Daccian
Dacians and Romans fighting against the Barbarians - Romania
Our ancestors, the Dacians and the Romans, were fighting against the Barbarian Invasion. But after the victory, the old hate between the Dacians and the Romans was reborn resulting in the Dacian Gerula killing the Roman Tiberius - from the Romanian movie "Column" ( Romania - 1968) - Director : Mircea Dragan - Romania Film Roumanie Rumania Rumänien Rumunia Romanians Romanian People Daci Dacia