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4 December 2012

Australia: Plain Cigarette Packaging a World First

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Australia’s new plain cigarette packaging law, which began on December 1, 2012, was greeted with pleasure by most onliners. Meanwhile, the tobacco industry has argued that plain packaging will increase illegal trade and smuggling.

Slovenia's New President Elected Amidst Anti-Corruption Protests

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The second round of the 2012 presidential election in Slovenia, in which the former Slovenian PM Borut Pahor defeated the incumbent president Danilo Türk, took place on Dec. 2, amidst ongoing mass protests.

Have M23 Rebels Really Left Goma, DRC?

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Backed by the Rwandan government, M23 rebels seized control of the city of Goma in the Kivu region, near the Rwandan border. Despite reports that the rebellion have agreed to pull out of Goma, it seems that there is still a great deal of uncertainty over when they will effectively do so.

Iran: Sanctions and Shortages, Empty Pockets for Healthcare

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Lately, Iranians have been questioning the role of their own government in the shortage of medicine. Sanctions definitely play a role, but so do incompetence and corruption. This post gathers reactions from Iranians on the health crisis.

3 December 2012

Social Media Unites To Stand Up For Saving Colombo's Trees

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In the last week of November a number of century old trees across Reid Avenue in Colombo were cut by the authorities. Caring citizens created a Facebook page titled “Stand Up For Colombo's Trees”, using which they created awareness and mobilized a silent protest in the city to save trees.

Curuguaty's Deadly Clashes Continue to Resonate Across Paraguay

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Public opinion continues to be polarized about the Curuguaty police raid that ended in the death of six police officers and eleven farm workers. The investigation of the raid, which aimed to remove illegal residents from a forest reserve, is ongoing and has yet to produce any solid evidence about who is at fault.

Portugal: Digital TV Controversy

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A PhD thesis on the process of implementing Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) in Portugal presented evidence that the National Communications Authority, ANACOM, favoured private company Portugal Telecom (PT) in the tender. In response, PT and ANACOM have announced that they will take the researcher to court for defamation.

Brazilian Immigration Policy Faces New Challenges

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Whereas the subject has long been debated in Europe and the USA, the issue of immigration has only recently gained prominence in Brazil. This new Brazilian reality throws up a series of new challenges both for Brazilian society and the government.

2 December 2012

Day 1 of Developing Latin America 2012

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December 1 saw the start of Developing Latin America 2012 (#DAL2012). The regional hackathon organised by the Ciudadano Inteligente Foundation is being carried out in 8 Latin American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. Here we share some reports from the first day.

Kim Kardashian, Tear-Gas and Milkshake in Bahrain

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Kim Kardashian was in Bahrain yesterday to open her milkshake shop. Hardline Salafists protested her visit - and were dispersed by police.

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