- published: 14 Sep 2009
- views: 1305347
- author: adolfobaez

Evolution of Video Games Epic Medley (Made in Mario Paint Composer)
Support my channel by buying this track, You can download this and many of my songs here: ...
published: 14 Sep 2009
author: adolfobaez
Evolution of Video Games Epic Medley (Made in Mario Paint Composer)
Support my channel by buying this track, You can download this and many of my songs here: adolfobaez.bandcamp.com ------------------------------------------------- It´s been a while since I uploaded my last MPC video and this video is the reason for that. This is my biggest MPC project to...
- published: 14 Sep 2009
- views: 1305347
- author: adolfobaez

Video Games Live - Classic game themes Orchestrated
A musical compilation of some of the classic 8 bit game tunes. Performed by the Video Game...
published: 16 Apr 2006
author: bmh1
Video Games Live - Classic game themes Orchestrated
A musical compilation of some of the classic 8 bit game tunes. Performed by the Video Games Live orchestra. Also check out the Metal Gear Solid music: www.youtube.com
- published: 16 Apr 2006
- views: 2095778
- author: bmh1

Top 10 Most Beautiful Video Game Music Tracks (2011)
Today is Valentine's Day, so I decided to create this Top List really quickly. At first, I...
published: 14 Feb 2011
author: SonicTheHedgehog17
Top 10 Most Beautiful Video Game Music Tracks (2011)
Today is Valentine's Day, so I decided to create this Top List really quickly. At first, I wanted to break it into two parts, but seeing the Top Lists of other people recently, I comprised all 10 songs in one part. And it's only over 20 minutes long ;) Took me about 2 hours, and I hope you guys will respect my opinion. EDIT: Whoa... so many responses. A proof that people have a lot of different opinions ^^" EDIT 2: No, there are no Zelda themes on this list. I was never interested in that franchise too much. Sorry. Besides, Zelda themes aren't the only beautiful themes in gaming, as this list proves. EDIT 3: Thanks for over 300 000 views! Honorable Mentions: It Is Finished - Mother 3 A Love Passed On - Valkyria Chronicles Eyes on Me - Final Fantasy VIII Outskirts of Time - Chrono Trigger Mario and Peach's Theme - Paper Mario Credits - The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks The World Adventure - Sonic Unleashed 15 Years Ago - Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War Love Theme - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots The Sun Rises ~Piano~ - Okami Intro music: Wishing Upon the Chaos Emeralds - Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 (talk about irony; using a music that plays during one of the most controversial scenes in gaming history ;p)
- published: 14 Feb 2011
- views: 373312
- author: SonicTheHedgehog17

Top 10 Videogame Music
the ten best songs in videogame history, in my opinion of course. 0. title song: Mega Man ...
published: 12 Jul 2009
author: SeppeD
Top 10 Videogame Music
the ten best songs in videogame history, in my opinion of course. 0. title song: Mega Man 2 Dr. Willy Stage 10. Punch-Out!! Theme (Punch-Out!! Wii) a) Punch-Out!! (NES) b) Super Punch-Out!! (SNES) c) Punch-Out!! (Wii) 9. Airbase Espionage (Perfect Dark) a) Perfect Dark (N64) 8. Match Music 2 (Nintendo World Cup) a) Nintendo World Cup (NES) 7. Armored Fury Theme (Battlefield 2: Armored Fury Booster) a) Battlefield 1942 PC b) Battlefield 2 (PC) c) Battlefield Bad Company (X360, PS3) 6. The Moon (Ducktales) a) Ducktales (NES) 5. Bowser's Road (Super Mario 64) a) Super Mario Bros. (NES) b) Super Mario World (SNES) c) Super Mario 64 (N64) d) Super Mario Sunshine (GC) e) Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) f) Mario Golf Toadstool Tour (GC) 4. Star Wolf Theme (Star Fox Assault) a) Star Fox 64 / Lylat Wars (N64) b) Star Fox Assault (GC) c) Star Fox Adventures (GC) 3. Metal Gear Solid Theme (Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty) a) Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes (GC) b) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots (PS3) c) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2) 2. Protoman Stage (Mega Man 5) a) Mega Man 1-8 (NES-SNES-PS1) 1. Kokiri Forest (Ocarina Of Time) a) Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time (N64) b) Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess (GC,Wii) c) Legend Of Zelda Four Swords Adventures (GC) d) Legend Of Zelda The Wind Waker (GC)
- published: 12 Jul 2009
- views: 11796
- author: SeppeD

Extra Credits: Video Game Music
This week, we look at the way video game music has evolved over the years, and compare the...
published: 05 Feb 2012
author: ExtraCreditz
Extra Credits: Video Game Music
This week, we look at the way video game music has evolved over the years, and compare the strengths of today's game music with the chiptunes of gaming past. Come discuss this topic in the forums! extra-credits.net New episodes every Wednesday on PATV!
- published: 05 Feb 2012
- views: 42845
- author: ExtraCreditz

Top Ten Most Beautiful Video Game Music Tracks Part 1 (10-4)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! This is part one of my first Top Ten of the new year. It's a list of my ...
published: 01 Jan 2010
author: peanut3423
Top Ten Most Beautiful Video Game Music Tracks Part 1 (10-4)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! This is part one of my first Top Ten of the new year. It's a list of my picks for the most beautiful pieces of video game music that I've heard. Enjoy the list!
- published: 01 Jan 2010
- views: 87128
- author: peanut3423

Epic Music Mix I - Game Music
I want to spread out this compilation of epic video game soundfiles. Enjoy hearing them al...
published: 24 Apr 2009
author: DragonstarDT
Epic Music Mix I - Game Music
I want to spread out this compilation of epic video game soundfiles. Enjoy hearing them all and please leave comments so maybe another part will follow ;) Follow DragonstarDT @ Facebook : www.facebook.com Check out my Blog for more information around the Epic Music Mix by DragonstarDT dragonstardt.blogspot.com Song List : #1 0:00 - 0:33 - Dungeon Siege - Main Theme #2 0:33 - 0:59 - Enclave - Light Ending Theme #3 0:59 - 1:54 - Soul Calibur III - Hour Of Destiny #4 1:54 - 2:15 - Advent Rising - Canyon Encounter #5 2:15 - 3:05 - Shadow Of The Colossus - The Opened Way #6 3:05 - 3:38 - Devil May Cry 3 - Vergil Battle 3 #7 3:38 - 4:01 - Final Fantasy X - Enemy Attack #8 4:01 - 4:27 - Final Fantasy X - Summoned Beast Battle #9 4:27 - 4:49 - God Of War - Zeus' Wrath Divine #10 4:49 - 5:26 - God Of War 2 - Phoenix Rising #11 5:26 - 6:08 - Advent Rising - Bounty Hunter #12 6:08 - 6:32 - Lineage 2 - After The Storm #13 6:32 - 7:10 - Lineage 2 - Final Conflict #14 7:10 - 7:26 - Lineage 2 - Battle At Sundown #15 7:26 - 8:07 - Resident Evil Outbreak - The Extermination #16 8:07 - 8:45 - Final Fantasy VIII - Liberi Fatali #17 8:45 - 9:23 - World Of Warcraft - Wrath Of The Lich King Main Title #18 9:23 - 9:53 - Soul Calibur II - Under The Star Of Destiny Watch in highest quality please :) Epic Music Mix I - Mady by DragonstarDT DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THE SONGS OR PICTURE IN ANY WAY. I AM NOT MAKING A PROFIT FROM THIS AND ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE ARTISTS.
- published: 24 Apr 2009
- views: 849011
- author: DragonstarDT

The Greatest Video Game Music 2 - Skyrim Track
Composer and conductor Andrew Skeet talks through recording a Skyrim track with the London...
published: 14 Sep 2012
author: IGNentertainment
The Greatest Video Game Music 2 - Skyrim Track
Composer and conductor Andrew Skeet talks through recording a Skyrim track with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, as chosen by IGN readers! Subscribe to IGN's channel for reviews, news, and all things gaming: www.youtube.com The Greatest Video Game Music 2 - Skyrim Track TAGS: elder scrolls "the elder scrolls skyrim" skyrim composer readers ign "andrew skeet" bethesda rpg action "the elder scrolls" tes "ign readers" orchestra clip pc "the elder scrolls v skyri" games "xbox 360" "playstation 3" ign ignentertainment games gaming "video games" gameplay hd official 2012 "video game"
- published: 14 Sep 2012
- views: 13261
- author: IGNentertainment

Assassin's Creed III- Lindsey Stirling
Click the link below to experience Assassin's Creed III gameplay with their Interactive Tr...
published: 05 Nov 2012
author: lindseystomp
Assassin's Creed III- Lindsey Stirling
Click the link below to experience Assassin's Creed III gameplay with their Interactive Trailer: ubi.li I'm touring again. Europe and US! See dates and locations tickets.turnupgroup.com Buy this song on itunes: itunes.apple.com You can get my new album off itunes itunes.apple.com Or order my album from my website: Physical Album: lindseystirlingviolin.mybigcommerce.com Singles: lindseystirlingviolin.mybigcommerce.com Video Filmed by: Jace Leroy www.tasteofjace.blogspot.com Spencer, and Clayton They work with M4 and they do everything from video work to web design www.m4.com www.youtube.com And then Stephen Anderson did the sweet epic background orchestration. Stephen composes most of the music for my videos! You can check out his rad website in the link below! You can also contact him here. www.stephenjanderson.com The dress was made by Shannon Mckinnon She makes custom costumes and dresses. Her website is www.etsy.com Editing: Lindsey Stirling
- published: 05 Nov 2012
- views: 3407207
- author: lindseystomp

Nerd³ Permadeath - Far Cry 3 - Part 1
Second Channel! www.youtube.com Nerd³ Twitter! twitter.com Nerd³ Site! nerdcubed.co.uk I'M...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: OfficialNerdCubed
Nerd³ Permadeath - Far Cry 3 - Part 1
Second Channel! www.youtube.com Nerd³ Twitter! twitter.com Nerd³ Site! nerdcubed.co.uk I'M BACK! Time to try out some new stuff over the holidays. If this is awesome then YAY. If it is poop then no harm done. :p I'm just going to try to take over the first island to start with. Nothing too taxing... NEW PC IS HERE! No more annoying fan noise, videos in 1080p, solid framerate in footage and more stuff to make my life easier. Specs will be posted when it's set up properly! :D Game link: far-cry.ubi.com End theme by the incredible Dan Bull www.youtube.com All other music is in-game music. It makes me want to live dammit, LIVE!
- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 225807
- author: OfficialNerdCubed

Video Game Musicals #1 Modern Warfare 3 the Musical
www.youtube.com Click here to watch Aliens: Colonial Badasses (Stop-Motion Animation) Vide...
published: 29 Apr 2012
author: machinima
Video Game Musicals #1 Modern Warfare 3 the Musical
www.youtube.com Click here to watch Aliens: Colonial Badasses (Stop-Motion Animation) Video Game Musicals #1: Modern Warfare 3 the Musical Captain Price, Soap, Sandman and the rest of the gang boogie down to the beat of World War 3. Written, Animated & Performed by Logan Hugueny-Clark. DIRECTOR'S CHANNEL: www.youtube.com Machinima Happy Hour is home to the best animation and shorts Machinima has to offer. Check back every weekend for updates on all your favorite shows like Sanity Not Included, Two Best Friends Play, Freeman's Mind, Sonic For Hire and more! www.youtube.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thisvideo will show you: How to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 How to make a musical How to make Machinima - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE ANIMATIONS & SHORTS, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com TAGS: yt:quality=high "Call of Duty" "Modern Warfare 3" MW3 PS3 XBox 360 XBox360 X360 PC MPN 83747 "Infinity Ward" Activision "CoD 8" MW three "playstation 3" sony Windows "Sledgehammer Games" "Raven Software" First person shooter FPS 1st Soap MacTavish Captain Price Nikolai Shepard Pickle9000 machinima respawn gameplay commentary "how to" Macmillan Video Game Musicals ...
- published: 29 Apr 2012
- views: 221475
- author: machinima

Lana Del Rey - Born To Die
Album Born To Die Out Now Buy the album: Amazon: www.smarturl.it iTunes: www.smarturl.it w...
published: 14 Dec 2011
author: LanaDelReyVEVO
Lana Del Rey - Born To Die
Album Born To Die Out Now Buy the album: Amazon: www.smarturl.it iTunes: www.smarturl.it www.lanadelrey.com www.facebook.com twitter.com Director: Yoann Lemoine Production Company: Iconoclast Music video by Lana Del Rey performing Born To Die. (C) 2011 Polydor Ltd. (UK)
- published: 14 Dec 2011
- views: 86092249
- author: LanaDelReyVEVO

Video Game Musicals #4: BLACK OPS 2 the Musical SPOILER ALERT! Harper, David Mason and PSY...
published: 17 Dec 2012
author: lhugueny
Video Game Musicals #4: BLACK OPS 2 the Musical SPOILER ALERT! Harper, David Mason and PSY dance through an international battle with Raul Menendez's army of mercenaries and hijacked drones. Also, Frank Woods has emotional flashbacks and loses his shit. (Written, Animated & Performed by Logan Hugueny-Clark.) Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com (copyright 2011, 2012 LHC)
- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 1295657
- author: lhugueny

Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans
Pre-order Blue Jeans EP on iTunes: smarturl.it Born To Die - Album Out Now: smarturl.it Di...
published: 20 Mar 2012
author: LanaDelReyVEVO
Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans
Pre-order Blue Jeans EP on iTunes: smarturl.it Born To Die - Album Out Now: smarturl.it Directed by Yoann Lemoine www.lanadelrey.com www.facebook.com www.twitter.com Music video by Lana Del Rey performing Blue Jeans (Official Video). © 2012 Polydor
- published: 20 Mar 2012
- views: 39286297
- author: LanaDelReyVEVO
Vimeo results:

A Tiny Day in the Jackson Hole Backcountry
This mountain is like nothing you have skied before! Spend a day riding the tiny tram and ...
published: 02 Apr 2011
author: Tristan Greszko
A Tiny Day in the Jackson Hole Backcountry
This mountain is like nothing you have skied before! Spend a day riding the tiny tram and shredding miniature backcountry lines in Jackson Hole.
Be sure to let 'er load completely and watch in fullscreen HD.
See more work at http://www.tristangreszko.com
-Winner of the 2011 New Belgium Clips of Faith Film Contest/Tour
-Appeared on Wired.com, TheAtlantic.com, OutsideOnline.com and numerous other nat'l/int'l websites
-Chosen for the Wyoming Filmmaker's Showcase during the 2011 Wildlife Film Festival in Jackson, WY
-Appeared on Japanese TV - NHK show Tokudane Toko Doga
-One of JH Weekly's 2011 Newsmakers of the Year
-Featured by Vimeo during Winter X Games 2012
-Featured in Best of Vimeo Shorts: Lights! Camera! Action Sports! at SXSW 2012
-Finalist in the 2012 Wyoming Short Film Contest
UPDATE 31 Oct 2011 - Video re-uploaded to include a few re-edited scenes.
Pretty Lights - Change Is Gonna Come
Pretty Lights - Pink Floyd Time Remix - http://www.prettylightsmusic.com
Under license from Pretty Lights Music, Inc.
Cameras: Canon 7D and 5D mkII
Lenses: 17-40 f/4L, 50 f/1.4, 70-200 f/4L
All sequences are animated 7D or 5D mkII stills - effects applied to each frame in post-production using Alien Skin Bokeh 2 in Photoshop, image stabilization and deflicker (using GBDeflicker) in After Effects, and frame motion in Final Cut.

FullHD version with subtitles (EN/FR/ES/JAP) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLpkjtWuPs8&...
published: 16 Sep 2010
author: 8BCREW
FullHD version with subtitles (EN/FR/ES/JAP) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLpkjtWuPs8&feature;=player_embedded
Supinfocom Promo 2010, Abel Kohen, Thomas "Krishma" Eid, Matthieu "Bernie" Bernadat, Antoine Delacharlery, Bastien "Blast" Martin, Joan Baz, Chryssanthi Skalioti, Martin Amirault, Damien Ancinelle, Robert Bennett, Dominique Lolhé, Kevin Cordier-Royer, Tucker F. Kapp, Kevin Mannens, Ed Caspersen, Craig Davis, Maxime Hoguet, YMCK & Usagi-Chang Records, Carrefour, David Herbruck, Yann Legay & AGM Productions, Spor & Komor (0327KDG), and of course, our families and friends for their support.

Psychic Land
Once upon a time in Psychic Land...
We just had fun with some characters and lots of other...
published: 02 Apr 2012
author: 2veinte
Psychic Land
Once upon a time in Psychic Land...
We just had fun with some characters and lots of other stuff, hope you enjoy.
Directed by:
Pablo Gostanian
Art Direction & Design:
Pablo Gostanian
Animation Directors: Martin Salfity & Pablo Gostanian
3d Animation: Martin Salfity, Sebastian Garcia & Juan Pablo Siaccaluga
Monster Modeling & Animation: Sebastian Garcia
Postproduction: Pablo Gostanian
Additional Animation: Jorge Herrero
Music: Lucas Totino Tedesco
- TAAFI Festival (Toronto) / Annual Toronto Animated Arts Festival International / www.taafi.com
- Pause Fest (Australia) / Showcases projects celebrating the art & innovation of digital culture / www.pausefest.com.au
- Visueltdagene (Oslo) / Annual event for the creative industry in Norway / www.visuelt.org
- Animayo (Spain) / VII International Festival of Animated Films, Visual Effects and Video-Games / www.animayo.com
- Rushes Soho Shorts Festival, London / www.sohoshorts.com/

By @jason_silva and @notthisbody - Follow us on Twitter!
Our other videos:
Beginning of ...
published: 24 Dec 2011
author: Jason Silva
By @jason_silva and @notthisbody - Follow us on Twitter!
Our other videos:
Beginning of Infinity - http://vimeo.com/29938326
You are a RCVR - http://vimeo.com/27671433
Imagination - http://vimeo.com/34902950
Abundance - http://vimeo.com/34984088
The Imaginary Foundation says "To Understand Is To Perceive Patterns"...
Albert-László Barabási, author of LINKED, wants you to think about NETWORKS:
“Networks are everywhere. The brain is a network of nerve cells connected by axons, and cells themselves are networks of molecules connected by biochemical reactions. Societies, too, are networks of people linked by friendships, familial relationships and professional ties. On a larger scale, food webs and ecosystems can be represented as networks of species. And networks pervade technology: the Internet, power grids and transportation systems are but a few examples. Even the language we are using to convey these thoughts to you is a network, made up of words connected by syntactic relationships.”
'For decades, we assumed that the components of such complex systems as the cell, the society, or the Internet are randomly wired together. In the past decade, an avalanche of research has shown that many real networks, independent of their age, function, and scope, converge to similar architectures, a universality that allowed researchers from different disciplines to embrace network theory as a common paradigm.'
Steven Johnson, author of Where Good Ideas Come From, writes about recurring patterns and liquid networks:
“Coral reefs are sometimes called “the cities of the sea”, and part of the argument is that we need to take the metaphor seriously: the reef ecosystem is so innovative because it shares some defining characteristics with actual cities. These patterns of innovation and creativity are fractal: they reappear in recognizable form as you zoom in and out, from molecule to neuron to pixel to sidewalk. Whether you’re looking at original innovations of carbon-based life, or the explosion of news tools on the web, the same shapes keep turning up... when life gets creative, it has a tendency to gravitate toward certain recurring patterns, whether those patterns are self-organizing, or whether they are deliberately crafted by human agents”
Patrick Pittman from Dumbo Feather adds:
“Put simply: cities are like ant colonies are like software is like slime molds are like evolution is like disease is like sewage systems are like poetry is like the neural pathways in our brain. Everything is connected.
"...Johnson uses ‘The Long Zoom’ to define the way he looks at the world—if you concentrate on any one level, there are patterns that you miss. When you step back and simultaneously consider, say, the sentience of a slime mold, the cultural life of downtown Manhattan and the behavior of artificially intelligent computer code, new patterns emerge.”
James Gleick, author of THE INFORMATION, has written how the cells of an organism are nodes in a richly interwoven communications network, transmitting and receiving, coding and decoding and how Evolution itself embodies an ongoing exchange of information between organism and environment.. (Its an ECO-SYSTEM, an EVOLVING NETWORK)
“If you want to understand life,” Wrote Richard Dawkins, “don’t think about vibrant, throbbing gels and oozes, think about information technology." (AND THINK ABOUT NETWORKS!!
Geoffrey West, from The Santa Fe Institute, also believes in the pivotal role of NETWORKS:
"...Network systems can sustain life at all scales, whether intracellularly or within you and me or in ecosystems or within a city.... If you have a million citizens in a city or if you have 1014 cells in your body, they have to be networked together in some optimal way for that system to function, to adapt, to grow, to mitigate, and to be long term resilient."
Author Paul Stammetts writes about The Mycelial Archetype: He compares the mushroom mycelium with the overlapping information-sharing systems that comprise the Internet, with the networked neurons in the brain, and with a computer model of dark matter in the universe. All share this densely intertwingled filamental structure.
An article in Reality Sandwich called Google a psychedelically informed superpowered network, a manifestation of the mycelial archetype:
“Recognizing this super-connectivity and conductivity is often accompanied by blissful mindbody states and the cognitive ecstasy of multiple "aha's!" when the patterns in the mycelium are revealed. That Googling that has become a prime noetic technology (How can we recognize a pattern and connect more and more, faster and faster?: superconnectivity and superconductivity) mirrors the increased speed of connection of thought-forms from cannabis highs on up. The whole process is driven by desire not only for these blissful states in and of themselves, but also as the cognitive resource they represent.The devices of
Youtube results:

SLENDER MAN MAKES US CRY! (Gametime with Smosh)
Subscribe to Smosh Games! bit.ly Ian and Anthony take on Slender! And, completely freak ou...
published: 26 Sep 2012
author: SmoshGames
SLENDER MAN MAKES US CRY! (Gametime with Smosh)
Subscribe to Smosh Games! bit.ly Ian and Anthony take on Slender! And, completely freak out. Ian and Anthony want to play with you! Watch them play new and user suggested video games from the Smosh Games HQ in a new episode every Wednesday. Play with us! Subscribe: bit.ly Like us on Facebook: facebook.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com TAGS slender, gameplay, game, play, reaction, smosh, reactions, ian hecox, anthony padilla, smoshgames, smosh, clevver games, video games, videogames, computer games, pc games, new, gaming, online, free, lunchtime, gametime
- published: 26 Sep 2012
- views: 5400397
- author: SmoshGames

BrySi the Machinima Guy - Goodbye, Black Ops - Song of Memories
www.youtube.com Click here to watch Call of Duty: Black Ops: I'm A COD Pro Rap Song - Best...
published: 05 Aug 2011
author: machinima
BrySi the Machinima Guy - Goodbye, Black Ops - Song of Memories
www.youtube.com Click here to watch Call of Duty: Black Ops: I'm A COD Pro Rap Song - Best Ever by BrySi (Musical Machinima) Goodbye, Black Ops - Song of Memories (Musical Machinima) Sometimes I feel it's a shame that the COD franchise pumps out games almost every year. I'd like to see them make a game that includes some sort of forge mode and lengthen the release of their titles out by half a year or so. But whatever. I understand everyone has to make money. I hope you enjoy this song and video. Leave a comment with one of your favorite memories from in the game. If you wanna get this song off iTunes, get it. It's called "Goodbye Black Ops" and you can find it at the link below. And thanks for your support. This beat was created using Fruity Loops. Download my VIDEO GAME music at www.brysi.com or on itunes itunes.apple.com You might as well watch all of my other Machinima content too: www.youtube.com DIRECTOR'S LINKS: www.twitter.com www.brysi.com DIRECTOR'S CHANNEL www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Machinima Happy Hour is home to the best animation and shorts Machinima has to offer. Check back every weekend for updates on all your favorite shows like Sanity Not Included, Two Best Friends Play, Freeman's Mind, Sonic For Hire and more! www.youtube.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This video will show you: How to rap like Lil Wayne How to love video games How to play acoustic guitar How to use Fruity Loops How to play Call of ...
- published: 05 Aug 2011
- views: 1043591
- author: machinima

JT Machinima - Welcome To Dead Island (Musical Machinima)
www.youtube.com Click here to watch Left 4 Dead 2 Rap Welcome To Dead Island (Musical Mach...
published: 05 Oct 2011
author: machinima
JT Machinima - Welcome To Dead Island (Musical Machinima)
www.youtube.com Click here to watch Left 4 Dead 2 Rap Welcome To Dead Island (Musical Machinima) Here's a lil quick on the new zombie chop 'em up, Dead Island. Enjoy! And thanks for watching!! Directors' Channel: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Directors iTunes: tinyurl.com Directors Facebook: tinyurl.com Directors Website: www.jtmachinima.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This Respawn video will show you: How to play Dead Island How to kill zombies How to make Musical Machinima - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Like Machinima Respawn on Facebook! facebook.com Enlist in the Respawn Army! therespawnarmy.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com Tags: yt:quality=high Dead Island Techland Deep Silver Microsoft Windows "Xbox 360" Xbox360 "PlayStation 3" PS3 Sony horror action adventure "survival horror" Singleplayer multiplayer "open world" Sandbox "video game" co-operative coop cooperative melee zombie outbreak zombies "Xian Mei" Logan puma "Sam B" Machinima respawn gameplay commentary "how to" patfan8326 skullkruncher13 pat skull jt rappersheads cut bats clubs decapitation killing kill thug life gamers greatest ever musical music video
- published: 05 Oct 2011
- views: 68555
- author: machinima

Game - The City ft. Kendrick Lamar
Buy Now! Itunes: bit.ly Amazon: amzn.to Music video by Game performing The City. (C) 2012 ...
published: 22 Mar 2012
author: TheGameVEVO
Game - The City ft. Kendrick Lamar
Buy Now! Itunes: bit.ly Amazon: amzn.to Music video by Game performing The City. (C) 2012 DGC/Interscope Records
- published: 22 Mar 2012
- views: 8527837
- author: TheGameVEVO