Couronnement du ROI D'UVEA LE 25/07/08 Photos de l'intronisation du ROI DE WALLIS en compagnie du nouveau TALAHAULOGO avec pour chanson FAHOLA Kapeliele Faupala a été intronisé roi de Wallis vendredi 25 JUILLET 2008 à 9h45 sur la place Malae Sagato Soane, face au palais royal devant près de deux mille personnes et des invités de marque. Le nouveau lavelua succède ainsi au monarque Tomasi Kulimoetoke qui avait régné quarante-huit ans. King Faupala, locally known as the Kalai Ki Valu, is a retired public servant, in the French administration and the local public works department, where he served until 1995.He hails from the village of Ahoa, in the centre of Wallis Island. Oceania Flash/ Pacnews Sat, 26 Jul 2008 MATA'UTU, WALLIS ---- The new King of Wallis, Kapiliele Faupala, 68, has been crowned in front of some two thousand people, chiefs and officials from the French Pacific islands, as well as New Caledonia. Oceania Flash reports The ceremony, which was broadcast live on the French Overseas Television network RFO, followed the announcement mid-July from the island's traditional council of ministers, who said Faupala was their choice to succeed late Tomasi Kulimoetoke, who died in May 2007 after a record 48 years of reign. For the past four years, Faupala had been heading what is locally referred to as the Customary Council of Ministers, a body that enjoys a certain form of recognition from the ruling French authorities under the 1961 status of Overseas Territory signed <b>...</b>