- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 2419
The Kurdish Zend-Avesta (Median) Language (Part 1)
Zend Avesta - South Of Heaven (Daphreephunkateerz Remix)
Zend Avesta (Exclusive Preview)
Religion Book Review: The Zend Avesta: Part I by Friedrich Max Mller, James Darmesteter
Zend Avesta - Un Dimanche a la Campagne
Zend Avesta - One Of These Days (Organique, 2000)
Avesta, Zend Avesta, Zoroaster
El Avesta. Los himnos o cantos de Zaratustra (Zoroastro). Los Gathas
Excerpts from The Avesta
Listen "Zend Avesta" Exclusive Preview by Defanico. Coming Soon!
http://www.ReligionBookMix.com This is the summary of The Zend Avesta: Part I by Friedrich Max Mller, James Darmesteter.
Zend Avesta was a project of Arnaud Rebotini. One album was produced in 2000 called "Organique", plus several singles. This track, though, was on the 1998 compilation called "French Fried Funk Vol. 11". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnaud_Rebotini
passage read from 1956 Funk & Wagnalls encyclopedia. Please leave a comment if there is a passage you'd like me to look up for you, Sincerest Kimba photo credits: Pixabay and Archive.Org
Los Gathas son los 17 himnos, cantos religiosos atribuidos al profeta Zaratustra (Zoroastro). Son la parte más antigua del Avesta y están considerados como los textos más sagrados de la fe zoroástrica. Se denominan también Yasna (en avéstico sacrificio o adoración). Constituyen la principal colección litúrgica de textos del Avesta, así como el principal acto de culto zoroastriano, donde se recitan sus versos. Algunos de los versos están directamente dirigidos al Omnisciente Creador Ahura Mazda. Contenido: Yasna 28-34, Canto del Señor. Llamada de Zarathustra a la divinidad. Oraciones pidiendo gracia y palabras de revelación. Doctrina del dualismo. Rezos y confianza en la misión. Súplicas y ofrendas. Yasna 43-46, Canto de la felicidad. La felicidad es para el que trae felicidad al prójimo. l...
Library of the World's Best Literature (Audio book), Ancient and Modern volume 3 by Charles Dudley Warner, ed. The Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, is a work of enormous proportions. Setting out with the simple goal of offering "American households a mass of good reading", the editors drew from literature of all times and all kinds what they considered the best pieces of human writing, and compiled an ambitious collection of 45 volumes (with a 46th being an index-guide). Besides the selection and translation of a huge number of poems, letters, short stories and sections of books, the collection offers, before each chapter, a short essay about the author or subject in question. In many cases, chapters contemplate not one author, but certain groups of works, organ...