
Did Enki give humans knowledge against the Anunnaki law?
Who built the structure in Baalbek in Lebanon? Did Enki defy the Anunnaki law by teaching ...
published: 19 Oct 2011
author: JohnDoHerty2012
Did Enki give humans knowledge against the Anunnaki law?
Who built the structure in Baalbek in Lebanon? Did Enki defy the Anunnaki law by teaching humans technology? And what is the link behind Noah and various other stories of worldly floods that were all created at the same time... and is there proof?
published: 19 Oct 2011
views: 99304

Zecharia Sitchin's: The Lost Book of Enki - Part1 (Commentary and Read by Josh Reeves)
published: 24 Jun 2011
author: 1776isBACK
Zecharia Sitchin's: The Lost Book of Enki - Part1 (Commentary and Read by Josh Reeves)

Zecharia Sitchin's: The Lost Book of Enki - Part 2 (Commentary and Read by Josh Reeves)
Zecharia Sitchin's: The Lost Book of Enki - (Commentary and Read by Josh Reeves) www.thegl...
published: 28 Jun 2011
author: 1776isBACK
Zecharia Sitchin's: The Lost Book of Enki - Part 2 (Commentary and Read by Josh Reeves)
Zecharia Sitchin's: The Lost Book of Enki - (Commentary and Read by Josh Reeves) www.theglobalreality.com
published: 28 Jun 2011
author: 1776isBACK
views: 32791

The Lost City Of Enki & The Left Brain Prison - Michael Tellinger - Truth Frequency Radio
Michael Tellinger at Truth Frequency Radio. May 29, 2011. Truth Frequency Radio - Saturday...
published: 29 May 2011
author: linuxfrik
The Lost City Of Enki & The Left Brain Prison - Michael Tellinger - Truth Frequency Radio
Michael Tellinger at Truth Frequency Radio. May 29, 2011. Truth Frequency Radio - Saturdays 10:00 PM - 12:00 PM CST - Oracle Broadcasting - TruthFrequencyRadio.com.
published: 29 May 2011
author: linuxfrik
views: 30986

ET 102: Annunankis Enki Story
The creation story from Enki's perspective. His connection to an immortal by the name of B...
published: 08 May 2011
author: makalesi
ET 102: Annunankis Enki Story
The creation story from Enki's perspective. His connection to an immortal by the name of Black Girl who is also known as mystery girl. How he planned on helping human's with evolution and his connection to the 31 races on this planet earth
published: 08 May 2011
author: makalesi
views: 5983

Lucifer Who Is Enki Who Is Ea
Lucifer personifies humanitarian goodness and enlightenment. All other characterizations o...
published: 08 Aug 2008
author: bootleggersouth
Lucifer Who Is Enki Who Is Ea
Lucifer personifies humanitarian goodness and enlightenment. All other characterizations of Lucifer are blasphemous and inaccurate. In the Freudian sense, Lucifer is the Self rebelling against the Super Ego---the psychic faculty analogous to the judging and condemning 'father figure,' both internally and externally---for the sake of empowering the Ego Ideal---the psychic faculty analogous with the rewarding and benevolent 'mother figure.' Put very simply, Lucifer is the Self choosing to be ruled by Love rather than Fear. Therefore, Luciferian consciousness is in league with the 'feminine' right hemisphere of the brain. Be it represented by the Yin of the Yin/Yang, the Chalice of the Chalice/Blade, or the Spirit of Napoleon's Spirit/Sword.. "There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit." ---Napoleon Bonaparte Of course there are many other representations of theses two eternal polarities which exist in all matters. In the Sumerian stories Lucifer is commensurate with Enki, the creator of humanity. While facing much opposition from his malevolent brother Enlil, who is representative of left brain patriarchal consciousness, Enki saves enlightens humankind in the Garden, clothes them after Enlil drives them out, and saves humanity from the Deluge with which Enlil attempted to destroy humanity. The God of the Old Testament is a composite character formed by combining these two forces. Good ...
published: 08 Aug 2008
author: bootleggersouth
views: 299203

Ea, Enki and Enlil (explained by Robert Morning Sky)
www.ottawastreetnews.com SEPARATION of the Wheat and TARES- VAMPIRE BBQ OTTAWA T PARTY. PE...
published: 26 May 2011
author: Agape Amor
Ea, Enki and Enlil (explained by Robert Morning Sky)
www.ottawastreetnews.com SEPARATION of the Wheat and TARES- VAMPIRE BBQ OTTAWA T PARTY. PEDOPHILE SATANIST QUEERS UNITE AGAIN Saturday, 05 14, 2011 - 7 SUN in SATURN. MOLOCH SACRIFICE of MOTHER EARTH and CANADA.$$$HAARPER$$$ -7 am on SATURNday, $$$HAARPER$$$ floods Manitoba to DESTROY our HOMES, FOOD SUPPLY, OUR BORDERS and move water to Great SATAN USA as part of the NAFTA FREE TRADE AGREEMENT to sell CANADA's water and build a SUPER HIGHWAY with skull and bones FREEMASON, PEDOPHILE SATANIST, VAMPIRE GEORGE BUSH Sr. (you get what you voted for- a FASCIST NEW WORLD ORDER under HITLER-HARPER for at least 4 years. (votes were rigged). 150 homes (6) destroyed, 8 days to get to their target areas. 1000 meters opening was cut. ( 555 will destroy 666) 225 sq km flooded (9). 100's affected by this. Emmanuel Rozental Klinger- FREEDOM for CanINDIANs ONLY in the Americas Join us in a PEACEFUL New Paradigm of Universal Oneness, Serenity and Prosperity for All. We are a Network of People with Integrity and OPEN hearts, creating a BETTER WORLD for seven generations to come. www.canadastreetnews.com www.danahorochowski.com www.canadastreetnews.com www.jrgenius.com www.serenityglobal.com EDEN will begin in YORK REGION. RICHMOND HILL. BYE BYE LIZARDBETH. www.holyhealthy.com DanaHorochowski.com 5 d, SEPARATION of the Wheat and TARES, VAMPIRE BBQ, OTTAWA T PARTY, PEDOPHILE SATANIST, QUEERS, murderer, Illuminati, COUNT St Germain, rape, armageddon 4d
published: 26 May 2011
author: Agape Amor
views: 4546

Enki And Ninmah Sumerian Translations 1/2
Print sources Benito 1969, p. 1-76: translation, composite text, commentary Bottéro and K...
published: 23 Dec 2008
author: BankOFganja
Enki And Ninmah Sumerian Translations 1/2
Print sources Benito 1969, p. 1-76: translation, composite text, commentary Bottéro and Kramer 1989, p. 188-198: translation, commentary Green 1975, p. 170-174: commentary Jacobsen 1987, p. 151-166: translation, commentary Klein 1997: commentary, translation Kramer and Maier 1989, p. 13-14, 31-37, 124, 132-133, 176: commentary, translation Lambert and Millard 1969, p. 42-70: commentary Pettinato 1971: commentary Römer 1993a, p. 386-401: translation, commentary Sauren 1993, p. 198-208: commentary, translation (ll. 4-46) Electronic sources Krecher 1996a: composite text, translation Cuneiform sources AO 7936 (TCL 16 71) BM 12845 (CT 42 28) CBS 2168 CBS 2202 CBS 11327 (all PBS 1/1 4; PBS 10/4 14) CBS 12738 CBS 13368 (SEM 116) N 1889 (photo Kramer SM pl. 17E, Sumerians pl. 16f.) N 2571 ?N 6385 The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL) a project of the University of Oxford, comprises a selection of nearly 400 literary compositions recorded on sources which come from ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) and date to the late third and early second millennia BCE. The corpus contains Sumerian texts in transliteration, English prose translations and bibliographical information for each composition. The transliterations and the translations can be searched, browsed and read online using the tools of the website. Funding for the ETCSL project came to an end in the summer of 2006 and no work is currently being done to this site or its contents.
published: 23 Dec 2008
author: BankOFganja
views: 104438

Zecharia Sitchin's: The Lost Book of Enki - Part 3 (Commentary and Read by Josh Reeves)
Zecharia Sitchin's: The Lost Book of Enki - (Commentary and Read by Josh Reeves) www.thegl...
published: 02 Jul 2011
author: 1776isBACK
Zecharia Sitchin's: The Lost Book of Enki - Part 3 (Commentary and Read by Josh Reeves)
Zecharia Sitchin's: The Lost Book of Enki - (Commentary and Read by Josh Reeves) www.theglobalreality.com
published: 02 Jul 2011
author: 1776isBACK
views: 21113

ENKI AND NINMAH 1/2...the cosmic sumerian story about the creation of the human race
theothersideofthesocallreality.ning.com The purplespiral company in collaboration with the...
published: 31 Jan 2010
author: shemphen9
ENKI AND NINMAH 1/2...the cosmic sumerian story about the creation of the human race
theothersideofthesocallreality.ning.com The purplespiral company in collaboration with the Oxford university( for the tablets transletion ) and the nasa istitute(for the space image) ....present the ancient story of Enki and Ninmah and the creation of the human race......sumerian people were extremely advance and for the comune knowledge they were the 1th modern civilization(of course they were not...)....they invented the school system, the modern bi cameral state,all the music instruments,the agricolture,the wheel,the clock with the 60 minutes and more.....but even more incredible was their knowledge about the planets of our solar system and his creation......they knew things back 8000 years ago that moder man only now start to catch up with ....how could they knew so much if thet were just coming out from the cave time????........the sumerians telling us that all their knowledge is gave to them from their gods.....THE ANUNNAKI....and that they were also the creators of the human race........come to the other side of reality to know more about this great mistery...... theothersideofthesocallreality.ning.com
published: 31 Jan 2010
author: shemphen9
views: 7143

Lost Book of Enki [chapter 1of14] [part 1of4]
Synopsis of the First Chapter: -Lamentation over the desolation of Sumer -How the gods fle...
published: 31 Jan 2010
author: 2014andBeyonD
Lost Book of Enki [chapter 1of14] [part 1of4]
Synopsis of the First Chapter: -Lamentation over the desolation of Sumer -How the gods fled their cities as the nuclear cloud spread -The debates in the council of the gods -The fateful decision to unleash the Weapons of Terror -The origin of the gods and the awesome weapons on Nibiru -Nibiru's north-south wars, unification, and dynastic rules -Nibiru's place in the solar system -A dwindling atmosphere causes climate changes -Efforts to obtain gold to shield the atmosphere fail -Alalu, a usurper, uses nuclear weapons to stir volcanic gases -Anu, a dynastic heir, deposes Alalu -Alalu steals a spacecraft and escapes from Nibiru Known for his controversial interpretations derived from translated Sumerian clay tablets, Z. Sitchin theorized almost all existing Sumerian mythological texts originally existed in the form of a book that got fragmented by the Mesopotamian generations who passed it down. He named this theoretical book The Lost Book of Enki, memoirs and prophecies of an extraterrestrial god. Z. Sitchin believes all Sumerian mythological stories are records of events that really took place thousands of years ago involving advanced beings from another planet. According to Sitchins interpretations there should be an undiscovered planet in our solar system called Nibiru with living beings on it who traveled to earth during the last ice age. The Sumerian texts call them the Annunaki which literally translates; heaven-to-earth, or, those-who-from-heaven-to-earth-came. As ...
published: 31 Jan 2010
author: 2014andBeyonD
views: 133577

ANUNNAKi THE LOST BOOK OF ENKi ( Pyramids of Egypt )
myspace.com the Lost Videos of Enki series. A Star Wars Genesis, from THE LOST BOOK OF ENK...
published: 12 Apr 2009
author: AngelofTheCreator
ANUNNAKi THE LOST BOOK OF ENKi ( Pyramids of Egypt )
myspace.com the Lost Videos of Enki series. A Star Wars Genesis, from THE LOST BOOK OF ENKi
published: 12 Apr 2009
author: AngelofTheCreator
views: 49114

Enki is Humanity`s Father. Enlil known as Jehovah wanted humanity DEAD 1
The Official Web Site of Zecharia Sitchin www.sitchin.com Zecharia Featured in The New Yor...
published: 23 Aug 2010
author: sangstar1
Enki is Humanity`s Father. Enlil known as Jehovah wanted humanity DEAD 1
The Official Web Site of Zecharia Sitchin www.sitchin.com Zecharia Featured in The New York Times www.nytimes.com Historic Evidence : Robert Sepehr's research into the Earth's past geology helps to establish and demonstrate a 3600 year pattern of cataclysm on Earth. www.planetxvideo.net Noted Researchers : Researchers and Proponents www.planetxvideo.net Anunnaki/Nephalim : Who were the Anunnaki? www.planetxvideo.net Biblical Prophecy : Planet X in Biblical Prophecy www.youtube.com PX on YouTube www.planetxvideo.net Nancy Lieder www.planetxvideo.net Lloyd Pye www.planetxvideo.net Jason Martell www.planetxvideo.net Mark Hazlewood www.planetxvideo.net James McCanney www.planetxvideo.net Andy Lloyd www.planetxvideo.net Robertino Solarion www.planetxvideo.net Cody Jordan www.planetxvideo.net Dr. Radu Popa www.planetxvideo.net Dr. Bernard Pipkin
published: 23 Aug 2010
author: sangstar1
views: 52388

Dark History 5: NECRONOMICON Marduk Enlil Enki Anu Babylonian Magick: Twyman interviews Levenda
Dark History 5: NECRONOMICON Marduk Enlil Enki Anu Babylonian Magick: Twyman interviews Le...
published: 23 Nov 2008
author: mardukite
Dark History 5: NECRONOMICON Marduk Enlil Enki Anu Babylonian Magick: Twyman interviews Levenda
Dark History 5: NECRONOMICON Marduk Enlil Enki Anu Babylonian Magick: Twyman interviews Levenda. 5 of 6: Dark History: Introduction to the Necronomicon. PlusUltra podcast from Tracy R. Twyman (author of Merovingian Mythos and Solomon's Treasure, etc.) interviewing Peter Levenda (who many believe is the Simon responsible for the Necronomicon). To assist humanity in its defense against the hordes of darkness that await within the recess of human consciousness and the world at large as a result, there is the black book, the Necronomicon. It is entirely possible that the Sumerian religious spiritual mystical experience, as well as all others that have erupted from this Mesopotamian Anunaki line, are based on what could be the only possible profound divine and mythologically fantastic psychic event in the history of humanity: contact with beings from another planet or star. 5 of 6. Uploaded to youtube by Mardukite Chamberlains: www.mardukite.com www.youtube.com/mardukite www.myspace.com/mardukite www.youtube.com/merlynstone www.myspace.com/merlynstone
published: 23 Nov 2008
author: mardukite
views: 30557
Vimeo results:

Pond Hockey
Photography by Jeff Melanson.
Skaters: Corey O'Connor and Scott Melanson
published: 19 Dec 2009
author: Enki Studios
Pond Hockey
Photography by Jeff Melanson.
Skaters: Corey O'Connor and Scott Melanson
Check out Jeff's reel here:

Prospect Hill "Roller Coaster"
A video we just shot for the band Prospect Hill.
All in one long...
published: 28 Nov 2009
author: Enki Studios
Prospect Hill "Roller Coaster"
A video we just shot for the band Prospect Hill.
All in one long steadicam shot.
Check out the BTS video, shot on one of the rehearsals, as you'll see.
Canon 7d, 17-35mm f2.8.
Produced by David Kruta
Directed by Chris Bolarinho
DP/Steadicam Operator - Jeff Melanson
Production Designer - Carolyn King
Gaffer - Jordan T. Parrott
1st AC - Sarah Tricker
2nd AC - Regina Dellea
Best Boy Electric - Walter Stone
Grip - Fritz Ceriales
PA - Mike Mcguire
PA - Lucie Brabcova

Subaru STI Spec Commercial
A short spec commercial we shot for fun this week for Chris's Subari STI.
Directed by Ch...
published: 30 Nov 2009
author: Enki Studios
Subaru STI Spec Commercial
A short spec commercial we shot for fun this week for Chris's Subari STI.
Directed by Chris Bolarinho
DP/Steadicam Operator - Jeff Melanson
Canon 7d
Canon 28-70mm f2.8 L
Marshall 7" Monitor
Zacuto rods/letus rods
Bartech wireless focus/ m-one motor
Steadicam Flyer LE
Magic Bullet Mojo
Music : Royksopp - Triumphant

Official music video for Ishivu's ENKI.
published: 17 Aug 2011
author: American Painkillers
Official music video for Ishivu's ENKI.
Starring: Scott Cole, Nicola Persky, Sean Watson
Director: Henry Kaplan
Producer: Josh Gordon
Associate Producers: Pete Binswanger, Maegan Houang, Andrew Price
Cinematographer: Jay Keitel
1st AC: Wesley Tracy
B Camera Operator: Andrew Choe
Art Director: Maegan Houang
Makeup: Cain Motter (facebook.com/cainscreditcardhell)
Executive Producer: William J. Cohen
Cast: Robert Broadfoot, Andrew Choe, Chris Coleman, Owen Kiely, Andrew Price, Thaddeus Ruzicka
© 2011 American Painkillers (americanpainkillers.com)
Youtube results:

Marduk Son of Enki Anunnaki Gods
This video by bootleggersouth has some interesting information about Marduk the Son of Enk...
published: 25 Dec 2009
author: enki35
Marduk Son of Enki Anunnaki Gods
This video by bootleggersouth has some interesting information about Marduk the Son of Enki The Creator God Annunaki who was revolting against the Enlilite realms to defend his fathers bloodline. Great wars started between the Annunaki from the Enlilites and the Enkiites claims to rulership.
published: 25 Dec 2009
author: enki35
views: 5823

UFO "Ea Enki" - ASCII code was drawn in Crop Circle at Poirino, Italy on June 20, 2011.mp4
ASCII code was drawn in Crop Circle at Poirino, Italy on June 20, 2011: A new crop picture...
published: 25 Jun 2011
author: EriGIA007
UFO "Ea Enki" - ASCII code was drawn in Crop Circle at Poirino, Italy on June 20, 2011.mp4
ASCII code was drawn in Crop Circle at Poirino, Italy on June 20, 2011: A new crop picture which appeared near Poirino, Italy on June 20, 2011 shows at its centre a large seven-pointed star, which clearly resembles another star like crop picture from Lane End Down in southern England during July of 2005. That 2005 crop picture predicted the outburst of comet 17P Holmes two years later in October of 2007. Could another cometary outburst be imminent? ENKI: Even more interestingly, a series of seven rays along the outside of that new crop picture at Poirino are written in eight-bit ASCII code, and seem to identify the crop artist as "Ea" or "Enki" who was a tall blond extra-terrestrial god in ancient Sumeria. According to ancient legends, he and Innanna created modern humans by hybridizing sperm from the male gods with eggs taken from local aboriginals, already living on Earth tens of thousands of years ago. The precise ASCII code which was drawn at Poirino goes as follows, reading clockwise around its large seven-pointed star: 01000101 E 01100001 a 01000101 E 01101110 n 01101011 k 01101001 i 00100000 space That amazing crop picture also shows a series of "stars" around its seven edges, but it is not clear whether those symbols represent astronomical images around an exploding comet (as for Lane End Down 2005), or rather some clever mathematical code? Counting each set of "stars" individually, we seem to see "5.334444″. Last summer in 2010 at Poirino, the precise number of ...
published: 25 Jun 2011
author: EriGIA007
views: 38732

Enki's Laboratory, Rh-negative Blood, How to De-Bunk a De-Bunker, and Christian UFO Book Scam
Laurence Galian's Podcast "The Place Inside" Episode # 9 "Enki's Laboratory, Rh-negative B...
published: 12 Jun 2011
author: Laurence Galian
Enki's Laboratory, Rh-negative Blood, How to De-Bunk a De-Bunker, and Christian UFO Book Scam
Laurence Galian's Podcast "The Place Inside" Episode # 9 "Enki's Laboratory, Rh-negative Blood, How to De-Bunk a De-Bunker" Enki's Laboratory and City have been found! Zechariah Stichen told us about this in his books. In this show we explain where the laboratory was found and what exactly was Enki doing! Planetary Consciousness - Interviewing: Laurence Galian - 8 junio 2011 www.ustream.tv Who have been some of the greatest Metaphysical Freedom Fighters of the past? Do you doubt there really were a group of individuals who fought back against the ruling elite? Here we list a few of them from the distant past to the present: The Sons of the Serpent in Lemuria, the Lemurian women, the Eves, Inana, Osiris, Shiva and Mu-Devi, the Prophet David, Tibetan Warrior Monks, Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche), Yeshe Tsoygal, Prophet Jesus ("I tell you most solemnly, whoever believe in me will perform the same works as I do myself, he will perform even greater works, because I am going to the Father," John 14:12), Irish High King Nuada, King Arthur, Gawain, The Bodlanders, Machetto of the Hopi Amerindians, Nata of the Aztecs, Deucalion of Greece, Manu and Satyravata of India, Babd - Queen of the Tuatha de Danann, Khasistra of Persia, Yima of Iran, Dwyfan and Dwyfach of Wales, Bergelmir of Scandinavia, Coxcox of Mexico, Sir Frances Bacon, Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner, and Gurdjieff. These are just a few of the individuals who have made a difference with ...
published: 12 Jun 2011
author: Laurence Galian
views: 113753

Enki Sumerian Tablet Translation Ch.1- 1 of 6
This is a video series, if you want to purchase "The Lost Book of Enki, by mr. Zecharia Si...
published: 22 Oct 2008
author: squibblejack
Enki Sumerian Tablet Translation Ch.1- 1 of 6
This is a video series, if you want to purchase "The Lost Book of Enki, by mr. Zecharia Sitchin" to anyone who is interested in this story, Thank You www.amazon.com etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk Heres the current translations were they stand. I just can't praise this video enough. Thank you for taking the time to create this video from the Lost Book of Enki. And I must congratulate you on your exquisite taste in music. Fernando Sor was a masterful composer and guitarist. The second song is, of course, Recuerdos De La Alhambra, composed by Francisco Tárrega. 5 stars Mon Am Thetablets were found in what's now modern day Iraq. Famous locations where a lot of tablets in ancient libraries were found: Sippar, Nippur and Nineveh. Sitchin used well over 800 Sumerian, Mesopotamian, Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian sources for this collection. He named this bundle of tablets he selected 'The Lost Book of Enki'. Soundtrack-Fernando-Sor,-op60no22
published: 22 Oct 2008
author: squibblejack
views: 172827