Glinka and Isaac Levitan`s Paintings.mp4
Isaac Levitan painting Glinka...
published: 17 Aug 2011
Author: dickbellbookmaven
Glinka and Isaac Levitan`s Paintings.mp4
Isaac Levitan painting Glinka
Feodor Chaliapin elegie Isaac Levitan
published: 03 Mar 2009
Author: musicpainting
Feodor Chaliapin elegie Isaac Levitan
Rachmaninoff - Levitan - Lyrical Landscape
"Isaak Levitan, Lyrical Landscape..." is the title of a book, which has been pub...
published: 01 Nov 2009
Author: TheClassicalFun
Rachmaninoff - Levitan - Lyrical Landscape
"Isaak Levitan, Lyrical Landscape..." is the title of a book, which has been published in 2004. It's author is Averil King, who dedicated it to the memory of Anton Chekhov, a lifelong friend of Isaak Levitan. In a beautiful, lyrical way he is unfolding every important detail and facet of this unique Russian painter. From the foreword of this book, written by Dr. David Jackson, from the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies, the University of Leeds: "....Levitan's unrivalled achievement is that he became for many, and still is, the national painter 'par excellence', his profound understanding and love for his nation's landscape, permitting him to demolish the barriers of social, class and religious divides to produce in his many canvasses ~the~ incarnation of Mother Russia...." Used paintings: 1. Self Portrait, 1880 2. Stillness, 1898 3. Moonlit birchtrees 4. Twilight. Moon, 1899 5. Church in Plyos, 1888 6. Above Eternal Rest, 1893-1894 7. Evening on the Volga, 1888 The name Sergei Rachmaninoff, and his picture, are creating intense, special, harmonical subtle energies which are welcoming Isaak Levitan, and his Art, his paintings. They bring in an awareness of spirituality, open a metaphysical dimension, the one of Divinity, Peace, Light, and that takes us on a journey within ourselves, our soul, meeting there Russia, the Russian Soul..... Music: Sergei Rachmaninoff's "Blessed is the man" ~ "Blazhen Muzh", part three from Vespers: "All Night Vigil" Lyrics <b>...</b>
El Otoño de Isaac Levitan y Vivaldi
Isaac Levitán Ilyich (1860-1900)) fue uno de los más excepcionales paisajist...
published: 10 Nov 2011
Author: musicyarte
El Otoño de Isaac Levitan y Vivaldi
Isaac Levitán Ilyich (1860-1900)) fue uno de los más excepcionales paisajistas rusos, con influencias entre el realismo y el impresionismo. Creador de paisajes en las que la naturaleza se convierte en reflejo de las emociones y meditaciones del artista. Estudiante y continuador de la tradición de Savrasov y Polénov, Levitán enriqueció la pintura de paisajes con la introducción de temas de profundamente emotivos y poéticos. Nació en Lituania, en la aldea de Kibarti, en el seno de una familia judia cuyo cabeza de familia era funcionario. Posteriormente se desplazarón a Moscú, allí terminó la Escuela de Pintura, Escultura y Arquitectura en donde ya comenzó a mostrar su inclinación al lirismo. Después de terminar sus estudios participó en las exposiciones de los Itinerantes, pintó decorados para las operas privadas de S. Mamontov y se dedicó a la enseñanza. Decisivo en su formación artística fue su viaje a París a la exposición internacional de 1889, después del cual su obra se aproximaría al impresionismo. Durante la década de 1890 se percibe la aspiración del artista a transmitir una imagen épica de la naturaleza (Vladimirka, Sobre la paz eterna). Sus paisajes asombran por su finura, profundidad y profundo laconismo. Aspiraba a trasnmitir toda la belleza y riqueza del paisaje ruso: la juventud y la alegria (Primavera. La crecida.), la tristeza y el misterio (En la profundidad.), el brillo dorado de las hojas que van a caer (Otoño dorado.) o la blancura de la nieve <b>...</b>
Isaac Levitan Reproduction Paintings (HD)
Isaac Levitan Paintings - see more at reproductionart.org Follow us at https Music made av...
published: 24 Mar 2012
Author: ReproductionArt
Isaac Levitan Reproduction Paintings (HD)
Isaac Levitan Paintings - see more at reproductionart.org Follow us at https Music made available via creative commons on wikipedia. Thanks guys.
Isaac Levitan's exhibition
published: 08 Mar 2011
Author: pretty4mo
Isaac Levitan's exhibition
Exhibition of Isaac Levitan's works
Isaac Levitan is one of my face artists of all times!...
published: 08 Mar 2011
Author: pretty4mo
Exhibition of Isaac Levitan's works
Isaac Levitan is one of my face artists of all times!
Isaac Levitan картины
Isaac Levitan картины...
published: 04 Feb 2011
Author: василий калгушкин
Isaac Levitan картины
Isaac Levitan картины
Isaac Levitan
Exhibition in Moscow...
published: 08 Mar 2011
Author: pretty4mo
Isaac Levitan
Exhibition in Moscow
Isaak Levitan
Isaac Ilyich Levitan (Russian: Исаа́к Ил...
published: 18 Oct 2012
Author: Leonid LL
Isaak Levitan
Isaac Ilyich Levitan (Russian: Исаа́к Ильи́ч Левита́н; August 30, 1860 -- August 4 [OS July 22] 1900) was a classical Lithuanian-Russian landscape painter who advanced the genre of the "mood landscape".
Isaac Levitan
Exhibition, Moscow...
published: 08 Mar 2011
Author: pretty4mo
Isaac Levitan
Exhibition, Moscow
Isaac Levitan графика
Isaac Levitan графика...
published: 04 Feb 2011
Author: василий калгушкин
Isaac Levitan графика
Isaac Levitan графика
Isaac Levitan knows nothing about PLIOS
images of PLIOS on the banks of Volga - 110 years after Isaac Levitan's death...
published: 17 Oct 2009
Author: alexsuho
Isaac Levitan knows nothing about PLIOS
images of PLIOS on the banks of Volga - 110 years after Isaac Levitan's death
Isaac Levitan Sad landscape
Music of Sergei Rachmaninoff, London Symphony Orchestra, André Previn - Vocalise, O...
published: 19 Jul 2012
Author: Vladyb49
Isaac Levitan Sad landscape
Music of Sergei Rachmaninoff, London Symphony Orchestra, André Previn - Vocalise, Op.34 No. 14
Vimeo results:
Lena Selyanina - August Song
Lena Selyanina's solo piano piece August Song with beautiful imagery from the famous Russi...
published: 15 Aug 2009
Author: Doc Musictrade
Lena Selyanina - August Song
Lena Selyanina's solo piano piece August Song with beautiful imagery from the famous Russian landscape painter Isaac Levitan (1860-1900).
Youtube results:
Vera Sokolova e Irina Otieva - Poslednjaya Poema (sub. español)
Cuadros del pintor ruso Isaac Levitan (1861-1900)....
published: 02 Sep 2012
Author: Burton390
Vera Sokolova e Irina Otieva - Poslednjaya Poema (sub. español)
Cuadros del pintor ruso Isaac Levitan (1861-1900).
Elegy, Rachmaninov, Serebriakov, ЭЛЕГИЯ, РАХМАНИНОВ, СЕРЕБРЯКОВ
My elegy for the time, the roll of days, nights, seasons. The cycle of nature. For the tim...
published: 25 Oct 2009
Author: pslogge
Elegy, Rachmaninov, Serebriakov, ЭЛЕГИЯ, РАХМАНИНОВ, СЕРЕБРЯКОВ
My elegy for the time, the roll of days, nights, seasons. The cycle of nature. For the time who passes by. Indifferent of us all and in revenge we try, in vain, to ignore. Elegy is the first of the ´five fantasy pieces` op.3, 1892, by Sergei Rachmaninov, 1873-1943. A quite popular and friendly piece of music unfolding a touching, rather sad melody plus the necessary virtuoso parts. Russian pianist Pavel Serebriakov, 1909-1977, served mainly the romantic repertoire. Paintings by russian painters: 1.Isaac Levitan, Twilight.The moon, 1899. 2.Isaac Levitan, Silence, 1898. 3.Arkhip Kuindzhi, Moonlight on the Dnieper, 1880. 4.Arkhip Kuindzhi, Evening in the Ukraine, 1878-1901. 5.Grigory Soroka, Fishermen, 1840. 6.Nicholas Roerich, Messenger, 1897. Enjoy
ИСААК ЛЕВИТАН (Isaac Levitan)
Исаак Ильич Ле
published: 23 Mar 2011
Author: Olga Zubova
ИСААК ЛЕВИТАН (Isaac Levitan)
Исаак Ильич Левитан родился 30 августа 1860 года в небольшом литовском городке Кибарты Ковенской губернии. Отец его был мелким служащим, семья была большой и жила небогато. В начале 70-х годов Семья Левитана переезжает в Москву, затем скоропостижно скончалась мать Исаака, а спустя непродолжительное время умирает и отец. В тринадцатилетнем возрасте Левитан поступил в Московское училище живописи, ваяния и зодчества. В сентябре 1876 года Левитан обучается в пейзажной мастерской А. К. Саврасова, а позже его учителем становится В. Д. Поленов. Благодаря своему таланту и трудолюбию Левитан отлично закончил училище, однако Совет училища отказал ему в присуждении Большой серебряной медали. После окончания училища Левитан принимал участие в передвижных выставках, его картины пользовались большим успехом. В 1898 году Исаак Левитан удостаиватся звания академика пейзажной живописи. Художник преподает в Московском училище живописи, ваяния и зодчества, где сам когда-то учился. Его картины с успехом демонстрируются на Всемирной выставке в Париже, на выставке в Мюнхене. Но вскоре здоровье Левитана резко ухудшается, лечение за границей мало помогает. 4 августа 1900 года Исаак Левитан скончался.
Alexander Borodin, Au couvent, Petit Suite, Isaac Ilyich Levitan
Alexander Borodin, Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin (1833- 1887), Au couvent, Petit Suite, T...
published: 03 Apr 2011
Author: mangott
Alexander Borodin, Au couvent, Petit Suite, Isaac Ilyich Levitan
Alexander Borodin, Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin (1833- 1887), Au couvent, Petit Suite, The Philharmonia, Jeffrey Simon. Works by Isaac Ilyich Levitan, Isaak Il'lich Levitan (Russian: Исаа́к Ильи́ч Левита́н 1860- 1900).