Ferrara, 2005....
published: 14 May 2006
author: assiolo
Ferrara, 2005.
published: 14 May 2006
views: 29025
Alerte Evasion - Antonio Ferrara , fait sauter la prison - [FR]
Un commando équipé d'armes de guerre et doté d'un nouvel explosif redoutable, capable de p...
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: LaChaineDuCrime LeRetour
Alerte Evasion - Antonio Ferrara , fait sauter la prison - [FR]
Un commando équipé d'armes de guerre et doté d'un nouvel explosif redoutable, capable de percer quasiment tous les blindages, s'engouffre alors jusqu'au quartier disciplinaire - la prison dans la prison - et en exfiltre un détenu particulièrement surveillé : Antonio Ferrara, 37 ans, braqueur chevronné et caïd en pleine ascension dans le grand banditisme. Cette évasion fit alors grand bruit car Fresnes était considérée comme une forteresse infranchissable. Mais comment résister à une prise d'assaut d'une telle audace. Gardiens débordés, architecture ancienne, quartier disciplinaire vulnérable : qu'est-ce qui a pêché cette nuit-là et pourquoi la deuxième plus grande maison d'arrêt de France n'a-t-elle pu résister à cette invraisemblable agression ? Facebook de la chaine : www.facebook.com
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: LaChaineDuCrime LeRetour
views: 19343
Beach Sequence - Passengers (U2/Eno)
Track : 'Beach Sequence', as featured in the film 'Beyond The Clouds': Directors Antonioni...
published: 15 Sep 2007
author: miracleK7
Beach Sequence - Passengers (U2/Eno)
Track : 'Beach Sequence', as featured in the film 'Beyond The Clouds': Directors Antonioni/Wenders Artist: Passengers (U2 & Brian Eno)
published: 15 Sep 2007
author: miracleK7
views: 42573
FDNY Engine 1 + Ladder 24 (New Ferrara)
Engine 1 and Ladder Company 24 are seen here responding out of their quarters on W. 31st s...
published: 21 Jan 2012
author: code3paris
FDNY Engine 1 + Ladder 24 (New Ferrara)
Engine 1 and Ladder Company 24 are seen here responding out of their quarters on W. 31st street and crossing 7th Avenue. Ladder Company 24 took delivery of their new truck in November, 2011. It's a 100 foot aerial built by Ferrara on Ferrara's Ultra custom chassis. Ferrara was awarded two contracts to build rear-mounted aerials for FDNY, the first was for 20 trucks and then in July, 2011, they were awarded an additional contract for 21 more rear-mounted ladder trucks for $22 million. This in addition to Ferrara's construction of other vehicles for FDNY, including the new Rescues, some of which are already in service. Manhattan, New York, New York, USA. 01.2012
published: 21 Jan 2012
author: code3paris
views: 34879
Giuliano Ferrara Amarcord
Ormai è ufficiale. Per la gioia di berluschini e minzolinguatori, il servizio pubblico "pa...
published: 10 Mar 2011
author: ladygroove71b
Giuliano Ferrara Amarcord
Ormai è ufficiale. Per la gioia di berluschini e minzolinguatori, il servizio pubblico "pagato coi soldi dello Stato" (cit.) ci allieterà con una rubrica condotta nientepopodimeno che da Giuliano Ferrara. Vogliamo omaggiarlo con questo ricco blob.
published: 10 Mar 2011
author: ladygroove71b
views: 72138
Antonio Di Pietro, Giuliano Ferrara, Marco Travaglio - La grande rissa - Bersaglio Mobile 27/08/12
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: la7attualita
Antonio Di Pietro, Giuliano Ferrara, Marco Travaglio - La grande rissa - Bersaglio Mobile 27/08/12
DI PIETRO: DIRE MI ALLEO O NO CON DI PIETRO E' PREMATURO, ANCHE PER IL PD SE IDV PRENDE VOTO A DUE CIFRE, VOGLIO VEDERE DOVE VANNO "Mi pare che si stia facendo il conto senza l'oste, ovvero la legge elettorale". Così il leader dell'Idv Antonio Di Pietro intervistato dal direttore Enrico Mentana a Bersaglio Mobile su La7. "Se è vero che la legge elettorale che stanno discutendo al Senato non prevede alleanze preventive - spiega Di Pietro - stiamo discutendo del sesso degli angeli, perché non ci sono alleanze: ogni partito va per conto suo e dopo le elezioni si accorda con chi gli fa più comodo. L'Idv aspetta di vedere qual è la legge elettorale che si potrà fare per capire cosa intendono fare gli altri. Personalmente credo che oggi continuare a dire 'mi alleo o no' con Di Pietro è del tutto prematuro, anche per il Pd, perché se Di Pietro e l'Idv prendono un voto a due cifre voglio vedere dove vanno". IDV/DI PIETRO: ZOMBI? APPOGGIARE GOVERO MONTI NON E' POLITICA RIFORMISTA LEGGE ELETTORALE: IN PARLAMENTO PRIMA CHIEDONO IL VOTO E POI SI ACCORDANO, FNCHE' LO FA CASINI... UN NOME, UNA GARANZIA "Credo che in questo momento appoggiare le politiche del Governo Monti, non sia una politica riformista". Così il leader dell'Idv Antonio Di Pietro intervistato dal direttore Enrico Mentana a Bersaglio Mobile su La7 torna sul video in cui Bersani, Casini e Alfano apparivano come zombi. "Credo sia necessario costruire un'alternativa di Governo che metta al primo piano la legalità e la ...
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: la7attualita
views: 24601
Antonio Ferrara Faites entrer l'accuser (2012)
published: 01 Oct 2012
author: Kesmo75010
Antonio Ferrara Faites entrer l'accuser (2012)
Travaglio VS Ferrara sulla trattativa Stato-Mafia [Parte1di2] (La7, 27Ago2012)
Visita la mia pagina Fb (url.ie e iscriviti al mio canale YT (url.ie °°°°° Marco Travaglio...
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: trarcomavaglioTG
Travaglio VS Ferrara sulla trattativa Stato-Mafia [Parte1di2] (La7, 27Ago2012)
Visita la mia pagina Fb (url.ie e iscriviti al mio canale YT (url.ie °°°°° Marco Travaglio e Giuliano Ferrara ospiti della trasmissione di Mentana su LA7. Articolo di Travaglio sulla puntata: www.ilfattoquotidiano.it Puntata integrale: www.youtube.com °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Iscrivetevi ai miei canali: - TRARCOMAVAGLIO1 (il principale) www.youtube.com - TrarcoTG: www.youtube.com - Seguimi su Twitter: twitter.com Collaborazioni: - il blog sul ilFattoQuotidiano.it : www.ilfattoquotidiano.it °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: trarcomavaglioTG
views: 92083
antonio ferrara
antonio ferrara...
published: 13 Sep 2010
author: doudou60senlis
antonio ferrara
Jerry Ferrara and Kevin Dillon: Entourage's Comedy Team?
Actors Jerry Ferrara ("Turtle"), Kevin Dillon ("Johnny 'Drama' Chase"), and Adrian Grenier...
published: 25 Feb 2009
author: paleycenter
Jerry Ferrara and Kevin Dillon: Entourage's Comedy Team?
Actors Jerry Ferrara ("Turtle"), Kevin Dillon ("Johnny 'Drama' Chase"), and Adrian Grenier ("Vincent Chase") discuss nuances of their characters as the young posse gravitating around a new celebrity. ABOUT THE PALEY CENTER: In an era of rapid change in media and technology, the not-for-profit Paley Center for Media explores the evolving ways in which we create, consume, and connect through media. With locations in New York and Los Angeles, and the foremost public archive of television and radio programming, the Paley Center produces and curates programs, forums, and educational activities that engage the general public, industry professionals, and the creative community in an ongoing conversation about the impact of media on our lives. The Paley Center for Media is a hub of innovation and connection for entrepreneurs, investors, and consumers with its finger on the pulse of the next big thing in media. Go to www.paleycenter.org to learn more.
published: 25 Feb 2009
author: paleycenter
views: 149110
News Panel with William Quigley and Jon Ferrara - TWiST #211
0:00-2:30 Welcome to the TWIST News Roundtable with the VC William Quigley and Nimble foun...
published: 03 Dec 2011
author: ThisWeekIn
News Panel with William Quigley and Jon Ferrara - TWiST #211
0:00-2:30 Welcome to the TWIST News Roundtable with the VC William Quigley and Nimble founder Jon Ferrara. 5:45-8:30 Thank you to MailChimp for sponsoring the program. Everyone thank @MailChimp on Twitter! 8:30-10:45 First story: Marc Andreessen is said to be mulling a leadership role at Yahoo. Is he the man for this job and could he reinvigorate the company? 15:30-17:00 William: Why is Andreessen involved with HP right now? 17:00-18:45 Insight from Tyler: Isn't the best that could happen to Yahoo is that they make better candlesticks? 20:00-22:15 Next story: Groupon's stock took a fall this week, so is this the beginning of a steep and steady decline? 24:30-26:00 William: In the next ten years will people get tired of the coupon? That's what they'll have to answer to be successful. 26:00-26:30 Jason: I think the Groupon discount is too steep. They should do a better split for the vendors. 26:30-30:30 Thank you to SurveyMonkey for sponsoring the show. Everyone thank @SurveyMonkey on Twitter! 30:30-35:30 Next story: Path, the mobile, photo-sharing platform, launched their version 2.0 35:30-36:45 William: If Facebook's valued at $100B, they should grab the team at Path. 38:00-41:00 Jason: I feel like Facebook is a meat grinder and Path is personal. Facebook is going down. 41:00-44:15 Jason: Zuckerberg's thoughts on privacy are either totally juvenile or very evil. 44:15-47:30 Potentially an insight from Tyler: It's like a sushi fart. 47:30-50:00 Facebook is planning a ...
published: 03 Dec 2011
author: ThisWeekIn
views: 2624
Youtube results:
Ferrara Ride
Ferrara by hungover bike...
published: 14 Jul 2008
author: xfranzferdinandx
Ferrara Ride
Jon Ferrara of Nimble - TWiST #189
Join our new mailing list and be the first to learn about upcoming guests! Go to thisweeki...
published: 21 Sep 2011
author: ThisWeekIn
Jon Ferrara of Nimble - TWiST #189
Join our new mailing list and be the first to learn about upcoming guests! Go to thisweekin.com/email. 0:00-1:00 Welcome to TWiST everyone! 1:00-3:00 We make be taking this show on the road to London and Paris, right Tyler? 3:00-4:00 If you want all the TWiST insidery goodness, join the TWiST Backchannel! Go to twistlist.co to join right now. 4:00-6:00 Thank you to GoToMeeting for sponsoring the show. 6:00-7:30 We're here today with Jon Ferrara, CEO of Nimble and former founder of GoldMine. 10:30-11:30 How did you fund the company when you were just 27? 13:00-15:15 So you got the VARs (value added retailers) to manage their own sales people and then the clients used it too? 15:15-16:15 The CRM software put a hand around the neck of the sales people? So it's babysitting them? 16:15-18:30 How do you separate the relationships that the employees have with their clients from those that the company has with the clients? 18:30-19:30 Let's take a tour of Nimble. 19:30-20:30 Jon shares the premise behind Nimble: platform unity. 20:30-23:30 How long have you been working on this project? 25:00-26:30 What if I start dating someone and it pulls that info it? Is it buyer beware? 26:30-28:00 What are you charging for this? 28:00-32:30 Thank you to Hiscox for sponsoring the show. Let's take a look at a Q&A; session I had with Jim Whetstone from Hiscox about how they help protect small businesses. 32:30-35:00 So during your break, Salesforce.com really took out. When you think about it ...
published: 21 Sep 2011
author: ThisWeekIn
views: 3782
Lopez Tonight Jerry Ferrara (6282010).flv
published: 09 Jul 2010
author: LopezTonight
Lopez Tonight Jerry Ferrara (6282010).flv
El secreto de ADaN: Guillermo Ferrara
Una apasionante entrevista que une la activación del ADN con el misterio del sexo alquímic...
published: 15 Dec 2011
author: yohanandiaz
El secreto de ADaN: Guillermo Ferrara
Una apasionante entrevista que une la activación del ADN con el misterio del sexo alquímico, la Atlántida, la ascensión de la Tierra pronosticada en las Profecías Mayas de 2012, una conversación con el escritor Guillermo Ferrara.
published: 15 Dec 2011
author: yohanandiaz
views: 22926